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Tha was VOL. 14 No. 10 PANAMA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1925.
PRICE Cts. Cy.
CHURCH PLOT Great Unrest Prevailed in City INTERESTING SERVICE TO KILL MEETING Rudely Broken up by British King Revealed to of Panama During Week Of Panama Canal Blackbird Scotland Yard Police Association.
London. Sept. 21 Extra London, Sept. 29. plot TENANTS LEAGUE AND POLICE CLASH (By our La Boca Corresponden) ordinary behaviour on the to assassinate King George La Boca. Oct. 11 At a special meeting of the Board of Directors part of a blackbird broke up has been revealed to Scotland of the Panama Canal West Indian the evening service at a Yard officials, who have Results in Four Deaths and Several Wounded Employees Association, held at church on the island of taken extraordinary measures Grove Hal, H. Whyte bas Lewis, in the Hebrides.
to thwart it.
been nominatrd to succeed tim. TROOPS OCCUPY CITY AND RESTORE ORDER self as Presient of the Association The bird began by tappingi. Two members of the cenfor the yet. 1926 Mr Whyte has persistently at the windows tral communist branches at en Pre lent since the re organ and taken to ho pi al where to zation of the Association in Juan.
until a number of women, Berlin and Moscow are said The peace and quietude of this becoming alarmed, rose and by the authorities to have city and suburbs were greatly Central Police Station. But this of them, Fermia Jaen and Emiary 1924. There were two other disturbed during the early part of was only the beginning. lib Olivar, have since secourbert went out. This allowed the been detailed to perpetrate the week when there was a clash AT THE LEAGUE ih ir injuries. detectiv nominations for the office of Prusi dent: SK Walters, Boca and bird to enter tne church, and the crime. The German is between the local police and mem Everything seened to have department has buea busy since wi mums alo u La Bau, it made straight for rhe pulpit believed to be using the bers of the Tenants League, an quieted dowu so far. The presence Saturday rounding up all those Election of officers is to take place alighting on the head of the name of Werner. the other organization formed recently in of the police, judging by appear known to be prominently con. December hest.
Rev. William Cameron, who is a Russian.
this city to protest against the ances, seemed to have had its ueeted with the movement and Nominations for the other electhigh rentals imposed by house. desired effect. But something else arrests in the neighbourhood of 5)
It was Scotland Yard regards the owners.
knocked off by his brother information as of tragic import on Saturday night last and contin. In West 16th. Street, outside of these, two Colombians and the Vice President: The trouble started was happening in another directioa. bave already been made. Five of ive offices were as follows. First Cherry.
Fre Cristobal; ET. Boos; minister, the Rev. Malcolm and refuses to believe that it ued Sunday and Monday, resulting the meeting place of the Loa Peruvianine (four of whom were o Edgar McCarthy, ben: BOB 18 the teaching staff of the repub in) Lunter, La Box SK Walters, La Maclver, and then flew round ranks with the periodical in several deaths and others que, a great crowd had the pulpit angrily flapping its assassination scare stories.
sembled which began wending are being held for deportation.
Boca. Por Second Vice President: wings. The two pulpit lamps Home Secretary Sir William impartial report mostly translated Santa Ana Park, marching along noon of it. Mirones, the first Edgar McCarthy, La Boca; The fo lowing is a brief and its way in the direction of the The funeral last Suoday after J Alexander. Parma Cty; extinguished in its agitation. Johnson Hicks, Commission from the Spanish section of El Street in the direction to the League martyr, was quite an im Bayne, La BOX;L Cherry, Cris: The blackbird continued er of Police Sir William Hor Tiempo and what we were able to cem tery and then rouading West posing spectacle attended by over tobal. For Recording secretary: 13th Street and following Pedro 3000 of his associates and com E Hunter, Cristobal; WC King to fly about the church, flap wood, and the head of the gather for ourselves :ping round the other lamps, so called special branch of By reason of the increase in Obarrio Street, they came out on pletely blocking the traffic along Boca; Robiusoa, Panaina house rent, the tenants raised a West 17th Street and thence the middle section of Central City.
and finally returning to its Scotland Yard, Sir Wyndham prutesting voice. The Natioual again to Street. They followed Avenue for a considerable period. The Board beld a perch on the preacher head. Childs, regard the plot as a Syndicate of Workinen formed this datter router till they came to From the cemetery, the crowding fron pm. to ne pomet Mr Cameron at last announ very deliberate attempt to itself into a Ligue of Tenants West 13th. Street, where with headed for the Dalesseps Pack, and account or no meeting having not be continued and pk British Empire though they lation of this painful situation in headed for the park, bent evidently by a squad of mounted police was a large voluin, of business on in nounced the benediction. hesitate to say it is fostered were behalf of the proletariat. There a exercising their constitutional Arriving there, a few short speech Che Agouda, neetings, petitions and rights.
The bird left the church by the leaders of Communism conferences, but an agreemeat w48 The First ENCOUNTER es were delivered despite the attem pts made by be horsemen to preEMIGRATION QUESTION with the congregation. It is in Russia.
never arrived at. The systein of The police, in compliance with vent same. They then formed pro Among ot ier things discussed said to have previously alight nightly meetings in diffrent paris instructions which tney must bave cession again, this time dingin. was the emigration question which ed on the head of a woman ALL RODS WILL LEAD TO THE which speeches were delivered by to resist them but before the on blocked near the Plasa de Mayo ia iaken up with the Canal Zone of the city was them adopted, at received om their superiors, tred to for the Santa Ana park but wer the Association had some time ago who was on her way to POPULAR JUAN FRANCO PARK speakers with a view of kiodling rush of the great crowd they had to the vicinity of the passenger Government and the Secretary of church.
faith and bope in the minds of the give wiy. The speakers accom station by a detachment of artnet abor of the United States, with a perple. At this juncture one of panied by other tenants then police with bayonets fixed ant view to have West Indians who their leaders, Jose al. Bia quez de ascended to the kiosko, though not forced to disperse. Later they reside in the Canal Zone or the RePedro, was deported. This, now without resisting the police, Items of Interest ever did uct dampen their spirits Sparkiets again attempted to assemble public of Panama for five or more the latter gamed park but withour years admitted into the United and it was then that there trans Gavino Sierra Gutierrez, a young the fire alarm whistles kept most under the Immigration Laws or THE SPEAKER success. All during Sunday night states as ngo quota immigrants HIGHLY MORAL UNDERTAKING LGCAL AND FOREIGN we are about to relate, and relate journalist, then occupied the plat of the inhabitants awake and in that country: it being a fact that it As the tie that binds us has been Fred Clunes of La Boca, as serenely and impırtialy as pos formand after oo little effort constant state of nervous excite the laws of the United States were drawn a little closer, I, from new champion coloured tennis sible, coatining ourselves to the succeeded in getting the crowd to ment, every ole heaving a sign o applicable to the Canal Zone, many on, have the preregorative to use, player of the Isthmus, was truth and putting far from us any listen to him. He spoke recom relief the following morning ou West Indians who have been a unreservedly, the intention to hurt the feelings of mending to the people to be calm finding that the city was still in the constant employ of the United Liliputian friend to temper ty awarded a gold medal by aud discrect. He also praised the tact.
weekly States. some as long as 20 yearsI certain of superficial rumblings Neely, Secretary of La Bosny one.
George told me he wrote to tie ca Clubhonse. Clunes upheld ORDER PROHIBITING LEAGUE their officers who, thems Ives on Monday a general strike was vould now be citizens of that Editor of the WORKMAN Eur. La Boca in the recent interMEETING workmen and pater familias, fully declared, all business bring pu pen country to the absence of such gesting something to the Woman clubhouse tennis (singles) in exercise, they said, of the privi mái cause and did not care to places all closed for the entire day. opioion of the Association, that Following their usual custom and understood the justice of the noor ded, with stores and other business regulations it would appear, in the Life Problem Club re the Club Charlty Ball which is to come off tournament. The presentation lege couceded to them by Article harass the people. The applause of Jitneys, busses, street cars and soine concessions should be given toright at La Bora Clubhone. was made by Mrs. Florence 20 of the National Constitution, the the crowd quite drowned his re even coa shes were conso cuous by to West Indians who have served of late, do not especially peruse the Snith of La Boca at the La tenants proposed holding a meet: mrks and at this juncture the their absence and the city bore the thao Soveroment for long periods or being hawe lived in lave no krio wedge of whether evening last, the eleventh an issued an order forbidding the Workman and Bcoa Clubhouse on Thursday in last Saturday evening, October tragedy commenced, 10th. Mayor Galiado, however, iog at 30 o clock that day, a Amrican Coutinent for a reasonONE DEATH the request of the President of the (Continued on page 8)
of what isposition has been made niversary of that institution. bolning of the meeting, which order The mounted police here proceed Republic, three battallions of Am: of it. However, arcordiagt George was priuted and posted in various ed to take possessioa of the park. rican soldiers in fuil war garb he is in favour of a free for ball parts the city. The tenants The horses slipned, fell and ro e arrived in the city under immediate Archdeacon Sykes to Preach at Terpischorean struggle Mi:s Rae Rosen of Los acting in accordance with the law again, and int nse firing coatinued. command of General Martia, St. Peter Tomorrow Night.
does not interest the Sir Rodgers, her diamonds vulued at bim to revoke the order, bui tueir bullet wound through the lungs and preservrng life and property, The Ven. Lundy Sykes, Archreally, in this part of the world. Angelies, Cal. A, lost sent a petition the Mayor asking Port Capuain, Carlos de Diego, and took full control of preserv was then carried away with a ing order, maintaining sanitation Lanciers and Quar rille daoc 000, The young woman, request was refused.
ers who for the most part are made wanted to sell the diamonds, and was hurried to the Panama but with no interference in the deacon of Panama, will be ti e prza up of the fellows around two score SIGNS OF THE TIME Hospital. The shooting claimed economis or political controversies cher at the evening service at st, more years. disagree with had advertised the choice About six o clock that afternoon other victims. But not that only then existing As a result of thest Peter Church, La Boca, Sunday George on the score that do not gems in a newspaper. In the e fell a heavy downpour of Io the vestibule of the Metropole activities another life was lost believe in the promotion of too reply, according to her story, rain, such as is seldom experienced Hotel ag anizingly breathing his from the ranks of the tenants, the next, the 18th inst. Every member at.
many things which are not really a well groomed man and a in this city. Every one thought last, lay a man seriously wounded fourth sacrificed in the cause of the tend the service, as the Archde con resoluci ve indirecte imate says to woman, apparently prospce off inore because of weather condi side just below the last rib. He was the funeral of Jazn which to to say to the congregation. The ser that the meeting would be called with a revolver shot in his riebt proletariat It appears that after has somthing of vital importance refore throunded for mainath ways to tive purchasers, appeared at vions thahe because of the action of taken to the hospital and died a place on Monday afternoon, u vice will begin at 30 o clock. collect highly moral Cause her home, and on being the authorities. But it soon cleared few minutes later. His name was party of tenants met at their very cordial invitation is extended MISSING FIGHTER.
shown the diamonds they in up. The streets were soon dry and Mariano Mirones, a cabinet maker headquarters in West 16th Street to the general public.
Speaking farther about the trun produced weapons and from a litle after o clock spec by trade and 28 years of age, kaown for a eret session which inform tators and tenants began arriving as an honourable and peaceful tion somehow reached the military Chiarty Ball and the good cause took away the gems, Sad Accident at the park, all with an air of citizen.
with the result that the place was for which it is to be held, am expectancy.
THE FIRE ENGINE ARRIVES raided. Several them made good reminded Brother Elij their escape but one poor fellow Just as we were about going to Hunter, a reputed fighter for kod It is reported from Wash ARRIVAL OF THE POLICE At the moment there arrived on Damian Cabrera, of 20 sum mers press the sad news of an accident causes, desirable social reform, and ington that the Republic of As was to he expected, about the scene the fire engine from the or so, in attempting to ju up from to our chief correspondent at Coloa also a genuine La Bocan who at Chile proposes purchasing fifty or more policemenwell Central Station. The bose was a balcony fell and broke his neck. Me Jones, was received. It is present resides over on the Atlantic naval armaments in Great equipped and in correct formation immediately connected and a Another fifty were added to those stated that he was on his way to end, was at La Boca do Sunday, Britain in the amount of one arrived under command of Lieuten powerful stream of water was already occupving cells in the Cen: choir practice at the Wesleyan. with Why e, Comrade V, Dalby, et Dundred million dollars. Two ant Correa, as well as other police thrown on the people who then distral police station as a result of curcb, at about o clock yester officials armed to the teeth, and persed. Thus ended the affair this raid day evening, when he was knocked looking after the interests of the battleships, three cruisers and invaded the park. The police were Armed patrols of both mounted and unmounted police scoured the With the coming in of the sol down by a motor car. When picked that Mrs, Olga King soprano comprise the proposed pur the various entrances prepared all canties were ordered closed considerably, the fire common people. It is also a fact seven submarines are said to divided in squads and stationed at city dispersing all asserablages and diers, things began to quiet down up he was unconscious, and was at whistles once rushed to the Colon Hospital voice ecbed across from the La chase, evidently not to allow any groups ceased their intermittent alarms, where it was sovered that he Boca Clubhouse where the to enter same. This somewhat until further orders C. was having a pleasant Sun stirred the feelings of certain of the SUCCEEDING EVENTS the street cars ag in made their hed sustained a wound on the bead no Columbus Day, the anni bystanders, who expressed them In addition to those above men afternoon the city had again taken appearance and by Wednesday about five inches lorsg.
He, borever liter re a sed conentranced, among others, Brother versary of the discovery of selves protestingly and at once tioned it was later discovered that on its normal aspect. On Tuesday sciousness, and it is a ency hoped (Continued on page Continued on page 8)
off, recover and be missively, others by force, to the the result of Saturday night affray (Continued on page 8) out and around again.
10 name of my which

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