
JOB. PRINTING DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH WORKMAN PRINTERY PROF. INYANG The Workman BOOK STORE in love, in business or other affairs a Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products across The best Tonic in the World (Continued from page 2)
VIGOR TONIC from the great Domicions who, while desiring to bold a privl This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend leged position in the great British Of every description market, toe world greatest ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, market for foo isfuts and raw Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up material yet are alous of competition between British manua run down constitution.
factured goods and the product It promotes digestion, improves the appeof their own nascant industries. tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system But we bave to deal with the with the immediate and not the remote, DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or future. Therefore before very times a day.
AT THE long it will be necesary for the Caribbean colonies to know definitely wbetber it is the JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
desire and intention of the British nation that there should be set orientation of these colobies to wards Canada. There bave been remarks by Ritish statesmen recently which are calculated to produce that impression. CALL IN AT Thy real questi is whether the FOOTBALL Home Goveroment desires to get rid of the innate responsibility for the welfare, progress aod Rovers Defeat Panama Hard transferring it to Canada. uld developmert of these colonies by ware political union be regarded with Great occult. Latest master as much favour as commercial Panama Defeat International ion at Home bas got so far.
union? We donbtwbetber opiomind of South Africa. Master No. 93, Central Avenue FACILITIES WITH ENGLAND, of mystic science. Can help Colon was the scene of two exciting games of football. The Clarendon, to the Colonial Oftice It must be obvious to Lard you in case you are suffering Panama Football Team played ASSORTMENT OF the International Foot Ball Team and to the British Government the first game. As soon as the cations with the ord Country is that the question of communiGOOD STATIONERY game started a heavy downpour not affected in the slightest by of human interest.
of rain menaced the game easy arrange ads. and it was but tbat may be despite the rain continuing mad SOUVENIRS, Consultatior, in person or write for price through out the game the teams fougbi hard for supremacy. The also perfectly plain in advance list. Strictly confidential Panama defeated the loterns that the question of Intercomtional by 1 game.
The Inter: munication between the islands Address: 206 129th St. New York City, national had several chances at would be affected only in a very scoring but lack of proper team Conference Better, faster and minor degree by the Ottawa work and the strong defence ot the Papama brought toe latter practically the same roue bas more modern steamers following through to victory the present service will o doubt CHURCH SERVICES Tuesday Gompel service at the urual the present Champions of ibe improve matters as tween The Rovers Football Team, ed Canada and ourselves, but they Brot. Wilmorr, Clark in charg Republic of Panama, who were can in no way be regarded in the Regular Assortment of (Continued from page 4)
challenged br the Panama light of better transport faciSeventh Day Adventist Church Hardware Football Old. To Ebenezer Church of God play a friendly match, represen. our mind the improvement of STREET CALIDONIA ROAD Holiness ted the second game.
cotomunications the (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA, At 30 the game was Atlantic is an infinitely more CALIDONIA DISTRICT started and it could be seen the important matter than even very SUCH AS Sunday Evening 30 Preachtng Service The general public in game would have been a bard much better facilities to and Sunday 5o clock, Prayer Meetin cordially invited to turn out in largo 11 a.
Divine Service Preacher fought one. However, the Rovers from Canada than we are 10 pressed the Hardware and receive under the uew agreement Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, numbers.
Supplied p. Suzcay Sehool Superintendent. about five minutes after the It needs to be recognized in Babbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sabstart, they scored their first London that the case of the Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine p. Programme.
bath Bobool; 11. 15 sm. General Worship 30 Gospel Service, Preacher goal. Both teams playing against Southern Caribbean Colonies 30 Spanish Clase; Supplied.
the beavy condition of the aud of ourselves is different Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, 30 Society, meeting Tuesday 30 Godel Service played beard and the ground with several mode Trom the case of Jamaica. It way 30 Junior and Senior Standard Thursday 30 o. Sister and Tesdesirable that Jamaica sbould etc. etc. etc.
were of attainment Class p. Vespers.
again rewarded with sell its bananas Canada and timony meeting.
another goal, the first being shot that Canada should buy direct Saturday 30 Choir Reh reale. by Archibald, and the second by without paying toll to New York.
Elder ODLE Farrell.
Seventh Day Adventist Church But we are Dever likely to be Pateor in charge Hale time found the game the able to compete with Jamaica in same, and due to threatening the Canadian fruit market.
Brd STREET BROADWAY, COLON rain the players decided to play Distance alone forbids such Bunday evening 7, 30 pm. Preaching 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Bethlehem Church of God right through. The fight was competition. Yet we might very Bervice. You are cordially invited to Holiness bardthe attend these service and bring your other goal, and five minutes to British market, which is vastly Panama City.
friende, full time, Wilson of important than the CanSabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sabbath No, MARIANO AROSEMENA ware scored their only goal. adian one. That is why the School; 11. 16 General Worship SAN MIGUEL They tried brilliantly and hard to insistence upon cold storage 30 p, Young people meeting Sunday o clock Prayer Meeting get on even terms. but the accommodation in the Canadian 30 Veepers 11 Divine Service Preacher, is your of the Rovers.
whistle found the game 1 in service of steamers and the Bupplied glowing hopes ef a great trade p. Sunday School, SuperintenThe players for the Revers in fruit through Canada Mariwere; Brett, Farrell, time ports bas always left us deat.
The Church of God p. Programme Buvey, Ompbroy, Cecil cold. Wout we need and what we Abrahams, 15 Gospel Service, Preacher Archibald, Myers, Hors industry is ever to be created in Cawley, must have it a lucrative fruit Why throw away your old, but no Panama, Arosemens Street, House 25, Supplied San Miguel Sunday at a. Prayer Tuesday 30 pm. Gospel Service. the Panama Hardware: Ostino, with cold stor ge accommodation ham, Eilis, o. Johnson. For this part of the world is steamers doubt interesting, books when you meeting and Gospel weetings at 11 am.
Thursday 7, 30 Sister meeting Wilson, Navaretti, Forero, Padi proceeding direct to Europe.
and 30 Sunday School at p.
and Testimony lla, Nimbley, Bejada. Carreno, Then, again, there is tne matter can have them neatly bound at Monday at 30 Testimony Meeting Saturday 30 Choir Rehearsal Gonzalez Che, Ugart. of timber. Canada is a timber Tuesday at 15 pm. Young People Meeting Wednesday at 30 m, Elder T, C, FRANCIS, The Rovers did not play up supplying country. It is better Gospel meeting. Thursday at 30 Pastor in charge.
expectations. They had for us to have excellent facilitles Open air meeting. Friday at 30 several opportunities of scoring with the country that buys them but due to inaccuracies and lack with the country that suppies.
93 CENTRAL AVENUE Prayer Meeting.
BEULAH a. Prayer meeting of cambination, they Bro, C, Pessoa. in charge. 11 a. Devine Service Preacherscore. The Hardcould not At present we buy timber largely wore buth from Canada and the United Opposite Cecilia Theatre Red Tank, Canal Zoue: Sunday School Supplied.
them down in the letter part of States, in spite of our own lorest Po me Gospel meeting on Thursday p. Sunday School, Superinten the game which proved they wealth. It ought to be the aim at 30 m, dent, 30 wo. Gospel Service, Preseher lacked their daily practice. No and object of the Government of Sie, GRAY Supplied.
team can hope to remain on this Colony to abolish such New Providence. Goupel Meeting at That may be true as ish capitalists, and are far more unless they practice consistently purchases by encouraging our ships.
11. 30 am and 30 Hunday Sahool at p. Wedneedav at 30 God. SGAMBOA MISSION. Sunday stance which seems to exist of all our needs. And it ought to be far from being teur, as yet, wlih very dieplorable circum. own timber industry to sappig regards Jamaica, but it is very inclined to take risks. At any rate it is to be hoped pel at Prayer School; 2, 30 Sermon the aim and object, also, to sell regard to the colonies on or near that the various legislatures, Supplied late, due to local conditions in timber in even increasing quaa: the South American continent.
Mouting Panama, was manifiested yesten titics Note Other Services for the week day. No person, player, or Oil Chambers of Commerce and Bro. MODONALD upon the markets So far as British Guiana is other public bodies of the southGatun, Canal Zone. Goupel Moetinge will be given from the pulpit.
wise, le allowed on football field during the course of the at 11. 80 a. sod 30 Sunday would the Home concerned, et sour Fatetereste noorly group of colonies will take like are very game; they should all be in School at pm. Wedneeday 30 the to Baptist Churches Government understand of the becoming more and more Ameri British Government promise Goepel Meeting. Friday at 30 grand stand or beyond the fence thoroughly that even the most cao. It is true that we owe te consider any practical Pra Meeting and no opinion should be express perfect of steamer service to and cost or our political turbulance proposals and will lose no time (Under the auspices of the Southerned by spectators to players from Canada would be no substi: to Americanizəd negrues or to in formulating proposals to be Bro, GEORGE GRIFFITH Baptist Convention. during the same as it has a very England and Europe. The one im ov facilities with other self seekers who are put forward at the forthcomiok Colon and Streets. Gospel met effect.
ings at 11. 30 am and 30 Bunday Colon 11 a. Pastor Thrift; pm decision should be accepted as can at best ooly be a corollary of Ding to profit from American West Iodian Conferenca in Lon.
School at 3p. Wednesday at 30 United Quarterly Review; 17 Pastor m. Gospel Meeting. Friday at 30 Thrift. At the elcse of the evening er unquestionable and final at all the other. In this respect a capital. But the conduct of the don, it not before.
American interests in our midst Prayer Meeting.
vice, the ordinance of Believer. Paptiem stages of the game. At Sunday echo the is irreprochable from the politiwill be observed by Pastor Thrift.
game, the latter game, quite a WORDS OF LORD RRUNHAM cal point of view. They keep Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON Gatun 11 a. and p. Supplied. number of prominent members that the sea communications of strictly to business, only verv Now Providence 11 Descon (Continued on page 8)
Britian with the whole ou rarely indeed taking a hand in Broome.
the West Indian colonies are most what passes for politics, and only Why pay donble price Bethel Church of God Chorrillo 11 a. Dessoa Reid discreditable to Great Britan, then when they imagine their for interior. Imported Holiness (7 m, Deacon Yearwood, Calidonia 11 Danon Lewis; Have you tried the At the same time we do not bold material Interests may be detewith the remaining words of his rlorated. In short eyes are Boer when you can RIO ABAJO, LAS BABANAS 17 Leader Crooks.
Bec tence ad it those sta com turned to the United States at buy a superior Beer now Boor Red Tank 11 a. Leader Crooke; Banday am, Prayer Meeting.
munications are not amended the present day they are so 11 Divine Service. Preacher p. Supplied.
aud improved it will end in their turned only because it is be such as BALBOA for Deacon Smi, p. Sunday School; Superintendent Empire. 11 a. Kronen Brau drifuug towards an American lieved that Americans, wbo half the price. 30 Gospel Service, Preacher p. Supplied, Cubueculon, which no one would profited by the World War have Paebo Nuevo 11 a. E! der Oneal.
Supplied deplore more than their lord more money to inviat tban Brit The Workman Printery the Hard. more Book Binding. THE WORKMAN to AN of botice Great

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