
Correspondence lonic Lodge No 22, Installation of Officers On Up to date Jewelry Order.
Guabito Bocas del Toro, July 58th, 2925.
TO THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN: Panama City Dear Sir, crave your indulgence to say a few words in way of comment on the life of a modest figure who has just passed out of West Indian life in this Republic. refer to Mr. Benjamin Wynter whose death deeply and sincerely reg:et, for many reasons. Though we have been friendly, am not writing as a friend or would have known much more about him; but am writing as an observer, during the few years have been brought into contact with him.
In these days of rush and hurry, the world has no time to extract the good or bad in a man life, but at his death, he is either treated with indifference, or is dumped over on one side or the other as a good or bad man according 28 be appears to the public mind and eye.
More often than not, he is lauded to the skies as the best man in the community, especially when money and influence are pushers. am all the more emboldened to say something of Wyn er, because he has left bebind him cone of these instruments of propulsion. It wasin 1919 when came to Panama. that tirst Mr. Wynter, though had oft in read of him in the Gleamer during the war. It was in the West Indian Com tittee work that saw most of him, for was never fortunate to have seen much of him outThe oficers elected and in Fuller Jewelry Store Chesterfields not only please the taste. They do more they give to your smoking such a new and different enjoyment that there only one way to describe it Saturday Night July 25th, the installation of the Officers of the Ionic Lodge took place at he Lodge Hall, Chorrillo; but provi ously to the installation of of: In every orm can be seen cers, one candidate was duly initiated into the Mysteries ot the here at its best See our At the conclusion of the initia Wrist Watches tion, a letter was received from the Illustrative Grand elected Bracelets, for installation, stating the illness of himselt, and of which he could Diamond Rings not come to be installed in Off ce.
Discussing the point at issue, and a hundred other adornI was moved, seconded and ried that the outgoing Illustrative ments and you ll recognize Grand be re elected and installed why this is the LEADING for the ensuing term, in accord: JEWELRY HOUSE in town ance to the Rules and principles of the Grand Councel of the In nsk prices and you ll find stil dependent United Order of Frer another reasonand Accepted.
stalled. Bro Lennan re elected 122 Central Ave.
Phone 629 Illustrative Grand; R, By De u y Master; Lobban, re elected, Secretary; Hudson, re elected, Treasurer; McFarline, Senior Deacon; Warner, Junior Deacon; AlliTyler; Arthur, Iraer Guard; Horsford. re elected, Chaplain; The following officers, form the Grand Lodge: Grand Master, Bro. Furd Ionic. Deputy Grind Grand Secretary Clark, PIC.
Master, Stewart, lonie: Morning Star. Grand Treasurer, Bayne. Star of Guiana Grana Sor Deacon. Grant, Triumphant Star, Grand Jnr Deacon, Blackburn, SLOAN Liniment proclaimed the world over as Sojourners Grand Guard, being Pain greatest enemy.
King, Sojourners Grand Multitudes of people use and Chaplain, u. Forde, Star recommend it.
of Guiana, Grand Tyler, Rheumatic aches and paine Smith, LG. Ionic.
instantly obey its command At the clɔse of the ceremonies and disappear It penetrates right to the although we regretted much that sore spot. No need of rubbing.
brother Samuel Grimes, who wa It does its work thoroughly.
nominated, elected and sbould Give it a trial.
have been installed as Master of One bottle will convince you.
the Lodge, was absent, due 10 At all druggists and dealers.
sickness; the brethren were seated around the barquet table and enjoyed themselves with SLOAN refreshients provided for the LINIMENT purpose, as to accustom. PAIN ENEMY)
They Satisfy Chesterfield Pain Enemy CIGARETTES of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended side.
ALBOA Ebenezer Lodge No. 2784 Installs Officers.
Dentist Howel very soon observed that he was self made man, but not.
withstanding, bis youthful disadvantages, be possessed certain qualities which myself and many others might well covet.
Apart from his ready, steady tlow of thought and expression, he was a logical forceful speaker and writer.
In saying this am not overlooking his defecte, been of early disadvantages.
He had a knack of building his addresses from the bottom, laying bis materials with compachnees and precision as he proceeds, and then put over all a smooth finisb.
He was a bumble man, unassuming, and very respectful at all times Never would he approach his colleagues anywhere with other than caution and respectful courtesy, even though he koew he bad welcome privi.
leges; and what is true of them applies to men of a certain grade of all races.
He was fearless ang ut spoken, a man with a backbone so far as his opinion on a matter goes, and would even allow himzelf to suffer in defense of what he feels is right.
In defending his point he never tried to be rude or insulting to his opponent, except on provocation or in retaliation.
He had a good command of bis temper and knew how to effectively intervene between two contending parties.
He was very diplomatic, and bad a very good insight in legal EST Lafette Chaplain.
EER REWED matters.
On Thursday night July 23rd, the officers of Ebenezer Lodge HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA No 2784, L, S, A, for the term July December, CANAL ZONE were duly installed by Bro Office Hours: a. to p. m, Mark, and the vast officer of the Mt. Zion Past to p.
Masters Council. The following DAILY were the officers installed. PHONE 1288 BALBOA Blackman, Thorne Brown, side, DM. Seghe, Specializes in all the branches Den tistrv. Pilgrim, Lawrence, Ennis, M, Johrs LEGAL NOTICE on, Wiggins, 0;B Barrett, Thorne, Skerrett, Patrick Host. C, Sobers, MilNotice of Pendency of Suit ler. Instructor.
At the termination of the UNITED STATES DISTRICT ceremony, several sacred songs COURT OF THE CANAL ZONE were rendered and congratulations exchanged. The members Balboa Division then repaired to the banqueting ball, where the inner man was looked after and a pleasant time CIVIL No: 717 spent. All then left for their various homes expressing that ELLAS WORRELL, Plainti ir they bad an enjoyable time.
ANASTACIA WORRELL, Defendan Divorce WILKINSON To Anastacia WORRELL You are hereby notified that on Contractor July 21, 1925 Elias Worrell filed in the above entitled court a petition wherein and Builder bepraus for an absolute divorce from you on the desertion, House No. 20 You are, therefore, hereby notified that you are required to enter your appearance in writing in the office of 28th NOV. STREET, the Clerk of said court at Anen.
Canal Zone, and make answer thereto, SAN MIGUEL on or before August 26, 1925.
If you fail to do so within the time PO Box 411, Panama, R, aforesaid the petltion will be taken as confessed, and the petitioner will take judgement against you by default and Plans and Specifications Free Applied for the on the relied petition.
F, SHEIBLEY First Class Workmanship Sr. Asst. Clerk, Guaranteed ROBINSON Atto. ney able circumstances and environments. He was indeed worthy of DR. HOFFMANN a better fate Thanking you Mr Editor.
Has removed his clinic to Yours truly, No. 39 Central Avenue. EnJ, FITZOSBERT ANDERSON, trance between La Mascota (Olher papers, Jamaica and and Chong Kee Store, Bocas especially please copy. His judgement and his keen sense of justice which was always unwarped and unclouded would bave made him famous on the bench if he had the opportunity. He was bowever a bit more severe than merciful. He could see nothing but the law.
Noth! ng would have have roused him more than to take advantage of any man of whatever race in his presence; and to insult, or even insinuate indignity on the flag to which he belonged, would be running the limit of his updurance.
ca He was always prompt in the execution of any duty im posted upon him by the Committee and never refused when he could have done it. He would spara much of his time in looking up cases for the benefit of his people.
West Indians little know that they have lost a true friend in Wynter; Jamaica, a loving and devoted son; and the British Empire staunch and loyal subject.
To sum up all, lest West Indians should forget, let me burn it into the minds and consciences that Benjamin Wynter was intrinsically a great man, blodered only by unfavourSOSYOLO 30500 HAND IRONERS Wanted APPLY AT ESPERANZA LAUNDRY am, 55x450


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