
Peter Pan And The Pirates Sailings to West Indies to Continue AN ENCHANTED ISLE AT WEMBLEY, Assurance Given There will Be No Interruption in the Royal Mail Service, Codyti FOR FURTHER EXTENSION Up to date Jewelry CIGARETTES LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
a Chesterfield cigarettes are a blepd of choice, rich, aromatic Turkish and American tobaccos. You ll like their pleasing taste.
no interruption in the service Fuller Jewelry Store Be Prepared for that Pain Chesterfield CIGARETTES of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended LIOGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
Treasure leland, the children playground at the Wembley ex hibition, bas proved itself to be one of the most popular features of that popular spot.
What happy memories of child bood days Treasure Island calls to mind! Days when the young imaginstion was fired by tales of adventure on the Spanish Main, of sea fights and land tights, of pirates and rovere, of searches for bidden gold, and of the bun.
dred and one things the fancy pictures in association with the name.
To all these, and more, living expression has been given at the British Empire Exbibition. Not only are Long John Silver, Captain Hook, and the redoubtable Sir Francis Drake to be seen in all their living glory at Treasure Işland, costumed as they should be costumed, but other old friends and favourites, such as Peter Pan, Wendy. Robinson Crusoe, Alice in Wonderland, and the Pied Piper of Hamelin welcome their thousands of visltors daily grown ups as well as children to meet and talk with their admirers from all over the world.
Treasure Island is reached by way of the guaint, fascinating replica of Old London Bridge, famed in song and story, with its alluring shop on either side.
Fathers and mothers may want to linger on this pathway to the enchanted island, but their chil dren will brook no delay. They are eager to enter the Wonder.
land of their Dreams.
So bere we are, at the entrance to the Happy Way.
Surrounding the area are attractively built and equipped kiosks laden with children wares. These kiosks are linked with an ornamental trellis work to form the outer circle of the Island.
Within the trellis work is an encircling miniature railway, which is traversed by a series of level crossing8, leading to the broad sardy shore. There are two other means of across. One is by a bridge wbich leads into Noah Ark, and along the rail of wbich painted aoimals are moving continuouley Into the ark by means of an endless chain: the other is by an aerial wireway From a high platform at the entrance we are conveyed, seated on birds, by means of an aerial wireway to adovecot, surrounded by battlements on which four guns are placed, with two tall Boldiers standing by each gun.
Tbe devocot is contructed above the dark and mysterious looking caves, and a circular slide briors us down to the beach, where Robinson Crusoe, attended by uis Nan Friday, is waiting in his but to greet us. and perhaps, teil us more about bis adyentures on bis lonely island.
On the golden sands, too, are swings, a roundabout, the monster lobster, Punch and Judy, the giant stride, and otber deligots of childhood. model dairy from, where food and milk for the hungry can be secured.
and some model kennels where children pets frisk and frolic, add to the pleasure of the inner area.
Riding on the lake near the malnature jetty and lighthouse, are various kinds of model sbips.
But, chief attraction of all, lying anchored in the lagoon is an exact model of the Golden Hind, Sir Francis Drake bisgalleon, with Sir Francis himselt on board.
The thrilling journey on the ral Limited, the model Pacific Railway train which round the whole area, gives a romantic touch of foreign travel to the passengers. Through the Rocky mountains speeds the Imperial Limited, with such familiar scenes in the Delgbbouring country of Canada en route as Bapff, the beautiful; Laks Louise the Pearl of the Rockies; Yobo Valley and the Great Divide.
ATTENTION. PAIN ENEMY In every form can be seen Six Months More Necessary here at its best See out to Allow Time For Ratification of Trade Treaty. Wrist Watches, Bracelets, Direct West India cable despatch from Ottawa, dated Diamond Rings Sept. 4tb says: Hon. A, Low, Minister of and a hundred other adornTrade and Commerce, commenting to night on the repeated ments and you ll recognizo report that there was great why this is the LEADING danger of tbel Canada West In dies passenger service ing JEWELRY HOUSE in town discontinued by the Royal Mail ask prices and you ll find still Steam Packet Compnay, kave bis assurance and that of the another reason that would be and would be guaranteed from Canadian ports 122 Central Ave. Phone 629 to the West Iacles.
Mr. Low stated that negotiaa further extension for a period of six months of the contract with the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company. He explained tbat this further extension was YOU can stop excrunecessary in order to allow for ciating pain instantly sufficient time for the various if you will only apply West Indian Colonies to ratify SLOAN LINIMENT the new Trade Agreement. Whether the Company granted the Sloan Liniment is extension of the contract or not, Mr. Low reiterated, there would pain greatest enemy, and is backed by 40 years be no interruption in the service: of success the world over.
It is an invaluable remThe Best of all Tours.
edy for Rheumatic Sciatica Sore Threat Backache Commenting on that most inter Spraias Bruises, esting of all games, Cricket, Chest Pains Sulf Neck Pellam Warner in the London Morning Post saye, among other It penetrates right to the seat of trouble, things:warns and soothes the Lucky indeed are those crick rurves and tissues, baneters who will be going to the ishing pain.
West Indies this winter with Try it now, the team. They will bave At all druggists and the keepest of cricket in de dealers.
lightful cl mate before crowds wbose onthusiasm for the game has never been surpassed, and in SLOAN surroundings of the most beauti LINIMENT ful description. Much have seen of cities and men, but of all the tours it was my good to take part in, think enjoyed the West ni Dentist Howell. probably because it was my first tour, and probably because my leader was Lord Hawke, the Odysseus of cricket HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA. the most unselfish and kindest captain ever played Uoder. CANAL ZONE. The Baron thought always of Office Hours: a. to p. m, others and never of himself. 1 to p.
Moreover, was returning to DAILY the scenes of my childhood, add after nearly thirty years still PHONE 1288 BALBOA recall with feelings of emotion the enthusiasm with wbich was greeted when came off Specializes in all the branches 88 a batsman in the opening of Dentistry.
match of the tour at Trinidad.
Every black man in the place seems to as owoThis is a great day for me, Mr. WILKINSON, Pelbam; bɔwl to you when you so bigb, sir, and to day see my Contractor little boy make a bundred.
My wife, sir she die of joy and Builder when tell her you make a hun dred, and taught you sir, sir.
House No. 20 alona ALL ROUND TEAM.
28th NOV. STREET, It all comes back like a shot through the brain, and envy SAN MIGUEL indeed the team which will be captained by the Hon. Box 411, Panama, R, Calthorpe The West Indies will be pleased, and complimented at Plans and Specifications Free the strong side which is out. There will be (it is said)
seven professionals, all good First Class Workmanship men, who bave won renown here.
Guaranteed Some think, believe, that the men selected are, with one or two exceptions, very mature as cricketers, and that more oppor Lunity should bave been afforded to the younger generation.
Be that as may, the team LIBERTY HALL looks a good all round one, with 29 Street, Panama plenty of bowling, but the West Indies are a capital side, and are ENGLISH CLASSES certain to put up a strenuous by Day and by Night are fight. We shall expect many runs from the bat ot Challener, now opened for the wbo played so finely here in 1923.
Summer, Every good wish will go with For particulars apply on the spot to our team when they sall on De. BARTON, cember 19.
Principal London, August 24 It is expected that the team will leave Eagland on December accepted invitations to take part 19 and take the West Indies in in the tour: The Hon. F: the following order. Barbados, Calthorpe, Captain o. Jame Trinidad. Demerara, and Jamaica son, Major the Hon.
arriving home in the first halt of Tennyson, Mr. Bennett, April Smith (E. Hammond, Root, The following players haye Astill, and Collins. House Rent Receipt Books SPANISH ENGLISH Order Books ton Secretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly Societies rung Private Academy it CAN BE HAD AT British Consulate Notice.
The Acting British Consul at Colop would be glad of information at to the present whereabouts of Lucille Williams, age about 13 yrs whose inother, Mary Ann Humil toa, died on the 17th March, 1924 The Workman Stationery Store 100 CH Advertise in the Workman IT PAYS.


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