
WORKMAN PRINTERY they mas PROF. INYANG The Workman BOOK STORE Take Notice e is of to ne in.
ht he ar.
ew the 80 Ho Ro Co Famous Products BAP. Association Ladies Night The best Tonic in the World VIGOR TONIC SPLENDID PROGRAM This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up There are two waye in which women may use their influence a run down constitation.
in communal and national life, It promotes digestion, impruves the appesaid Hinter in his a dress tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system on The Influnce of Women in Communal and National Life.
At Ladie Night held at the La DOSE: One small Wine glass before cach meal or times a day.
Boca Community Hall on the 31 AT THE ultmo. under the auspices of the La Boca Pinas Distries of the Panama Canal West Indian En.
ployee Association. Mr. Huoter bowever salt that he only intend to speak on women virtues which they had used In those connections in the past, and how now use them for the good of the Association. His direct CALL IN AT sod forceful appeal, not only to Flower Service the women of La Boca and Panama who were preeent, but to the women of our race in general, tn By the Junior Members of influence to inspire the meo to use their better judgement and Great occult. Latest master The Panama Bautist noble things, ought to hare C, E, Socloty sounded a key note to a general mind of South Africa. Master awakening of our, women to tbeir true responsibilities.
No. 93, Central Avenue of mystic science. Can help The Junior Christian Endenvourers of the Panama Baptist The Community Hall was you in case you are suffering Church are practicing hard for comfortably with crowded their Flower Service wbich is women and a liberal number of ASSORTMENT OF in love, in business or other affairs expected to come off on Sunday men, who listened with rapt the 16th of August at 3:00 attention to the argument ard GOOD STATIONERY of human interest.
This service will take the form urgent appeal from the three of a a Service their 01 Song with speakers who took for concerning SOUVENIRS, Consultatior, in person or write for price tations all about Flowers.
appropriate readings and reci subjects questions the part our women can and list. Strictly confidential must play if the men are to This work is very nicely suited succeed; and these, with the Address. 206 129th St. New York City, for children. The songs con special numbers contributed by sisting of duets, solos, etc. are some of our most talented all so arranged as to delight the women, everybody must have bearts of the little ones, and they left the Hall after the meeting, are leaving no stone unturned to fired with renewed determination give the visitors an instructive, to help in furthering the interest CHURCH SERVICES Bethlehem Church of God as well as an entertaining after of the Association which is Holiness noon. It is also expected thats working toward the end of profew othor artists will perform, moting the general interests of (Continued from page 4)
treat is workers their education and Seventh Day Adventist Church No, MARIANO AROSEVENA 8t.
expected that of their children, their Regular Assortment of STREET CALIDONI ROAD On Tuesday Evening the 18th social welfare. their economic SAN MIGUEL at 8: this service will be condition, wages, and the like. Dear Isthmian Park. PANAMA.
Sunday o clock Prayer Meeting continued, wben Plavlett Sunday Evening 30 Preach 11 Divine Service Preacher. Entitled The Posey Bed will Mr. Hunter spoke at length on for Service. The general public is supplied be staged by the children ad mis the tender affection of women; bordially invited to turn out in large strong their sympathy and p. Sunday Sebool, Superintension to same 25c. SUCH AS Dumbers.
dent The scene opens with Jane. in aesthetics and their social and emotions; their keen koowledge Sabbath (Saturday) 945 Seb6 Programme Kate, Mary, and Ann armed each moral side of life. He showed Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, bath Sebool: 11, 16 General Worship 15 Gospel Service, Preacher with garden no community or racy 3, 80 Spanish Clase; Supplied desirous of making a garden. ever made appreciable pre eas Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine 30 to. Society, meeting Tuesday 30 pm. Gospel Service. They call on Pussy Willow. without the influence of women; who with enchanted 30 to. Junior and Senior Standard Thursday 30 m, Sister meeting win mong the other brand new and the part they play in philantro Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, to of attainment Class D. Vespere, and appear.
Daffodil, Saturday 30 Choir Rehearsal Dandelion, Daisy, Crocus, teachers of the young in laying a etc. etc. etc.
Seventh Day Adventist Church Elder FRANCIS, Buttercup. solid for them and fit them for Sunflower, Poppy, and even Butterflies come bovering round. they influence the men in their bigher studies of life; ic politics, Pastor in ebarge.
3rd STNEET BROADWAY, COLON Sunday evening 30 Preaching The conversation and singing drawing room, in the time of war Service. You are cordially invited to BEULAH 11 a. Devine Servieo flower tries to out do the other and sons to join and fight for become very acimated, as each they appeal to their husbands attend these service and bring your p. Sunday School, frienda Superinten in pantonine and dance. right; all these, he said fit 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. om Sabbath dent. 30 Gospel Service, Preacher Then King Pansy enters, women in proper places as real Stebool; 11. 15 General Worship GAMBOA MISSIO p. Sunday Flowers begin praening them men in their march through life.
heralded by his Page, and all the and influential companions of Panama City. 30 pm. Young people meeting School; 2, 30 to. Gospel Sermon selves, but Noto. Other Se vices for the week only for little Liesel who mind emphasizing the point that in the King bas eyes Mr. Hunter wound up by 30 Veeper will be made from the pulpit.
the Geese and is called the Goose the Association activities in Baptist Churches Girl Liesel and her Geese sing behalf of the workers the help of Ebenezer Church of God for the King, and eventually she the women is indispensable they bright future: that the good. Pride Of The Gem (Under the auspices of the Southern is crowned Queen of the May, feel the pinch of inadequate already done by the Association Baptist Convention. Holiness The King and Queen then joln in treatment on equal terms with was and that the dancing, and the whole scene the men and it is their duty to be was adding to the forcefal Lodge No 2833.
Colon 11 a. Mr. Geo. Bowman p. Pastor Thrift.
ends with a dance around the arouse tsomselves and use their appeal of Me. Hunter in asking Gatun La. Pastor Thrift; p.
CALIDONIA DISTRICT May Pole, every body haying a influence for good. Mr. Hunter the wives to use their influence good sime, INSTALL NEW OFFICERS.
Mr. Thrift.
is Vice Chairman of La Boca Pa in pursuading their husbands, Sunday 50 clock, Prayer Meetin: Now Providence. 11 mm. Deacon 11. Divine Service Preacher children taking part in the play, Appended are the names of the name District of the Association. brothers and sons to join in the Broome Supplied Windsor Boyd, a member of ranks and give a greater push to Tuesday night July 21st, will Chorrillo. 11 Am. Deacon Smith p. Sunday Sohool Superintendent. with the flowers they represent the District, poke on The bring better. p. Descon Yearwood. p. Programme. Jane. Edna Mille. Association in relation to women that that was how women mag long be remembered by the and visiting friends of Calidonia 11 Deacon Lewin; 30 Gospel Service, Preacher p. m, Leader Crooke.
Mary. Hortense Gllings, and young people. While his help to advance the interest of Pride of The Gem Lyd re No 2833, Supplied. A as, on sald Kate.
Red Tank 11. Deacon Year Wood. Amy Blackwood. Argument was brief he showed Association, Tuesday 30 Gospel Service where the help the men need Distrint Chalrman, Wal night an impressive installation p. Deacon Smith.
Thursday 30 Rinter and Tes Crocus.
Ann. Doris Breweter. from the women in this age is ters, presided; and in explaining ceremony was performed by Empire 11 am, and p. Deacon Ezra McLean timony meeting inson. Jefferg.
more valuable that that which the object of Ladies Night said Bro, Mark, C, and the Linton.
Saturday 30 Choir Reh male.
they received in olden times; and the District had decided upon past officers of the Mt. Zion Violet. Pearl Patterson. Also by the very essential things such Puebo Nuevo11 a. Loader Gallicourse to be able to make Council. The following officers Elder ODLE Gillings. Buchanan.
which are embodied in the pro a direct appeal to the women to or the term July December Sunday August 23rd. grand sacred Pateor in cbarge. Daffodil. Myrtle McIntosh. gram of the Association, the do their part, as the men can not were duly Icstalled: concert is to take place at Colon in aid Lucille Tully.
children of today, who are to be succeed except their women Arandale, Frazer, of the Puilding fund. See that you get a Dandelion. Julia Dalmadge. men and women of tomorrow, march step by step with them. Gittens, Trottticket in time.
Bethel Church of God Doris Price. Conova.
will be greatly benefited by the H: pointed out that we are man, Phillips, Holiness Daisy. Winter. Hooper cooperation of the women in car working for progressive Gor: Brath walte, Treas. Taylor, The Church of God Allep. Murrain.
rying out the aims of the Asso erment, and it follows that to be Chaplain. Smitb, Rm. Redable to keep our heads above the man, M, Sobers, Colon and Streets. Gospel meetButtercup. M, Wallace.
RIO ABAJO, LAS SABANAS Evelyn Richards. Girdwood. Whyte, President of the and act intelligently along with Gittens, Hinds, waters our women must think Robinson, S, Carrington, I, ings at 11. 30. 30 Sua Sanday 5m, Prayer Meeting, day School at 3p.
Pussy Willow. Lolita Lewis. Association, on his subject, How the men.
11 Divine Service. Preacher Cambell, Mc.
Sunflower. Laura Anderson. the interest of the Assoeiation, our Women may Help to advance Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON p. Sunday School; Superin tradent Poppy Ladies. Edoa BlackIt was generally expressed Kabinle, PWM. SimGatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Mostingo 17. 30 pm. Gospel Service, Preacher burn. May Breten. Jennings. Was in his usual forceful and that the program was in all ways wonds, Instructor. Walters, Host.
at 11. 30 a. and 39 Sun Supplied.
logical trend. In polnting out most instructive, and at the Butterflies. Gilings what are the interests which the same time entertaining, and day School at pm.
Tuesday Gompel service at the wual Linda Taylor. Concell.
At the conclusion of the cerewomen are asked to help pro several ladies indicated their mony, a few sacred songs were Bro. GEORGE GRIFFITH hour.
their rendered and congratulations King Pansy. Master Frank mote, said that they are to make willingness to redouble New Providence. Gospel Meetings at Wednesday Subsam class meet Griffiths.
11. 80 a. and 30 Sunday at p.
better the West Indian people at afforts in furthering the good tendered the past officers of the School at pm.
Liesel. Miss Beryl White the Negro race in our communi work.
Mt. Zion P, M, for the amiable Bro. WILMOTr, Clark in chang (The Queen)
ties, and that his pet phrase to manner in which the installation Bis. CAMPBELL was cerried through.
Page. Master David Lamont. desirde to bring about, is higher illustrate the condition that it is wa Red Tank, Capal Zoue. Gospel meeting The members then repaired to Salvation Army Hall on Thursday night 30 pm, Sun TAKE NOTICE Valuation; the Association was the banqueting room where an day School st p.
British Consulate Notice seeking for higher valuation for The WORKMAN News enjbyable time was spent, after Sia, GRAY West Indian labor so our pepple LA BOCA (02P3 all left The British Consul at Colon may be able to measure up favor paper can be had at the fol homes in the spirit of the chief Panama, Arowomens Street, House 25, 80. Knee Drill.
wuuld be glad of information as to able with others. In bringing lowing places: Shepherd.
San Miguel Gospel meeting at 11 a. Holinese Meeting.
the present whereabouts of one about this condition he said it is 11. 30 am, and 30 Sunday p. Sunday School.
Lindsay Place, No. 2, Isage Reid, recently a resident of also necessary for our women to School at p. Meeting on 80 Open Air.
Colou, who is Advertise in the Workman stated to be em atudy the laws of economics, and Street, San Miguel Tuesday evenings 15 30 Salvatijd meeting. ployed on board one of the vessels domestic science, which form the March, Barber 55, Cali IT PAYS.
Bro. Albert Peson.
We extend cordial invitaton to ali using the Panama Canal. basis Upon which may be built a wonia Road.
implement, where ade th: on is st pren pad Vict ad res ist The Workman Printery orig er, Mans Tob ad pr such ome to Dep RMH ama kep ning froi ing 180 ich me ir ad est icle iddi more.
ciation, hich lisbe bos s, fl pu bop leas les to hild hat.
ind rike spec Pans in This ag nea LU OD


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