
You get good value and save money when you buy BRANCH STORE Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applica. package free with each 50e order.
Loadstone 50e; magnetic sand, 50c; WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all matte of Avenue, Panama, de public interest invited things kept secret from foundation of the world, 75c; private lessons for me All copy for publication must be PO Box 74, Panama This Jitney Sign diums, 75e; East Indian spirit healing, written on one side of paper only, and LUCKY 50e; the secret of Hindu visualization, Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of 50e: the reader of souls, 50; the STRIKE priesthood of India 5le: the drugless One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaroad to perfect health, 2; Manta Yoga, FREE Six Months. 20 tion but as a mark of Rood faith.
5Ce; a physician in the house, 50; Three 60e.
We do not undertake to return refive finer grass, package free with each 75e order; Mantram words of 25e.
сре LUCKY jected correspondence.
The Sign Is of baked enamel, power 2: the master STRIKE book, fine workmanship and can signet and seal symbol rings for ladies and gents, 14 karat gold, only 20. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JONUIS be secured free for lucky seven stick pin for men, 9; one package John Conquerer Root and one Adam and Eve root free with each SATURDAY, JULY 18 1925. order: Jucky seven ring for ladies, 30 Empty Packages of LUCKY STRIKE or 7: lucky sevea ring for men, 9; three headed snake ring, 18; the under POSSIBILITIES OF THE COLOURED ground treasure book, 4; hair dress.
60 VICTOR Cigarettes ing for ladies and gents 50e: perfume 02. 50e: face cream, 50e; gloss oil 50e; PEOPLE HERE face powder, 50e; greater key of Solomon, 16; the silent friend book, 25: AT Egyptian secrets book, 75e; lesser key of Solomon, 50. long lost friend book Members of races other than the Negro race, are not 75e; fortune telling cards, 25; the BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. 93 Ave. sealed book, 3; the great book of sparing in their criticisms over the impossibilities of the magical art, 15; the sixth and seven African descent. They assert there is no need to take any OR books of Moses, 75e; gazing crystal, movement by the Negro race seriously as these people do inch, with stand and instructions, Only 5; de la Sphinx Hindu temple innot pussess the qualities which could make them an indecense, I; secret of black art book, 1; pendent race. How far this should be accepted is not at all FIDANQUE HENRIQUEZ CO. ING, parchment paper, 75; special ink as used on parchment 75; candles all finable and should not in the least be given even a pass7. 102 BOLIVAR STREET. COLON colors, per dozen 75; genuine parchin thought.
ment skin, 50; Willy rose vanvan, oz. 50. With any order for ten dol.
But what should deeply concern one and all of the collars worth of goods at one time we will Save your empty packages, we have a large assortment send you the following goods absolute.
oured people is the cultivation of a pure, racial independence of other Premiums ly free: package devil s, the famous which would throw us on our mettle and make us more than seals reprinted from the six and seven books of Moses, on old time parchment ever strive to solve the problems which are being forced with gold ink, Fig 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1 lodeupon us day, by day and which are causing thinking West stone, magnet sand; also the origiSOS nal lucky glass with full instructions Indians so much concern at the present time, Address all orders direct to De laThe colored race scattered over this Republic does not Herb Agency, No 2802 Cottage Grove Ave. Chicago, Ill.
seem to realise its possibilities. We are a people within whose range there lies every possibility that has promoted the highest civilization of the races. Our industrial merit, St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca our agricultural skill, our business proclivities and our social (American Episcopal)
quancations are all widely known Not only in the West Sixth Sunday After Trinity nals wnence most of the coloured community on the Holy Communion 30 a. celebrant, Istnn is hive inigrated, but in the United states, the ability. the Rector.
Holy Baptism 30 tulk: on civic responsibility as seen in the coloured Litany Holy Eucharist and Sermon.
race as won the admiration of great thinkers in these 10. 45 Celebrant and prescher. praces. In the West Indies coloured men have held and Girl Friendly Society Anniversary are holding the highest positions politically, civilly and Service 30 Rev. Cowan oth :rwise, that a country can afford her native born sons, Choral Evensong and sermoa, 30 pm and this is all the more noteworthy when such positions are Preacher The Rector known to be competitive.
Mid Week service; Wednesday 30 Over in the United States of America the greatest advancement of the coloured race is seen entirely in business.
AT THE MULCARE, Rector, The American Negro, according to the observations recentSt. Bartholomew s, Church ly of a Southern Social Worker, has lost faith in the spell.
ing book and has come to believe in the Pocket book.
Morning Prayer, and addrese 11 here are large industries both in the North and the South Church School and Confirmation Class owned and operated by Negroes, to say nothing of the rich at 30 banks Controlled by them. These facts show the possibili OF THE Evening Prayer and address p.
Mr. Skeen (Officient)
ties of the coloured race in addition to the moral tendencies taken generally. There is however the necessity for the MULCARE Priest in Obstge propaganda of self computation among our people. Many St Jude Mission, Summit.
of our talented young men are throwing away their golden Morning Prayer and Address 11 a.
opportunities; many of our young women are selling their Church School and Confirmation Class Vnitue for nought. There is the need for stimulating a sense p.
of sober ambition among our people here. We are perCorner Street, No. and Central Avenue Evening Prayer and Address p.
forming a general service when we seek to develop the (Mr. Brathwaite (Officient)
highest and best qualities that we possess. MULCARE, Priest in cbarke: Commercially, in Panama, there lies ahead of us a great GREAT REDUCTION St. Simon Mission, Gamboa future. We have before us grand opportunities, but we Matins and address 11 a.
have so far got into the habit of doubting, that we are Church School and Confirmation Class skeptical about every enterprise set out on the market by our own people, however, with less suspicion and more Evening Prayer and address p.
confidence in the efforts of those of us who catch (Mr. N, McCarty Officient)
the vision of advanced business life, we could achieve MULCARE, Priest in Charge much The strength of any people is computed according to the commercial activity and agricultural industry just as ing our financial powers. We can establish agricultural Church Services. Wesleyan Methodist Church well as it is reckoned by their intellectual culture and social industry by which we might find employment for our peostatus ple and help to kill the high prices of living. We can erect We cannot remain indolent and inert and expect to schools in which our children might receive a higher AMERICAN EPISCOPAL Churcu (BRITISH CONFERENCE. transform the conditions of our existence either by a magic education. In short, with a preponderance of finances, we Panama 11 a. Mr. Theo, Fuller wish or a miraculous phenomenon. We are capable of pro can accemplish much.
Sixth Sunday After Trinity 30 Mr. Elliott.
ducing from our brawn and brains an atmosphere of selfSUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY With sensible investigation, sober decision and un St. Paul Church, Panama reliance that will ultimately bring to us the satisfaction of flinching determination, let us rally to the standard of our (Rev. Nightngale, Restor) Subjet. The Flower in the Bud.
Colon. 11 a. Rev. RER. Wade.
true progress and respectful recognition. If we depreciate brethren for the progress and advancement of a people our value it will hardly be possible for us to aim at anything gifted with so many opportunities and possessing so many a. Holy Communion p. Address by Rev.
10. 15 a. Matins, Wade Subject: The Great Prince and higher than last place in this community.
qualities, and overcome the great problems social, materiai 10. 30 a. Holy Lucharist sermos His Castle.
The only real impediment is to be found among our and otherwise, which at present confront us, so that we 12 Holy Baptism selves. Some of us are either openly or covertly opposing may be considered, recognized and respected in this 30 Choral Evensong, de sermon. 750 Boos. Wideo 30 m. Rev. Wade. Subject What Manner of Child shall this be?
La 11 a. Mr. Johnson the advancement of the race by trying to foster wilful and community.
malicious propaganda against members of the race in business Now Providence 11 a. Mr. Laynie.
or other callings, professional or otherwise. When, for st. Alban Church, Paraiso Paraiso 11 a. Mr. Harrison. of instance, we criticise our professional men, are we not at the NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES ment, it is justitiable and will be abundantly reward in years to CANAL ZONE.
Colon; 30 Mr, Louie Lindo.
same time unconsciously demoting ourselves as a whole and Empire 11 a. Mr. Lindsay.
come, as it will belp to build (Rev. F. NIGHIENGALE, holding up to ridicule those of our own who have already (From Our Correspondent) other roads and thereby enhanc Priest in Charge.
Salvation Army Hall, succeeded and are showing to others the true path of indeSo far as we know, nothing is the industry and commerce. il a. Huly Eucharist and sermonpendence? When some of our first rank gentlemen ally knowo outside of official circles, the country; what is needed is a (Rev. Cowan, The Salvation Army themselves with purposeless gangs and seek to weaken the about New Providence Colony real commercial road, not a mad Church School influence of self sacrificing zealots, are they not really un as ii ally is, therefore it is no and waier road 30 Jbora Evensong sermon dermining the structure which they profess they are trying to througa these few rustic lines West Indians are much to be know PANAMA CITY CORPS.
harm to let the public Rev. Cowan, Services for Sunday are a followbuild? When misguided individuals take upon themselves from time to time how the blamed for unreugrizid sta:us, st, Matthias Mission a. Early March and Prayer Meetto attack unfavourably, every kind of organization that colony is progressing. The and the many inconveniences LAS SABANAS ing.
points to good, are they not splitting the ties that should clearing of ge bush and cut which we all hava tos fer (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, 10 a. Children Directory Meeting bind the race?
ting down of treee, etc. on the through. In every respect, xcept Priest in Charge.
iad Brigade United Open Air Meeting line of the new commercial road co operation, we compe e favou:It is our policy to encourage every worthy effort put is going abead; thu re are three ably with any other community p. Church School.
11 Holiness Meetingforth among our people, by our people and for our people. gangs working at distances one on the Isthmus of Panama. 15 Evensong and address. To be conducted by Commandant Martin.
We hail our aspiring business men and proprietors of indus from another viz. at Cativa. There is nothing that can count Rev. A, Nighten gale, p. Company meeting and trial activities; we say a good word for our professionals. Quebra Lopez, and New Provi. tor sucess more this success Open air.
we mean to support and stand by our leaders; we shall dence. There are a uch specu itself; and many of those wbo St, Barnabas Church, Empire lations about the traffic along are in more favourable circa un Matine and address 11 a. p. Junior Open Air.
encourage our weak and struggling brethren; we shall live the road when it is completed, stances than their West Indiaa Church Sehuol, and Confirmation clase. Mooting 45 m. Beparate Brigade Open Air and let live.
and as a matter of fact, it will be brother, have failed to realize at p. p. Salvation Meeting, in the Hall Impossibility is no word in our vocabulary when we the pride of the Aslantic side of that. For instance, a wao woo To be conducted by Commandant think of the adyancement of our race. We can become initial costs of its construction this Republic; and although the bas no qualification for business Choral Evensong and addrese 30 Mr. Johnson (Officient)
Martin commercially active and great by co operating and combin may be heavy on the govern. Continued on page 5) T MULCARE Priest in Charge (Continuedon page)
The American Bazaar IN PRICES Brigades


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