
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1924 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands or OVEEN dad, said there really in The Cuba Rush.
HATTING man a FREE One Ejector Case well as LUCKY STRIKE thousands JAMAICA occurred in a nearby district between Great Britain and the rector of Agriculture stated that killed out the industry. Should when a little boy of about eight Islands periodically. Ho the banane industry in Jamaica they get species of banana im: nine years of age passed also referred to a better wireless bad been built up solely by the muce to the disease they might QUEEN a way under somewhat sad and service.
genius and industry of the bave the industry securely HAIR DRESSING Growing Evil razie circumstances It is al He was shocked at times at people. The industry was the fostered.
leged that the little fellow had alreading some insigaificant par most democratic, because the Mr Hansford, of Hope Imagine yourself with long, waving, silken meal of something that did not agraphs brougt over the wire: small man got the same price speaking on Panama disease hair. Think how attractive correspondent from Golden agree with him; he fell ill and concerning some black prize for tis bapanas as the big man Jamaica, said the disease was you would be. This you can Grove, writing to the GLEANER On died. quiry was made to find Gghter, being krocked down by and there could be no monopoly. perhaps introduced by labourers easily have by using QUEEN the 28th ulto states inter alia. out it the famous akee had any. white fighter, at some towa Panama disease however threat. from Scuth America, HAIR DRESSING. This dressing also removes dandruff There is a growing evil in thing to do with the matter but that he has never heard anything, ened the industry and is bound More than ball the diseased and stops falling hair. Cost some of the districts around here without success.
about, whereas important news up in our prosperity, but the area was in Portland but the only 250 a large box at which needs immediate bandling items are omitted. Robusta variety was immune percentage was decreasing.
good drug stores and In order that its progress may to the disease, and may be enBrewer Hess be checked and eventually des LINKING UP THE couraged.
Be to 25c Stores GRENADA troyed. The evil is kcown as Banana, The Democratic wsblesale WITH BRITAIN pocomania and seems to be a Mr. Nowell, Assistant Queen Agents Industry.
combination of the lowest form Director of Agriculture for Tripi.
165 Central Ave.
Panama City, of religion with a type of super.
Sir Arthur Shipley, speaking it tion peculiar to itself. In the at the Jamaica Institute recently 109 Bolivar St.
Speaking at the Agricultural banana industry in Trinidad.
Winchester district this bideous emphasised the necessity for a Conference, held at Jamaica re Jamaica bapapa was introduced (From the West Indian. gaining ground and it would be a special line of steamers to run cently, Mr. Cousins, Di there but the Panama disease Quite a scene there was on the labouring population have no boon to the public welfare if wbart on Friday morning, when opportunity for working for asures were to be promptly hundreds of men, mostly of the their daily bread, and may find labouring class, made busy pre it difficult to seek fresh fields evil. Not only does the peculiar FMXS3 ISSSSSSSSS parations for sailing to Cuba in and pastures new. large em Upeartbly bowling take place search of employment. We un ployer of agricultural labour in during the nights when the derstand that near on 400 appli the colony has told us that while working takes place, but much mischief is done by the wonder cations were received for tickets he looks with grieton the brotber as he is but the steamer could accom going away of hundreds of called, and more, people who are modate only some 200 from labourers, he still thinks it is this island. With a steamer human to allow them to go, be.
devotees of this weird form of monstrosity pay an entrance fee large enough two thousand cause estates are giving only two to enter into inner courts of the anxious persons can be found, or three day wark a week to a other and his satellites. For given 24 hours notice, to go al amall proportion of the labourers sume three or four weeks now it most anywhere for work which they employed formerly, with is stated that one such meeting may bring them their daily done to offer the majority. He b:ead. And more and more will is being regularly held at says it is marvellous how these Winchester on Saturday and go, should that steamer come people manage to exist, recorda often enough.
Sunday Lights. These meetings and pri of their Rreat sufferin.
begin at about eigbt to nine The Perfect One Hand Cigarette Case This serious economic paraly vations being well o clock and continue until near sis in the West Indies is in part. Government has posted notices the dawn of next day. It is due to the wider effects of dislo far and wide, warning people contidently stated that no good cated world conditions, but it is against going to Cuba, adding can ever come out of such asvery largely, if not maicly due that those who go to Cuba do 80 semblages; on the contrary, to maladministration both locally at their risk. But suppose there much harm is done, due to the as by the British Govern are those who prefer to take the amount of falsehoods that are Just Press The Cigarette ment. It seems to be in ample risk rather than remain bere told by the leader against proportions the direct result of a to cause social trouble in their different people in the districts the Button Jumps to short sighted vampire policy desperation and despair? What which bas concerned. Aguir, fights are bas succeeded in almost ba Government to offer them?
indulged pretty frequently by meet You sucking these colonies dry. Is it meant that they should be the curious and idle. At the last The bard fact hits tho held helpless as the grip of a gatbering of the kind beld at the and thousands of our people in huge vice, there to die like above named place there have the face to day: TO REMAIN IN flies?
come reports of alleged woodGRENADA IS TO STARE! The large number of the persons ings of a nor nature. It would curious Government remedy is who sought opportunity for sail.
be a most commendable act on to increase taxation and pla e ing to Cuba last week are tbose the part of the local police it additional import duty on food who know of the hard life in steps could be promptly taken to We will give one of these Cases FREE to anyone stuffs! This remedy is a relic of Cuba. They have been to Cuba put down such Rhominella prahie to, in jungle law relating before. where they earned a AID FOR OUR SUGAR turning in to the treatment of captives and little money in bright times victims. Civilization demands during the sugar crop season, INDUSTRY.
something else.
returning home after the reaping of the crop. They leave for Cuba under no delusion whatLABCUR GOVERNMENT MAY ASSIST PLANTERS, The Cuba Case. desire to live by the sweat of ever; they are honest men who their brows, and they go to Cuba The Times of the 2nd ulto.
to work their bardest so that The Police prosecuted certain they may earn an honest living.
Fays: As briefly stated in cur PACKAGES persons in the Magistrate last issue, the Jamaica Imperial Why dn they go to merara Court, St. George s, for, breach under the Assc ciation has taken up with TO British flag? Sir of the Emigration Ordinance Joseph Naman and others are Mr. Dale, the Finaccial Com issoner, the question of BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. Panama) Ltd.
by encouraging a large number at present in India on the search of persons to take the steam for labourers. Why don they the continuance of the aid to the 93 Avenue B, PANAMA ship Sugar Industry for one year opportunity for Cuba. go to Dumerara. more as from the first July next.
FIDANQUE HENRIQUEZ CO. Bolivar Avenue, COLON The case Readers are aware that the UNITED FRUIT Co. Almirante ARISTIDES ROMERO. David Magistrate we cannot comment Sagar Industry Aid Law dies at CARL FRIESE Co. Bocas del Toro MIGUEL CONTE. Penonome We the end of June. Recently the at the present with the disap in the West Indies.
Sugar Board issued a circular to Bororwers and Mortgagees to Smoke LUCKY STRIKE and Save your Empty Packages. pointment likely to be exthis effect, and called attention to Fresh Stock received from New York weekly.
perienced as a result of the Police prosecution owing to the Trinid There is a Labour Union in the fact that no more aid will be fact that given by the Government after Cisco 30 SE KESKSSSSSSSSS which has survived thousands of our the machinations of its enemies, toat date.
having outlived contumely, perMany of the plan ters, however, secution, imprisonment and destill require Government aid to portation of some of its members.
help them out of the difficulties to be able to rejoice to day in the caused by the recent slump in triumph of the British Labour sugar and the refusal of the Party to which it is atiliated.
banks to make advances to the At a recent, meeting of the planters.
Trinidad Labour Union, Mr.
The reasons the Association Ramsay MacDonald was again has adduced have been set forth elected Honorary President, a in the memorandum to Mr. Dale.
compliment paid to him for The opinion locally is that years, which he has always should Mr. Dale see fit to reHead Office: 60 WALL STREET, New York City Owned by The NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK gladly accepted.
commend the contiouance the The British Guiana Labour new Labour Administration in Union, which bas been in existEngland is not likely to turn it ence for some eight years, bas down.
applied for affiliation to the Depository of the PANAMA CANAL British Labour Party and, we understand, the Reply of Mr.
The taking in of the sugar and the United States Government Arthur Henderson, Secretary of crop for 1924 on the Plantain the British Labour Party is Garden River Estate starts toCapital day and the cane cutting operafavourable.
Direct Representution through our own Branches and those of Capital Labour Conference has been tions baying begun. It is quite and THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in and called to meet in London this possible that in a day or two year, and representatives from things in this small bive of inSurplus ENGLAND FRANCE SPAIN ITALY BELGIUM Surplus the West Indies and British dustry will begla to bum. Every.
CHINA JAPAN INDIA Guiana are likely to attend. 10, 000, 000 thing bas been put into shape JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES 10, 000, 000 Our llow countryman, Dr.
and ample preparations having ARGENTINE BRAZIL CHILE CUBA U, PERU PORTO RICO been made there is every reason Morgan, one of the URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA promising cubs of the Labour to expect that the work will be carried through without any Currency Party in England, sometime ago Currency asked us to report on the posbitch. It is very likely that this sibility o saccess in connection will be the last grinding on the Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World with an early launchlag of Estate as the big factory it to Weet Indian wide Labour proposed to erect will simply movement, Organization Is eclipse all others here.
needed, money and brains. We may be in a position soon to TRAGIC DEATH.
ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE report Impartially as to the need for the movement, and, it there is need, how far the people few days ago the writer concerned are able or are preheard of a case of death which pared to get together to help themselves.
100 EMPTY LUCKY STRIKE and while it is still before the Labour Movement International Banking Corporation U, INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM


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