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Gigantic Move on Foot To Make Great Britain Dry Senator Borah Replies To Ex Kaiser Negrophobia PARTY OF LABOR SINGERS DELEGATE Entertain Distinguishod In The House of ComPersonagos in England. mons Contoronco.
Campaign Planned in Secret on bronk het hom west Tuthion Sineers At the invitation of Lord Beaver (From Tue London HERALD. Says Real Peril Lies in ImperialOne of the outstanding personali Lines Similar to Those Adopted Party put in an apprarance ism And Insensiate Desire to cently at Stornoway House, ties at last week Britisb Common in the United States. England. there under the leaders walth Labour Conference hell at ship of Brigadier Narraway, who the House of Commons, was a Exploit Weak.
black for old times sake, was associated cable despatch from London dated October 3rd States with the Party on this crasion, He is Mr. Critchlow, the that a new campaign, with the object of making Great Brit. they sang a number of their chariot delete representing lain teraco that in a statement issued today in reply to a yellow perillos Washington cable despatch dated October 19 states of yesterday he gave ain dry, is about to be launched by the United Kingdom teristic songs to a company Alliance and other bodies associated with the cause of Among those present were Lord his fight for his fellow workers of the Foreign Relations Committee, declared that if the friends of their distinguished host. representative the stirring story of utterance by ex Kaiser Wilhelm, Senator Borah, chairman prohibition.
Carisbrooke, Mr.
Llowd George, H, fight resulting six years ago in the white race continued its policy of exploitation and oppresIt will be the biggest pussyfoot movement of its Wells, Arnold Bennett, and establishment of the British Guiana kind yet attempted in the country. It has been planned Captain Guest Mr. Lloyd George, Labor Union of which he is tow sive measures the peril is real and imminent.
The former Kaiser in an interview published Sunday during many months of secrecy, and the methods to be who delights in singi called for recretary and treasurer. When the war broke out he drew a picture of the yellow peril. He sees Europe adopted are similar to those which preceded the introduction repetition of one of the items The extract above is from the said, rests and the cost of living menaced by a combination of the Bolshevists, China and of prohibition in the United States.
English War Cry, and more to the increased tremendsusly. Labour Japan and he citicized the idea of Senator Borah that China As was the case in the early days of the movement in party who recently left Kestou to bad to work 10 hours a day and should be treated as an equal that country, the organisers are not going to talk at first four England and several continen svstem of quarter tal countries days was in about prohibition. They describe their campaign as one in In nis reply Senator Borah says that China will demand Brigadier Nar away will be re one of them were paid ouby to be treated as an equal and that she should be treated as vogue. Dock laborers and w48 support of local option for England and Wales. It will be membered by many in Jamaica 8d, a day and stevedores only 2s an equal. He urges that the United States, if she cannot opened towards the end of this month in the Free Trade having been stationed there for a 8d 10 38. have the support of the other powers in equality of Hall, Manchester, and later meetings will be held in London, number of years. As the cost of living wis leap. treatment for China, should shape her own policy and Liverpool, Bradford, Northampton, Hull, Newcastle, ing Up organized a petit on to the Cardiff, Portsmouth, Sheffield, and Stoke on Trent. Jack Dempsey in Dutch Government asking for more pay, pursue her own course.
sborier hours, the abolition of the ASSAILS IMPERIALISTIC ATTITUDE In the list of speakers appear the names of Mr. Lief Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Snowden, Mrs. Lloyd George, Latest cable advices from of half a day pay as a minimam.
quarter day aod the establisbment His statement follows: Sir Donald Maclean, Sir George Hunter, Mr. Trevelyan, alleged by boxing promotors there. state that NO reply was given, and the presume the ex Kaiser has reference to my statemen Mr. William Graham, and several other Socialists.
returned a str in made At one time it was expected that the Liberal Party the check for sio ono which was lasted seven weeks. In the end we treat the Chinese nation on a basis of equality, and that the would be associated with the campaign, but doubts as to paid him biorado e for certain et minu els ous donne and with you assumption which seemed to obtain upon the part of foreign suddeoly the political expediency of such an association seem to have left for the United States without abolition of the quarter day sys governaments in China, that China was an inferior member arisen recently, and the present intention of the party fulfilling his cor. tracts. The potew. Duck labourers later won šs. of the family of nations was an assumption which should, managers is to await the effect of the campaign before de moters it is sud were seeking his and stevedores 6s.
and could, no longer obtain, and that it would be desastrous ciding whether local option is to be made a plank in the arrest before he could get muro in h919 a strike for the eight to undertake to deal with China upon any other theory party platform. Meanwhile a questionaire on the subject is the border, bort Necko beat them to liberulan with a large part of the peril to the white race of which the ex Kaiser speake.
of from Trinid dBarbadoes, being sent to Liberal branches.
Extensive support for the campaign has been obtained the matter, and it stated that these outside workers to a meeting, imperialistic attitude of the white race toward these races.
Tampico is greatly incensed over and other places but invited is not the yellow or brown race, but the oppressive and from a number of Non conformist bodies, the list including action for damages may be and appealed to them not to un. If the white races continue these policies of exploitation and the Weleyan Church, which at its last conference passed brought against him in a Unite, dereut our labour. They agreed, oppressive measures, be assured the peril is real and nmi.
resolution in favour of total and permanent prohibition.
States further and then appe states that Dempsey left in such a nor to intercede for us with the The keynote of the campaign will be an appeal to hurry that all his baggage was left merchants, There is one thing which the ex Kaiser seems to overwomen, who will be told that men expenditure on drink behind in the ho. el at Monterrey The Governor could not inter look or at least not to give sufficient consideration to it.
deprives them of many things that might otherwise have where he first stayed, and that the vene, but he advised me to orga. During the war the white race was delighted to treat the been bought for them, their children, or their homes, Here, biomotors are endeavouring to nine trade union.
colored races on terms of equality. There was no difference again, the method to be adopted is a close copy of the exhibition given by Dempsey in such matters. did it!
attach same. It appears that all Although knew nothing of in the color of the blood on the battlefield. The United American plan.
States particularly asked China to coine in and help the Monterrey The system of local option to be advocated is explained abiel reason he decided to share. com hind fron e Bricist ship to read announced some doctrines which the colored races took to attended his disgust One day in a newspaper left be. white race save civilization. Moreover, the white race in a private member Bill presented to Parliament some time ago by Mr. Lief Jones. Under the provisions of that his contract with the Tamnico about Mr. Arthur Henderson and heart the doctrine of self determination and the right of all people. optioued on page 8)
Bill a pool would be taken in every parliamentary borough peoples to chose their own form of government and live to decide whether the sale of intoxicants should be prohitheir own lives.
bited in that locality or not, the poll to be repeated every SPARKLETS MUST KEEP PLEDGES MADE.
four years. The white races went on record, the colored races Local option has been in force in Scotland for some believed the doctrine: the nationalistic spirit was aroused; in every race who are in similar hopes and aspirations stirred these peoples from center to years, and much bitterness has been introduced into local Taking CHANCES, politics by the recurring polis. Several of the few districts but what we some experience, when God Servants TIMELY Warn kept they will have to be kept. China will demand to be was wrter wuch of any athlete state of mind which at first voted thomselves dry later decided to it comes to physical exercise, which circumference. The pledges having been made, should be return to their old conditiens of freedom.
treated as an equal. She will assert her independence and ma me wondered what was the real aim of our champiou cyclist, As is customary under pressure. CONTINUED ON PAGE 8)
Thief Socres Knock Out Panama Independ Hituseli to such strenuous exercise my notorious and now incorrigibly Mr. Nimbley, for subjecting and honestly, after having heard ence Day on a repulsive track iminediately bent friend deliver ao cextem ITEMS OF INTEREST LOCAL FOREIGN AND GETS AWAY WITH before the regular meet at Isthmian poraneous address at the GuachaPark on Tuesday last. eling out pali Chap er of the 1. on LOOT. suppose. But should Sunday sigut last, have decided All meetings in connection The two local branches of Panama Independence Day. u atb ete who is booked to contend to vacate my layman position and ber 3rd. the local Detective Office st. As customary Last Tuesday morning: Notice befittingly celebrated on Tuesday thirty miles of competitive cycling barchumeno ad Curtea Indun Decree published by the Garvey Day on Sunday ber twenty second birthday was with several other good men in give prominence to quotations from with the tenancy question are the Universal Negro Improve.
opinions of two English prohibited, according to a ment Association celebrated Chiari the Day expect to bis that earlier that same day while olul also observed by the Canal Zone round a dirt track, and none to the race problem: Sys Lord Mayor under date of October last, and at both places his way to his home in the Exposi: Government as bus legal holiday, wood at that, thoroughly saturated there tion Grounds, he was spproached and all Canal business, as far as with water, before they strated only one solutiun of the probl. Any act of advising or brilliant and patriotic adby a pour le clad covored indiviul comentar de withe të viti normal fune compete and not to have impaired The white races must realize the inciting non payment of rent dresses were delivered by declared an attack on members and friends of the som at tall and massive, who tooine activities far put his physique for the real test of necessity of treating all coloured is bex ged for money with which to ting the big ships through the big strength, durability and the meu in the spirit of absolute natural and lawful property movement. Musical and purchase himself some clothing ut wus art of spinning the wheels? On equality and give up the attitude rights which the Government elocutionary numbers were which he (Mr. Chiari) refused to. The day exercises were prece. Tuesday our champion cyclist of white supremacy. after he had is obligated to protect. The contributed by some well ded by world and that come clothing be given biga drum corper ele Fire Brigade for the twelve mile race! That race entered in alimeposible de continere ties for the instend which was also refused, and Nat onal Polive forçe. Later was, fo tunately, not ruo; if it were, old policym pole white supremacy. circulation of objectionable it is to printing or Then upon reaching hie entrance ao mposing ceremony in connec would have expected defeat for Then he coutinued Providence handbills. The carrying of eived a heavy blow. which tion with the raising of the Flag in our champion The Panama Canal Tourist knocked him senseless, and that Independence Plaza, took place. does come off, expect him to win: one tace od be whitese mohoje red flags or the singing of Schedule for 1925 1926 shows when he recovered his watch chair and was attended by thousands of former ate know better than him that delivered coloured tires me wow the Internationale is prohi that there are 1925 1926 Shows The of school chil. self, that twelve miles. the unen, are mater was promp iy lovestigated at uine eio kebe Ad of independ tive engeling for an Rudiger Walt rapidly growing bited. Aliens caught taking tourists visiting the Işthmus by certain members of the detec(Continued cu Page 8)
worth bicycle worth nearly siuo bogende believe in the whole part in any way supporting between November 27, and arresting a Colombian Damod Jose with good cyclists compering, needs attitude of the white to the any of these prohibited fac: December It is reported withood exglass comment les coloured races could be altered, tivities will be deported that official figures from the Valencia on whom suspicion rested exchange the chain for some don always go to the stronger the winter den mest and alwaying at a Bodies appointed by the Panama Canal indicatevere having. spirit of giving equality and bina as the man who attempted to detaioed at the Central Police the man wh) wins is the fellow opportunity are Executive or sell them the en in mentioned Station pending futber investiga who thinks he can sathe below coloured, what appears now as a porated labour unions may near ten thousand tourists are Isthmus metehsnt also testified, it is tive and the recovery of the stolen known outhor. That may be true, aggressive and unreasouable atti convene meetings, according expected on the Buil, that Valencia offered to article.
but there are more than one fellow (Continued on page 8)
to the Decree.
during the coming Seasu. ING.
te track tive force who later succeeded in to those who


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