p. 8


tside During his 00 шніси, He was a Manchester Vuity Races! Races!
jumps Last Sunday Races To Morrow Races Death Of William J, Caddie EXCELSIOR THEATRE Chicbi Moore Over twenty five hundred rode the lightweigbt Peregoe to vietory in dollars will be paid out in Friende on the Isthmus of the feature race at Juso Franco purses by the Panama Jockey Park the 6t furlong event with Club at Juan Franco Park TO NIGHT ATTRACTION WILLIAM CADDLE, late of. purse of 500 on Sunday after Paouma City, have just received row afternoon. There noon last, winning Frou Frou by will be an usually attractive YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH IT the sad new. of his death which is said to have occurred on Christmas several lengths. Jolly Fellow winner of the feature event, on program of eight races, two last, in the town of Old Harbor, FEATURING: PERCY MARMONT (Star of If Winter Comes. Christmas day came in last: for native ponies and six for Jamaica. Mr. Caddle was wellBolsbeviki, the fourth horse imported horses. Jully Fellow, Lo one of the most honest to roodness pictures of his career. Illustrates somo knows to a large number of booked, was scratched. Beckers of Pereque were rewarded with Loca are booked to run for Burlesco. Pereque and Risa tin this community. He was born in of the many things that you can get away with Jamaica in the year 1869, caune »2 here shortly after the failure of the Tigrillo, ridden by Cowao, to the days classic a seven fur Living in Luxury without paying for it somehow. Six Cylinder Car and a French Cand project. about 67 the curtain raiser of thre, long distance carrying a purse Fhvver Bank Account. Two Wives! Two Sweethearts! Champagne appeyour years ago, and continued to here until ab Qt 1918, when he farlongs for native ponies. of six hundred dollars. tite with a near beer pocket book. You ll like it, it appeals to Human nature.
a returned to Jainsica for the beneaprang a sorprise when be bea four hundred dollar purse is fit of his health. He was suffering his field of three other dativ offered in a furlong race om Neu thevia for which he horses and paid 10, 80 on each TO MORROW NIGHT Straight 2, ticket. Barbs Rj and this will be competed for unfortunately never recovered ome second and Mentirosa tbt by Bolt, Cicero, Buck Dancer JACKIE COOGAN IN stay bere deceased The second and third races o and Péreque.
was employed by the Pacific Mail The entries and weights furlongs each purse 300 each THE RAG MAN Bteamship filling various were won by Meelsh and Oila positions, the last of which being are as follows: The Greatest Comedy Drama that the Kid has ever been foatured ia. It a respectively; Olle paying and that of tevedore which he held 5, 10. Buel Dareer folsbed Three furlongs. purse 125 side splitting entertainment but with all the laughter it has a great Moral that for several years up to the time of his enfor ed retirement. He was second in the third race and Toto 128, Barba Roja 124, also christian worker. Por sua paid 11 for place.
will live in hearts of all. Bring along your boy and he will enjoy this Picture a Repulse 118, Cholito 105, ber years of the St. Paul Episcopal race for the best native poules Fire Fly 95.
Redown won the seven furlong Gran Senor 104, Star Shell 100 made by a Kid just like himself.
Churchio the city of Pasina, serving the cburch in various witb Dictador sed Oandlewood tbird.
Seven furlongs purse 200 Two Shows 20 and 45. Prices: 15, 20 and 25 cts.
capacities, and at the end was The results: Fenomeno 126, Dictador 124, Treasurer and Senior Steward froin 1912 to 1918 wuen he lett lur Three furlongs purse 126. Top Sergeant 122, Ruso 110, SPECIAL MUSIC SA foundation mem Tigrillo (Cowan) Barba Roja Roamer 102.
ber of be Lodge EXCELSIOR No. Casas) Montirosa (Rodrigu. 2)
BOXES ASSWOSK SSXS X60 9308 of the Indep adent Order of Po paid 10 60 and 3, 10 on tb Six and one half furlongswipper and 40 on the second purse 400: Bolt 126 Cicero telow La Boca, where it horse 122, Buck Dancer 102, Perewas founded in February 1910, six furlongs purse 300: que 113.
Major And Mrs. Bax and he continued in good standing Meelab (Munoz) Carc jada Casas) Sunny Girl (Jarrell. Six and one half furlongup to the time of bis death. hea it was seen that his lines was Pool paid 2, 50 on the winner. purse 300; Argentino 126, Chief Officers of The Salva: bakiak him an invalid, tsis to! se placed care of a Bix furlong purse 300: Olla Rolando 121, Jailer 112, Aura tion Arniy, Farewelling. sister lodge in Kingston, Ja, the (Escobar) Buck Dancer cana 110. Moe) Araucana (Moore. t, LARENCE, and he was kept Pool Five furlongs. purse 300 Rather XDe ctedly, Major for by these brethren until ibe eod 60 on the funds and regularly cared Winner and 11 on the second Fachendo 126, Pierrot 126, Bax has received. cable from borse.
Tacna Arica 115. Bella tbe London Headquarters, givi: came.
Six forlongs porse 150 Sauvage 106, Vittoria 100.
bim farewell orders. The Majar Upon receipt of the news of the Linda (Schul) Dictador Seven furlongs purse 600 JUAN FRANCO TRACK bas been appoint w the Head death bis lodge passed a resolution. Casao) Ruso (Hildago. Pool Jolly Fellow 116, Burlesco quarters Staff at Buenos Ayie of condoleoce with the widow, paid and 400 absecond nerd 125, Pereque 107, Risa Loca South America. This is a long pressiug their regret at the sed 80 60 on the a TO MORROW god will certainly be also in Filipinos he was called their genuine third berses, respectively. 116.
great change alter Bfteen ye. ro tlon for Six and one ball furloug. Sunday, January 10th, 1926 in the tropice.
Six furlongs purse 350: by them) be pleasure it gave porze 500: Per que (Moo. Bolt 120. Dhole 116, Olla 109 jn Bax bas be o in tbage hem that they were able to stand Frou Frou (Muruz) 3Jolly of the work on the Isthmus, the by him and do their duty to the Follow (Carrillo. Po paid 57 do Super Gloria 90, Revoltosa Republic of Panama, and Costa la t, and their recoepition of the steadfastness of the winner.
Ries, or just over fout head Lodge St Lawrence in the trust the brethren of the 105.
that time Four, furlonga purse 300: Five furlongs purse 250: and basy stay committed to them.
Caplan (Carrillo) Fachiundo Merry Kiss 126, Tigre 122. Esebur) Belle Sauvage (N. Capitana 120, Starry 119, Deceased owned real property in The Major has gladly entereu all varro) Pool paid and 250 on Altanera 114. Carcajada 110, kinds of good work bere Guachapali Panama City, sod.
Rhe Wloner and 50 on the Races For Imported horses In addition to this own. He basid Harbor Bud Kingoitu Cry.
Bomba 95. La Garzona 101.
second horse.
cono ucted large number uJamaica. He was of the better to Strep. iurlongs 200:1 Renown and for Native bred Ponies Mervices in the Army and Navy of West Indiaus wbit have lived (Casus) Dictador (Navarro) SPARKLETS.
X, A, at both ends of the these parts. He was a Candlewood (Jarrell. Pool paid Isthmus, and also many services sterling tharacter ainiet. 440 dpd. 40 on the winner WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE 10 and Cuco Solo; In addition to this 19 bis family sad duty tbe second borse. Continued from page 1)
be bas ell: the pulpits of most general. In 1901 he married Boven 19rlongsi purte 400: attraction for me; never could of Churches on the latbmus Tutela Wiseutley in Panno Boh tanda Cicero (Vun 2) find eatertainment in reading a Bb Gloria (Schyltz. Puoi vicious He bas had admit City and is survived by ber and AB novel and gave up ANOTHER BIG PROGRAM more tbsa once that it is ad pot issue of the parriage, we pald 40 and 82 90 on the wintne job after a fair trial. still love brethren of way dancing but his lodge, Order, Rood thing to be had 3, 40 on the second borst never had nor will the dance ble. for he has been asked and church, and his host of friede, to me several times over to sll no less are stilled that in his death their and have never known any good Everybody, will be there. Don miss it.
rent Résolution of Condolence.
or cirele bas lost a man ard a friend.
to come out of the persistent and ob Bape, bigbt. May he test io. peuce.
consigtent in tulgence in either Mrs. Babas been active tbe danee or the First Race Starts p. Sharp Vicious ST. BERNARD LODGE novel; rather, the results supporter of the Major efforts as far as bumei cu cumstances DR. HOFFMANN Gatun, Canal Zone always been dieappoioticg.
incidentally, on my favorite page and a family would allow ADMISSION: lo addition to all this their has transferred his clinic to 37 of the own West Indian wok bas toen Central Ave. upper floor of La Ihastrated Grand of ibis Ladies par mateicoties Girone leserves. to. Edwin Goodridge paper following usernings newne where of Grand Stand Field Stand 50c.
well looked al ver, and most of the Mascotes in frout of the Alcalde de dodat sbio sad moment of be express Properts bas been considerably Entrance between Le Maseuta resvement draw vor attention to against admitting or continuing in and Preciado Book Store, Last, but not least, the Major the Inct, how it has pleased our that organization the girls who TELEPHONE 991.
and bis wife bave sun the Great Grand of the Universe, frequest the public dance balls, splendid Sennen Hostel, which through the band of that comendable step. The Boy Scouts, is such an 58set to the coomu mu The Silver Club School monster death to take from our sboul follow suit.
midst Qu. Dear Beloved Brother lity. The place inalde has been Edward Ryce to be at rest practically made like new, Many of the beds are new, and all the Offers the best advantage for the with Him in that berlel Canal Zone Notes: bedding and other improvements Mapsbion where travellers once bave training of Coloured children en made all the time.
been reach never return.
Iday it is admitted to be one on the Atlantic ead.
He having made Machanic (Continued from page 5)
of the cleacest on the lethmus. ELEMENTARY ACADEMIC sad bad advance to the Ordar to at the Courch, but as it is not Regular Assortment of An average of about six thousat a COURSES the Distinguisb Rree of possible to make such arrangemen bave been looked after May the Great true God Preserments, the general public will bu yearly, very many of them, of some of the leading subjects are: his soul whilst passing accorded and opportunit: to hes course, being stranded, No through the Vaily of the shadow the grand music al Paraiso on Kendine Case is ever wrned away Shorthand Typewriting of death, that at the last day be Monday night.
while most of them are found Book keeping Commercial Law may be courted amongst the The doors will be open at p. SUCH AS work, and seat oft to their vwo Eect.
Geometry and the programe will comAlgebra Chemistry This Lodge now in Bession, wence at p.
Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, The Major children, Dorotby, Physics do hereby Resolved that one Don miss this great oppor Ivy, and Violet have any Music Spanish verse of the Hyma entitle, when tunity to hear one of the great Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine friends in scbool, wbo are sorry Social Ethics we sonder part it gives us mas rs of England p oduction: to know they are leaving. Oor Domestic Arts Inward pain but we still shall Debating and Elocutionary Exercises join in heart, and hope to weet on the face of our books.
was mad it. Dorotby, the Idest, nas taken And do further Resolved that do further Resolved that this this Lodge. be part is a lew planoforte recitale draped in etc. etc. etc.
Lodge cense from labor for five mourning for Torm. Ronsonable bere, and a uma das filled gape the period of Alda Minutes the Brothers standing thirty days (30)
and that by playing at the Y, M, C, A, and all CHARLES BURKE, reverence of our depart: a Brothers of this Lodge be in Christian End ayoer Services.
Principal, Brotber with bowed beads. Mourning for that period, in The Major and family expects do further Resloved that a Loving Memory of our Dear to leave the Isthmus about the Mas, DANIEL Associate, letter of Condolence with a e py Beloved Brother Elward Ryee end of this month, going via of this Resolution be sent to th who departed bis life, on the 9th 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Valpa aiso, a dib u ove land. Cristobal Silver Clubhouse Widow and Relatives of th day of cember 1925. D.
Decease Brother, and that a Rent Receipt Books in Span Panama City.
copy be sent to the Local vrea EDWIN GOODRIDGE G.
Ish and English for Sale at The Advertise in the Workmaz for Publication, one be placed KENNETH PRICE Secretary Workman Printery, IT PAYS. ATTRACTIVE RACES very boppy and Into man and and 60, 00 mo ume: Dog Tho doa ber ib dove pulpits, an opinion improved Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products ve girl triend not only lebt mir Logic and Partiamontary Procedure.
Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, agaio (be sang)
The Workman Printery


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