
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1925 Interesting News from The West Indian islands Rinse thoroughly hang up to dry and your stockings are le It takes but a few minutes to fondye or in your Hacking with RIT Larder represented ON Sao There are 31 colours Canary Yellow Dark Blue Light Brown Red Purple Murad Ferg Tan Dark Brown Dark Green Pink Light Blue Light Grey Rose Golden Yellow Era Grer Flesb Scarlet Chartreuse Yellow Tangerine Heship Grey OM Rose Henna Navy Blue Hack Tape SUNBEAM CHEMICAL CO.
Chicago, MONTEZUMA DRUG STORE PANAMA Light Green Say by CUSANTARONS ద om TARAN WASHES AS TENIS AANS ASTRO RIZ RIT WASHES AS IT DYES TRINIDAD JAMAICA Pssos 304689 the Cubans and the Jamaicans. The Secretary for Immigration rendered great assistEnthusiastic Welcome Looking After Jamaicans in ance to this Goverment in arranging for the repatriation Cuban Republic.
of natives of this Colony, investiGREETS CRICKETERS RETURN.
gating the claims of relatives ING PROM DEMERARA, of deceased persons, obtaining Govt. Makes Public CorresDeath Certificates and ecquiring into various claims for compen The Weekly Guardian of the pondence Dealing with Mr.
sation Soon after bis assump17th October says: Dignun Resignation.
tion of duty, it was found that The victorious Trinidad team be was often confronted with which has gained for the Colony THE WORK HE DID.
cases of dejtitute Jamaicans the bonour of winning the Interwho had made no deposit before colonial Cricket trophy for the leavicg Jamaica to provide for sixth occasion since the instituThe Gleaner of the 22nd ulto Keep the Dainty Garments their passage and who ought to tion of these games arrived by states that at the opening of the be repatriated, and arrange the M. Caigneto yester Legislative Council yesterday.
of Intimate Wear Always ments were made whereby Mr.
day and came ashore about the Clerk presented the follow Bright and Fresh!
Digoum was authorised to 11 a. amid scenes of general ling message from the Action Lingerie soon loses life and colour.
repatriate at once any urgent rejoicing. Mr. Cory Davies, Have RIT always at hand to keep Cases Vice President of the Queen Honourable Gentleman pretty stockings and other articles Park Cricket Club, the Com have the honour to inform you of lingerie looking their best mittee, and a number of euthu that Mr. Digaum, Secre.
by tinting or dyeing them with Charge Against Briscoe siastic sportsmen went on board tary for Immigration in Cuba, RIT. There are thirty one to meet them. Mr. Cory Davies has tendered to the Government beautiful shades and colours Fails, conveyed a message of welcome his resigoation from that post all equally good for treatand congratulation to the team with effect from the 31st of the on behalf of His Excellency the curreat month.
ing linens, silk, cottons or woolens.
The Sav la Mar correspondent Governor and fitting operches.
When garments or hangings are to the Gleaner wiitlog to that In August last, Mr. Digoum were also made by Mr.
spotted, sun streaked, stained or that, owing to tt.
paper states that Basil Baneroft Tarilton, Captain of the Barbados bigh cost of living in Cuba, hs faded, take out all the old colour with Briscoe is acquitted by the jury.
side, and Mr. Dawburst.
WHITE RIT. Then the material present salary of 800 per an.
Briscoe was put on his trial at is ready for the desired light or dark Mr. Clarke string band num did not enable him to mainthe Circuit Court sittiog here on shade of colour.
welcomed them on board and the tain himself and bis family in an indictment charging him with Sold Everywhere stores and the general populace ordinary ciort: that the larceny of cheques, arising out of joined in giving them a hearty amount of 500 voted for his the missing documents in the Welcome on their muritorious win Office expenses was too small to transactions between Mr.
after a keen struggle Edward Morris of Shrewsbury with admit of bis carrying on his Demerara.
Estate and the Sugar Tudustry work efficient and that the allowance of per diem wbun Aid Loan Board.
travelling inadequate 10 The trial began vesterday, Caught by Spring Gun moet lis necessary out of pocket Briscoe being defended by Mr.
expenses. Manley, Mr. RadIt clide, O, prosecuting.
tbat SCHOOLBOY SHOT IN LEG was necessary early consideration should be To day when the trial con Peasant Proprietor Charged.
tinued, several witnesses for the given to Mr. Dignum repre sentations as he had asked to be prosecuting were not called.
informed as soon as possiole into OSSSS000:sexO0SBXSCi sie eX53x9s Mr. Manley called no witnesses The same paper reports that whether it was likely that his for the defence but de a George Lett, a schoolboy, 14, of request would be granted. In forceful speech to the jury on Manzanilla district.
wa: dis view of this.
the late Officer behalf of the accused, charged from the Colonial Hos Administering the Government SSSSSS Mr. Radcliffe replied, and its pital on Wednesday where be was addressed a communication to Honour the Acting Chie! Jus.
September tice, summed up, reviewing the 13 list sulfering from pun shot Elected Members of this Council evidence at some leowth wounds.
informing them of the circumThe jury without retiring, reLatt, it is stated, was hunting stances and enquirlog whetber turned a verdict of no: guilty in the lands ot Francis Jales, enable Mr. Dignum to be paid they would support vote to Briscoe was accordingly BC.
a peasant proprietor of Ven Zae quitted.
la extraction on the evening of salary at the rate of 1, 200 per September 12. He was acc5m annum and additional office panied by a schoolmate and expenses and travelling allowhidden in the brushwood in bersiatimated that they were ance. The majority of the Mem.
New Telephone System their path was a spring gununable to furnish any under which was apparently set to en taking ti vote the necessary Will Soon bs Ready.
spare and kill deer which tre amount and on learning of this quent the lands. aware of the Mr. Digaum tendered his resig: hidden danger Litt and his comBuilding to House Exchange panion trotted along through the nation.
To be at the corner of Suttangled undergrowth until their Mr. Dignum has rendered Recommended for Removing the Humors of ton and Duke Streets.
progress was checked by the excellent service since he took Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, report of its contents into Litt lett leg. January last, aod the improved gun which emptied up his appointment in Cuba in Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic UNDERGROUND CABLES His companion, frightened and circumstances of Jamaicans in ot and acquainted that Republic are largely due to Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Dishis efforts and the neigbbourhood and the victim His enerky.
cases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
Special Sw. tchboard Which is Was taken bleeding considerably resignation at this jancture is Intended For Show in The to the Police Station and thencs very unfortuoate. memoranAn Alterative recommended for purify.
West Indies.
10 the Colonial Hospial on the dum has been prepared setting anthority of D: KU. igniss, out briefly some of the most ing and enriching the BLOOD. o.
important work which has been The Gleaner of the 24th ulto performed by Mr. Dignum, and states that at the directors meet.
Jules was subsequently arrested and charged with settia therandum for your information, enclose a copy of that memoing of the Telephone Co. held on Monday last, it was decided to spraing gun occasiontog bodily For Sale at all Drug Stores proceed at once with the erection harm. The cbarge will be heard The Goveroment will make of the new exchange wbich is to at toe Sangre Grande Police the best arrangements possible Court.
be built at the south wastern And in Large Quantities by foc Elling the vacancy, and His Majesty Minister at Havana corner of Sutton Street and has been asked to assist this Duke Street. The plans of the Imperial College of Tropi Government with bis viu ws in the JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy building were approved at the eeting, and it was decided to cal Agricuiture.
AGENT advertise at once in the Gleaner Représentations have been for tenders for its erection.
The Governing Body of the made to this Government by Mr.
The building when completed Imperial College of Tropical Digoum that he had to deal with will 2003 SONGS 190 100 SSBox be. concrete one, two Agriculture, in their report for a large numb or cases of West stories bigb. with all the special the year ended Decembar 31, last Indiaas other than Jamricans and express gratification requirements for a telephone he has been asked to furnish as full tbe exchange. The upper floor will the increased interest taken in the informatioa as possible as the enquiries to be had been pending for a considere handed to Commandante Portillo as a switch board room and the be occupled almost exclusively College throughout the Empire, number of such cases and for his enable able time. He met the Governors who promised to bave the pris central battery room will be for the promotion of wood agriobservations Keperally of the Provinces of Santiago and opere brought to trial to the immediately below it. The front cultural iodustries and trade, it matter. As soon as this is re One of the first matters has been established. They feel ceived, it is proposed to take up which received the attention of Mayors, Chiefs of Polica ad tie the list as early as possible.
Cumaguey and the various order in which they appeared on portion of the ground floor will confiuent that it the quisite getting the Colontes concerned was the conditions existing a spirit of zood will beiw Ja.
with a view to the Seeretary for Immigration Army, and did much to foster a be reserved for the business and Hoancial support is forthcoming to contribute to the expenses of the Quarantine Station at Santi maica sad the Cuban Governa. eat. period of strikes in March, 1925, arrangements will During Martial Law and the accounting offices. Special the Coliege will play an important be made part in promuttuk through the the Secretary for Immigration. ago, in respect of which this Gov.
cba inels of education and re4. Mr. Dignum simstes that the Jamaica Agent personally whereby the cables contaiolog JELF. ernment had received many search, the develupeut complaints from time to time, the British West Indian popula interviewed many of those who wires entering the building will Acting Governor en plade ta fall investigatioa into tion in Santia ce and Camagugla satisfied them that conditions in of sight. The new exchange contemplated giving trouble, and so underground and will be out existing, and the opening up of King House, the existing a state of ad airs and conservatively, 40, 000 and stated the future would be better and therefore, will not present the new, sources ol, supply of raw Jamaica materials on which est Btain submitted certain suggestions that on bis arrival those: serving that no useful purpose would be usual unsightliness of the old is so vitally dependent.
17th October, 1925.
Work suggestion was that the emi amounted to approximately ope served in forcing issues at sbe overbead wires rupping into it.
for a neliorating conditions. One sentences and awaiting trial Memorandum Sbewing exchanges, with bundreds of Parformed by Secretary for grants should be vaccinated tenth of per cent. He considers, present tim, 030003000000000000006 D0000 Immigration in Cuba.
days before leaving Jamaica so taking everything into considera.
The license under which the On the 6th May. a further new telephone system is to be to obviate at tion, that the West Indians 10 srogress report was received. It operated calls for a portion of the TRY quarantine The Secretary for Immigration Santiago.
Cuba sre a very law abiding was stated that the number of wirs to be la took up his duties on the 10th of a in underground KRONEN BRAU January, 1925, and the British 01 the 6th of March, Mr Cianmunity, and he brought this Jamaicaus undergoing sentences an area wbich is bounded Minister at Havana reported that gnum reported that he had very forcibly to the attention of of imprisonment was now very north by Beeston Street, on the on the he was then occupied in reading visited all the principal townsht Cuba Army, who was appointed number in Caba, and that it had the east by Hanover Street, and Commandante Portillo, of the small compared with the total south by Port Royal Street, on ON DRAUGHT berugna e various requests for Cuba and all the more important by the Cuban Government to act been found possible to get, on the west by ranges, reet.
OR BOTTLES information with regard to Ja mills where there were large officer and accom mulating pending the oppoint dians, with a view to investigat panied the Secretary for Immi aproximately, all outstanding But the Company is not coutinmaicans which had been accu settlement of British West lo as liaison cases settled. In forwarding 000000000 ment, and that he would shortlying the several complaints regration on his tour of inspection. the Agent Report, the Britisk ing isselt to this area and on its Mr. much own initiative has extended the the ceived as to imprisonment and Advertise in the Workman beincible tons roceedba tom ze tekreatment, and in a view to all West Indians waiting trial, betterte Feelingeed nothat prevailed north boundary of this underIT PAYS. the investigacions necessary to speeding up trails in cases which lo consecutive order, which he throughout the Island between (Gontinued ou page 7)
Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD alarmed ran at on the answered


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