
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1925 PAGE FIVE for 24 Attractions at the Theatres Account of Krou TO or El Excelsior of ATLANTIC SIDE ets for 11 runs and Weeks New Providence Notes Sussex replied with 97 for wickets. The inning had a very (Continued from page 4)
FOOTBALL unfavourable start, for the batting team, and was very excittransaction sbould never under ing up to the fall of the 6th take to do business, many peoTIGERS DEFEATED BY IN wicket, as batsman after bats.
ple start to do business and they TERNATIONALS man came out only to return to get well on the road to progress, the pavilion, and it could not be CECILIA AMERICA but as soon as a few friends guessed what the outcome would compliment them for their Team Suffered Through Lack be. Nurse, however, saved (COLON. PANAMA)
success, they begin to feel proud of Experienced Men the situation and made 51 runs, and treat their customers with not out also the only man on bis TODAY SATURDAY, July 18th TODAY. Saturday July 18th, discourteay, and in that way team to reach doubl figures.
On Sunday afternoon, the 12th Harewood captured Thomas Meighan in and TOMORROW Sunday July 19th they lose their potrons, and then wickets at o clock rather lively fout for 24 runs; Raymond for 48 their business dwindles and Rudolph Valentino in COMING THROUGH they complain of non patronage ball game was played on the and Brown for This SAINTED DEVIL TOMORROW SUNDAY, July 19th in sucb cases tbey pull their own Mt. Hope grounds between the match was enjoyed by many.
plays down and then blame Tigers and the International, Doris Kenyon in both of Colon, ending in favour MONDAY, July 20th others for their misfortune. IF MARRY AGAIN of the latter by a score of goals Another Victory For West Anna Nilisson in to The Tigers were much HALF DOLLAR BILL End MONDAY, July 20th day last the 10th instant, handicapped as they played with Viola Dana in be 25th appiversary (Silver men short; nevertheless, TUESDAY, July 21st Wedding) of and Mrs.
Archibold and Myers of that Another victory was on Sun.
team, two cracks on the forward day the 12th inst, won by the Agnes Ayres in DON DOUBT YOUR HUSBAND.
Markbam of New Providence. WORLDLY GOODS There was no celebration on line, bad their opponents all the West End in their cup TUESDAY, July 21st of muchilloess in the way, but as is very often the Charles Jones in home from since January of this WEDNESDAY, July 22nd case, the team suffered from match against Silver City u. to played on the Camp Bierd oval.
lack of experienced players to yor, but they thank God AGAINST ALL ODDS Richard Talmadge in having spared their lives and for This support these two men.
Silver City was the first to provided for them all these many should be a lesson to the young bat and took their stand with a WEDNESDAY, July 22nd LAUGHING AT DANGER years; the former is in his 50th, Trs of Colon. They should determination to put it over on Rudolph Valentino in and the latter in ber 47th year.
learn and practice to keep their West End THURSDAY, July 23rd The bowlingo. SAINTED DEVIL Mrs. Markbam is the proud risprctive positions and to stick Mootoo and Lynton bowever, Doris Kenyon in mother of 10 children; Rhons ther opponents, otherwise, was too much for then and the IF MARRY AGAIN THURSDAY, July 23rd Teodora, the eldest died in early they always will be in the back last wicket fell for 61 runs of Anna Nilsson in infancy. Stbe otber are all alive.
At present they have this totoal, Cooper contributed FRIDAY, July 24th HALF DOLLAR BILL Winston Connor, the eldest, very meagre chances of ever 16, Sobers 13, Stall, 10.
Mootno alive, was married in St. Kitts meas ing up with any of the captured Viola Dana in wickets for FRIDAY, July 24th on December 31st 1924. BlessPanauda teams, which are all up 25 runs and Lynton for 23 DON DOUBT YOUR HUSBAND to class The winners in return made a Agnes Ayres in ed is every one that feareth the Lord: that walketh in His ways.
total of 82 runs, Clarke leadSATURDAY JULY 25ch and WORLDLY GOODS For thou shalt eat the labour of ing with 30, Peters 19, thine hands; bappy shalt thou News Notes Myers 11. Two wickets were SUNDAY, July 26th SATURDAY, July 25th be, and it shall be well with thee, got by Brown for 27 runs; Colleen Moore ie Richard Talmadge in Thy wife shall be as a fruitful by Green for 39, aud by Small SALLY LAUGHING AT DANGER Viue by the sides of thine house; The pulpit of the Colon Wes for by children like olive plants leyan Church is to be occupied round about tby table, througbout the day to morrow by tbe Rer. Wade from Cup Fixtures For Tomorrow Panama. The occasion will be ALL ROADS WILL LEAD th niversary of the Sunday West End vs. Wanderers on THE POPULAR HIPODROME OP fchool and at o clock in the the Victoria Oval. This is exafternoon service Round Table Discussion. Fifth JUAN FRANCO TO DAY AND TOMOROW.
entitled Be glad in the Lopas pected to be a keen contest. Ii is a match around which much Tuesday evening. Debate will be rendered by tbe Junior interest centers, and all Colon literary criticism in Englieb and cbotr under the direction of Mr. will be out to witness it.
sbort of the best given by any Laynis, with Misses Jeppe of his predecessors.
and Alrall as organists, Songs, recitations and instru.
mental sl. ctions The outgoing admir istration special silver collection is asked CANAL ZONE NOTES were also desires prepared by the Manegem. nt public for its support of the to thank the general at this service. On the Tuesday JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP night following the public meetCommittee toj intersperse the ing will be held, when recita La Boca Pars.
fixed programs; while a promi work of the society; and also the Corner 12 Street East Avenue Rent item on the weekly pro: tor having granted the free Star Herald and Workman tions etc. will be beard from the gram was the giving children.
important and beneficial news tion, from time to time, of the use of their columns for publicaNext Friday night will be We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also local and foreign Florence Walters, Barbadian. Ladies Night at the Community various activities of the society.
watches. Our prices are the lowest and our The above schedule has been a woman of about 40 summers Hall, The La Boca District of the was found dead at ber residence Panama Canal West Indian Workmanship is guaranteed.
closely followed, and as an institation of learning encourage Girl Friendly Society Annihouse 5003 Street, near 14th Employees Association has decided Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you ment for the advanc meni A3 Street, on Saturday the 11th to invite members of the gentler may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may at midday. She was discovered sex to the Community Hall on that given to all members.
Versary St. Peter Church.
hy Joseph Hinde, friend, wo night, wbea a special appeal will be drsire, provided the monthly payments of One of the ou standing promptly reported the matter to made to enlist their sympathy in the features of the six month work Tomorrow afternoon at 80 the police. The remains were present cooperative work of the interest are duly met.
was an election contest held on o clock, the members of the St.
interred on the following day at District. This does not mean that the 14th of Ap in which Peter Branch of the girls Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall the Mt. Hope cemetery. It is men are not wanted, as the District titteen competitors, including Friendly Society at L: Boca will not known it deceased is sur Chairman announces that wives be pleased.
members and non members of celebrate their anniversary. The vived by any relatives on the may bring along their husbands the Athenaeum took parl. The Branch was organised in 1916, Isthmus.
and sisters their brothers. splenwinners wera: Cian McK24 and during the nine years of its did program is being prepared for Panama City, first priz. Ris existence bas time and again the occasion, to be rendered sell Phillips, Panama City, justified its existence. The La CRICKET. mostly by ladies, second priz; Miss Lilias Crag. Boca Branch was the first branch well. Pedro Miguel. third prize, ever organized on the Isthmus of having won fourth place, Panama. The second branch was Batson, G. will be back in time to take up his ppointed by the Preside, to January 13th: Paraiso was awarded planted at St. Barbabas Church, Match Between the Panama accompany Bowen, school work in October.
consolation priza. Gold medals Empire, seven years ago. The Combination and WanderWilliam Le Souza, Chairman.
on an official visit which thlatter will in the near future pay to Bayne, Mrs. OlgaKing, to be presented to the first three third branch (White) was orgaers Ends a in Draw.
Tropical Gem Lodge No. 8714, Mrs. Gladys Manor of the Quar. Wesley and Mrs. Florence. antine Annex, who had been all for Smitb.
United States and, it is Ancon, nearly two years since, the the past inonth, has recovered believed, are op their way here. and the fourth branch was estab Cricket lovers of Colon who On the same date the PresiThe only program rendered lished at St. Paul some months attended the friendly match at the Clubhouse on the 15th of next expected back to day. She was litee as follows: Willian De Outside of the Clubhouse was one ago.
The Charity Ball to be given at sufficiently to retura home and is dent appointed a Program comtheo loi stor between the combina month by the Women Life wider the care of her mother, at Souza, Neels Miss Esbelyn on June 28. This was on 10V. eists of two divisions, the Senior Victoria oval on Suoday at the La Boca Community Hall The tion from Panama city sad the Problem club promise to be a Chorrillo.
Thomas, Mrs, Florence Smith, tion of Father Young.
Wanderers was treated to suscess, according to announcement end the Candidate. All told there Mrs. Olga King fine display of the game, and an made by the President of the Club COOPERATION are sixty six members in the On Tuesday evening last the La GENERAL MEETINGS.
enjoyable time was epen by all. The object of the dance is to raise Branch. Every Toursday at 5, Beca Athenaeum had a very lively Both teams played well and the funds to assist deserving case. true spirit of harmony and m. the Seniors hold their weekThe Athenaeum, being an acti.
meeting, the occasion being the vity of the Clubhouse, is given, splendid cooperation among of fi ly meeting, and on Wednesday at match ended in a draw the installation of officers for the for holding its meetings, Tues, cers and members characterizad the same bour the Candidates Captain Illustrious Star of Bethehem nation won the toss and took Lodge will condu et installation of pertung der by The installation was day evenings, from eight o clock the work of the Athenaeum for beld theirs. Mrs. Tindulears performed Rv. J, Mulcare o clock later.
entire six.
14 loe President of the Senior advantage of the batsman officers at Groves Hall tomorrow of St. Peter Church, who credited vilege was fully appreciated darwicket, so rendered by the con (Sunday) afternoon to which the the society with having done ing the term in that 26 Tuesday FUNDS.
Division, and Miss Lavinia Campball the President of the Canaitinuous rains of the previous public is invited.
excellent work during past years. evenings, from January 6th to About twice a year the Athena dates Division. very cordial week, The inning was a truitful The reverend gentleman said he June 30, with exception to two eum raises small amounts by invitation is exuended to the one and tbe last wicket fell for 95 run the principal scores Fontenelle, clerk at the was in full accord with the spirit evenings Fai uiry 4th and June giving educational programs in general public to attend the wbo is on being Blackman 17, 0, Ford Balboa Storehouse, of the society and will continue to 9ch when the Panama Ciraival connection with its work and service tamor row afternoon. The 14, Goddard 14, Archer 13 vacation in the United States, has give it bis support. The following and incessant rains, respectively, charging nominal admission fees. Preacher will be thereon: The Following the usual recess the been keeping in direct touch with officers were installed William forced the society to cancel it: During this term the medium Cowan, of the San Bias.
home team relatives and friends here. Mr.
went to bat and Fontenelle when last heard from Vice Presideot; Wesle: meetings, were used. As is the used for raising funds was the Mission of the Protestant Episco scored 60 runs for wickets up toute call to ultime whebechier was in Boston, He expects to reach Secretary; Mrs. Olga King, Asst. Were open to the public. erred to. The fuads are expended you, please, and be on time.
from time to time in purchasing scores uo to then were Uter for Panama in time to arrive here Secy. Neely, Chaplain; Mrs.
Short MEMBERSHIP. prizes for literary competitions; PARAISO 19, Reid 15, Sambleton 14. around the last of the present Florence Smith, Critic, addresses by the.
of 45. etcdo The effective bo vlers for the month. com the cerely part of next ing officers interneto tley promised members. with an average asten nation to sick members, and in day were Reid and o: Phillips mor this reportermelie reported in to carry on the good work to the dance of 20. Including in the purchasing retreatments for Obituary enjoying splendid vacation.
best of their ability.
for Panama.
enrollment are ten junior mem specially invited guests of the King, Secretary for the bers, youngsters below 16 years society.
It is with regret that we have to The return a. ch between GENERAL record the death of Mrs. Eleanor these teams are being looked committee from the La Boca the term just ended, reported as of ago. The averaga attendance forward to with much interest. District of the Panama Canal follows upon the Athenaeum of this class of membars is On the whole the Athenaeum Augustus Weekes nee Anderson, Ten new members were enrolled West Indian Employees Associa.
activities: during the year.
has completed a very successful wife of James Weekes of St. Phillip, ADMINISRATION term and has, therefore, justified Barbados, BW. resident at PaSussex Defeats Pickwicks. tion will meet this evening at hali past six o clock to arrange for GENERAL ACTIVITIES: its existence as one of the useful raiso, which sad event took an entertainments for the purpose 1925: Officers installed on January 6, The Athenaeum maintains a and permanent activities of the place after a very short illness at The Sussex Pickwick Cap of collecting funds for the chil.
Jump, President monthly working plan, as follows: Boca Clubhouse as well as the Ancoa Hospital on Friday the match of Sunday the 12th inst, drea Christmas treat.
William Desouzi, Vice Presi First Luesday evening Reading valuable asset to the community 10th inst. The deceased washe on the oval of the former ended have to make special men member of the Friendly dent.
of short excerpte, clippings, etc. in a win for the home team by native of st.
or program on the life and tion of the splendid support and Society, age 40, a wickets and 61 ruas. The Words have been received from King, Sccretary.
works of standard author. cooperation given the Athenaeum Lucia, and is survived by a visitors won the toss and batted, Teacher Frank Reed, who left Reynolds, Asst. Secre Second Tuesday evening. Ad by the Secretary of the Clab husband, two sisters and six chil producing 36 runs for their here a few weeks ago to spend a tary.
dresses. previously determined house, Mr. Neely, while dren. The funeral took place on inning Brown 15, being the vacation in his native island, Ja Smith, Chaplain. or impromptu from the Scrap his cooperation as one of its Saturday last, when the body was reach double maica, Mr. Reed reported having Neely, Treasurer Critic Basket. Third Tuesday evening ofticers, together with bis moral interred at the Paraiso Cemetery (Barbados aud St. Lucia Papers figures. Bowling for the oppos enjoyed a fine trip over, is spend Management Committee Stories, fables, anecdotes and support of the efforts of each ing team Layne captured wicke ing a right royal time and hopes to composed of the following was papers. Fourth Tuesday evening and every member, did not fall please copy. We Buy and Sell. Pearls Miles, only man to


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