
is brewed from the best materials to be obtained It is specially suited for this climate is superior to all imported beers sold here and it sells to the public at HALF the price TRY OUR NEW BEER KRONEN BRAU Electrical Work OSAS EX00g Have you tried the new Beer Kronen Brau The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1925.
Church Services. GREAT BATTLESHIP.
AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH (Anglican Communion! leading writer on naval questions ventures the opinion that for various technical reasons a giant battleship Sixteenth Sunday Aftur Trinity now being completed in a British yard may turn out to be St. Paul Church, Panama the last ironclad of history. Whether that prove to be the (Rev. Nightingale, Rrete)
case or not the Nelson, as the new vessel is to be called, a. Holy Communi a Bishop Mor will have other claims to notoriety than that. She will be ris and the Rev. Meleber.
the most powerful engine of war afloat, even though as the 10. 15 a. Matins, Mr. Atwell Lay Reader result of the Washington agreements of 1921 her tonnage 10. 30 a. Holy Eucharist semin cannot exceed 35. 000. She is in fact one of two vessels which The Bisbop Great Britain was allowed to construct after the Washing12 Holy Baptism The Bishop.
ton agreements were concluded, and in return Britain will pm. Anniversary Service of the Life and Law The Rev. C.
have to scrap four vessels of her existing fleet. The total Melcber.
tonnage will thus be reduced, though it may be doubted 3p. Church School, whether the fighting capacity of the fleet as a whole will 7. 30 to. Choral Evensong, arma be diminished. Some conception of what a modern battleThe Rev. Meleber ship means may be gained from mention of the fact that the Tuesday. September 29 Eeast of St.
total cost of the Nelson will be in the neighbourhood of Michael and All Angele Holy. Con munin at am 7, 000, 000 of sterling, while her annual upkeep will be not very far short of 450, 000. She will carry 1500 officers and St. Alban Church, Paraiso men, No further battleship can be built by this country till CANAL ZONE.
193. and it is extremely unlikely that any will be built (Ikev. P. NIGH TENGALE, then, for there is every probability that by that time it will Priest in Cos ge.
have been agreed either to extend the Washington treaties 11 a. Matins and addres. Catecbi.
or to conclude new naval limitation treaties under the p. Church bool.
auspices of the League of Nations or through some other SUPERIOR TO ALL 30 Uboral Evensong addrese conference. The Catecbist.
Mr. Osborne. Catechist.
Os s0 50S SSSS woskos SSSSSS: SECUG St. Matthias Mission The Question of Unemployment.
LAS BABANAS (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES Priest in Charge. vote of censure in the British Parliament, even if it (FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT) p. Church School was not carried, is sufficient excuse for returning to the 15 Evepeong end addrese.
question of unemployment. Says a London correspondent.
The Government. Mr. Richards, Catechist school bad two e ks vacation There cannot be any doubt that if unemployment were in the state which some people suggest the financial and com from the 11th iost, the children House Wiring We Install are theretore at liberty to attend St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca mercial outlook would be almost beyond hope There the Community (Eaglis. schol seems indeed to be a distinct tendency to exaggerate the (American Episcopal)
Electric Fans and Repair during that period, and Sixteenth Sunday After Trinity all they reed is good fuition, present position and there is only one cogent answer to it: Morning Prayer, Litoy and addrere the position is al nost exactly the same as it was a year ago Bell Work as they are somewhat bungry All kinds of But when pointed out in a recent and thirsty for English educatiu. B Hunter)
except for one factor.
Cbiliren Service p. (Mr. B, article apropos of the May Trade Returns that the facts Motors and other Electrical tion. The School Inspector haalormed the parents and guard. Hun es. showed British commerce to be in a state of transition. ians that the Goverom ot in Choral Evensong sermon 30 might have adduced the unemployment figures as a further Electrical Apparatus Equipment tends taking over th Cim pracbei. The Rector.
munity, School, and to pay the Tuesday next the Feast of St. Michael teacher salary. We OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT One of the changes consequent upon the war is the Wallad Ali Angela will be observed There developments, and watch tb will be Celebration of the Holy Com relative payment of various classes of workers. Broadly OUR WORK GUARANTEED results.
munion, with a sbort addre at m speaking the middle classes are less well paid and the It was stated that telephone MULCARE, Rector. lower classes better than before the war. These terms Let us give you an estimate on your work communications between Non are loose but their meaning is sufficiently clear. Further.
Providence and Colon would be Barnabas Church, Empire established Wy the end of the Morning Praser. Litany an addres more sheltered trades are better paid than those which present month, but it does not 11 am. Mr. Brathwaite will officiate.
are subject to foreign competition and must stand appear so as the work is pro Cridren Service p. Mr.
or fall by their capacity to produce goods at prices which are lower than those of their rivals.
gressing very slowly at pieseat, s will conduct the service.
These facts which all Electrical Shop the distance is fairly long, and Cooral Evensong and addrese p.
they have not started to run ou Mr Johnson instructed people admit have an important bearing not only the wi e as yet. he day labou MULCARE Priest in Charge upon the number of the unemployed but also upon the Wire for us. we ll Wire for you gang from New Providence bas distribution of unemployment among various industries. If been laid oft over ur eeks ago St. Bartholomew s, Church we study the figures we shall find unemployment mainly in PHONE 1059 OR CALL AT 124 ANCON AVE.
and the contract wok Seus LAS CASCADAS.
industries such as coal, iron, steel, engineering, shipbuilding be much baodicappod.
Morning Prayer, Li any and address at and wool. These, of course, are all industries which must It is a pity that so much alco 11. co. Mt. Skeen. drinks are sold. conChildrer Service 30 flourish or decline in the proportion in which they can comsumed bere, already fuur rum Evenior Prayer and Address p.
pete with their rivals in the foreign markets of the world.
shops are in operation, aod anMr. Skeen (Lay reader)
If the labour costs in these industries are higher than those other saloon is to be started on T. MULCARE, Priest in charge.
in other countries and if they ar? not offset by conditions October 1st. proximc; tbis is a St Jude Mission, Summit.
population of about 800 inhabitwhich counterbalance them it is obvious the industries will ants, and about 500 are children: Eventore and Sermon Preacher offer a poorer wage or even cease to function.
if say, 100 are total abstainers, Itev. Mulcare The present unemployment figures are 1, 250, 000, and then it is quite clear that 200 T MULCARE Priest in Charko increase of about 228, 000 above the total on the unemploy 56 persons will support tive liquor St. Simon Mission, Gamboa shops daily, or 40 persons for ment register thi» time last year. No one could possibly Sung Titany, Holy Eucharist and each shop. Mr. amuel rabam Sermon 10. 45 a. Celebrant Preacher maintain that these tigures are not formidable, but to had to vacate bis baker sbon Rev. Mulcare.
understand them certain facts have to be taken into consi Corner of 22nd Street and Central Ave.
premises to make room for the Church School and examination of deration. First or all, it must be remembered that the new liguor shop. This is regret Cocfirmation Class p principle of registration has been changed. The last Gov(NEXT DOOR FULLER JEWELRY STORE)
table as bread is a wholesome Choral Eveusong and address p. to.
article of ernment made an alteration in the Insurance Act which food, and alcoholic (Mr. N, MeCarty Officien)
made unemployment relief more continuous.
This one beverage is rice versa. This is not LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF the sort of improvement. pecesJ. MULCARE, Priest in Charge.
chance means that even if there were the same volume of sary for a civilized community.
unemployment as last year there would be 70, 000 more on Notions And Novelties The Salvation Army the register as being in receipt of relief. The apparent excess BORN PANAMA CITY CORPS.
uver last year 228, 000 must be reduced by 70, 000 for the Sunday 27th, September, Candidate Prices, Ranging From 272cts To 25cts. To Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dowlir Sunday throughout the West Indies purposes of comparison. The remaining excess 158, 000 is!
in Section D, Ward 20, Anton Territory. All Candidates for the Field still a large figure; but it will at once be seen that the probHospital, on Saturday, 19th inst. Work will participate in these services.
lem with which it presen. us is not so complicated as it a nine pound baby boy. Mother services are foliowe: seems. This time last year there were roughly 38 000 miners Also a Complete Assortment of the and babe are both doing fine and father is wearing a broad smile Mr Early Prayer Meeting.
unemployed. The figure as we write is over 198, 000. The FAMOUS HO RO CO PRODUCTS Dowlin has been for several years 10 sm. Children Directory Meeting increase in unemployment is therefore more than covered messroom man in that section of sad Brigede United Open Air Meeting by the one trade which has been going through an unpre11. Holiness Meeting to be conPay us a Visit and be Convinced.
the hospital and Mrs. Dowlio once ducted by Commandant Martin.
cedented crisis during the last year.
laboured there in the capacity of p. Company meeting and maid. They are therefore both well But it is interesting to notice how intimately this factor known to the personnel of that inBrigadea Open air.
enters into other trades. large part of British exports was p. tn. Junior Open Air.
stitution 45 m. separate Brigade Open Air made up before the war by coal. In so far as this has been in fine we have here a period of transition in which the Meeting cut down shipping and shipbuilding must suffer. The falling intermittent unemployment which is a characteristic of the British Consulate Notice p Salvation Meeting in the Hall in this export al so afefcts the railways whose British system is obscuring the real facts. The one salient The Acting British Consul at Co to be conducted by Comdt Martin transport receipts are smaller. But the exports have falten off fact of the moment is that the mines have reached a period lon would be glad of information sisted by Candidates for the Fieldin to some extent because of the increase in transport charges, of crisis and have yet to find a new basis of lucrative work. concerning Cyril Absalom, from the All are invited to sttend these meetand here there appears to be a case of one industry bene This may come through reduced labour costs through in Parish of St. Ann, Jamaica, whose for Monday, Life Saving Guarde and fitting at the expense of another, or, at all events, of one creased output, due to more scientific management, or from mother is Sarah Wright.
Sunbeams Parade at p.
industry securing a relatively different renumeration from a decrease in railway rates.
Tuesday, Band of Love Work Clase another at that other expense, It is not however a unique incident in British trade. It Why pay double price at 30 But this is not the whole of the problem.
Wedorsday, p Life Saving Scouts The cotton has happened before; and when the employers and the men for interior imported and Chums parade. Home League, at trade last year had 15 per cent unemployment as against thoroughly realise that they have to face a more energetic Beer when you can p. to. today, and as this improvement is not shown in the and skilful competition they will produce better articles buy a superior Beer Thursday Holinen meeting in the figures it is ubvious that it is offset by other factors. It is more cheaply and all will be well. At present we have Hall to be endeeted by Commandant such as BALBOA for Martin at pm.
known indeed that in some areas new shafts have been only reached the period of grumbling, This will pass, and sunk in mines but the labour has not been that of miners, coal, which the recent experiments in high pressure running half the price. MARTIN. Commandant.
It has been new tabour drawn from the local unemployed, have restored to its old prestige, will come to its own again. Continned on page 7)


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