
THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1925 PAGE SEVEN Interesting West. El Excelsior THE ATTENTION Friendly Societies and Secret MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS We, Buy and Sell Pearls agrarang nararanasan Workman Stationery Store The Workman BOOK STORE Cider Champagne DO (Continued from page 2)
ground system to the top of Mark Lane, as far as the foot of JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP the race course. Special con OFducts for the underground cables Corner 12 Street East Avenue arrived in Kingston at the end of September and a considerOrders able portion of these have already We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also been laid underground, the porwatches. Our prices are the lowest and our tion of the work which lies in Mark Lane IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF Workmanship is guaranteed.
BEING ALREADY COMPLETED Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you One of the difficulties wbich may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may the Company has to encounter drsire, provided the monthly payments of is that the greater portion of their underground work lies in interest are duly met.
the area which has been dealt with by the street reconstruc Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall tion scheme, and to lay their be pleased.
underground cables, they will have to break up some of the newly constructed strets This could bave been avoided if the Suitable for Lodge Business street authorities had acceded to the request of the Telephone Company to delay reconstruction on those streels where it was comtemplated laying under CALL IN AT AT THEground cables, but the Tele.
phone Company were unable to get their rt quest for delay Rranted.
The new switch boa a photo graph of which was published in the Gleaner sometime ago. is nogo mana tropa namang mangangalan aram being erected by Kellogo s, the leading firm in telep one installNo. 93, Central Avenue ation, and this firm in writing to Wok to. We are introducir ga number of Mr. Lloyd George special features into the switcb EL GAITERO ASSORTMENT OF board you published, in addition On Dry Law.
to the features contained in the THE ONLY ELABORATED GOOD STATIONERY contract uur object being t) SAYS IT IS AN EXPERIMENT make your switch board the show ENGLAND, WITH HEAVY board of the West Indies, as we SOUVENIRS, expect t) have a number of our Spanish Cider with its DRINK BILL OUGHT TO INprospective customers from VESTIGATE.
nearby South America to visit own Carbonic Acid your exchange after your install PROHIBITION IN THE ation is completed.
From the foregoing, it will be Declares Americans e ProsCHURCH SERVICES Ebenezer Churcn of God seen ibat ibe work on the Holiness telephone system is well in hand perous Because They Hane (Continued from page 4)
and before very lonx, Kingston Adopted Volstead Act.
CALIDONIA DISTRICT can look forward to new and Seventh Day Adventist Church improved service. cable de patch from London URETIC AND REFRESHING Sunday So clock, Prayer Meetia Cleer CALIDONIA ROAD 11 a. Divine Service Preacher dated October 19 says:Trade Mark (near Isthpoinn Park. PANAMA, Supplied Mr. Lloyd George had some Sunday Evening 30 Preach 3p. Sanay School Superintendent. The Panama favou ratle words to say tonight of the pronibition law in the VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ ine Service The general public in p. PU Programine 30 Gospel Service, Preacher Treaty.
United States.
cordly invited to turn out in large He spoke at the Supplied City Temple on the responsi aumers.
bilities of free cburch men.
VILLAVICIOSA Sarlath (Saturday) 945 Sab Tuesday 30 pm. Geel Service Elder ODLF th School; 11. 158. Genera! Worship The Panama United States SPAIN Allading to the Church res3. 30 Spanish Class; Pateor intebarge Treaty to replace the old ponsibilities on the drink ques4 30 pm. Society, meeting Do not let us try Taft Agreement is again claim. tion be said: ESTEBAN DURAN 633p. Jupior and Senior Standard Bethlehem Church of God ing the serious attention of to cure external problems with an external plastar of words.
of atsinment Class pm. Vespars. Holiness the representatives of both Probibition is an experiment we SOLE AGENT Governments in Washington, oubt to investigate.
For the Republic of Panama Seventh Day Adventist Church No, MARIANO AROSEMENA it is reported here. Panama is Despite unemployment and an 3rd STREET BROADWAY, COLON SAN MIGUEL said to be holding out in her adverse trade balance be assert.
Sunday evening 30 Preaching Sunday o clock Prayer Meeting contention that the business 1316, 000, 000 on alcoholic liquors, ed that gland spent last year Service.
You are cordially invited to 11 Divine Service Preacher. done by the Canal Zone com then referring to the United attend these services and bring your supplied.
friends, p. Sunday School, Superinten missaries deprives, to some States he continued: It is no The best Tonic in the World extent, Panama out of much use indulging in coodemnation Sabbath (Saturday) 45 am Sabbath deat America Not only have School; 11. 15 am. General Worship 15 Gospel Service, Preacher of her revenue. In this con of 30 p, m, Young peoplo o meeting Supplied nection it is reported that Americans carried prohibition but political party in America 30 Vespers Tuesday 30 m. Gospel Service. steps may be taken to effec now dare propose abolition of This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend.
Thursday 7, 30 m. Sister meeting tively confine commissary prohibition, ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, and Testimony.
sales to Canal employees It had been suggested that The Church of God Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up only.
prohibition in the Taited States a run down constitution Paoamn, Aroserpes Ntreet, House 25, BEULAH. 30 a. Prayer meeting The question of having was the craz: ot cranks but 11 a. Devine Service Preacher both Governments share in States be found this entirely un San Miguel Sunday at am. Prayer went to the Uaited It promotes digestion, impruves the appemeeting and Gospel weringe et 11 am. Supplied.
and 30 to. Sunday School at p.
tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole syster the expenses of maintaining true. 80 pm. Sunday School, SuperintenHe never met a man who Monday at 31 Testimoy Meetine dant. 430 tn. Gospel Service, Prescher lepers, and other charity would vote for the re establish DOSE: One smat! Wine glass before each meal or Tuesday at 15 m. Young People Supplied.
patients now being mainly public opinion was concerned the ment of the saloon. So far as times a day.
Wednesday at 730 taken care of by Panama in beer house was Gospel meeting. Thursday at 30 thing of the Osen air meeting, Friday at 30 m. day School; 4, 50 m. Gospel Sermon Zone and in Panama, is also GAMBOA MISSION 30 pm. Sun various institutions in the past.
JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
Prayer Meeting In Canada, he remarked, proSupplied BRO, C, Pessoa. in charge. being considered, from the hibition seemed to have been Red Tank, Canal Zoue, Sunday School will be given from the pulpit.
Note. Other Se vices for the week fact that many of these pa. less successful. Retailing vari8 Gospel meeting on Thursday tients were persons original tributed to dryness Me. Lloyd Elder T, C, PRANCIS, at 30 ly brought to the Isthmus to George ropaated: Sia, GRAY Weed Killing Machine is about 12 as agpinst 75 Pastor in charve.
take part in the construction when shovel cut. However. It is an experiment we New Providence. Gospel Meetings at of the Panama Canal.
when shovel cut it was necesought to investigate. Do not 11. 30a. and 30 Bucay School Baptist Churches The Panama Railroad issary to go over the tracks at It is stated that the old condemn haphazardly. One at 3p. Wednesday at 30 G19using a weed killing machine the most times a year, pel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 Prayer issues in connection with Eundred and ten millions of (Under the auspices of the Southern people do not continue to near prohibition and suppres.
which for the past three while with the machine it Meeting Baptist Convention. make fools of themselves for months has kept their tracks will be necessary to go over Bro. McDONALD sion of the Panama Lottery Gatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Meeting 15 m. Pastor Thrift Colon 11. Mr. Bowman may be left alone.
long. They are the most pros free of weeds and grasses them monthly. For July and perous people under the sun, at 11. 30 a. and 39 Ruuday not because they have the From plans furnished by a August of the current year School at pm. Wedaeeday 7, 30 7, 15 p, nn. Dr. Wesche, Temperance Chorri lo 11 am. Descon Smith; gold but because they have United States firm, the Me the cost was about 1, 500 Gospel Meeting. Friday at 30 ro chanical Division of the Pa per month as against an lecture.
not the drink Manana Pra Meeting.
Calidopis 11 a. Leader Taitt; 15 He concluded by relating Linnama Canal built aprons or average cost for the fiscal Bro. GEORGE GRIPPITH Pastor Wirt, Lord. Supper Service colo looking forward to the wings to extend from the year Colon and Streeta. Gospel mert 1925 of 1, 817 per Red Tank 11 a. Descon Crooks; This is a Spanish word, pro time when there would be posides of an ordinary flat car month ings at 11. 30. and 30 Bunday 15 Sergeant Brinkley.
nounced maryana, languidly slavery and no drink. He got Behool at 3p. Wednesday at 30 Gatun 11 a. Pastor Thrift, Lord and leisurely, and is the most im rid of slavery, ex zlaimed Mr. and which may be lowered m. Gospel Meeting. Friday at 30 Sapper service. 15 tn. Descon Ruby, portant day in a lazy inan life. Lloyd George, and sixty years to about the height of the rail Prayer Meeting.
New Providence 11 am. Dercon Manana neans tomorrow.
later the people are on the bigb above the ground. This gridBroome.
Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON It is the watchword of the weary, road to accomplish the second car. as it is called, is pulled Why pay double price Empire 11 a. Deacon Brown; 15 the slogan of the slumberer.
by a locomotive running Descop Rareell.
Manana serves the luggard inbackward and furnishing for inferior imported Bethel Church of God Puebo Nuevo 11. Dancin stead of pep. It takes the place Beer when you can Holiness Minto 715 Mr. Peterkin. of the get up and git of the Rent Receipt Books in Span. superheated steam which is buy a superior Beer RIO ABAJO, LAS SABANAS hustler, ish and English for sale at the released under the aprons.
British Consulate Notice. It is the day when the ne er do Workman Printery At a speed of miles an hour such as BALBOA for Sunday 5m, Prayer Noethug.
weil gets a job and the miser sends these jets of steam kill the 11 an. Divine Service. Preacher half the price.
weeds and grasses with ex8 Sunday School; Superintendent. The British Consulate General his wife to Palm Beach 30 pm. Gospel Service, Preacher in Panama, desires information as It is the day when the little boy first day on the wagra for the rum ception of a strip of about to the whereabouts of Zachariah wipes his feet before coming into hound.
feet wide on each side near Tuonday Goudel service at the usual Nassam Clarke, who sometimes the house and the little gul asks to Manana is the day when we ali ditches which it is impossible Advertise in the Workman hour, cal himself Geral. IT PAYS.
Bro. Wilmorr, Clerk in charz. ka wa by his frienes as Quacy. It is the bum busy day, sad the rush around to pay our bills. to reach. The cost per mile Exchange VIGOR TONIC no Bupplied.
and is wipe the dishes


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