
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1925 PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE News Notes RED TANK Attractions at the Theatres concert a Succes. El Excelsior paper When EDUCATIONAL Canon Melcber made his first a appearance in the pulpit of Christ Colon Teachərs Association night the 20th, and created a verv Church by the sen on Sundayfav rable impression upon all who The musical and elocutionary concert held at Red Tank ClubThe regular mon bly meeting of heard him. Preaching from The CECILIA AMERICA house on Monday night, Sept. 14 the Coleo Teachers Association Acts of the Apostle 11:26 And the under the directorship of Mr.
took place on Saturday, the 19th diciples were called christians first (PANAMA. COLON) Gragwefi, was success inst, at the St. Joseph school room, at Antioch he pointed out to bis Broadway, when final arrangements congregation that it was not the TODAY. SATURDAY, Sept. 26th TODAY. Saturday September 26th from all points of view. The weather was excellent Attendwere made for the later schools mere name, but the actions of a and TOMORROW Sunday Sept. 27th Gareth Hughes in ance, good. The intellectual examination to be held on Friday, man that proved him a christian. DON WRITE LETTERS phie 25th.
faculty of La Boca was repreRicardo Cortez in The Rev. A, Nightengale, BD sented in the persons of MW.
Among those present wns a repre. will be the preacher at 30, to THE SPANIARD TOMORROW. Sunday Sept. 27th King, Mrs. Olga King, sentative or Court Atltrtie Lodge morrow morning, and also at 30 Marjorie Daw in Messrs. George Roberts, SanNo. 9914 A, who made known in the evening.
MONDAY, September 28th THE PRIDE OF PALOMAR ley Cragwell, Reynolds, no the association the intention of the Lodge to donate prizes to the to take place at the CristobalA baptismal service is announced Jack Holt in William Jump, Cyril Atherley MONDAY, September 28th and the Misses Jump. Panama three most successful candinate of ON THE HIGH SEAS each grade as was done in the evening at 30 when five candi Colon Baptist Church tomorrow James Kirkwood in was represented by Mr.
year 1923.
TUESDAY, September 29th Ferreira, Mr. Clan McKenzie. BROKEN BARRIERS Mr.
This is welcome news, not only dates will be immersed, Garfield Murray. Mr.
Gleu Tyron in to the Association, but to all iatrest Collymore, Miss Applewhite The Rev. James Francis and TUESDAY, September 29th ed in the education of the young, Mrs. Francis of the Baptist Church BATTLING ORIOLES and others. Red Tank was repre Job Gilbert in sented by Misses Lilias and and the hope is expressed that the in sth Street near Broadway WEDNESDAY, September 30th ROMANCE RANCH example will be followed by other arrived from their evangelistic trip Leonora Cragwell, Miss Daisy Chandler. Masters Basil and organizations as it will be a means on Tuesdav, the 22nd after having Lois Wilson in WEDNESDAY, September 30th Alfred Cragwell, Messrs. Walof stimulating their best efforts in been absent for five months. Owing ANOTHER SCANDAL their studies ford. Joboson, and others.
to Richardo Cortez in bad weather they conducte It is estimated that over 150 can only 120 meetings, but results were THE SPANIARD The artists lived up to their THURSDAY, October 1st didates representing the 4th, 5th, very encouraging. The Revd. gen.
expectations, each in bis particu6:h, and 7th grades are preparing tleman will occupy his pulpit Marjorie Daw in THURSDAY, October 1st lar sphere, and the various comto take, the examination.
munities mentioned above may tomorrow. THE PRIDE OF PALOMAR Jack Holt in well be proud of such amlable Captain Bruce Surgeon of the ON THE HIGH SEAS talents in their midst. To speak CRICKET FRIDAY, October 2nd Nelly Moulton was on Tues.
of the performers individually day evening the 22nd inst, married James Kirkwood in FRIDAY, Octobar 2nd would take up too much of our Rain claimed the entire day on Miss Drizzles of Boras del Toro, at the Colon Wley Churcb to BROKEN BARRIERS Glenn Tyron in valuable space, and it would be Sunday, the 20th, rendering it The ceremony was a quiet affair BATTLING ORIOLES an injustice to the other to refer impossible for any cricket matches and was performed by the Rev SATURDAY October 3rd and to any particular item, while the to be played. This was a source of SUNDAY, October 4th SATURDAY, October 3rd performance of the Misses Jump on the violin and piano must not much diesapointment to the cricket Surgeon, brother of the Marion Davis in Lo Wilson in go unmentioned.
ers and their supporters and as well groom, to the cricket loving public. Mr. S. Alphinse, well known YOLANDA ANOTHER SCANDAL The elocutionists were at their There was ncthing in the appea in conection with the Indian miss best, and the esteem in which rance of the morning to indicate ion of the Wesleyan Methodist their contributions were held by such a wet day, out at about 10 Church of Bocas del Tors, and at go the Red Tank community, will a, a slight drizzie bezan which or so. a thecloglical student of the linger for ages in their breasts.
increased and insted until nearly Calabar College Jamaica, arrived in As one passng through the secnoon. There wis a short cessation, Colon from Vacation, on his way to tion of Red Tank, he is greeted but in the afternoon it rained school on Tursday evening the open on Monday next, October 5th. with an unusual smile, and on gain, and all hopes of playing had 22. in and sailed Thursday, According to instructions issued by enquiring into the reason thereto be give, up. It is not yet kuown the 24th for Kingston While at the Superintendent of Schools, fore, the angwer comes back, whether these fixtures will be home he became seriously ill, bu pupils attending for the first time Impressions of the last eveabandoned, bis physician states that he is now should prepare the following infor. ning.
well enough to resume his studies.
mation and give the slip of There was one drawback how Fixtures For Tomorrow. Mr DaCosta of tbe Panama containing same to the pupils to Canal Press, Mt. Hope, Manager JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP hand to the teacher on the first day ever, that is, the expected or of school. 1) Pupil name (2) place chestra did not turn up, but the Fix ures for tomorrow are, West of the Washington baseball team End vs. Kent in Victoria Oval and which has just been reorganized is Corner 12 Street East Avenue and date of birth. 3)date of arrival tension of appreciation was so on the Isthmus. 4) city, or towo hizb a pitcb. after listening to 180 vs. Suver City on the throwing out an open challenge to and State tbe works of Shakespeare and in which pupil attended grounds of the former, postponed any other team on the Isthmus.
school, if pupils have previously at other la mortals from the lips of We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also tch of the previous half season ween Wanderers and Pickwick watches. Our prices are the lowest and our tended school. 5) name, check the elocutionists, that the noblewill also take place at Camp Blerd. CANAL ZONE NOTES number, occupation and address of winded audience bad no time to Workmanship is guaranteed.
mind disappointments.
parent or guardian.
The all pervading question is, Our rate of interest on Pawns moderate and you shall we have the pleasure of Christian Endeavour SoLa Boca Pars. may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may listening to them again? Tte biety welcomes President Orpheus Musical inanagement takes this medium drsire, provided the monthly payments of Club Social. helped to make sa ne a success of tbanking all friends who have successful meeting of the observed their ninth anniversary The Woman Life Problem Club interest are duly met.
Colon Wesleyan Christian Endea at the Clubhouse on Thursday Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall Vuar Saciety took place in Mrs. Olge King. President of the One of the most er jiyable be pleased.
DR. HOFFMANN Wednesday evenina the 16th in Club, opened the meeting with a functions ever held at Lab ca for address on The a long time took place at the Has removed his clinic to Harvest of our lives was deli short address in which she stated on Clubhouse on Mr.
in the form of a social given by No. 39 Central Avenue. Ep.
Saturday night last Tae cniel feature of the eve work which the society is at the Orpheus Musical Club. trance between La Mascota ning was the presentation of an present engaged in, it was not Everything appeared quiet and Chong Kee Store, address of welcome to the Rev. possible to arrange for as biz a until 30 p, when members Surgeon, president of the celebration as in previous years, but of the Club and dozens or guests society, wbo had been away on notwithstanding that, the Club EL GAITERO wended their way up the stairs vacation. The address was read was not disposed to pass their and into the auditorium of the by Mr. Conrad Wnittingham ninth milestone without calling a THE ONLY ELABORATED Clubhouse where an audience or Why pay donble price and the president replied expres few friends together in commemonearly one hunded was weloom for inferior imported slog his joy in tinding the mem ration of the time when the Club by King, president of the bers 80 salous in their work, Beer when you can the Club. Mr. King said that the splendid outstanding feature of Spanish Cider with its Aa organ solo, Glory, activities has been Club the specific purpose of the social was buy a superior Beer ably rendered by Mr. Joseph smoothness with which its work own Carbonic Acid to introduce the Club more fully such as BALBOA for Bruno was well applauded.
has been carried on she sad, there to the young people of the commuO. her contributions to the pro have been no umpleasantness to nity, especially the young men.
half the price.
gram were an interesting paper mar their forward march. Mrs.
whose help was needed to take by Miss Ahwa, and a solo each part in singing and in the rama dv Miss Violet Bradio and Mr. Neely, wife of the Secretary of tic efforts which the Club has William Reid.
the Clubhouse, and a prominent now decided to make. He said Leacock. Mr. Leacock is the ormember spoke on the achievements of the Club. There was a social that the club was organized for ganizer of the Club.
An Unfounded Rumour part of the proviam in which the purpose of promoting classical music, but was obliged to The Orchestra played the last different indoor games were played URETIC AND REFRESHING vary its programs from time to piece at midnight after he PresiFriends and acquaintances of Trade Mark ime through lack of male help. dont had thanked the organizir Mr Kipnimouth. principal Next Tuesday evening the Atheof the Club, the Club director He at this point gave credit to and members, the guests, the of the Cristobal Colored Govern. Daeum will debate the follo ing VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ Mrs. Olga King whose untiring Secretary of the Clubhouse and ment school were alarmed on subject; Roselved. That Capital S, Friday evening the 18th inst 10 Punishment is Justifiable. This efforts were responsible for the Mrs. Neely, the United States present functioning of the Club. Covernment for baying directly hear that he bad died suddenly. promises to be an interesting debate To show the interest which the or indirectly responsible for What gave VILLAVICIOSA rise to such a as it is also a question of the SPAIN Cluo is taking in promoting a such a pleasant function.
rumour, no one is in a position to moment. The affirmative will be lively spirit among its members, Bay, but it was persistently taken by William Jump and the the president said that during Members of the Club present stated that or reaching the corral negative by Wm. De Souza; each un Lis way bome from school at leader to have a supporter or ESTEBAN DURAN the preparation for the last were: Misses Doris Evans, about he was attacked by two, and the final decision will be secular concert, a prz was Jump, Doris Campbell, Clarke, a severe pain and expired after decided by popular votes. The SOLE AGENT oftered to the member wbo sold and Moulton, and the most tickets. This be said had Riney, Lushington, Lodge.
calling tor water, and there Athenaeum extends a cordial in viFor the Republic of Panama been won by Miss Doris Evans, Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs.
were some who claimed that they tation to the public to listen to the Club pianist. The prize was Jones, Mesdames Olga King, had seen his body on the way to this debate, bere displayed, and Thomas, Clarke, the hospital.
beautiful artistically decorated Batcher, Misses Thomas and This ruinour spread like wild fire through Colon and the Canal The subject, What is discipline which law and order would be dis. home and is in proper shape to powder jar which, on request of Walton, and Messrs Bascombe to and Norman Haynes.
Zone, and many sympathizers should it be enforced in all socie respected; although it was admitted tackle school work during the next the President, was presented to Miss Evans by Mrs. G. Neely. Among the guests whom lack called at his residence up to the ties? which was slated for round that in large informal assemblages term which begins October first.
wife of the Secretary of the of space will no allow us to men.
following morniog wblle through table discussion at the Athenaeum some trouble may be experienced Clubhouse, Miss Evans was greet tion were: Mr and Mrs Francis, out the day be and some of bis on Tuesday evening, brought out in its enforcement. Among the visiof Clunes was elected presidented with thunderous applause. Mr. Mrs Jump, Mr Mrs friends bad tors present and took part in the of a newly formed Basketball and ber convincing the public that he members and friends at the socie discussion were Claa McKenzie Indoor Baseball Club. The club was by a chorus by the Club Fagdan Neels, Misses Killingbeck, The presentation was preceded Evans, Mr Mrs ty meeting. The subject proved to of Panama and Rev. Mulcare organized at the clubhouse a week orchestral selectioa by the King, Cambell, Jamp, was alive.
What really happened was, be a very interesting one, and the of St. Peter Church, La Bocaago. officers. that he spent the day as usual discussion brought out many points Vice president; Bascomb Secre: Ramblers Orchestra, and follow White, Messrs Geo: Roberts ed a Fred. Leacock, and was suprised of leaving as to whether disiplice should be choir practice at about p. to enforced in all informal assemblies Frank Reed, school teacher tary Treasurer:H. Church, Manager Clarke and Doris Campbell and Morris, and e. Hunter.
piano arlection by Mr. Dorsettof The Club has just received hear that he was dead. the concensus of opinion of the attached to the La Boca Colored and M3 Pinder. Captain.
Red Tank.
from the United States a comedy We are glad to state that be is members baving been that it should School, who had been in Jamaica aliye enouga to conduct morning be enforced in all constituted socie on vacation for the past two months The Government school for The program was here changed drama entitled The Path Across servica at the Color Wesleyan ties. It was finally decided by all that returned on Wednesday last. Mr. Colored children of employees and into games and dancing, between the Hill, which will be prepared Church tomorrow and is enjos enforcement is desired should be Reed reported having spent a very acn employees of the Panama which addresses were given by and be ready for presentation in Ing vigorous beastb.
carried out in all societies, without pleasant vacation in his island Canal living in the Canal Zone will Messrs. Geo. Roberts and November or December next.
We Buy and Sell Pearls a Cider Champagne was a


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