
Huge Crowds Cheer Returning Prince.
Srems More Robust Than When He Left For South Africa on Six Month Tour.
CGARETTES UNIT NYERS TOBACCO CO unabled looked doorway, and then be beared Fuller Jewelry Store RIOR it to his lips Chesterfield is an exceptionally fine cige rette made to please even the most critical smoker.
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Be turned to other reason Be Prepared plac Chesterfield London, Oct. 16. typica London October westber, maky.
drizzling and chill, the Piece of Wales come home this afte noon. But drearer as it was, 16 could do little to dampen the enthusiasm with which be was received From the time when the Repulse was sigbted off Du bead by the Daval and airs o the moment when the Prluce turned througb the bi toric kate of St. James Palle to eek little rest in bis on quarters at York House, he was de centre of wildly ch ering throngs, and all the aftection wbich officials, the public and his own family could display.
The Prince great day began with a touch of sadauss. The tirst sbore boat to board the Repulse was launch whic came to take oli Wireless Opera tor Bramley, son of the late trade union Leader, in order that he might hasten to London to attend the funeral of his father.
Then there on the briet ceremony of farewell Cue Princ had to say good bye to bis sh mates of the past six mouth The whole sbip company leil in and the Prince, addressing comrades of the cruise, congratulated them on the way they faced the discom forts of the tropios aud the good opinions they gained in every port Captain Hope briefly responded and the Prince turned from his free life aboard ship to his duties as beir to the throne. Already iwo long, gray destroyers were slipping through the water as the escort from tho Portsmouth fleet, while overbead neaplants came swooping from the gras clouds almost to tbe waves in salute.
The Prince took a post on the bridge and stood alone as the pulse passed slowly througb tue lines of Daval craft, kay wib flattering bunting and their crews lining the decks inotionless at attention.
He was nervous.
Tb re was the old familiar togering of bis tie, and be reset his cap as though it would not be confortable, and he turned quickly from side CIGARETTES of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended them LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
green sult, formed a little group.
Last came the King in naval uniform and the Queen in a long vrey closk.
Punctually to the minute the train, with th Prince of Wales fe tbers on the engine, camslowly in. It stopped with the Prin se cap yard from the King and Queen, and the door was thrown open the Prince 74 seen standing there. He had changed on the journey from In every form can be seen naval to full Guard Uniform, and as be stood for the moment here at its best See ou a black head, the blue ribbon of the Wrist Watches, Garter and many stars almost obscuring the scarlet of his tunic Bracelets, be looked stouter and more robust than when be left.
Diamond Rings The few days rest he had bad since he lett South America and a hundred other adornbim to recever from the fatigue with which bia strenuous ments and you ll recognize six months bad taxed even bis why this is the LEADING extraordinary vitality, but he JEWELRY HOUSE in town older and more seli.
assured than London bad yet ask prices and you ll find stil known him.
It was only. another reasonmoment he stayed framed in the quickly out the He shonk bis hand and 122 ntral Phone 629 bent as ne preased it began same formal greeting but suddenly gave way and his arms around her for that Pain shoulders, and there were some bea ty bonest kisses. Princess Mary and the Duchess of York YOU can stop excru: xt claimed big attention, and ciating pain instantly ha tben came a few words with the if you will only apply other notables and specially SLOAN LINIMENT warm handshake for Stanley Baldwin. But there was little time Sloan Liniment is for greetings, and in a few pain greatest enemy ments the Prince with the King and is backed by 40 yours walking beside bim with evident of success the world over.
pride, turned to inspect the guards of bonor of the Welsh It is an invaluable or Guards, the Legion of Fron ody for tiersmen and the Church Lads the Scott Brigade.
Cheat PS Neck It was time to depart, but the It penetrates right to Queen, just as the Prince was tho wout of trouble, about to go off, drew bim aside.
warms and soothes the She wbispered in his ear and the nerves and thenes, ban Prince smiled and protested.
lahing pain.
Nevertheless, before be stepped Try it now.
xos into the open landau wherein he At all druggists and was to sit beside the King with dealers.
bis brothers opposite, he drew over bis scarlet uniform a kray military overcoat. The sovereiga SLOAN and escort Life Guards, their LINIMENT uniforms covered with long red cloaks were waiting, and as the bands crasbed out the national anthem the Prince passed out to the streets.
The route to Buckingham Palace was down Victoria Street. HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA past the Houses of Parliament, CANAL ZONE aloog White ball and by the Admiralty Arch into the Mall. Office Hours: a. to p. m, Despite the steady drizzle the to p.
way was lined throughout with DAILY cheering thousands. Most houses put out some nag or bangings PHONE 1288 BALBOA sod Westminster Hospital had a banner of welcome to the Princ. Specializes in all the branches as Our President. He have special note to that and to the of Dentistrv.
Durses in the training corps of Westminster School drawn up RM WILKINSON just opposite As the royal procession passed Contractor toe Cenotaph it slowed to a walk and the King and the Princes Saluted, but that was the only and Builder moment of silence of the wbol drive. There was a continual House No. 20 cheer for the entire two miles o 28th NOV. STREET, tbe route.
SAN MIGUBL At Buckingbam Palace there Box 411, Panama, densest crowd of all.
The steps of Queen Victoria memorial were black with peopl Plans and Specifications Free and thousands bad gathered 10 First Class Workmanship the open spaces around it.
There was considerable delay Guaranteed after the procession disappeared into the courtyard, the Peinc Notice to Correspondents.
having many court officials to greet in Contributors and correspondents We want our Prince, there asked to send in their contribu.
began to chant and at last tions not later than Thursdays to the Prince stepped on a balcony insure publication. This is imperawith the King and Queen. He was tive and must be adhered tof plainly nervous and declined take the centre of the picture.
With the big busby in his band What everyone is be stood at one end of balcony Dext to the Queen with the King saying in the further corner. Als band kept coming to salute but he turned to his mother from time KRONEN BRAU time and chattied spasmodically.
Somehow the Prince did not superior to all know what to do with the busby and shifted it uneasily.
imported beers For be a jolly good fellow, and sang the crowd, and the Kiog laughedand called on him to turn Palace for a family dinner with and show himself to the people the Ktog and Queen.
to whom so far he had his back Toe drizzly weather caused the turned. renewed cheer went crowds disperse as soon 18 up at this and onder cover of that he royal procession passed, but the Prince with one more salat the occasion was seiz:d upon by burried into the palace. few she hotels and restaurants to minutas later bedrove with his intertain the hundreds et visitors sides to York House, but it wa up from the Provinces for tbe only for an hour or two of rust notor show to special dinners and he went back to Buckingbador da ces.
Dentist Howell THE BEER SUPPLIED BY The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
is brewed from the best materials obtainable It is specially suited for this climate is superior to all imported beers sold here and it sells to the public at HALF the price.
And it was an occasion to stir even one 80 accustomed to de monstra ions as tbe Prince.
Crowds occupied every inch of sbore front. Salutes were tiring and sirens blowing. while on the quay guard of honour was drawn up and his two brothers, the Duke of York and Prince Henry, beaded a little gisup of notables.
As they stepped aboard the Prince greeted there with Ballo fellow. and gave them a hearty Rrip.
KRONEN BRAU was the the palace, Officials, including the Mayor and corporation of Portsmouth, in full civic state, followed and tben, when the Prince had received their welcome he took bio SUPERIOR TO ALL brothers to bis cabin for a half bour chat. The military and naval officers and their women dooies 3x8SXSXSS SEX folk who swarmed aboard bad a few words with bim later, and promptly on time the royal party boarded the train for London.
The Prince was due at Victoria Station at o clock, and a bour before a distinguished group of personages began to gather.
Tb Lord Mayor of Londd drove up in all his glory in bis State coach, Lord Cavan, Lord Beatty and Sir. Hugo Trei chard attended as the beads of the rmy, bavy and air 10 Premier Baldwin, Winston Churonill and other Cabinet Min spers pear ed in full uniform. Dzons of diplomats and representatiyes of the Britisb domlolons and court officials helped to swell the brilli ant assemblage.
MIS RELATIVES ARRIVE TO GREET HIM Then the members of tbe royal family began to arrive. The Duke of Connaught and his ser, Prince urtber; Process Mary, in a loog ur cost and cloebe hat, with Viscount Lascelles, and the Duchesl of York, sin charming HAND IRONERS Wanted APPLY AT ESPERANZI LAUNDRY


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