
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JANUARY 30, 1926 PAGE SEVEN El Excelsior Mob Murders Innocent Man.
THE ATTENTION Friendly Societies and Secret Orders MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS Suitable for Lodge Business and seized Colemon, with Workman Stationery Store STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History men.
them a Judge Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 exacted a be re. Colon.
clarksdale Miss Lindsay We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also Colemau was lynched a few miwatches. Our prices are the lowest and our butes after a jory in Circuit Court bad declared him not Workmanship is guaranteed.
IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF guilty of the murder of Grover Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you Nicholas, plantation store may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may manager drsire, provided the monthly payments of Cileman was one of several Negroes arrested after the b:uinterest are duly met.
tal slayiug of Nichola: October 15, by a man who struck te WE CARRY GOOD STOCK OF IMPORTED storekeeper on the bead with an JEWELS AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES.
axe. His trial has been in pro gress throughout this week.
Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall Colemao let the Coahoma be pleased.
County courthouse immediately after the verdict accompanied by Sheriff Glass and a deputy wbo feared violence.
bad gone but short dience when a of group of men, unmasked, approached AT THEThe best Tonic in the World overpowering the officers.
Leaping into an automobile VIGOR TONIC the innocent man, the men drove away. few shots were This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend beard and Coleman body pierced by several bullets, was ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, ibrown into the street near the Domagogogogange genggamanan Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up outskirts of the City, a run down constitution THREE DAYS LATER It promotes digestion, improves the appe Denounced by the Comboma Royal King George tite, ind gives tone and energy to the whole system Voters as highbanded murder the Lodge lynching of Lindsay Coleman, DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or times a day, was made the subject of investigation by a a Grand Jory. Four No. 31, Of G, of one of a planter, JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy, were arrested today on charges INSTALL OFFICERS.
of conspiracy to murder, and warrants were sworn out for Installation of Officers for the four other persons three days ensuing teri Jaunary to June laterAND 1926 of th Royal King Gorge CHURCH SERVICES Ebenezer Church of God Alcoin, before Lodge 81, GS Holiness whɔm Coleman was tried, called of took place on Fridy (Continued from page 4)
No 46 CALIDONIA ROAD a special session of the Grand night January 15, 1926 at the Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Jury ard when it assembled be Flower of the Isthmus Lodge Seventh Day Adventist Church Sunday 5o clock, Prayer Meetin a pledge of the jurors Hall 7th street Broadway 11 Divice Service Preacher. that indictments would. STREET CALIDONI ROAD Supplied turned against any person found The ceremony was abls perSummary of Contents. near Isthmian Park. PANAMA. Sunday School Superintendent. involved, regardless of his stand to mad by Bro. R. Jaunes 60. Programme Babbath (Saturday) 945 am, Sab.
ing in the community. He in Supreme Departy assisted by he History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years bath Bobool: 11 15. m, Genern! Worship 30 Gospel Service, Pronobertructed be Grand Jury to also following Crand Officers from the Full Particulars of 1900 Tour. investigate reports that thud Sister Lodges. 30 Supplied pm. Spanish Clas; 30 M. Soci ty meeting Tuesday 7:30 pm. Gepel Service degree methods had been sem.
Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, GRAND OFFICERS ployed in an effort to obtain conNote her se viers for the weekessions from other Negroes Bro. James, Installing 30 Junior and Seni St ndard Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, of tainment Class p. m, Vespere will be given from the pulpit.
arrested with Coleman for the Elder ODLE Master.
Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual Buoday evening 30 PreachPateor in of Nichols. S. Burke, C.
Players ing Service The general public is Those arrested are Thomas cordially invited to turn out in larg Grant, G, C.
Nichols, brother of Grover Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and Dumbers.
Nichols; Traynham, a placA. Herd unan, R.
Services of the Bethlehem r; Cape, an employee of Interesting Baxter, Seventh Day Adventist Church Church of God Holiness raynham plantation, and Callender, Tres. Blockley of Clarksdals. Hudson, Prelate.
Price 50cts.
8rd STREET BROADWAY. COLON Birry, Sen Babbath (Saturday) 45. cn Sabbath No, MARIANO AROSEMENA St.
Beber1; 11. 15 sm. General Worship Sis. Gamel, Conductors. Secure yours now there will be a great rush 30 Young people meeting Sunday 580 Prayer Meetiny.
Sir Barrett, of Fint.
10 a Divine Service, Bro. G 30 Vespero Pbilip, Cuollffe Lister; for them, President of the Board of Trade. Davis, of Record. Phillips Bunday evening 30 pm. Preaching p. Sunday School, Superinten on December 15th, a a Mansion Thomasseau, of Fin. Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Bervior. You are cordially invit. to deat pm. 7. 30 Gon House Mering organised by th Cox, of Trust.
attend these services and bring your pel Srvice, Elder Parkenson, British Empire League, declared Panama Williamson, of Lesfriends, BEULAH 11 a. Divine Service that in the development of inter son.
Br) Sm II, Imperial trade were Williams, of Keys.
The Church of God 20 m. Sunday School, Muperin ten immediate and growing advan Taylor, of Pass.
dent. p. Gospel ervice. Bro Small. s, direct, and indirect, not OFFICERS only to the other parts of the INSTALLED GAMBOA MISSION 11. and Enpire, but also, and equally, to Bros. Edwards EL GAITERO Padams. Arosemena Street, House 25, p. m, su, plied.
people in this country.
San Miguel Sunday at a. Prayer Elder T, C, FRANCIS, British would be a Sinclair THE ONLY ELABORATED meeting and spel meetings at la Pastor in charve. truncated policy it it did not. Thomasseau and 30 Sunday School at p include and embrace the whole of. Williams Moday at 30 o. Testimy Meeting Tuesday at 15 m. Young People our trade within the Empire. Campbell Tres, Spanish Cider with its Meetin.
Wednesday at 30 The Salvation army We have many virtues as. Luke Prelat Caspel meeting. Thursday at 30 PANAMA CITY CORP, pe ple, remarked Sir Philip. Bughes w, Con. but we bave one defect. We are own Carbonic Acid en air meeing. Friday at 30 pm.
Servioes are as follows: too modest abuut are. J, Cumberland San.
Prayer Mee ing our ICV Early Prayer Meeting. ments. We take our quai ty to. Klly Bro, C, Pessoa. in charge. 10 a, Children Directory Meeting granted and are a little too Sis. I: Cousios Red Took Coal Suplay Sebo and Brigade. United Open Air Mertine unwilling to boost it, whether it Dr. Gepel meeting on Thursday. Vindries WD of Font.
11 am Holiness Meeting to be con be the product of home ma ke at 30 pm due ed by Commandant Martin or of the Dominions and Colonies Shaw WD cord Sis GRAY p. Company meeting and We must be a little less modest. Gi Parchment of Fio Providence. Guepel Meetings Brigades Open in sit.
the way we carry out this. Vartin Woof Tout.
URETIC AND REFRESHING p. in Junior Open Air, 11. 80 a. ad 80p. Sunday School movement.
12. Billatt WD of L383. at p. Wednesday at 30 GosTrade Mark pm. Separate Brignde Open Air. Pine of Con pel Merting Friday at 7:30 m. Prayer Meeting. Lay fette D, of Keys Meeting, p. Salvation meeting in the Hall VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ Bro MeDONALD by Commodant and Mrs. Martin Why pay double price. Thorne of Pass Gatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Meeting cordial inviation is extended to all. for interior imported The Anour of Pass Officer S, at 11. 30 a. and 39 Dim. Sunday Mondas, Life Saving Guards and conferred onVILLAVICIOSA Beer when you can Sunbeam Parade at pm Bobool at pm. Weduceday 30 pm.
Bro. Luke SPAIN Goepel Meeting. Friday at 30 pm. Tue day, Band of Love Work Clase buy a superior Beer Sis. Bland.
Pra at 30 such as BALBOA for. GP reiner Bro. GEORGE GRIFFITH Wednesday, p Life Saving Scouts ESTEBAN half the price. Hall, DURAN Col»8 and Streets. Gospel meri and Chume parado. Home League st Bro. James D. In his SOLE AGENT ings at 11. 30 am and 30 Bunday 8pm Thursday Holinese meeting in the usual yle ejupled with the Sqbool at 3pm. Wednesday at 30 ollowing brotbers (Namely)
For the Republic of Panama m. Gospel Meeting Friday at 30 Hall to be conduced by Commandant Martin at pm.
Bro. Herdman, Bro. Prayer Meetior. MARCIN, Commandant Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON several others gave short ad HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA tressis in behalf of the Officers Installed and th. Good and WelTAKE NOTICE Salvation Army Hall.
What everyone is lare Bethel Church of God of the dge and Order in General after the Ce emonies al Wollness Office Hours: a. to 1p. m, repaired to the Banqueting Hall saying The WORKMAN NewsRIO BAJU, LAS SABANAS LA BOCA CORPS to p.
to partake of the del casies preKRONEN BRAU paper can be had at the fol5. 80 Knee Drill.
pared, DAILY Bunday. m. Pray Meta lowing places: 1). Divine Service. Preanh 11 am Holinere Meeting. p. Sunday School.
PHONE 1941 BALBOA sp. Sunday School; Superintendent superior to all Lindsay Place, No. 2, Street, San Miguel.
Gospel Service, 80p. Open Air.
Rent Receipt Bouks in Span Preacher 730 pm 30 Salvati meeting. Specializes in all the branches ish and English for sale at the imported beers Buppli Mareh, Barber, 55, CaliWe extend a cordial invitaton to all, dunis Road, Bro WILMOTT, Clark in charge of Dentistry.
Norkman Printery pe. Bus Cider Champagne 45 Dentist Howell Smith, Broot Francia and


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