
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1926 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands JAMAICA Government Proposes. Tas Hon. Hector Josephs Is Congratulated New Year Cards! Large and Varied Assortment Just recorded is congratulation of in from England ver.
tained Georgetown, Nov.
11 At yesterday statutory meeting of the Georgetown Town Council, presided over by His Worship the Acting Mayor, Mr.
Thorne the Council Siron as as Attorney General of the Colony and his arrival to the colony.
u Addressi:g the Council Mr. I borne said; The Council will U7 no doubt join me in congratu.
lating the Attorney General on his arrival in our midst. We AU Know him well and it is not going beyond our mark to do so as the Council bas freg done so. at various Un o the Law Of ticers of the Crown I have no doubt that the Attorney General LL disposed to the Council as ไป prede he Council will take the first opportunity of congratulating nim on his appointment and return to the colony.
Tho Council unanimously agreed with the Suggestion.
Call Early at The Workman Printery and make your selection before the rush to Iz and пен will be as PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY SC PIEGS GGGGGG Hon Hector Joseph, Georgetown, November 17. It is officially announced that the Hon. Mr. Hector Josephs, LL. Cantab. Lond) has arrived in the colony an assumed his duties as Attorney General on the sth inst.
We wish our Patrons one and all Tha Demerara Chronicle says: Hon. Dr. Hector Josephs, yesterday afternoon naid a visit to the roomy of the Young Women Mutual Improvemens Association and was entertained by members.
General, Mappy New Year Luncheon to Cricketers Visiting Sensational Affair in To put Small Taxon Tourists And on Residents Leaving Western Parish Island.
Youngman Who Lost Large The Gleaner learns that the Sum of Money is Alleged Government has prepared and in to Have Demanded Back sent to the printers a Bill proviCash at Point of the Revol. ding for the levying of a small tax on visitors coming to Jamaica and of a tax on first class passen gers from the island going for a CASE AGAINST HIM DIS trip abroad.
MISSED The tourist tax will be tixed at per person, this to be col ili somewhat sensational story panies. It has not yet been ascer lected by the steamship com reacheil the ears of a representa 21 tive of the Herald yesterday. whether this tax will be La 21 comes from a western parish imposed on persons merely comope for a moving picture story. cathered however, it is not likels and the plot would make a good ink bere on a garing steamer for a few hours; tom what can 21 it appears that the young man to be. Those who come to the ni in question was on friendly terms island for a few days, however, with a Chinaman. who resided will be expected to pay the tax in bis district, and they decided to indulge in a game of chance Various amounts bave been The game started with moderat suggested to the Government stakes but during its progress with regard to the tax to the wager increased. Anctbr. levied on residents leaving the Chinaman participated in the island for visits abroad. As big gane, and at the end, the young as has been mentioned. But man lost fully 30. Somebox o the Gleaner gathers that the tax nther, he got it into bis head that on travelling residents will be the second Chinaman (a stranger the same as that on incoming did not play the game fairly. Indeed, and according to the tale The proceeds of this tax, if the which was told him, the second Government bill is accepted Celestial was deported from a by the Lºgislative Council, will country abroad for alledged sharp be handed over to the Tarit, practice Development Board for disburUndaunated by his in lac, sement in the interest of tourists however, the Jamaican decided and for the better advertising of to go back and endeavoured to Jamaica as a tourist resort. recover bis 30 But again luck It will be in collection of our was against him; and at the end readers that during the last of the game he was out another session of the Legislative Council 25.
Believing that he was robbed the Tourist Trade Dstituting a law was passed Dere he drew revolver, so it is Board as a permanent insti: asserted, and demanded the re: tution consisting of ten members turn of the two amounts he had two of whom are to be elected lost, One of the Chinamen (thy members. The Tourist Trade alleged sharper. was build Development Board has already unc remontously though a win: been in existence for three years he ran this a proin the direction of the police sta bationary period for the purpose tion. The other Chinaman, feel of testing its usefuluess. Its Grs ing that his life chairman was the Hon. FC WAS MORE PRECIOUS THAN Wells. Durrant, o. AttorneyMONY, and 401 handed over the loses the amount obama is Mr. William Wilson.
he had lost. The Jamaican then jumped in a motor car and drove It has received in the last two. In tbe meantime, the China Courel, but it has been repre.
pears years an annual granto. 1, 000 the Legislative man, who had bolted to the police station, represented that sented to the Government that his country man and himselt ur less it can bave more money to were held up by a Jamaican and carry out the obj cts for which at the point of the revolver be it has been created its usefulness bad robbed there a large sum of to the island will be slight.
money, and that after he had go the cash, he decamped in a motor Jamaicans in Cuba, The police, believing the story kot busy and the various police The GLEANER understands that stations, along a certain route the effect of the new Cuban Law were advised to look out for a with regard to 75 per cent, of hold un man. And so they dia Cuban labour in all factories and But the Jamaican, perceiving stores which will shortly come that there nigot be danger into force will mrke it difficult for took off bis license plates, and in Jamaicans getting work in Cuba.
this way he was able to go along At the present time conditions for miles, although he We are very bad and it is rumoured was at different points.
His excuse was that he had lost that many of the mills will not be these. At one point however be the present low price of sugar.
he operating this season o ving to was invited to enter the station, he did Answering to the description of the alleged hold BRITISH GUIANA plac under arrest. Of course be inthe police that done nothing wrong, and that he Demerara Poisoning as prepared to meet any charge.
was taken back to the district Mystery.
where the alleged offence was committed; and after remaining in gaol for a little while he got Georgetown, v. 15. man named Henry Hinter was on The case came before the Thursday last admitted a patient Court a few days ago. The young at the Colonial Hospital, George man was ably defecded by a soli town, suffering from the effects citor and he was acquitted of poisoning. The unfortunate What further devlopments are man as admitted in likely to take place remain to be coma and no defiuite information seen. It is not improbable that could therefore there might be a big action gleaned as to how the poison was Jaunched in the Supreme Court administered or what was th for alleged false imprisonment. poison. It is however, alleged (Jamaica Heral. that the man who was employed at the Sewerage Works fell asleep near some pipes which Cow has two Calves, diffused some poisonous gas and that he inhaled it and was The Sav la Mar, Correspon medical attention and his condiaffected. He received prompt dent to the GLEANER writing on tion became slightly improved.
tba 11th olto, says: rather unusual thing happened at Mount Ricketts Pen last week. cow belonging to Have you tried the Mr. Latbam, the proprieter gave birth to two bull calves new Beer and caused a good deal of interest in the district. Mr. Latham re Kronen Brau ports that both calves are hearty and doing well.
car Victoria.
OSSY88 challenged Plumn Warner Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD WAS Direct West India cable despatch from London, dated Dec. 16, states that 140 members of the West Indian Club and friends attended a lunch on to the cc, eam at the Hotel Sir Robert Ratheriord, chairman, presided and the com pany included Lord Harris, who sails for or on January 3rd. Lord exh. Messe. Mallet, Somerset, Aucher and Beldor, Slada Lucas, Lord Harris supporting the toast to the team, proposed by the chairman, said that the side though strong, would have its work cut out to win with both novel wickets and climate conditions.
Mr. Calthorpe commented on the number of professionale going out and confidently looked Rard to the test matches the next West Indian team come over.
Mr. Tennyson in an amusing speech, thanked the West Indian Club for all it had done toward making arrangements for the tour, and the shipping companies for the facilities they bad offered.
The team sailed to day on the Inanda. many friends assembling to bid them God speed.
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For Sale at all Drug Stores And in Large Quantities by JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy AGENT pod First Match vs. Colts Team January 1st and 2nd match vs Barbados January 4th 5th 6th 3rd Match vs West Indian XI Jan 8th 9th 11th and 12th.
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