
of of our a wide to to sufficient to applying o CPAIN ENEM ecuntry Chesterfield CORRETTES re of a that THE BEER PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JANUARY 9, 1926.
British Finance and peranns and their quilted value Be Prepared is mat ter moment.
Such, then, and briefly, is the for that Pain history of recent proposals under this much discussed Act. We (BY ROBERT MACKAY)
are now fortified to return to the You can stop exeru Much of the time of the Brit.
general priaciples undorlyingi ciating pain instantly isb Parliament has been occupied the Safeguarding legislation. It if you will only apply would be idle to deny that such during the first half of last SLOAN LINIMENT legislation is contentious, and month in debating the provisions the echo of old controversies of certain financial resolutions on free trade and protection is Sloan Liniment is under the Safeguarding of Indus; to be heard. But the question of pain greatest enemy, tries Act As the matter is of Changing considerable importance to Brit and is backed by 40 years general protective taritt is not ish trade it is essential that of success the world over.
involved in these safeguarding the It is an invaluable rem purpose of this Act and of the proposals, wblch are the product the cigarette edy for procedure thereunder should be In Paris. and in Latin the abnormal conditions of generally understood. Briefly the There is Americe, and even in the post war economy Rhe Sciatia Far East you see new coobject of thie Act is, as is inditaste of the world Sore Throat Badache Dotbing like to close this article ove cannot do being specific, and cated quite clearly in its title, to dence each day of ChesterSpraine Bruises, afford protection to certain Britfield growing popularity.
better than to quote the Prime Minister own words on the Cimet Paine Stif Neck protech IT began in North America that isb industries which, after enIt penetrates right to quiry, are deemed to be suffering overwhelming preference for Turkquestion. In his election address a year ago Mr. Baldwin wrote: the seat of trouble, from unfair foreign competitien.
ish Blend cigarettes. And wherever Ibis protection takes the form of warms and soothes the While a genenal tariff is no part they have been introduced, men have programme, we are nerves and tissues, bana tariff on foreiga imports. The determined to safeguard the ishing pain.
word unfair is, of course, deinstantly preferred them to any single bateable and employment and standard of Try it now.
wa capable of tobacco smoked straight.
living of our people in any any At all druggists and range of interpretation. What constitutes unfairness dealers.
for is efficient industry in which they Year by year a Turkish Blend concerned the committee are Imperilled by unfair com It is Chesterfield. has been the fastestpetition, by ascertain the SLOAN indicate bere that one of the principle of the sateguarding o growing cigarette in North America LINIMENT main causes of complaint is the Industries Act or by analagous And because smokers desires are much advantage derived by foreign measures. As further applicat competitors from the deprecia.
the same the world over, the same ions under the Act are not tion of the currency in their unlikely the granting of them qualities of taste and fragrance are But let us leave for a as we have shown, is another moment any general considera steadily winning new friends for Chesmatter it is desirable that the WILKINSON tion of the principles underlying terfield here.
above set forth limitations ebould tbe Safeguarding legi ation and be clearly realised.
Contractor examine, with a view to throwing light on those principles, the WOMEN.
and Builder actual procedure of enquiry and ligi lation invoived.
House No. 20 The procedure under the Act At 133 East 61st St. Manhattan, home cannot be regarded as precl.
of the New York Junior 28th woV. STREET, piate. In point of fact there bas League, there was a debate. The SAN MIGUEL been DO little criticism on the judges were Ethel Barrymore. Alice Box 411, Panama, seen score that that procedure is too CIGARETTES Deur Miller and Frank Crownslow for the present emergency.
inshield, editor of Vanity Fair. The Many conditions must be fuiestion erwartet Show a Woman Plans and Specifications Free tilled before any duty is imposed.
her Maiden Name after First Class Workmanship The industry applying for proMarriage?
tertion pust show, to the satisThe two debaters were Mrs. Hey. Guaranteed faction coin caitree specially wood Broun, who upheld the afinted to deal with that Manufactured by LIGGETT MYERS TOFACCO CO.
firmative, and Mrs. Hartley trade. that is (a) of sub Manners, who opposed her, Mrs.
Stantial importance. 6)
Broun said: When you are a girl foreigo goods are being retailed of 21 or maybe 30 and get married in abnormal quantities and sold your past lite flashes behind you as at prices below those at which you are pronounced Mrs. So andsimilar goods can be 65635X35 Sesses So and you realize that are Miss produced in the United no more. And this isn legal, for the (c) that employment is, or ts law says that you can keep your likely to be, seriou ly affected, born name if you want to. a) that the competition is exMrs. Maopers said: m wonceptional and (e) that it comes largely from countries where dering just what we would do if SUPPLIED BY we all demanded the right to keep conditions are so different from those in the United Kingdom as vur own names and the men said: In every form can be seen to render it unfair. This unfair yes! Go ahead and be a miss if nees you like. There no way then here at its best See oui be either may for bim to make and hone woman already been indicated, through Wrist Watches, advantage gained by depreciated currency, from subsidies or asked Mary Pickford how she other artificial advantages, or Bracelets felt about it and she said, You see, from unfair conditions of employ Laurette. m so little and our ment, e. sweating, house is so big that prefer to be Diamond Rings called Mrs. Fairbanks at home.
Even case is made out and is brewed from the best It makes me feel more important and a hundred other adornsustained for all these, the appli when have to speak to the ments and you ll recognize cant industry must also be able to show that it is being conducted materials obtainable butler.
with reasonable efficiency and The judges returned and deliv why this is the LEADING economy, and that the imposition ered the following verdict: 1) that JEWELRY HOUSE in town both the lates were arguing for duty would not bave It is specially suited for this climate a serious adverse influence on the affirmative; 2) that Mirs ask prices and you ll find still Broun won; 3) that Mrs. Mangers another reasonemployment in other British indústries. Supposing all these is superior to all imported beers sold was the more persuasive.
conditions bave been satisfied, the matter is not yet finished Fuller Jewelry Store here and it sells to the public at AGED WOMAN WINS with. The Board of Trade and 122 Catnral Ave. 250, 000.
Phone 629 HALF the price.
the Treasury must give ther approval the committee proposals, and, finally, these proposals Court Refuses to Break Will of must run the gauntlet of Parlia TRY OUR NEW BEER White Benefactor, Bowling Swerve In mert twice, first in the shape of financial resolutions and then as West Indies.
Lexington, Ky. Dec. 16 John Erom the foregoing it will be Hughes was in his right mind seen that the conditions to be when he made a will disposing of On December 16 the complied with are of extreme a 500, 000 estate, the state high team under E, Colthorpe, rigidity. It is no matter for est court holds. Therefore Ellen captain of Warwickshire, sailed wonder, then, to learn that of the Davis, eighty year old Negress, from London for a tour in the West couple of dozen industries which SUPERIOR TO ALL gets about 250, 000 and relatives Indies. It will be interesting to have so far applied to the Board of Hughes have lost an attempt how the two bowlers of this team, to break his will.
who of Trade to appoint enquiry com depeod 80 much upon mitteess, no fewer than thirteen seiso: 60SESSEX Hughes bequeath the old swerve viz. the captain and Root, bad their applications re.
Hughes homestead, with bouse of Worcestershire though their OS jected by the Board without fur.
bold contents, farming equip swerve is not common to both get ther ado. O: the remaining 11, ment and stock to Ellen Davis, on in the thin clear air of those in one case only has a duty To Robert Henry Hughes, son of western been imposed up to the time Ellen, Hughes bequeathed a farm The Northern left hander, of writing, Parliament affording of 160 acres in fee. To Alexander Smith, who was born in the West measure of protection to lace Rankin, b, my old faithful colorea Indies and learned the game there, Three committees have yet to man, ninetysix acres for life.
ways declared he could not make report; the reports of two are According to evidence at the the West Indies. In this couutry a the ball swerve a bair breath in adverse; and the reports of four trail Ellen Davis was a slave io clover Swerve was bis chief asset as are the subject of the financial the Hughes family and Hughes resolutions recently before the yas the father of Robert Henry a bowler.
Of every description House of Commons. They deal with the manufacture of cutlery, Hughes, ber son, born when she Mr. Calthorpe leads a team comprising L, H, Tennyson, Captain Was eighteen years old.
packing and wrapping papers, Jameson, Bennett, gloves, and gas mantles. There Crawley, Dales, Holmes, Kiremains the most important ner, Smith (Warwickshire. Hamapplication of all, that of the iron Have you tried the mond, Astill and Root, with Coland steel industry, wbich has DESPATCH lios, of Kent, as baggage man and new Beer been referred, exceptionally, to play if reuqired to the Civil Research Committee, a standing body of considerable Kronen Brau AT THE importance to trade and analaTAKE NOTICE gous in the sphere of commerce The WORKMAN Newsto the better known Imperial Defence Committee in matters Notice to Correspondents.
paper can be had at the folnaval and military. None of the Contributors and correspondents lowing places: other industries can compare are asked to send in their contribu Lindsay Place, No. 2, with the last named in importions not later than Thursdays to Street, San Miguel.
tance, but collectively they eminsure publication. This is impera March, Barber, 55, Caliploy a considerable number of tive and must be adhered to. donia Road.
Up to date Jewelry ROGRESSES ద why as bas of you.
The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
of the sought finance bill.


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