p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY JANUARY 30, 1926, OUR SPORTING PAGE Last Sunday Races Public Lottery. What Is Your Fortune?
res 259 Lively draw wasn Races! Races. 20 ont are are 81. 80 furlongs purse 300, match was llineta 110, Jailer 126, Tigre delar indian test match versus ibird borse day INTERESTING RACES might go to purse To Morrow Races Cricket In The West (Continued from page 1)
Madame Renee will Interpret Zodiacal Signs feature of which will be a card of eight races. the There was a big crowd at Juan inconsiderable Fum for those days Franco Park on Sasaay after The GLEANER, commenting noon last to see the mine races editorially on the approval of the each wook for Readers of this paper six furlong race for class M. Team vs Trintarranged by the Panama Jacky Lottery says. The Secretary of WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE imported horses, with a purse dad.
Club. Undoubtedly everyboły the Institute of Jamaica has of 600, will be presented at was far pro that gram was conceroud, although for the holding of an official lottery January 22 28 a speaker or an occulist there is no Juan Franco Park tomorrow Bath matches between th3 there ware no unsually harde in Jamrica. One was held in this The Cusp of Capricorn and reason why you cannot prosper, afternoon, Manua, Bolt, Tri. Marleyborne Cricket team and Aquarius. race Only the fickleness of your nature buno and Frou Frou are the Trinidad Eleven played at the being the only long shot, pas ing auspices, and the sum of 23, 750 10. 80 and 20 can keep you from developing your booked to run the feature latter place were drawn. In Lord Byron, Robert Burns and unusual qua ities.
was raised. The object was the Mozart are typical their first inning the Copiago again displayed entire better subsist»nce of His Majesty this week. Although free hearted beauuifully and giving pleasure to of those born event.
The exqusite orchid, blossoming team complied 272 runs. Ham: superiori y over the best blood to tro Also there will be a six and mond and Dales being top troops stationed in this island bave compete here. He took up there were one thousand niizes and enter, delightfully amusing and about it, is the fitting flower one half furlong race, purse of 56 and 50 Dating Joy Fellow bs bithat, alter that lottery, widespread that is a detriment to the advance stone which is the symbol of the cero, Olla, Rolando and Ar The Trinidad Eleven fit, is an with runs in their competitor in this raca by two demoralisation should have set in, ment of a career, but the natural subtlety of the minds of these gentino are booked to take scorere with 109. John Snail first inning. Cipriani being top chains.
In the But it was after the lottery that talent is often great enough to interesting people, seve. furlong race the slave trade was abolished, that counteract this trult.
being next with 45, Being sensitive in the extreme, which carried a purse of 400, slavery itself came to an end, and The program: It baving been previously arBolt, with Jockey Aranguiz came that various retorms were under which draws people irresistably, mate for it is through marriage You have a strong personality you should use care in selecting a ranged to play these matches on in the Five furlongs purse 125. schedule time, the MC, ro second and third, respec. character of the people winner withird andoe: taken. Nor era it be said that the but you are too careless of their that the greatest happiness will be Barba Roja 126, Zipi Zape 115 team had a second knock and at was frelings and injure them by in showered on Aquarius horo, MarFachendo with Gonzulez up worsened by the lottery. That difference when a little attention riage with one born near the mid Toto 112, Cholito 107, Gran the call of time had put up 198 won easi y the fourth event of character was certainly better at on your part would make permite of the month of April or the Senor 100, Star Shell 96. runs for the loss of six wickets, The match tbus ending in a fu longs.
the end of the centary than it has ment, and valuable friends who last of July will make for harmony Wormwood 92.
Moreover, there might at some time aid you ma in married life, The results were as follows: been before.
Five furlongs Purse 150. In the return match which Four furlongs. purge 125. Copyrighted 1925 by Hence Rialto 128. Dardenela 122, arted on Tuesday the an orgy of lotteries terially in various ways, 26th Barbo Roja (Mun z) Repule subsequent to the big one to obtaig As an artist, a salesman, a writer Adams Syndieate)
Caribe 123, Ruso 113, Cand Inst, the homesters compiled 173 (Arand) Mer tir 18a (Rodri: money for the better treatment of lewood 111, Roamer 105.
runs for the entire eleven, Small gues) Time. 55 5. Pool paid the troops then engaged in the being top score with 57, Niles 30. 60 and 20 on the winner colony defence. Money for Seven furlongs purse 150 and St. Hill 20, Replying the and 20 on the second horse, spacific purpose Wis wanted, it Jingoe 128, Altanera 128, La 143 rucs for the entire side, team could only muster For furlongs. purse 150. was got in a spcific way, a Garzona 119, Cilia Rialto (Aranda) Ruso thousand private persons directly 118, Ternison 30. and Collins 28 being (Schul 2) Dictador (Arane uiz. benefited, the soldiers benefited Sunny Girl 102.
the principal scorers, Time 55 4 Poul pad 20 and also, and these who last probably Seven furlongs purse 350. In the second inning the Trini.
ath winer and 20 on never gave the matter a second Funchal 126, Marcela 114. dad Eleven put up a score of 240 the second horse.
thought. Yet to day we Six and one ball furlongs. hearing of all sorts of terrible evils Chomba Loca 124, Buck runs, St. Hill being responsible purse 250. Carcajada (Munoz) that would follow upɔn a Municipal Dancer 121, Poncho Roto 119 for 106 runs, and Captain Dewhurst 56. 2 Altanera (Batz. Sunny Girl Billot here. Surely a little practical JUAN FRANCO TRACK Six furlongs. purse 600. The CC. started their sec(Jimenez) Time 1, 24 5. Pool experience is worth all the Manua 126. Bolt 125, Tribuno ond innings and at the call of 80 and. 30 on the winner, imaginings of the scaremongers.
115, Frou Frou 107, time. as scheduled per previous 30 on the second horse Six The amount of money raised by TO MORROW Five furion is purse 275, total of 177 arrangements) bad bit up the Fachendo (Gonzalez Meelan the state lottery of 1779 would be Capitan 130: Capoul 120, Ga. wickets when the runs for the loss of (Mun z) Galle vita (Arandu. equal to eighty thousand unds or Sunday, January 31st, 1926. The Time 16 5, Pol paid 90 more to day. It would be interest108. Fair Play 130, Col Aranand 50 on the winnr, 82. 4) on ing to know what the prize winners the second borse and 2, 59 oc the dit with their gains, but that of go 120, Madona 117, Carca the Maryleborne was sche.
duled to start as soon as possible coarse is impossible, In these jada 102, Araucana 108.
after the return match particuOje Mil purs 700, Copia the winner of a big priza wouli po (Escoba. Jolly Fallow ylınot certainly invest it in a Five furlongs purse 300. lars of which will appear in our (Carillo) Frou Frou (Mur oz) house; smaller sums Fachendo 132, Meddler 122, next issue.
Time 1, 39 5, Pool paid 2, 30 the purchasing of motor cars, still Pichicuma 119, Belle Sauvage on the winner smalier sums to liquidation of debt Races For Imported horses 90.
Soldiers Guilty of Assult One Mile 375. or to the taking of a holiday. Any Six and one half furlongs Argention (Arrngu z) Rolando box, the los of som woull be the And Battery and for: Native bred Ponies (Escobar) Juiler (Schultz. Time giin of others, and those who lost purse 400, Novicia 127, Ci. 12 5. Poo! paid 90 and would have had the excitement cero 126, Olla 106, Rolando Found guilty of assault and bat. 70 on and on tha winner and 40 WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE 104, Argentino 106.
tery, two soldiers of Fort on the seco cond of 3rso Sberman were sentenced to 30 Seven furlongs days each in jail and find 50. 00 (Aranguiz) 0 1a (Schulz) devoted would be each by Judge Martin in the Dis3 Cicero (Munız Time 1, 27. Pool to the STRIKING CEREMONY Court paid 84, 70 and 2) cn the win reconstruction of at Cristobal on Kingston Wiednesday last. 2, 50 2, 30 on the thoroubfures, and that could not 04. 00 be considered a lo The oal (Continued from page 5)
According to what was broguht and third horses, respectively.
only arthe soldiers engaged Five furiong purse 150. gument that the opponents of a tinople, Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
Renown (Casas, Baby gay ballot have to offer is that it would chauffeur, one Samuel Allen, in Though the term organ was used drive them to Gatun and Colon, to widespread demerealisation (Martinez) Cn qui (Arenta. in early times designate different while complying with their wish First Race Starts p. Sharp paid 10 80 1, 20 on the yet when they are asked if mechanical devices which embraced drive into a lonely branch of the winner and 30 on the second think the people of England are horse being demoralised by the several kinds of musical instru Gatua Road, one of the soldiers Hospital it has been ments, a discreet maintain a possible to of trace struck him on the head with a the organ For furiorgs purse 300. Some of them would like ADMISSION: Tacra Arica (Arangu z2 Li our study as far back bottle. the other attacked him and Vitoria Schultz Belle Sauvage to say that a ballo: is opposed to as, ithe Second Century before bit his ear and both soldiers threw (Navarro. Time 49 5 Po the principles of religion tut as Grand Stand Field Stand 50c.
Christ, The Talinud and the writ bin out of the car which they 10 ard 2, 10 on the winner the Soriotures do 4, not help them Luther, when he said that music then took possession of. The car and 2, 20 on the second horse. here they are obliged to confine master which makes the people is taid to have been found in softer, and milder, assertion of. more. their own beliefs and prejudices.
more rational hor may we not hope The story given by the soldier Building Fund African Their great point that, the increasing study of the that Allen had stopped his car and Items of Interest.
organ the greatest exponent of demanded payment from them and thing has never been done. But it Panama Canal Busi.
been done It musical expression will once more started to draw somethi done in from his Jamaica by a Jamaica Government, ness.
make all earth a paradise? pocket which they thought was At a recen sale of e rly Colo azein to invite as we now know. It was done in Before concluding, should like revolver and that they only acted DIVISION No. 17, to assist in the building of nial and other stamp complete a Esthustismardjillity seen ing done in England 1a aid of the Cathedral. It is orgao builder the Court, is now be Duaing the month of December. sheet of the 24d. British Colom: James, the attention to in self defence, was discredited by to mark the voting for queen of public hospitals. And it will con. 1925, 432 commercial vessels tran. 750. Ash et of the first 1d. must feel in the lovely instrument District Attorney McGuigan bia The soldiers were defended by 1861 (240 stamps) sold for among us. To him is largely due the satisfaction which all concerned Harold P, Tasker. Assistant the tinue to be. The prejudices sited the Canal, on which tolls Hall, No. 17. Division. There are of a 2, 111, 89653 were collected. This two and each is showing a lively and not likely to atfest the opicion in the highest tolls colection for any dition fetched 115.
month since January, 1924. The similar sheets, creased and with is coly part gum, were knocked fendation we highest com And, as he is a West daily average number interest, Of course some are far all his confreres Automatic Phones on shead of others but it is being SPARKLETS bind was 149, and the door transits down for 70 and 75, average of the large Antilliam family to Canal Zone.
that this does not at all tolle collection 68, 125, 37. Tne Royal him the success he Saicate disinterestedness month of December was one of the issued improving the conditions had there may by many surprises Most of the Hello girls em(Continued from page 1)
best in the history of Canal traffic, voder which service pensions worthy an instrument. More than at the next count of been months votes. At the count on Wednes University conferred one of the the opining of the Panama Canal Westwarded the members of the that, it to the duty of every West ploved on the telephone switchday night last the Misses Ehel highest degree on Booker To Wash in which the tolls have exceeded vides that a soldier who has re enlarge the opportunities which pursuing other vocations from to Ir Regiment. in this boards in Brown Lacile watt and Nelly ington, and it is typical with the two million dollars. Tha record engaged to complete 21 years, or may present themselves to Mr. morrow as the cut over to the au; Joges were th oals tbree Usaian in Panama to also quickly was established in December, 1923, who has re enlisted on a 12 James, because he in particular tomatic system from the manual pass the three thous ma ronnig wight, after which all subscribers closely Th count was as follows sioa and it is not on uncommon collected.
each other pretty time not with an outward expres. which tolis of 2, 335, 729, 81 were least nine years previous service of the West Indian se the history will take place at 11 o clock totowards pension, may, should like also to thank those equipped with automatie teleMiss Ethel Brown 3884 for many of them to fight from the Colours before resposible for my presence here phones will make their calls by Lucille Mowatt 3739 tooth and nail for their intelligent In addition to the commercial Nelly Jones pletion af 21 years service, tonight for their kind invitation to dialing. Free demonstrations on 3474 West Indrao helpers.
traffic listed above 19 small be granted a pension. Existing contribute to this ēvening pro the new system have already been Rena Solomon 2634 (To be continued in our next issue. launches transited the Canal, pay pensionere may have their per gramme. have not given utteran given to subscribers 2189 ing 98. 58 in tolls. These were slons re assessed with effect ce to any exçression in the hope of Representatives of the Electrical 1939 Silvia Ware.
small vessels measuring under 20 from July 3, 1921, or the date of harvesting applause; but rather Division will be stationed at the 1779 Society.
the beginning of the pension, it with the profound hope that various exchanges to effect the Luoise Payne 1834 later.
little thought of mine may have cut over, simultaneously. Luellie Miller 1569 The total cumber of commercial the power to awaken in all love or quickly as püssible and the entire Adelaide Palmer 1074 Over 99 persons, including mem transits for the calendar year 1925 at least reverence for the organ, to take only a few minutes, business of transition is expected Delia mpbell 1009 bers and frieods of the Panama aggregated 4, 774, and ihe total the King of Instrumente, Louise Forbes 714 Wesleyan Christian Endeavor So. tolls collection 21 380 759, 70, as Why pay double price LINDA SMART.
Alfreda James 634 ciety, attended the Society liter, compared with 4, 893 transits and Colon, re will be a special. countary program at the Wesley School s22, 809, 416 34 intolls for the for inferior imported of votes on Wednesday nigbt room on Wednesday evening last. calendar year 1924. The total Beer when you can January 20, 1926.
Have you tried the 3rd Feb.
Doctor Wischie of Ancon Hospi: number of commercial transit Tbe management buy a superior Beer desires tal was the special speaker, bis since the opening of the Panama new Beer to make it known that all subject bring Hygiene. His Caual, to the close of business on such as BALBOA for monies left over from the Car address was most instrue: ive and December 31, 1925, Rent Receipt Books in Span ageregated half the price. Kronen Brau nival will, will go towards the at intervals punctuated with 32, 179, on which tolls of. 130, 162, Ish and English for sale at the buildı grund 497, 67 were collected.
Workman Printery form oleasure of their purse 100, ignored. Beipensation not to be a great phallot of ventured in a Bult paying for tr ct Day Of Good Racing ner: second out in court, lead Pool pal they of loud some St. Paul Indian, call upon Warrant has been congratchie elektron producing 50 for Horung thing May Torpe Eva Decoteau as humor,


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