
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1925 PAGE SEVEN Interesting West. El Excelsior JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP Corner 12 Street East Avenue (Continued from page 2)
rationed ber as well as Great Britain which now had to makeshift with 15. 000, 000 bunches, The protected market in Canada was worth 500, 000 of which the colony could lok forward to get about 000, 000. 10 Jamai ca butches of bananas fetebed from 23, to 65 and 43. on the average. This would pay hand somely bere with labour wberber it was East Indian, Chinese, Negro, Portugese or European We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also watches. Our prices are the lowest and our Workmanship is guaranteed.
Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may drsire, provided the monthly payments of interest are duly met.
Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall be pleased.
THE ATTENTION OFFriendly Societies and Secret Orders IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS TRINIDAD Frog Hopper Pest We Buy and Sell Pearls MENACE TO TRINIDAD SUGAR CROP Suitable for odge Business AT THE The Workman BOOK STORE Qorao na ng Workman Stationery Store Du magpaungoma EL GAITERO THE ONLY ELABORATED Spanish Cider with its own Carbonic Acid Cider Champagne could URETIC AND REFRESHING Brave, Trade Mark VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ S, VILLAVICIOSA SPAIN alarmi: 8, ESTEBAN DURAN SOLE AGENT For the Republic of Panama Under the above captions the West India Committee Circular CALL IN AT 8áy As readers of Mr. de Verteuil contributions from Trinidad wil have noted, the frog hopper pest in that island is again assumitry very rious propor tions. It is indeed computed that in several Cases sugar estates ng mga mangg will suffer losses varying from No. 93, Central Avenue 25 to 40 or even 50 per cent.
through toeir depredations. The matter, it is understood, is Human Rights on engaging the attention not only ASSORTMENT OF of the local Department but also Trial.
of the Imperial College of Tro.
GOOD STATIONERY pical Agriculture At a meeting of the Agricul Clarence Darrow, noted criminal tural Sciety of Trinidad and lawyer of the United States who fiSOUVENIRS, Tobago on September 10th. Mr. Zured prominently in the defence Wm. Nowell. Assistant Director in the famous trial of Leopold and of Agriculture for Trinidad and Loed in Chicago ana in the recent Tobago, said he had inspected Dayton Evolution trial, has been the affected area and that as lar secured by Negroes of the United as the urgent need for action States to defend with other noted CHURCH SERVICES Ebenezer Church of God W18 he nothing lawyers, Dr. H. Holiness that, even if they had 100016. and nine other for force to his wife of Michianything be done to gan for the alleged killing of Leon (Continued from page 4)
to present epidemic. There was Brenner, a white CALIDONIA DISTRICT American, Seventh Day Adventist Church no doubt that the position was when the former, it is said, fired in Sunday 50 clock, Prayer Meetin the present oucbreak a mob in defending their homes. CALIDONIA ROAD Qur 11 am Divine Service Preacher. promis u to be equally a serious The defense is said to be ex pour Isthmian Park. PANAMA Supplied and possibly more serious tbau periencing hard tume in selecting Babbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sab 3p. Sunday School Superintendent. those of the bad years of 1996, a jury for the trial 6o. PU Programme bath Sehool; 11 15, Gears! Worship 1912 and 1917 as 30 pm. Spanish Class; 30 Gospel Service, Preacher planters who had gone through most of the prospective jurymen Experiet. ced the PHILADELPHIA TRIBUNES to Supplied Loose bad years were of opinion admitted that they are prejudiced 430 M. Society, meeting Tuesday 30 Gompel Service that this might prove to be thagrinst Negroes. The first panel of 53 pm. Junior and Senior Standard of atainment Ches p. Vespers.
Elder ODLE worst of all. Although it might 165 persons, the TRIBUNE says was Patsor in ebarge.
sound there was exhausted and another 65 is far Sunday ever ing 30 Preschnothing to be done at the present on its way to completion Nearly ing Service. The gineral public is time. The hop of combating this 100 persons were challenged by the cordially invited to turn out in large Bethlehem Church of God pest lay in pa lent and system. defense. The questions of Mr.
numbers. Holiness atic investigation and the pro Darrow and Mr. Nelson trike posals put forward by the Prog hard at white supremacy. The Seventh Day Adventist Church No, MARIANO AROSEMENA St. hopper Committe were designed following are among the questions on the lines which gave most which each juror must answer 3rd STREET BROADWAY, COLON SAN MIGUEL hope of some amelioration of, or satisfactorily.
Sabbath (Saturday) 45 in Babbath Sunday o clock Prayer Meeting remedy for, the pest. Personally 11 Divine Service Preacher, he telt if these recommendations Are you prejudiced?
sebel; 11. 15 a. General Worship Bro A, Small 30 p, Young people meeting Do you believe in equality of were carried into eitect some the law? p. Sunday School, Superinten method might be devised that Do you believe a man in this free 30 Vespero dent would give relief from such country should purchase property Sunday evening 7, 30 Preaching 5:0p. Programme. invasions as they were experi where he chooses and his means Service. You are cordially invited to 15 Gospel Service, Preacher encing at present. The matter permit him?
attend these services and bring your Bro Phillips was one that bad been carefully iriends, Note. Other notices for the week will investigated for years. Mr.
Do you believe color has anybe given from the Williams bad explored all thing to do with a man princiBEULAH 30 a. Prayer meeting known methods to find a remedy The Church of God 11 a. Devine Service Preacher for the pest and he brought an Do you believe in mob violence?
Panama Arosemena Street, House 25, Elder Francis.
immeuse amount of patience, c lored man who offered his Sun Miguel Sunday at at. Prayer 30 Sunday School, Superinten skill, and knowledge to bear on services for the jury was turned meeting and Gospel merings at 11 am deut. 430 Gospel Service, Preacher bis tovestigations, the results of down by Mr. Darrow wuo explainwhich Were sod 30 Sunday School at pm. Elder T, Francis.
embodied in Pd, laconically, that if he didn memoir published by Mnday at 30 Testimony Meeting the challenge him the prosecutor Tuesday at 15 pm. Young People GAMBOA MISSION 30 Sun speaker said fraukly, that in his Department of Agriculture. The woulu.
Meetin2. Wednesday at 30 pm day School; 4, 30 Gospel Sermon opinion, although some measure Cel meeting. Thursday at 30 pm. Supplied.
Open air meeting, Friday at 30 possible, Prayer Meeting Note. Other Services for the week any attempt to deal with the pers: Slip of Tongue Gives Man will be given from the pulpit. in its present stage was hopeless Freedom.
BRO, C, Pessoa, in charge. Elder FRANCIS, The present now Red Tank, Csoal Zone, Sunday School Pastor in charge. being attacked by its Washington, Nov. (Preston p. Gospel meeting on Thursday etfective natural enemy News Service. The slip of a jury the at 30 green muscadine fuoku. Williams charged with assault with foreman tongue gave Timothy Sis. GRAY Baptist Churches great deal now depended on the w Providence. Gosprl Meetings weather.
It a marked Indian a deadly weapon, his freedom 11 30am and 30 Sunday School summer brought a period of two The verdict was announced as at pm. Wednesday at 30 G1 (Under the suspices of the Southern or three weeks dry weather the not guilty, although the jury inpel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 Prayer Baptist Convention. would become more of the foreman was made known to tended it to be guilty. The inistake Meeting.
Colon 11 a. and 15 Pastor extensive. Continuance of wet Bro. MeDONALD Thriit. Lord Supper aftrer eseb service weather would bring reliei.
the court and the jury was polled, Gatun, Capal Zone. Gospel MeChorri lo 11 a. and 7, 15 returning a verdict of guilty.
at 11. 30 a. and 30 pm Sunday Pastor Witt, Lord Supper after each QOVDO0Q0000000000 00000Cc verdiet muust stand and ordered the Justice Stafford decided the first School at pm. Wednesday 30 service.
defendant released Goepel Meeting. Friday at 30 Calidonis. 11 a. Deacon McIntosh; TRY Pra 15 pm. Deacon Smith, Bro, GEORGE GRIFFITH Red Tank. 11 a. Descon Crooke; Rent Receipt Books In SpanColno and Streets. Gospel meet. 15 Deac Yearwood.
Gatun 11 a. Supplied; 15 ish and English for Sale at The ingust 11 30 am and 30 pm. Sunday School at 3p. Wednesday at 30 Mrs. Thrift, ON DRAUGHT Workman Printery, pm. Gospel Meeting Friday at 30 Empire. 11 a. Deacon Cummings. 15 Russell OR BOTTLES Prayer Meeting.
Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON son 15 Pupplied.
New Providence. 11 am. Deacon Broome.
TAKE NOTICE HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA Bethel Church of God Holiness CANAL ZONE.
Salyation Army Hall, The WORKMAN News Office Hours: a. to p. RIO BAJU, LAS BABANAS LA BOCA CORPS paper can be had at the fol to p. Sunday 58. Prayer Meetl. 30. Knee Drill.
11 a. Holiness Meeting.
1) an. Divine Service. Preacher DAILY lowing places: sp. Sunday School; Superintendent p. Sunday School.
Lindsay Place, No. 2, PHONE 1288 BALBOA 30 pm Gospel Service, Preacher 6, 30 Open Air.
Street, San Miguel.
Supplied. 30 Salvation meeting. March, Barber, 55, Cali Specializes in all the branches Bro. WILMOTT, Clark in charge We extend a cordial invitaton to all, dunia Road.
of Dentistrv.
the pulpit.
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Puebo Nuevo. Deacon John ODS. GOODSC00. 0008 Dentist Howell The Workman Printery 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Panama City.


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