
THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 1926 PAGE FIVE Attractions at the Theatres with previous at the pected night mishap tion with the Treasurer of had a prefate, stated that op Year with present time com.
ATLANTIC tion 29 th reuel of irjiri SIDE received previously in a mu or CANAL ZONE NOTES car acciden One The Colon Boys insti weeks ago, afternoon about three the unfortunate La Boca Pars.
youngster, whilel racing o a cycle against a sОUOR companion of bis ran around a sharp curye For the January June term the and collided La Boca Athenaeum re elected all motor Car Proposed big Orive for which was being in the opposite CECILIA its officers who served during the AMERICA Building direction He was thrown of term, July December, the machine which was cho (PANAMA)
1925. Apart from the above (COLON)
de: cision at their meeting held at The drive for the building of pletely destroyed and be received TODAY. Saturday, January 9th and an ugly wound in the forehead.
TODAY. Saturday January 9th Clubhouse on Tuesday evening the new home of the Color Boys He was TO MORROW Sunday, January 10th John Gilbert in last, the proposed All Medalist rushed to the Colon Institute is expected to start Hospital wbere he was attended Charlie Chaplin in SHAME Elocution Contest to be held on the early part of the present February 20 was discussed Secremany days every montb, says Commander Watson to, and for THE GOLD RUSH thing apparently went well, and of the Institute. According to the wound healed, but on the TOMORROW. Sunday January 10th tary Wesley informed that uniform application forms the the outlook of things it is hoped night of the 29th ulto. he began Corrione Griffith in mailed MONDAY, January 11th to introding contestants have will meet with a bie to suffer and was an mitted to the not DECLASSE yet been returned but were exSOCCER Clara Kimball Young an bospital, where he steadily grew Sir hereby submit this letter worse watil the end came out at any minute, the recent ENTER MADAME MONDAY, January 11th holidays having possibly caused the to you for your kind consideraSaturday Bebe Daniels in last.
delay on the tion trusting that it might meet As far as can be gathered this part of the PAD tirs retnrning them. Any addiyour approval. It is my intention was not the first time that the TUESDAY Jauuary 12th THE MANICURE GIRL tional information that intending to start a building compagin for deceased became involved in a Florence Vidor in contestants may need in connec.
the Colon Boys Institute but mo TUESDAY January 12th motor car Several before making one step am GROUNDS FOR DIVORCE contest will be Jack Hoxis in gladly furnished the years ago when very young he asking you by communicating kindly to be the was knocked down and seriously TWO FISTED JONES with the Secretary, D, Wesley, all moneys injured, and had to be operated collected and to disburse same upon, and it is believed by many WEDNESDAY, January 13th o La Boca Clubhouse. Ir tending Patsy Ruth Miller in WEDNESDAY, January 13th contestants are also reminded that according to the requirements that the former injuries were Charlie Chaplin in the closing date for application is of said building. THE WISE VIRGIN augmented by this last accident Respectfully yours. THE GOLD RUSH the 15th of this mouth, thus leading to bis death WAISON. Th: boy must haven THURSDAY January 14th THURSDAY, January 14th There will be ins allation of The Reply monition of his for it is Corrione Griffith in officers at the District meeting of Clara Kimball Young in Dear Mr. Watson: will accident ture: we ks ago when the day of tbe DECLASSE the Employees Association whicb ENTER MADAME gladly act as treasurer for any invited by his friend to join in will be held at the Clubhouse next moneys which might be turned the FRIDAY, January 15th Thursday evening the 14th. The ever to me for this purpose, until in the end wben he reluc.
race FRIDAY January 15th District officers have sig ified their be persiatently relased would however insist that hav tartly agreed.
Bebe Daniels in Florence Vidor in intention to keep the work of the GROUNDS FOR DIVORCE the sole authority to use the fund Associations sound as possible Interment took place on Suo THE MANICURE GIRL for the purpose intended, day evening the 3rd inst, aud during the present y ar and reYours verry truly, SATURDAY, January 16th quest that all was atuende by a large gathermembers, regardless SATURDAY, January 16th ENO of their financial status ing of sympath zers.
Patsy Ruth Miller in in the TO BE SELECTED TE WISE VIRGIN Association, attend next Thurs.
Letter from the Board of session and start the New Commerce Colon. Da ed Nov. 15. Drinks Brandy and Dies with a spirit of determisation 100 1925. Colon Bard ci Commerce to co operate the spint whien is so Officers very necessary at the three year old infant, the President Clarence Albergo.
in the life of West Todiaos bere.
901 of one Griftiths residing at Vice President Boyd.
Non members of the Association, Sth street near Street, it is Secretary Ederton, allegd, died on Saturday mora male and female, are also cordially brave spisit was shown through invited to Thursday meeting Treasurer, Clarence Cope.
out, but their opponents were Sargeant at Arms, Ferdinand in be 2nd inst. as the result of drinking brandy.
PAY VISIT TO too far ah ad. Three pictchers Gebien.
It is stated that on New Yar Director La Bocans are determined to coBRATH LUNCH COUNTER were changed duriog the game, day while the parents were not operate in patronizing the efforte RM. Sterns, noticiug the u fortunate ba be he 6016 9th Street and Hudson Lane wi!
The Washington team of the poor as exhibited during the Henriquez got hold of a bottle of brandy present Grimes Jr.
week in connection with journey to La Boca this evening the limitation of the operations of which was within his reach and THE PLACE WHERE YOU GET SATISFACTION Eustace Lee.
emptied it of about three fourths for the purpose of playing the motor users. Since they have Marcus we of against the La Bocans, while the been made to travel longer ways to its contents. He wa Sandwiches of all sorts, Regular meals Cristobal Reds will at the sa o secure the services of the chive Rodriguz.
overcome with its strength and W. Wilson was found in an unconscious from 10. 30 a. 25 cents time encounter Pariaso at Mount their patronage has been deter Hope.
Be it KNOWN That Com state wth the bottle beside him.
minedly solid. The service which mander Watson of the first Colon He was rushed to the Colon CHICKEN SOUP FROM P.
the chivas had given to to the Boys eague Institution bas! Hospital where he was reated, News Notes munity during past ye ns has been pettitioned, the Colon Board of put never recovered until be ORDERS FILLED AND EXECUTED a blessing and to entirely cat cf!
Commerce for authority to reathed his last on the following this service from the residential Colon Wesl yan church was section if to re establishes the cry.
solicit funds from the commer day.
Prompt Day and Night Service almost oyer croweded for both ing need for the help which existed reial establishments of this city, for the por one of constructing a services on Sunday, the 3rd Inst, before the advent of the Chiva Coming Concert, Colon TRIAL WILL CONVINCE In connection wito the morning suitable building for the Insti tution over which be Wesley Church.
service th re we reception presides, BRATHWAITE, new members On December 30 last when 16 were cor han That the said retition has been Proprietor. added to the membership of the addition was made to the Walters duly referred to the committees, The outlook seems rather pro chureb.
family, in the person of a baby advertising on the subject nising for the coming concert at girl. Mother and daughtər are thereof and being founa worth the Cilon Wesley church wbich is doing well. Mr Waiters is princi tbe been The Colon Fraternel Chora! pal of La Boca sehol and Chairlegalls to take place on Sunday the 17th approved. Therefore authority is inst. Tickets are said to be mov.
Company is hard at work to meet hereby grant to said firing fast, and those who have the d, Black and Greea of man of the La Boca District of the Colon Boys League Institution already heard Mr. Williains at the Panama on the night of Saturday plopees Association: be is also Panama Canal West Indian Em.
to solicit funds from the mer: organ, Mr Louie, and Mrs Olga the 16th inst, at Christ Church Choirmaster and locally responsicbants and business inen of the King are auxious to bear them School coom. This will be a cham ble for the La Boca Branch of the city, for the purpose herein be again, while those who have not Madame Renee will Interpret Zodiacal Sig ns pionship contest, and Some Wesleyan Church under Rev. Res fore mentoned, with the under heard them, Judging from is in store for those who E, Wade standing that all moneys so col go col what have been said about attend lected shall be placed in the cus then are equally anxious to prove each week for Readers of this paper tody of Dr. Harry Eno, a menber for themselves. Then the Atlantic WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE It is being rumoured that La The week of evangelistic ser. Boca will, in no distant furture, be of the board of commerce, Colon. Orchestra, which has always been vices at the Cristobal. Colon provided with grs for cooking par to be disbursed by him according attraction to the Colon public Baptist church came to a close poses. This modern method of to the requirements of said is being augmented for the occa18 titution.
sion and is doing everything to January 7 for you are those of an architect, last night. The meetings were all furnishing heat for cooking pur: Signed surpass its best achievement or The Sign of Capricorn, salesman, dealer in lead products fargerina endotracingregations poses, it is believet, will be wel. ALBERGO, President.
the past on that day.
comed by. the Goat.
the residents here.
worker ENDERTON, Secty. In addition to the attraction especially that, unlike the tightly is store strong desire for intellectual attain Eagerness for learning and a You are prone to be haughty Cristobal Silver Clubhouse closed apartments iu the United States from where gas fatalitiee Barefaced Thief Visits tend, the and to which the etfort themes are the outstanding chatac and arrogant and should cultivate Home.
Monthly Rally reported there is more than justifies a. teristics of you out to die fortunate patience with the shortcomings of The proceeds of this concert are enough to have been born the first others. Sensitive in the extreme the Giri Keserve with held in nolikely to be any danger from entire community to wipe off the remaining debt on week oi the year. You are quick you conceal your real feeling under th: Cristobal Silver Clubhtuse os gas in these airy and were mean Saturdry January 9th. 1926 As lated houses.
While some of the inhabitants the new or gas which was erec. ea witted and disdainful of others who cool resolve.
have not your meutal ability Your motto should be IN SELLI. this is the first Kulliy for the nºs of Colon as well as of other places more than a year ago. This will Not generally affectionate, you blue and your flower is the come out. renew ber vow GENCE. Your best color is dark Year, we are urging every girl to were enjoying in effort direcand PARAISO legitimate fashion during the tion, and judging from the ever lavish attention upon your family snowdrop. The stones which are belo the Rally to be a success.
recent holidays there were others increasing satisfaction that this and a few close friends whom you understood to bring you most luck. well prepared program will be of a deditierenet mindre mo na weha igotrocentu kreiving in the whore seadus un rappointed througe muted are bluck in color and unpolished given. Mrs. Swift Ibe present Sacred Cantata, Monthat all can good time in less dignified ways make it possible will be present to Since family life means a great and bas promised to address the trait.
deal to you, great care should be Girls day Night. show their continued appreciaand at the expense of others.
The program will begin at One of the most bare faced tion.
Original and with con taken in the selection of mate.
ability, you are easily The most harmonious alliances are o clock. act of theft in recont times took You are inclined, Paraiso Sllver Clubhouse.
place at the residence of Mr. and Old Landmarks Go.
however, to give up an undertakio made with those born the last of or the first week in December Thanks From Colon Boys Mrs. C. Aflalo at the corner of before is is finished if some ouside force does not keep up your (Copyrighted 1925 by HenseInstitute.
Seventh and Front streets on the All aboard for Paraiso on night preceding Christmas eve, The work of demolition was interest. Careers which are suitable Adams Syndicate. Monday night! The besp. ifol wben a two burner perfection this week started on the old For the many Christmas and Sacred Cantata, The Nativity of stove and a center table were French type family quarters New Yorr gift given by indivi Christ. by Eogland rited carried oft from an out room. at Folks ver, Cristobal, which BASEBALL up was Buendia, Honore, Tinoco, duals and organizations to the writer of sacred classic, Cieb thing was intact when the were recently vacated by their Every the Piggott. Cobos, Agard, Carber, Colon Bovs Institution, Comman. Simper, will be sung by owners retired the nighs at the occupants, Silver employees of choir of 81, and Panama The Silver Clubhouse Baseball Rachael, Dixon. Cobos, and Pig der Watson beg through large and famous representing a South Bend (Ind. Panama Canal this medium to thank the givers. Paul Parish Church. Panama Syndicate who originally bad Railroad Company, who have League opended on Sunday the The Reds scored runs in the With each succeeding year, the on Monday night, 11th inst.
undertaken to finance the cham been transferred to new homes 3rd inst. with a game between 1st inning in the 3rd in the 7th Commander says, the public is The choir consists of nearly but ona waking the following in Camp Bierd. With the Crisiobal Reds and Washington in the oth and in the 9th given more, as in addition to forty voices of excellent tenute the Mouat Hope diamond morning these articles were mis removal of these bouses, some of on making a total of 22. Melford those who gave the previous year for competency and richness of bas been the oldest land marks of this which resulted in sing, and nothing an over: who was substituted for Ander many more bave given last year.
section of the Canal Zone will whelming defeat for the latter son early in the game scored a The Commander made special heard of them since.
gone. They were built, many by a score of 22. Toa first home run in the sth inning and mention of the Colon Import and by do orchestra of six pieces The pieces will be accompanied ago, on the opposite side of ball was thrown by Mr. Harper. Mitchell another is the 9th.
Sad Death of Sidney Duncan the street, but were removed acting secretary of the Gatun Export Company whom Washintivon made in the 1st gave to their best mana dia manipulated by players or piele Dr.
over to the present site some Silver Clubhouse.
innine, in the 7th and in the Taylor of the Samaritan Hospital known ability Little Sidney Dancan 15 years time between 1907 and 1909.
Reds were represent. b. One bome run was hit by who always remembered os This Cantata was sung at St It is understood that after the ed by Emmanuel Campbell. Buendia Grosso was given with 25. while he is high in bis Paul three weeks of age, a bright and promising ago to a youth of Silver City passed away work of destruction, trees will Martin. Jarret, Grosso Dixon, hearty applause when he smart praise for the Americans in the large audience which more than at the Colon Hospital, on Satur b: planted on the vacant sitos to Anderson, Roland, Mitchell the ly caught an excellent fly. Wash Canal Zone who turned out with enjoyed the music. Many request day evening the 2nd inst. after improve the general appearance two last named being the ington tightened up during the one accord with Christmas have been made for a repetition spending days in that instito of ibe highway.
batteries, and Washington lins latter part of the game, but gifts. Continued on page 8)
on 00 same has What Is Your Fortune? years Cristobal Rese


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