
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1925 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands JAMAICA TRINIDAD BARBADOS Intercolonial Cricket Team Fined for Smuggling Jazz Outfit.
Oil Tanks Ablaze.
pese Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD TWO STRUCK BY LIGHTNING AT LA BREA Labourers Flee From Neighbouring Barrre Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
An Alterative recommended for purify.
ing and enriching the BLOOD. From WEEKLY GUARDIAN)
An electrical storm broke over La Brea at 30 on Thursday afternoon and two large oil tanks of the New Trinidad Like Asphalt Company were simul taneously struck by lightning and burst into fames. Ore tank had in it about 41, 000 barrels of oil and the other about 6, 000 barrels. At 15 when our cor respondent telephoned the tanks were still burning. All the labourers living in the barracks below the tacks were removing.
Accommodation for women and children bas been at New Jersev, the model village now in course of establishment on the Company property. No injury to persons has bein roported, Last year, on September 7, one tank in the vicinity was struck by lightning and destroyed.
provided For Sale at all Drug Stores And in Large Quantities by JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy AGENT Warning to Chauffeurs.
COM DRUNKEN DRIVER SENT TO GAOL. The Port Antonio correspon Commenting on the personal dent to the GLEANER writing to of the cricket team sent to Deme: that paper on the 2nd inst says: rara to engage in the interco sensational arrest was made by lonial tournament. the GLOBE Mr. Murray acting Collector of says:Taxes, aboard the steamer Alter voried changes from the Oriscany yesterday, and early original selection the Barbados this morning His Honour Mr. team to represent the island in Bertram Burrowes, with Mr, the intercolonial cricket tournaDaffus Clerk of the Courts, ment at British Guiana is now prosecuting, beld a special sitting complete and is ready to sail by of the Court, as the steam the Chaleur on Wednesday er is due to leave port to day. next for the scene of the struggle The facts are that yesterda) e now composed the team is as the Customs authorities got follows:lo formation that a jazz outfit. Tarilton (Capt.
drums, etc. were taken oft the Adams EL Hoad, Oriscany and were purchased by Griffith. Greaves.
Mr. V. Abendana solicitor. Evelyn, Hutchinson, The acting Collector, accom Browne, Mason, Parris.
inmediately boarded the steamer Bartlett and 11. Rogers.
and arrested seaman Elijab More than half the side are Slater, a coloured American new to representative crickets citizen, who admitted that he but it is a good experimental had sold the articles to Mr. side which can be capable of Abendana. Mr. Murray furtber anything. Ten of them are bow.
seized the goods which were lers of an average class, it is a taken at Mr. Abendana house smart fielding team, there is and telegraphed the Collector every confidence in the ability of General, who advised that the the wicket keeper to do the side suit should be made for three justice, and as batsmen on a times the value as allowed by wicket such as can be prodcced law.
at Bourda we bave no cause for During the trial this morning fear. great asset in the island Mr. Abendaga admitted that he favour is the average youth of paid ten guineas for the outfit, the side and the confidence with while the prisoner stated that be which they are taken on their was a stranger and did not know responsibikties. It is at present he was breaking the laws of this difficult to suggest which will be country.
tbe cbree to stay down on the His Honour pointed out that opening morning, but this may the law regarded this as a seri safely be left in the hands of the ous matter and that parties in ekipper who should be able to any Nay connected with the discharge a difficult task satie.
smuggled goods were also liable factorily according to existing There was no alternative, and he conditions. There are those who therefore im Do ed tine of prophesy ignominious defeat for thirty one pounds ten sbillingniste brigade.
We believe them them; we are not of that pessior three months imprisonmoot; wbereupun the prisoner in a sad quite capable, given equal chanvolce exclaimed: This is a law ces to set up a good fight for the down dirty trick.
trophy, and if in the end they Slater is now in jail. The ship are beaten then we could only has sailed and the sez goods say that the better side had are ia charge of the Customs.
Extensive Loss of Oxen Jamaican Immigration Secretary The Weekly Illustrated paper of recent date says:A terrible loss of working AT CUBA, RESIGNS cattle is reported to have taken POSITION place at Carrington plantation, St. Philip, on Thursday last. team of twelve oxen is The GLEANER of the 5th inst reported to have been engaged in states that the Governmeot have ploughing a field of land in which received communication from was a dry suck well, apparently Mr. Dignum, Secretary of uncovered and unfenced. The Immigration in Cuba, resigning mouth to the well it is reported bis position as from the 31st of was overgrown with grass and this month.
busb which must bave tempted wond.
Mr. Dignum was appointed to the leading oxen with the result the office of Secretary of Immi that they ventured too near and this year at a salary of 800 per the whole team with the excep.
gratiɔn as frou the 1st of April 208t their footing and in their fall dragged the others after them annum, aud office allowance, and travelling expenses.
tion of being presipitated into was specially created in order the well, and killed. The animals that there should be a Protector were eventually Rot out and in Cuba of the laboure:s from butchered.
Jamaica who emigrate to Cuba What seems inexplicable is that from time to time to work on the five yoke of oxen shackled to a plantations in that country. But continuous length of chain and has transpired from recent this sttached to plough stuck correspondence, which has been Into the earth should have been publisbed on the subject that be dragged by the leading ones into has been looking after the inter the well.
ests of not only Jamaicans, but This is a second fatality of a natives of the other West Indian similar kind occurring recently colonies who are residing in on this plantation about a year Caba ago mules passing through a tield fell into a well.
Owing to the high cost of living in the Republic, Mr. Digaum bas represented to the Jamaica Gov.
ernment that he cannot decently live on the salary of 800 per Why pay double price annum, and has asked for an for interior imported increas of 400, making the salary 1, 200 per annum, Mr.
Beer when you can Dignum asked that this increase buy a superior Beer should take effect as from the 1st such as BALBOA for of October, and as the Legislative Council was not in session at the half the price.
time, the Government sent a circular letter to the elected members of the Legislatore asking if they would give a for the six months during which pledge to the Government that he has held the post, before they they would vote the increase of could consider the question of salary when the matter came increased pay.
before the Legislative Council Mr. Digaum is, evidently, not The majority of the elected satisfied with the attitude taken members, who were in the island. up by the elected members, at the time, refused to give any bence bis resignation guarantee that they would vote It is expected that this matter for the additional salary. They will be discussed at the Autumn said that they wanted to get a session of the Legislative Council Dignum has been performing 20. instant.
THE BEER SUPPLIED BY The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
is brewed from the best materials obtainable It is specially suited for this climate is superior to all imported beers sold here and it sells to the public at HALF the price.
TRY OUR NEW BEER istrate said of an Licence Suspend. For 40 Years.
Andrew de Frey, chauffeur with one previous conviction against bim for exceeding the speed limit, was sentenced to 30 days imprisonment, in adaition to the suspension of his licence for forty years by the City MagIstrate who convicted him on a charge by Constabl McDugan of being in cbarge of motor lorry 1619 wbile in a drudken condition on Thursday last week.
In passing or tence the Magof all dangerous creatures, he thought motorists were about tbe most dangerous on the road. It was appalling to see the number of accidents which occured in the Colony con sidering the comparatively few motor cars there were, and the comparatively small number of inbabitants. Cipriani Boulevard was a place which was usually full of traffic with houses on each side and entrances leading Si to those buildings; and careless driving of any sort was dangerous there. The drunken driver was.
therefore, an ab olute menace along that thorougbtare. He convicted defendant, ordered bim to imprison for 30 days, suspended his licence for tbe remainder of the term and declared bim untit to obtain one for forty years after.
KRONEN BRAU The post the SUPERIOR TO ALL Proposed Market at Belmont, sokosso seokocOXSSXS os wight make HAND IRONERS Wanted APPLY AT Under the caption Round the Town the Weekly Guardian says. The view bas been expressed that a market in Belmont efti ciently catering to the needs of the residents in that district, uncecessary the proposed enlargement of the Eastern Market, At any rate, on the elaborate scale propeses. It is natural to expect, as bas been the case with Woolbrook, that a market in Belmont will draw from the Eastern Market the bulk of the patronage now being extended by inhabitants of the suburb. It would appear. tbere.
fore, that there would be no need to pursued the ambitions plans for wbicb financial provision has been made. There is admitted necessity for more room principally, in the Eastern section, but ibe greater portion of the money voted could well be devoted to pressing sanitary schemes.
The demand for the Belmont market bas made some progress.
The Acting City Eagineer bas submitted a plan and an estimate of cost of a building of the tyre of the Wood brook Market; anu resident of the suburb bas offered to rell, a suitable site (Continued on page 7)


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