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so kay at PENSIONS FOR WIDOWS THE WORKMAN READ THE WORKMAN LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME WEEK BY WEEK AND PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY Matt Henson, Coloured Only Living Civilized Man ARRIVING Marcus Garvey May Be Paroled And Deported district, may visited parts of tbe En five year sentence for persecuted by his personal and men and others het die gely belet pe the Star Navigation Company probably Bero, why 00000 VOL 14 Vɔ.
PRICE Cts. Öy.
BOY SCOUT FLEET COMMANDER Arrives at Panama on For Manoeuvres 9000 World Wide Tour.
Men To Visit City Who Has Been to the North Pole Daily.
Moses Rirenman, officer com Move on Foot to Get Sentence in the Late Admiral Peary manding the brigade of Boys The City has commenced to take Scouts established in Poland, whol on the clour of the American Commuted and His Release is now on a world tour, recently Navy and the cone ntr tion of the Expedition.
Colombia where in the city of Cali, February 14 and March 15 proFrom Prison.
arrived in this city coming from Fleet in Panama waters between The American Tug ROOSE ored man, Matt Henson. he inspected one of the lar ert ses to create an unusual busy cable despatch from Washing states VELT with a crew of fifteen During Peory 18 year effort divisions of Scouts functiooing in officers and men is now ucdergo, to ranch the Pole, Matt Henson that republic. Young Rixenman in public. the capital of the Re deoseda ted Fely 4, says: On cors have said that definite aligo there is.
dition that he leave the country, of New York City negroes with ing repairs at the Panama Canal accompanied bim on every expedi an ardent and zealous supporter of Marcus Dry Docks at Balbos. Tbe tion, He is one of the best dog the Baden Powell movement and there will be over 160 naroll the Unite Negro Improve. This incident might mean the eleepresident general the Republican party as a result of ROOSVELT towed a couple of team drivers in the world today, was undertaken this chezardous ti approxfmately 38, 280 officers and ment Association and one of the tion of a Republican.
vessels with a complement of of the tugs loaded with lumber and. with no motive than arrived at the Pacific port of the and oledges of food, were dropp. ing as far as possible the ideals of men with teinporary base at Bal. most pictures que figures in New Mr. Weller, the present Demoon City orgro.
Canal every twenty five miles to cunsti the Association he so dearly loves bon, the Pacific entrance of the Yor Io is in ereeting to know that tute supply stations for Peary Heeft bis iteme in 1923 gund ons Seat le is already at Balboa, receive a commutation of sentence cratie representative from the disThe Baltagalip ROOSEVELT is the return trip from the Pole, went already Germany, Shore leave will be granted to tentiary, where he has served one vey behalf.
identical little craft which some with the expedition to a pnirt years ago took the American Ad withia 150 miles of the Pole, and Blastum. France, Italy, Sraguay from the hours of to p. using the mails to defraud Garvey friend say he has been od, Brazil, Draguay usy app oximately 9, 000 men daily year bira! Peary on one of his North when it was found that supplies Are Colombia. Local officers and up to 10 m, each day.
Chile, Peru Ecuador Chief Petty Officers may remo sja warrant fer bis deportation political enemics in Little Harlem Pole Expiditions, It is also more could be taken for only two interested in the evement probably will be approved by It is contended they want him ou interesting, especially to coloured besides the Eskimos in their last of TABIL of of the way so The last units of the Scouting Husband, assistant secretary of th the prestige an lap power he. Tow exercises, eyer from Peary fecting his party for his man. There is no other answer to it who must possess not only an iting or tiene Dorea Inaught: 23 Black Promosi arvey his prison cell will fall into their hands. In this light the activity Aretic explorations as Matthew Matt Henson was bis choice.
interesting data destroy rs, submarines and air contributed to his present ple have worked for his reluase is un of so. ne of his political foer, who Nelson, a coloured man now living because he was the best mio in garding bis travels but also of craft division is due oa the 14th, will be returnrd to the in New York, is the only living civi the party, Seoutcraft in general. on which dite the great ccncentra West Indies, providing the com nu derstan ble.
Jized man to reach the North Pole. Admiral Peary showed no racial We offer our congratulations to tion takes pluce.
tation is approved by the was one of Commander Peary discrim nition, but those the president selection, fittest man for the extremely hard Mr. Rizenman for the success he!
The vessels wil be io poru dur Oficinls here admit that few feel is expressed in a recent edition Captain Dooald MeMillian, and hazardous job of making those has so far achieved and wish him a but it is not certain whether the in so much political prossure being pud ished in New York and of ing the last days of th: Carnival as in many years have resulted of the Negio World, a famous Arctic Explører, broadcas long marches in a temperature 69 speedy and safe return to his native enlis:ed men will be given shore man, regarded by a which Gavey bus remained mating from JAZ the Zenith Ra below land.
flu ve duriag that time.
large portion of Little Harlem as raginz editor and contributor of dio Stations, Straus Bdig. Chicago Matt Henson is the only living the lone awaited Muses, could cot lacing articles, One paragraph Thursday vening, January 21, civilized man who has been to the escape the spotlight even while in from a recent edi:orial was; 1920, bis betare showing North Pole, He has added another SPARKLETS prizon Friends as well a enemies Nothing wou please the peoRear Adair. Robt. Peary, pinnacle of achievement or wreath brve worked night and day for hie ple of Harlem, ay, the negroes of reached the North Pole in Ap: il of glory to the progress of the race, releee.
the world more lian to know that says: Matthew Ison over straighter more auto.
1999 domisi Penry has bee, eriti eightech wyear lon Profetin Superficial Restros medichter Tenacionet e tyre me the hope that in mod release events other than est ved Bardova 8o re rohtians ve expressed Mr, Garvey received a eized for not taking a white manArctic regions and accompanied pect.
come genuine.
with him to the Pole, but taking Admiral Peary on every one of win votes for the Republican pirty stand, doing business for negro urWith regard to minertion be, in the south, and especially in be lift and Africa redemption.
instead, two Eskimos and the Col his North Pole expeditions. Continued from our last issue) like the Englishman, does not go Oa the whole our social inter around with blanks for promotion cour. e has been good; sometimes, and ask my permission for him to PROFESSIONAL AND SECONDARY TEN MILLION DOLLAR GOMPANY BEING of cours. a litle embrassing on hil them out for increases in my either side. He is an efecte bliske dane matural as myself. my empk weerlik In this SCHOOLS ORCANIZED IN LONDON, pot known that treated by the intelligent and were an employer, could hardly cultured on batter terms than by depend on me on me for any such gena To Dovolop Mineral Resources of Panama. those with very limited training foriy not even the philantroj Hold Graduation Exercises And Distribute Lists Diplomas.
long the rightPinea, This conus do that. wo you ap cable despatch from Washington says: It is under. Hon to the nome in all races and the an employer. gentle reader, you immune colors. as long stood among tinancial circles here that a company capital. so, whether he your employees work cheerfully Puring the past two weeks the age) for baving gained distinction ized at 10, 000, 000 will be organized shortly in London Washington, C. bis treatment or apparently cheerful y giving a vartious professional and secondary in a Commercial Course including at il Cypewriting and Stenography.
with connections in New York and Paris, for the develop to me in the main takes the cclour the same time satisfactory service this city have been ho ding enter. evening the 31 ment of mineral resources in Panama. Much interest is from hi training the basic train you would be Leing taken in the organization of the company in all threeing taking most prominent part. absorbed in laying plans for in tainments in their respective local ultiu o the auditorium de Sibe ities in connection with the distri Young Women Professional cities and it is thought that preparatory work in Panama been concu red in or corroborated he veracity of this statement has creased production.
tution of diplomas and certificates School in the Exposition Grounde But between you and I, the of merit to students whose offerts was packed to its capucity by an will be begun shortly.
with by West Indian womenfok Usaia is amenable to reason, and during the school year just ended enthusiastic throng who came to domestic very much. servants.
Of Panama West Indian By nature the Usaian docs the But from my superficial observa shu wo by the est. Its of examinareaching staff on their past year Annual Meeting nction of him am utterly convinced tions recently held, performer notables amo them Carnival believe in handing me an empty that he also firmly believes that a being Hi Excellency Don Rodolfo thank you very much for valu man has no right with anything On Friday morning, Jonuary 29, Chiari. President THE ASSOable personal service I render him. unless he fight for it, and when he the studenotais ton clere af Doymele Republic, brooMendez Pereira, CIATION HELD.
MISS IRIS GEORGE As said last week, practical ex gets it, fight to keep it, Economy conducted by the of Public perience with the Englishman is faculty of the Professional School Mrs. Esther (Concluded)
de Calvo, losper almost nil, but fellow West Indies gave an exhibition of the culinary tor of Secondary and Professional On Saturday night the 30th told me that the Engl in art and showed great ability and Set The program was opened ultimo the Board of Directors of After a most exit ng voting Samain does not believe very Reading Makoth Full dextent with the preparation that with a brilliant addrey by Mica the Panama Canal West Indian di hes as much decorsting thank you well as Artera, the Directress of competition Miss Iris Man Employees Association de la colon candidate for queen chat run home and continue to be a ever so much, you are a fire fellow, manipulation of the dining room, the Inetitution, after which recita ension PapamaCarnival If you believe, gentle reader, in Misses Purification Arroyo, All officers Bustos tions, and musical renditions by and Elodia Diaz and representatives were in their was elected by a majority of 46 292 good boy with pin money; but at the ab ve caption, you may not Mrs.
followed de in order. The dino Vera Carna who the same time, they say, the Enə only have to read my weakiy pffle distinctive con mendation.
ур address teacher of the class. de Calvo, Paasmas minute, they came second with 11, 414 while glishman doesn seem to forget but also West Indian News ed from 10 m. Mine Cumberland of La Boca, tite that you bave served him. the West Indiin Section. respeo deserves great credit for the premier feminist, who treated her Oso to after the third candidate, bad 10, 000 votes but to forget a good is bad.
cha ser is good, is my experience, of our leading village dailies. success achieved, hesrers to an oratorical master reading and her too, the offionrs and representatives. New pieces Miss Cumberland failed to add With the Usaian, there is a policy let evolved dellar a month for the trip Santo Thomas Hospital, ia a quiet were installed. This was followed were seven who graduated in plan which any votes after the second count, not only in working but in living worked out very much in my mas were distributed to those has the President inaugural addres while Miss Carnaadded 600 and conditions, which would by the has but impressive ceremouy, diplo telegraphy, which was well received, and Os the following evening the is Miss Gcorge 27, 592 take a favour and am paying less than student Durses who had satisface usual crowd was in attendance a pretty gocd sized volume to amply twelve dollars a year for all three torily completed the course in the National Institute where The supporters of Miss George describe. This policy am not This allows me to cover much Report. It was camidered a very detailed. prin Dr.
pe the Rector, esbiaustive and entirely satisfactory told, Miss George will therefore some do, had, previous to ten worth teading. very small per Thomas Guardia and took the form toa to this and it was ordered that it be Idian Carnival, as queen, which safe for me, as aleo uokiod, the me but can always find some fun ustes. Rev. Father Lora and Dr. Op ex eollathe piano, of the years ago. looked upon it as un centage of the foreiga news interests of a solemo charge to the new gradyear work; represent the Panama West In successive education al quartet of profeſsors and published for free tegins on Saturday next, the 13th policy: John Doe, you stay over in local ones. For instance: Bar Preciado, instant, there. let me stay over here, and the Superintendent of Preculation among the enlivered the rister Bill evening with classic air, Dr.
you may raisevadi the Sam Henry Baca Athenaeum is supposed to the hospital, also spoke, Among several com memberiu e deal with were one Colored Broadcasting Sta you want to to. Rational have held Mendez Pereira was resposible fot On the rame evening at the responsible from the Secretary of Laber, tion In Capital man may find some sound aig. for the publication in West Indian National Theatre, the pupils of the address of the evenitg and lived Washington, C. bearing on the ment policy. But his atti. News a week ago or something the San Jo. Colege entertained up to his wonderful reputation sea Association request at West Washingt. Jan. In tude of teache about meda 15 Bachel Jrs of Iudians the service of the pa addition to uradio station wcap bealthy lesoni want to pro senatet nedalo whici JK. peith an elaborate program or songs, speaker babe graduates included an elocution addresses and musical renditions nama Carul and Parama Railroad and WRC, this city boasts of sta gress must do so on my own contest held by the Athenaeum a which ve evidence of carefu them fenë ales. 56 Trachers of pride permitted to enter the United Lions BLF and JF. regularly initiative and ability. am now year or so ago. am not a Be. Training on the part of their mary Schools (11 females. PinkStutes in the non quota class, licensed radio station operated doubly fired with the ambition to might have protested. Don teachers. Gold medals and diplo magists, Bookkeepers (1 female apother from the Gatun District by colored exbert, Rufus stand up. od tt is turns out to you study law? Well, yon must Carmen P, emas and JOADA males, were presented to Misses and Corresponding Clerks 126 Turner. This is the first colored be that the straighter stand the (Cantinued on page station 16 the world.
better be appreciates me; the (Continued on Pgae 8)
Franco (the latter only 17 years of (Continued on page 8)
in from Texas or as acd the (1 the Secret ry of and George the La Boca ball.
places, and with gaining ine pupils the evening tbe was deliyer and Peol.
of minu.
to credit, Avely cag ubwa expected to be publiched. Then and in its treatment Vicia aud financial mas


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