
Loneon Correspondence THE PROGRESS OF FLIGHT.
Up to date Jewelry Voz CGARETTES UNGOT MULES ACCOCO Fuller Jewelry Store We state it as our honest belief that the tobaccos used in Chesterfields are of finer quality (and hence of better taste) than in any other ciga.
rette at the price.
While some norable records continue to be established in long distance flying 38 for example in the experiments that bave brougbt us to the point of the inagurat on of a regular service from England to India tbere seems little prospect of any immediate realisation of the optimistic propbecles as to the supersession of the railroad by air travel. If any air route was likely to be popular with the general publicit would be that betw. en London and Paris, for the ordinary journey by train boat and train is wearisome and irritating even to those who suffer no physical discomfort from the Channel crossing.
So heavy, moreover, is tbe traffic between the two cepitals that there was every reason to expect tbat substantial portion of it would by this time bave been tranferred to the air.
In point of fact statistics just publisbed show little progress bas been made in that direction. tween April 1924 and April 1925 (a period which constitutes the first twelve months working of the State subsided undertaking koown as Imperial Airways)
actually fewer passet gers were carried in British machines than in tb twelve months previous. It is trne that the total number carried in machines of all patioalities between Great Britain and the Continent of Europe increased in the twove months 2rom about 15, 000 to about 18. 000 but if that is compared wita De number travelling by rail and steamboat it will be seen to be so small as bardly to call for consideration. Air travel of course is still a good deal more expensive than other methods, but the real reason for its comparatively small popularity is no doubt the conservatism of the public. An attempt to break that dowa is being made by a body known as the London Aero Club for Light Aeroplanes which bas just been Inagurated at one of the London aerodromes. The aim is cheap flying for all, and men of all ranks and professions, and women of all ranks for that matter, are burrying to master the art of tlying at the relatively low fees charged. At present indeed there are too few machines available for the number oxious to learn, but it interest is maintained equipment equal to the Deeds will no doubt be forthooming.
Chesterfield CIGARETTES of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended Pain Enemy ATTENTION!
outstanding event of the past week in Great Britain has uoquestionably been the breaking of all recards at crick by the Surrey professional Hobbs.
As every yone koows wbo has followed the game at all, the great ambition of every batsm is to score 1002runs in what is known as first class crick that is to say in a match betweet two of the principal English coun tles, or in international matches.
To aciere tbe feat of scoring. every form can be seen many as ten separate centuries here at its best See our a single season is extreme!
in rare and down to this year th: Wrist Watches, record for the greatest numbe of centuries in a whole care Bracelets, bas been beld by a birtoric figur in English cricket, Grace, with a total of 126 Diamond Rings the beginning of the presen seasons there seemed to be and a hundred other adorspossibility that Hobbs. tb nents and you ll recognize Surrey player, would increas why this is the LEADING bir owo already bigb total till passed that compiled by Grac JEWELRY HOUSE in town and as the mootbs of Jane api Jaly saw bim steadily adding isk prices and you ll find stil bis figures interest changed another reasonsomething lika excit: nt. the very prospect of tstablish new record seem u to affect the player nerves, and in a 122 Central Ave. Phone 623 series of matches in the early part of August Hobs succeedei in amassing comparatively low scores of 30 or 40. In the middle of the month bowever the great feat was accomplished, toe 126. century being regtered in match played between Hobb own county of Su rey and Sumerset. Not only did Hubbs equal the existing record by arcu ing bis 126 100 in the first indings of the inated, but be actually esta lished a new record of bis own by repeating the achievement in the second innings, thus making bis total 127. As he has suill10 all probability, several year: more cricket in bim seems sms cartain that before be ends be SLOAN Liniment to proclaimed the world over will bave set up a recori tuti being Pain e greatest enemy.
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of Wales from South America, It penetrates right to the sore spot. No need of rubbing.
It does its work thoroughly.
Give it a trial British Premier One bottle will convince you.
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SIDES WITH MINERS. SLOAN LINIMENT (PAIN ENEMT London, September 24. The Prime Minister Baldwin ba taken sides the Federation the be tween the miners and the operators over the wage ques: HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA tion.
Today the Prime Minister and the CANAL ZONE.
Miners executive at No. 10 Downing Street, failed to bring Office Hours: a. to p. m, about a settl ment. After today 2 to pm conference, Cook, Secretary DAILY of the Miners Federation ac: nouncing the deadlock, declared PHONE 1288 BALBOA that his colleagu would take no part in the Royal Commission Specializes in all the branches inquiry into the miring situation, of Dentistry, pending the decision of a dele Bate conference, which would meet October 9th WILKINSON Tbe miners, he added would ngain appeal to the whole Contractor boar Movement to stand by then as they did in July, to see that and Builder the minars were not reduced.
The details of the dispute be House No. 20 tween the Parties are somewbat complicated, but Premier Bald 28th NOV. STREET, win attitude will enable the mive owners to reduce wages in SAN MIGUBL certain districts which the miners Box 411, Panum, RP claim was at variance with the greement under which the Goy Plans and Specifications Free verment subsidy was granted This subsidy took the form of a First Class Workmanship Subvention to the mines near ly two months ago which would Guaranteed enable the owners to continue their existing wages agreements for another nine months. The miners leaders declare there is What everyone is danger that the Truce will be saying upset.
This renewal of the mialog strife comes simultaneously with KRONEN BRAU a new move which is certain to further incense the wbole La superior to all bour world. new organisation is being formed to organise imported bet rs througbout the country body of loyal citizens prepared to volunteer to maintain supplies and vital services in the event of Government is perfectly aware general strike. The manage of what is being done and knows ment of this organisation is that if any action on the part of vested in a President, Vice Pre the Government becames neces sident and Council, with an sary, this organisatian will be Executive Committee. Lord Hardinge of Penburst is Presl recruitments behind it. Foar categories of are proposed dent, and the council consists of First, for the protection of Pubmany prominent men including lio Services and if necessary 19 Major General the Earl of act as special constables. Second, Scarborough the Earl of Ran operating the reil ways, baadling furly, Admiral Earl Jellicoe and foodstuffs. Third. to act as Viscount Falkland drivers of vans and. lorries.
The scheme is non political Fourth, to act as messengers in and non party. Its Secretary the event of Government teiexplains the scheme is not a graph and telephones are stopGovernment scheme, but the ped.
ereen and against the Miners Dentist Howell House Rent Receipt Books SPANISH ENGLISH form Order Books Terrors of the Loaf.
Englishmen who are satisfied that the fl. ur for their baves is being de from good Canadian or Argentine fleur are getting a little alarmed as to what happens to the flour before it actually gets to the oven. The Cause of the misgivings is a speech just made by the secretary of the principal bakers trade union in wbich he crn.
demned emphatically the conditions which he declared prevailed in large numbers of bakehouses in Great Britain. The principal charge made was that numbers of bakers were doing their daily work of bread mak ing while suffering from of skin disease peculiar to the trade, some of them being allowed to use rubber gloves while kneading rather than stop work altogether. To cheer bread ent1 ers further it is medical writer that the skin.
by disease in question, dermatitis.
is apt in many cases to develop into cancer. All this sounds very alarming, but oficials of Government nepartments rosponsible for the maintainance of proper conditions in bakehouses and places where food is prepared for human consumption decline to disturb themselves.
They have bowever gone 80 far as to say they are pefectly willing to instituto an opnuiry into the charges advanced by the trade union official, provided be can produce outficient evi.
dence to justify such a step. It is not likely that any serolus abuse will be disclosed, though an enquiry properly conducted might bring to light a few examples of practices that ought to be stopped. The ordinary loal of bread represents probably the healthiest food procurable.
is suggested Secretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly Societies CAN BE HAD AT The Workman Stationery Store Great Sporting Record.
It is some testimony to the place sport holds in the mind of the average Englishman that the


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