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PRICE Cts. Cy.
British King Ends Parliament NEW YEAR Hopeful Speech Large Number of Aliens Debarred From With year onerous to upon us.
to all decide to view of ale is my belief and carneat hope that those instruments par des of latest malaments les ne sont des personas agente con le remuezing aliano regte to we BRITISH GREETINGS MEMBERS By British West Indian Wel. Of Parliamont Sail for tar. Committee of Colon, West Indies.
Says he Has Been Comforted in It is very good thing that nt least. for ioadon, Dre, 16. The West Reduction In Number Said to be Recent Bereavement by Sym whe, the vicissitudes of tees India Committee haneunoire blant Due to Action of Consuls Refus.
which. and hearts delegation of Empire Par pathy From Overseas Dominions. full of gladness, look forward with liamentary Association, compris ing Visas Before Embarkation.
ope 1925 has been attended by sie ner of Works, Miss Cotter Lord London, Dec, 22. Parliament was prorogued over the many trials wbich tendered the life Queenborough, Miss Paget, Cox states that during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1925, the cable despatch from Washington, dated December 6, holidays to day with a speech from the Throne. of the average West Indian verv mander Carlyon Bellaire, The grievous loss which and my family sustained exception during the home with the Goldroos elhed to come for Brigitte number of aliens debarred from the United States was a few bolj but limited Guiaon on 8. Inanda by the death of my beloved mother is first in my thoughts, attempts on the part of a smali delegation will be joined in Trini 25, 390, as compared with 30, 284 in the previous years, said His Majesty. It has been a solace to me in my grief to number of jadividuals and orga dad by the Rt Hon. Roberts, Secretary of Labour James Davis states in his annual have received from all classes in all parts of my Dominions Dizations is nothing late Minister of Pensions, about report. Operation of the quota control plan under which and from all foreign countries touching assurances of their indicate any real progress on the January 20 and by Captain consuls may refuse visas tefore embrakation, is stated to be deep sympathy in my sorrow and expressions of their part of our West Indian populaew Areluar Exsus and MatreEvans ca responsible for the difference. Of the rejections during the The the. Jsouary 16th. The seen affectionate regard for one who was enthroned in the love although extremely diseatisfied off by representatives of the West past year, 15, 989. were made at land ports of aliens attemp.
of my people.
with their condition. have not India Committee and maay ting to enter without proper visa certificates. Only 2, 618 am happy to welcome home my on, the Prince of made any serious effort to ir prove friends.
had to be rejected at seaports for this cause. The small numWales, on his return from his visit to South America, West they should be. The year 1928 ias and things are not what ber involved at seaports is due to the fine imposed upon Globe Trotter Visits Africa and South Africa. have been deeply touched by stermship companies, 1, 000 dollars for every alien so with brilliant Panama the account he gave me of the warm welcome everywhere dawned promises and numerous opportuni brought accorded him, and am proud to think that his visit served ties of which every West Indiaa One of the outstanding features of immigration activi, avail. Our Our resolution Another globe trotter made ties the Strengthen the bonds which link this country with the for the New Year should embody time periodos Barma tion of the new land border patrol, for which an appropriahis appearance in Panama, this peoples of South America.
may serve improve our status and weyi hand Empire, who left Japan sinre 1903 small force of border guards, hastily chosen and organised uld Okada, a son of the Rising Sun tion of 1, 000, 000 dollars was made. Pointing out that this RELATIONS WITH FOREIGN POWERS.
work of for a kfty year trip around the into units, is a marked achievement, the Secretary enumerdetermination with My foreign relations with foreign Powers continue to be friendly. It was a source of great satisfaction to me to cobering in a reigo of peace and world. He bas already visited parte ates some of its activities. This patrol turned back wither Europe, Canada, welcome in London the distinguished plenipotentiaries of Indian Welfare Committee is taking Contral Americe, coverig 76, 500 resorting to warrant procedure 14669 aliens who attempted Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Poland and Czecho advantage of this opportunity to miles on foot, and after a stay of to illegally to gain entrance to the United States, and referred Slovakia. who on December 1, signed the diploniatic make known its determination to one month here intends to proceed 13, 550 persons to local immigrant inspectors for further indo all in its power to enhance the 10 Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, vestigation.
instruments initiated Locarno.
progress West ladians generally. Chile and other South American They arrested warrants 2, 718 aljens captured 325 by giving surety to the peoples immediately concerned, will suffering and degearration is the Europe to his reland home. He is aliens. In the course of their activities they inspected prove to be not only the foundation of a inde peacefuilure of the averace individual culmede data for the pubucation 104 073 freight and passenger u sins and 1, 553. 500 passenwhich cannot failed to benefit the whole world. rejoice at No diaorganized people have ever od bis impressions of the counter and motor buses and boats and other transportation between them, but the beginning of friendly co operation appreciate the spirit of organizat on of a book in which will be discuss gers. They stopped and examines 416, 976 automobiles the part my Government was able to play in the negotiations succeeded in making any ap and customs of the peoples visited, conveyances. There were 1, 535, 650 passengers aboard leading up to this happy event. have given assent to alee our progress, and until we call their racial differences and the promlautomobile buses and the miscellaneous transportation con.
Bill for confirmation of the agreement reached between my effort and direct hem in certain gress being made.
veyances mentioned.
Ministers and the Governments of the Irish Free State and select de fin de ebameelsume Povilo ne regrou Make Progress.
Northern Ireland to amend and supplement articles of our present detached situation. he be able to remove ourselves from Besides strictly immigration work, this border patrol gave assistance to other official administering customs, December 6, 1921. It is my heartfelt prayer that this ballsh West Indian Welfare ComIn President Coolidge 1925 prohibition and international revenue laws. This assistance measure may advance co operation and strengthen goodwill will do all in its power to Message to the Congress of the took the form of the seizure of 236 automobiles 194 boats in Ireland.
promote the spirit of pride and love Vuited State he said, in reference and other conveyances and the contraband goods which WEMBLEY EXHIBITION.
and work out real Negroes: Nearly one tenth of and comporti berike practical program during After expressing gratitude to all throughout the Empire, year 1926 Let us forget uur petty, Negro race. The progress which 440. 700 dollars.
our population consists of the they contained, the total estimated value of which was when co operated in the Great Wembley Exhibition the ersonal and colonial differences, they have made in all the arts of speech continues:and work unselfishly for the good civilizatien in the last 60 years is of all, Death of Charles almost beyond belief. Our country Further preferences on goods imported into this coun1926 Carnival Under We beg to extend our beartiest has a more loyal citizen. But they try froin other parts of the Empire have been accorded by greetings and best wishes, with the do still need sympathy. kindness, Campbell.
legislation and other measures for the development of sincere hope that the year 1926 wi and helpfulness, Those who do vio Empire trade are receiving the close consideration of my prove a banner year for our West lence to them should be punished It is indeed with aad regret that for the holding of the 1928 CarniPreparations are well under way Government.
Todian people.
we have to cbroucle the death An act had been passed to give effect to certain Charles Campbell which sad bigger and better time than in preval and all indications point to provisions contained in the Treaty of Commerce and SPARKLETS occurrence tock place at the PanaNavigations with Germany and ratifications of that Treaty ma Hospital on Sunday night last vious years. The General Comnuit have been since exchanged.
at about 12 o clock, after a short tee has been appointed by Mayor The remainder of His Majesty speech deals with there happens to be a mult two and it such this act forts coming op mnofully, and was practically in that line, as Secretary, and Mr.
an increase of pay in a mooth or illness of three weeks, during which Gaeliodo with Doa Juaa Pastor time ne sufferd greatly, but bone Paredes as as president. Senor Ridomestic affairs making reference to the progressive plicity of trrors in this week to give up interest, but join to depression in the coal trade, which led to a grave economic piffle you no doubt know the res work. The Americans did not build conscious to the last recogaixing Vacker of the Gas Company crisis and the danger of an industrial continct, which was sou in the recent past there was the great United States of America nost devoted in their attendance de consola rebat bothun dhe National and were taking. It is averted by a subsidy to the coalindustry. Hope is expressed season which breeds and tolerates people accomplish the greatest at the sick bed.
Christmas con that the increase in the number of houses built in England somnambulists and develops ob enginerring feat the Panama Campbell was a native of Jamai. Gwent and the Canal will make substantial monMunicipal and Wales will continue because of the importance of this uscated intellects. Notwithstand and. in a fortnight. Let us, as we go ea and came to the lethmus during etary contributions to the succes measure to the health of the people.
ing this additional handicap put through the year, clear away the the early construction days. He of the fiesta, the former with The speech notes that a ten years subsidy has been forth great efforts to grind out obstacles which are detriment to worked with the Pacific Steam 2, 500 and the latter with 1, 000.
given to the country best industry and that measures have soclude in it my wish for a bright to think about ourselves as indiv. years and was later employed Canal Zone has signified, by letter, been enacted to safeguard by means of customs duties and prosperous reste yandian ever du holder and we Vest dindian oru irigerating Company as stenorkra. Honorary President of the Commifor this column so as to our prog. ess; let us learn not only Navigation Company for a number Governor Walker of the the Brewing of the certain industries which have been proved after enquiry to body: As a West Indian be suffering from unemployment due to exceptional much in H, Minister Chnst whole, and wben wº join the pber and typist, covering a period ttee and it is expee ed ganization let us in addition to mas Message which will certainly personal help we foreign competition of an unfair nature, sect wo of 10 years, which position beld dent Rodolfo Chiari, to whom a help me uuring the year aud derive from :ame, direct our atten up to the time of his death. similar invatation was tendered, expect all who read it will find tion to its building for the ge eral Campbell was in of Vey will 8000 be heard froin in the ITEMS OF INTEREST LOCAL FOREIGN something in it to help them. If betterment of West Indians. am quiet and affable disposition which affirmative. The flag raisine cereof the WORKMAN of December 25. that the parsons work; however, he knew not how to give an offence 9th, when the usual parades you have not read it. secure a copy not asking you to joia the Church, made for bim a number of friends: monjes bave been fixed for January Panama Health Resort, the day.
in which it was published, 11 as if they should ask you to join the and was cared for and respected by accompainied by bands of music tu the beautiful and picturesque writeu in plain English for the Church, don reject the call but all witb whom he came in contact. The Independence. Santa Ana and island of Taboga, was visited It was announcedyesterday plain people.
take the matter under advisement. This was amply borne out by the DeLesseps Parks will take place.
by many West Indians yerter by the Panama Electric Com MY APPEAL TO West Indians.
As to the 1, A, that entire large number of mea, both old made this Walised behind his year in a queen, the day. The parties went over pany that effective January 1, am appealing to the grand so optional to you, brother; it a young good Committee having decided from Balboa on two gaso 1926, the Company will place sense of West Jadi uns who are em is so big that actual constructive attesting the grrat esteem in which out the appointment of an official line launches and under the on sale seven cent tickets ployees of the Panama Canal or work cau hardly be done. Are he was held by th contestant and throwing the posi.
auspices of the British Boy valid for passage in any two they all link up themselves with quest for mer under advise locat organizatio is uucit is pleasing Jiavor the highest amounts of völes Railroad in recommending that guest hould also be taken Ha Wis not connected to any tion open to the lady in whose Scouts and the Wesleyan zones and that a five minute the association known as the Panament. But whether we join the lo state that the Acting General are polled. The first count of votes Metnodist Sunday School. service between La Boca and ma Canal West Indian Emoloyees Employees Association, the Manager of the Panama Brewing brought out do nominees and this Bathing in the sparkling Casino from a. to 10 Association, not to join it only for Charen or the N, let us and Refrigerating, Company acting was taken as an indication that the waters abuve the white sands and thereafter 10 minyte baving your names enrolled but to resolve to be more economical, but og ball of his Company, was dilferent clubs are marshallio on the shores of the island service until midnight, has berp in die grond storky not to join necessarily to be parsimumwus, muu ustiri. in his attention to the their forces for the fray: The second give count was the main attraction of (Coatinged on page 8) it wish the expectativa of ge ting (Continued on pise continued on page 8) at the Mayor office. to for their crimes.
80 000 new departure who buri, thereby to eat an therein active assistance and moral


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