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that. Continued from page 1)
Continued from rage Yes! There will be no races a died, giving plaer instead to Lay letor on the one hand and Juan Franco Park tomorrow alwarm glow of loving a Imirin a powerful maralime insurance ternoon, Deltber will there be and respect. Her exalted positio company on the other re those at To Night Big Attraction any there on the following to did not make her secure against the head of the movement which Sundays the common griefs of humauity has already caused great and TV Illness came to her, serious illoeas favorable impressions snappy card on Sunday last DUSTIN FARNUM in on the was the feature of the eve of the. ba one time threatened to general public, having been three week boliday and the leave her a hopeless cripple: her ported in less that 24 hours by eight events were witnessed by a eldest son died on the very thres several well known and important dense crowd of turfites.
bold of manhood, and her youngest personages.
child lived only long enough to The attit ide of the British GovOn this occasion Jockey Muncs make his loss harder to bear. The eroment in thie matter was clearly Pathetic Love story with a big Moral played by one of Broadway favourites. Dad the distinction of bringing in princess of romance faded from the outlined at the Wasbington ConALSOBolseeviki as winner of the day popular miod, and in the place of ference sometime classic, six and one half far ago and it is that itage arose the figure of a believed that England (which, by RIDING MASTER. long race for the best imported woman suhject to sorrow and the way, would be the country to borses to which a purse of dre heart ache, and therefore all the derive most favorable bereits in Comedy in Reels bnodred dollars was attacbed Burlesco with Jimidez up came more to be loved Care the abolition is adopted by all The Princess was already an other a tions) will probably agiin TO MORROW NIGHT secood and Manus ridden by aging woman when the death of bring forward the question for reArands came third Queen Victoris raised the Prince of consideration by the other powers BEBE DANIELS IN Factor Ruso the fourth borse in Wales to the Throne as King Lady Astor speaking recently the race, rap last Bolsheviki paid which modern life demands of a is stated as saying that he was 40 and 60. 83. 30 was paid on Edward VII It is no easy tok at a feminist meetinz in Plymouth. THE CROWDED HOUR the second borse. Bolsbeviki k ng or queen, and to be called anxious and altogether inclined to time over the distano was 20.
upon to perform that task at the start propaganda campaign Paramount Production that is herald as one of the year best productions, In the fifth race of five for age when the ordinary man or throughout the entire world with a woman seeks rest and ease is to be view of securing the support of all one filled with pathos, sentiment, Love and Romance.
longs in which Tigre, Meelah, West Mestb, Colombia, asked to bear a heavy burden. men for the complete abolitioa Right royally the roval pair of the use of submarines in all Sauvage and Sunny Girl look Three Shows, Matinee 45. Evening Show 30 responded to the part, Tigre, witb Escobar up was call, and, times and, if not possible, at least the winner, paying the biggest although the heavier share of the in time of peace. Lord Parmour is and 8, 45 burden would seem to have been reported to have declare that all pool for the day, 90. Jockey Prices 15 25 cts.
horne by the king the share possible support should given Hildago who rode Sunny Girl the borne by Queen Alexzodra was, in the projet t, while Admiral Mark B3 9550SSSSS lavorite was pulled off ble mount fact, no less weighty. Unobtrusively Kerr stated that the use of suh seseoses by beta. e one end of which was she performed many an act of marines represent the most cruel taken away by Tigre and snap ped back arornd Hildago Deck kindness; many a difficult situation and treacherous form of warfare was eased by her womanly tact. which should be for ever stamped Panama Elks go Tbo jockey was not seriously Heavy Day Traffic The Caymanian Apart from the activities which out, all nations reverting, in case Lurt and Sunny Girl at around riderless her station demanded of her, she of another war, the traditional was bueied in uopublished charities gallantry and gentlemanly condnet Through Canal Outrage.
Muuoz also rode apotber good and in quiet well doing for which which seamen of all times have race when he brought in Top maoy today still call ber blessed.
shown towards their enemies, Sergeant at the bead of bis feld On November 23 last 16 Commenting editorially under At last came the great, thought The Bills of Mt. Olympas in a six furlong distance for a not the final grief of her life, the commercial vessels transited the above caption, the Northern Lodge, 559 and Daughters of live horsts, beating Marcela and death of King Edward whose faitb.
EXCELSIOR THEATRE the Panama Canal from the News of Montego Bay rays: Eureka Temple. 309, PO of Jolly Fellow who come in, ii ful consort she had been for over Now Dearly two months ago a Elks of the World made a com order named.
Pacific to the Atlantic and number of Gayman Island fisher plete success of their outing on forty years since that day of early To Night THE GRAIL from the Atlantic to the Pacific, folk were arrested by the Color Thanksgivide Day. During the (Arande) Linda (Munoz) ata Otber winners were. Zipl Zape spong Sad and weary Queen Alexandra withdrew to the first reclusion aod repose of her long in the stupendous Fox Prod ucestablished a record of traffic charges of poaching in Colombia th Jupiter Pluuius would open DIDR post in order named ja tbe Representations life. After that time, she tion THE GRAIL. at the Exwere his reservoirs and spoil the fun.
WAS seldom seen, but never forgotten celelor. The Story ef The Grail in that direction for one day, made to this Government by the But as Old Si drove him to the tirst race of tour furlongs.
Gabio Moral that will remain exceeding the former record matter being brought up in the cover, the bandsome Eaglilipe Beautifal still, though frail, aged fresh on your mind after you of 15 transits established on Legislative Council when the Chiva owoed by Bill Coppio, led longe: Poncho Roto (Moore)
In tbe second race of 64 furthoughts of the shop lewe bone her 22 (Carrinio) Gallarta and suffering. lived in story in which a man does the and tons of cargo carried, telegraphic communication with those of Bills Worrell and Forde. Casas. there grew an atmosphere tender adoration tinged with some wors, with out looking back as however, did not equal the nod the tbirty odd inen wwe re Savannabe. There, 12 miles from longs. Risa Loca (Arangu xj of inevitable for better or for the British Minister at Bogota roll gracefully towards the In tbe third race of seven turthing of the awe of legend, 80 to what the outcome would be record established on May 1, leased. They were released, accord. libe bustle and commotion bear her desth, she was to say more would be giving 1924. The record established ing to a statement made by the cos inopolitan Panacon, the man Marcela (Moore) Jolly Sellos secluded, kind, deathless deinde de faird partnere beautiful, the Piot, you must see your old on May 2, 1924 was as follows: Acting Colonial Secretary in the deridge Harb camped 16, the (Carrillo. favourite in one of the biggest From Atlantic to Pacific, the 24th of October. Subsequently, river tbat ripples peacefully longs: 18uper Gloria (Schulta)
Legislative Council, on Saturday, sparkling waters or a winding But death has come to her at sensation of the year.
In the seventh race of six forlast, Death, who with equal stride transits: 28, 833 tons of Earg 2018?? tools to the es reported you the colombiano throue bol Juhen power bordered Bolt (Carrillo) Aracunda treads down alike the towers of carried To Morrow Night. THE came through that village of Dlaz. Moore)
kings and the hovels of the poor; amount of 28, 941. 06 caught the fishermen red banded Death, who bastens at no man CROWDED HOUR There was an intermixture of In the eighth event of Ave forcall and delays not for any prayer.
collected. From Pacific to fishing in prohibited waters and Dancing, racing, Caribe Today she is laid to rest in that Atlantic 15 transits: 133, 776 that was why they were arrested. pastimes.
Chapel at Windsor where sleep To Morrow Night you bave tons of cargo carried and tolls And now comes the further ewe see men in en tres climbins, and Valencio) Candlewood Carts cricket with Secretary Jones The racing season will start already those who occupied the the glorious honor of seeing the amounting again during the Christmas before her. Bebe Daniels ber not like The climax of bilarity came bolidaye.
wben toe terwonyal y dead there is none last Triumpho TPEL CROWE collected. Figures for M3ven they have been re arrested. Does wielding a victous bat.
Billy Coppin, Thorpe, more truly royal than ehe. She was HOUR The Extravagatza of ber 23 last were as follows: British subjects?
inore words or sit Henry Wotton, this picture will make you sit op From Atlantic to Pacific. very small things, and we are and Gibbs indulged in a cane with the money his to At times great issues arise from White, Spence. Joboson, Lasbley Boy: boss told me not retun By virtue first, then choice, a and wonder, its scenle view will transits: 13, 839 tons: tolls wondering whether England will eating contest. It was some fun Queen. It is few indeed who can make you hold your breatb, ana 29, 164. 67? from Pacific to accept the right of Colonbis to ar Talks about Longfellow village you ll have to bara li me keting and The Debtor: Poor boy; m afraid throughout long life, cccupy the way to which Miss Daniels Atlantic, 16 transits, 103, 818 rest British subjects on the high Smithy, one only had to glance at the job.
without detraction, at least indifference, tender spot in the beart of the tons and 73, 182. 35 in tolls. seas, and have nothing to say about these steel jawed hombres to such high bandedness. Tbis incident, learn that the poor Bmith was but Queen Alexandra was of the most crude observer. There will is, therfors, in our opinion our only a baby doll after all.
few. She indeed lived.
be three shows of this picture that ought at once to be reported Wearing the white flower of a blame Matinee at 45. Evening show NOTE FROM REID to the Home Authorites Coppin covered bimself with get What everyone is 30 46 Prices 15. and 25 thorough investigation mide of the cane clory the way he devoured a 12 footer, while Lasbley, Wbite Before a thousand peering little Cents.
whole incident, Suely all will ad Gibbs and Johnson came puffing saying (Continued from page 1)
In that fierce light which beats upon a Malabre wharf and along with mit that there is something pecu and sporting behind like George a throne.
SPARKLETS. was found the following note also liar about the whole matter KRONEN BRAU Stepbinson tirst locomotive.
And blackens every blot.
an empty rum bottle:We are of course Dut unminful of (Contioued from page 1)
Little Spence, the counterpart am wapniog my young com the fact that the Colonial Secretary of Zichaeus the tsx gatherer is superior to all RACIAL REVOLT throb faster and eyes glitter almost pomens because have got into a released ex gratia, but if the crime surely matherer of cones. He from a frenzied mind over this bit trap imported beers bis glasses while mad (Continued from page 1)
that did not expect. which these people were lleged to iosufficient and be laid stress oncently of piffle, to locate what have re drank one pint of rum to make me bave committed was of such a se charlie cranked bim up, and a. 332 invented tbe Deed of reinforcements, Garvey Milton, like Marcus, fills Cartoon de Market isO be released at all, and therefore ble forehead Speace ciertack e gainets, Mr. foel happy.
Send to Miss Morris, of rious nature they would not have drops of perspiration rolled from especially white troops. tell her of my hd, Say good it seems to us that to give sem Ibis came with the rapacity of Commissioner be mnade sharp Strand over at Colon and as to the ON shaving.
complaint against certain British Silver Clubhouses in the Canal meet him in Paradise.
what have done but hope to their first act this second arrest Thorp. is wonder. He told been. But we agente in Damascus: be charged Zone, when he decides to put on bis them have just indicated this incident bis cogele eyes while the sound offers the best advantage for the with sending coloured compilations at any of them be training of Coloured children despatches and provoking pinic, he to refrain from announcing When the hat and note were Government may be disposed to in action, joint atter joint 17 Love Lane. is now getting bigger than the local tuat issued from his throat was not unlike that of a machine gun on the Atlantic end.
bot testifies to the co operation same from tha sides of the popular found the Water police were oom handle. Because of what appears to which he had received from other Britieb sources ctivas. Well, Milton Garvey is municated with and an exhaustive be the particular outrageousness disa peared down a resourceful ELEMENTARY ACADEMIC COURSES At the conclusion of the bearing, Theatre and he has diverted the set search was made around Malabre of its charcater it is of a calib e to souch.
Thoroo bus won the Daladier, the War Minister aetention of his hundreds of collower: pier for the most part of the day, be dealt with by the Foreigo Office; belt by cle. olog up three to one.
At the end of a pleasant day. Some of the leading subjects we: was indi if nounced that he was planning to there. Garvey, the local hallmark cated that Reid bad drowned him been made we have not the least Grand State Organizer Eliott to Syris of popularity. is managing the Shorthand Typewriting doubt that the Acting Governor was given roualog cheers and self.
FRENCH FORCES movies. Nuf Sed.
Last night the body of the unfor will do so.
Commercial Law Exalted Ruler Ed, Worrell much Book keeping Sidon, Syria, Nov. 19. French tanate yoning man was seen by Mr. Where the Caymanians were applause for the planning and Algebra Geometry reinforcemente comprising 1, 900 ITEMS OF INTEREST. George Green, the wharfinger, arrested competent witnesses are success of the outing. Camps Chemistry Physics funtrymen with a tank and ar in off Malabre prepared to swear that they were were then struck, borns tooted, moured car bave reached this port.
Music Spanish (Continued from page 1)
pier. The water police were com more than fifty miles away from and the chivas beaded for home with the merrymakers to await turpedo boat destroyer bas Corporal land. as Domestic Arts also arrived. The commander of Guachapali Chater of the Henry and other policemen recover the nearest beed, whistling means the greater time the comin New Social Ethics Year Day Debating and Elocutionary Exercises the destroyer visited the Presbyte A, held on Sunday evening ed the body and took it to the while, that the men and their rian Mission schools and the Near last was an able address, Mortuary where the autopsy will vesselz with their valuables were Logic and Parliamentary Procedure.
East relief he performed to day by Dr. the illegally apprehended. And if that which he requested to. em in pro Strike for your Alters by Hon Lawson Gifford, O, for is so this country is going to Terms Roasonable mising adequate warning of any the lady president of the Kingston insist that our fillow subjects sbali Have you tried the CHARLES BURKE.
danger from rebels. The Druse Chapter, Mrs. Bridget Aird, be protected.
force behind Sedon are commanded The Altar included such as both eloquent and interesting new Beer Principal by Said Altrash a brother of the Mrs. DANIEL, 66 Sultan Altrash. Refugees from the great institutions in Africa, and was listened to by hund Kronen Brau Associate.
interior continue to pour into the purity, Godliness, and Africa reds of members and friends Advertise in the Workman as the goal. The address was of the A, IT PAYS.
Cristobal Silver Clubhouse less life, Desses. one both bye. The Silver Club School towu.


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