
büdü El Excelsior THE ATTENTION Friendly Societies and Secret Orders Grenada has beend by death from opy MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS Workman Stationery Store STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History Colony to the Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Ottawa. Continued from page 2)
Islands, as recommended by the report of the Wood mission.
JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP There is the suggested amalga. OFmation of the Agricultaral Corner 12 Street East Avenue Department Colonies, and now when the bead of the two groups of o of the medical department of We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also suddenly, and watches. Our prices are the lowest and our tragically removed his post, it is to Trinidad that IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY Workmanship is guaranteed.
the application bas been made OF for an cfficer to fall the branch Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you Dr. Martin Boucaud, of the Co may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may lonial Hospital stad in this colbas teen set drsire, provided the monthly payments of by the Govern ment to fill the vacancy tempor interest are duly met.
arily. It seems only natural that time and WE CARRY GOOD STOCK OF IMPORTED education should bring tb se Colonies nearer, and JEWELS AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES. no one should be surprised that thoughts and events are pointing Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall ir that direction.
be pleased.
Suitable for Lodge Business Interchanging Of Officials. AT THEThe best Tonic in the World Under the caption. Odds and as the following appeared in VIGOR TONIC the WEEKLY GUARDIAN of the 19. uito.
This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend. It is a rare thing for a memod in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, ber of thy Trinidad Civil Service Durango Dagang agaganggang mamamagic to get an important appoiutment Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up in Bat bados. Usually it is the a run down constitution olber way about Trinidad gave It promotes digestion, impruves the appe Barbados a Colonial Secat tary Racial Relic On An it is true, but do not think that tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system there are many more instances Artic Island.
wbee higb offices in that Island DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or have been fill by Trinidadians.
and times a day.
Many Barbadians have, from London, Dec. 10. mysteriJAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy. positions in the locale di prosent ous leather case, marked with Civil Service crown and it should therefore be of Queen Victoria, 10 satisfactory to the inbabitants of gold, has been found among the both these Islands that this broken ice on an island in the change of officials, from The ore Arctic wastes.
uf AND to the This CHURCH SERVICES Ebenezer Church of God interchanging of ofticias, 17 West it Holiness regularls done, will Territories Branch, Depart.
Versment of the Interior, much towards CALIDONIA DISTRICT the made the ade the curious discovery when Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages (Continued from page 4)
people of the Islands closer, and attached to the Canadian GovernSeventh Day Adventist Church Suoday o clock, Prayer Meetia materially 11 Divine Service Preacher. about uniformityin methods. western xtremity of Pım Island, assist in bringing ment ship Arctic at the north( STREET CALIDONI ROAD Bopplied Summary of Contents: am therefore glad tbat a Trini Saith Sound. It is suggested in (near Isthmia Park. PANAMA. p. Sunday School Superintendent. dadam tbereiore glad that a a memorandum preparud by the History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years p. PU Programme Trinidad Cus oms Officer bas Natural Resources Intelligence Babbath (Saturday) 45 a. BabFull Particulars of 1900 Tour, bath School; 11. 15. General Worship 30 Gospel Service, Preacher accepted the post of Collector of Service that the case, which 30 pm. Spanish Close; Supplied Customs, and Registrar of measures 54 ins long, ins. wide, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, 30 M. Society, meeting Tuesday 30 pm. Grepel Service Shippiog at Barbados and 14 ing. thick. is a spectacle Elder ODLE Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, 30 Junior and Senior Standard case or a case for snow xoggles, Pateor in charge of stainment Class p. Vespers DOMINICA Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual presented to a member of the Nares Xpedition of 1875 by Sunday over ing 30 PreschPlayers The general public is Services of the Bethlehem Queen Victoria.
Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and cordially invited to turn out in larg ECONOMIC DISTRESS IN Admiral Sir George Egerton, Church of God Holiness numbers.
DOMINICA one of tbe fine surviving members Interesting No, MARIANO AROSEMENA of the 1875 expedition, states tbat his SAN MIGUEL tirst impressions on Seventh Day Adventist Church Colonel Office Recommends reading the memorandus were:Price 50cts.
Brd STREET BROADWAY, COLON Sunday. o clock Prayer Meeting the leather 11 Divide Service Preacher, Imperial Aid.
spectacle case; that it bad never Sabbath (Saturday) 45 tn Babbath Elder Parkenson. p. disters belonged to any officer in the Sebnol; 11. 15 sm. General Worship Anniversary GRANT OF 21, 000 FOR FIRST Nares expedition of 1875; that Secure yours now there will be a great rush 30 Young people meeting 15 Gospel Service, Prencher YEAR REQUESTED Queen etoria would not have 30 Vespero EdT. Francis made a gift with a monogram in for them, Note at pm, the Sisters Band di Sequel to Report by Sir Francis gold to which she was not at that Bunday evening 7, 30 Preaching time You are cordially invited to the Church will render a secial pro entitld.
Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Service attend these services and bring your gramme in behalf of their Anniv. roury Queen Victoria was not Im.
Panama to which the public is cordially invited peratrix (be initial on the friends, Note Other notices for the week will Dominica, December 12th. Iather case) until the Roval be given from the pulpit.
Hiş Honour the Administrator Tiles Act was passed jp 1876, The Church of God BEULAH 30 a. Prayer meeting addressed meeting of the the year of Nires return.
11 a. Devine Service PreacherAricultural and Padama, Arone tena Street, House 25, Elder C, Francis.
Society yesterday Be Miguel Sunday at Prayer 30 m. Sunday School, Superinten report on agricultural conditions regarding Sir Francis meeting and Gospel meetings om deut. 30 Gospel Service, Preacher in Dominica, and stated that the and 30 Sunday School at 3p. Bro A, Small.
Colonial Office bad de ecided What everyone is Monday at 30) Testimony Meeting EL GAITERO Tuesday at 15 pm. Young People GAMBOA MISSION 30 Child the island was deserving of assis. saying Meetin. Wednesday at 30 ren Service, 4, 30 pm. Gospel Sermoniano It nad been recommended THE ONLY ELABORATED nel meeting. Thureday at 30 pm Supplied.
to the Treasury Ibat 21, 000 for 9, en air meeting. Friday at 30 pm Not. Other Se vices for the week the first year be granted towards KRONEN BRAU Prayer Meering will be given from the pulpit.
tions of Sir Francis Watts. With carrying cut the recommenda.
Spanish Cider with its BRO, C, Pessoa. in charge. Elder T, C, PRANCIS, superior to all Pastor in charge.
to the poetpor ment of the Red Tank, pal Zo. Sunday Bebos!
wand question of the eretion of a sugar own Carbonic Acid p. Gospel meeting on Thursday factory he sale application was imported beers at 30 being made by the Colonial Office Sis. GRAY The Salvation Army to the Imperial Treasu ay for a New Providence. Gospel Meetings at PANAMA CITY CORPS.
grant in aid of the situation 11 30 am and 30 Sunday School Sunday Jenuary 10h Begins Week of Medical Officer of Heal cluding the appointment of a Death Sentence at 17 p. to. Wednesday at 30 pm. Gospel Meeting Friday at 7:30 zo. Prayer Special meetings for the reclamation of Backsliders to January 16th.
Leeds, England, Dec. Sen. Meuting, URETIC AND REFRESHING Bro MeDONALD Services are as followe Early Prayer Meeting.
Leeds Assizes toTrade Mark Gatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Meetings 10 Children Directory Meeting Temperton, aged seventeen, a at 11 30 a. and 89 pm; Runday Sobool at pm. Wednesday 30 m. sad Brigade United Open Air Meeting HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA miner, for murdering Mrs.
11 am. Holiness Meeting to be con Violet Emily Turner at ConisVALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ Goep Meeting. Friday at 30 ducted by Commandant Martin CANAL ZONE.
Prs. borough Office Hours: a. to p. 3 Company meeting and was stated for the proreS, Bro, GEORGE GRIPFITH Brigades Open air. to p. cu ion that the crime wag one of VILLAVICIOSA Dol and Streets. Gospel meetp. Junior Open Air.
DAILY extreme passion. Mrs. Turner SPAIN ing at 11:30 am and 30 to. Sunday 45 pm. Separate Brigade Open Air PHONE 1288 BALBOA who lived apart from ber School at 3p. Wednerday at 30 Meeting, husband, became intimate with pm Gorpe! Meeting Friday at 30 p. Salvation and Battle for Suls Tenperton, and bis relatives ESTEBAN DURAN Meeting in the Hall to be onducted by Specializes in all the branches Interfered. Temperton afterward Commandant and Mrs. Martin.
Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON woman and cut ber met the SOLE AGENT of Dentistry, throat.
Monday, Life Saving Guarde and For the Republic of Panama Sunbests, Parade at p.
Temperton etated that there was pact between blm and Tue day, Band of Love Work Close Bethel Church of God at 30 Mrs, Turner that he should also Holiness Why pay double price cut his throat.
Wednesday, p Life Saving Scouts RIO BAJU, LAS SABANAS and Chume parade. Home League at for interior imported The jury added a recommendation to mercy owing to TemSunday. m, Prayer Metlug. pm Beer when you can perton oxtreme youth.
Thursday Holinero mueting in the Un, Divine Service. Preacher buy a superior Beer 8p. Sunday School; Superintendent Hall to be conduced by Commandant ADVERTISE such as BALBOA for 30pm. Gospel Service, Preacher Martin at pm. cordial invitation is extended to all.
Rent Receipt Books in Span half the price.
Bro. WILMOTT, Clerk in charge MARTIN. Commandant, Ish and English for sale at the Workman Printery IN THE WORKMAN, IT PAYS Ing Service That Watts.
Commercial afternoon Watts, that repard Cider Champagne Dentist Howell tencer er death was passed at pt Pr yer Meeting.
Sun lied.

    Death SentenceEnglandSpain

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