
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY FEBRUARY 6 1926, Interesting News from The West Indian Islands Sexs0x50 000 Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD donia JAMAICA this place in the days and at BSC nights they would be sent out, arned to the teeth, and told that Bill To Restrict Sale of they must shoot. The result has of the police ran up against them Drugs And Poisons to be entbeat during the past seven eight months cases where detectives and conBe Introduced.
etables were shot at Osce he ascaped, the burglar bad safe baven. His loot was turned As stat in the GLEANER a short tim go. the Legislative over to the keepers of the den cunct will meet on the 16b of twelveth part of what the gods and he recelyed probably a February or the despateb of jare worth.
Amoog the bills to come up One of the pricipal instructions for consideration will be a law which the barglars receive, is to to amend the law aling with break iato rum shops, especially the sale of drugs and poisons.
kept by Chinuse; and to From what can be gathered, there could be no possible identitake away whisky, since the ain of the new bll is to intication of these. Tha result has 1482 greater restrictions on the be sale of pernicious uzs. The Deea that several Chinese shops illiet trade in drugs has for some and in one case prac. ically the have recently have broken ist. time past been known to the whole stock of the shop was repolic, but has beea dificult to moved.
pua chick upon sam Not long ago a hd bad to be The story which we pablish put under restraint on account above is a fact. Ws will give farof the use of cocaine which, it is issue. How the police have not tber details in subs quent stated, bas developed into a habit ano a ceriala class of chauf reach ad more of the men who are feur.
the head the organ zed gang of receivers is a mystery. Pio Another bill which also will be bably it will only be a matter of presented to the Legislature is time when the men higher up one dealing with elementary will be caught.
education in Jamaica. This bill seeks to give effect to the various amendments passed by the Board TRINIDAD of Education Bill will also be introduced the effect of which will be to pre: Flim Fire In AbercromVent solicitors of less than s auding, on articl dcl ris. This law will by Street.
pot apply to any solicitor of less than live years standing who, COLONIAL FLIM EXCHANGE before it c) nes into operation, has had articled clarks.
for 7, 400 with the Caledogla losurance Co. of which Mr.
Spel cer Kirton is the ageat.
The projecting machine and fittings are insured in the same company for few samples on exhibit were also destro, ed.
be building which is owne. by the Canadian Bank of Con merce is insured with the Cal.
Iosurance Co. for 35, 000.
The work of repairing tb Bank roof was com un enced in mediately, and the basiness of the Bank was not interrupted DISLOCATION OP CINEMA BUSINESS.
The immediate result of the fire bas been the dislocation of the moving picture busines in the West Indies. The Colonial Phim Exchange Ltd, owns three theatres in Trinidad, two at Es bado. and three in British Guiana, but it supplies no fewer than thirty five cinema bouses with films those Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
An Alterative recommended for purify.
ing and enriching the BLOOD.
of For Sale at all Drug Stores And in Large Quantities by JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy Parliamentary Delegation Visits Of Inspection.
AGENT Years: taking 88 possible in in relation to the more ho ATTENTION!
possible 00 great House Rent Receipt Books dressing The WEEKLY GUARDIAN of the 16th, ulto says:The Parliamentary delegation have begun their visits of inspec tion and tours wbieb have been so arranged that they will in the limited time at their disposal. get as information to the principal Industries of the Colony, and mejor points, as to the conditions of life generally, and the needs it the Colony and its people. For some years those have the ability to take forward0 Views have been do that is to induce a delegation of members of Parliacent to visit this and some of the neighbouring Colopies. It was felt that Jamaica was getting the benifit of these visits, with the sult that United Kingdom the popular in the view was. spreading that the West Indies began and ecded at Jamaica. At last a delegation of members of Parliament is giving the attention to Trinidad, which bas given, on other occasion tom ado Jamaica, and it no otber benetit is to be derived save that the Culooy will be more widely dels advertised and known known in quarters where it was not heard of before it connot be contended that the visit will not be a success. think tbat everyone in the should be grateful to the Colon for coming. They certainly bave put themselves to some incon venience to to take the voyage and fail to leava thase stores without increasing their knov ledge of tblygs relating to Colony, there must be a valuable assistance to the campaign for bringing the Colony more prominently before the British public.
if Coco to poses Te at the SPANISH ENGLISH as they cannot the gained a grip Order Books The WEEKLY GUARDIAN reAgainst Present Amal port the following destructive fire. business gamation, Lion of the city was saved Thursday morning from destruc tion by fire owing to the Member of the Legislative Coun height and thickness of the dil Will Introduce Rusolution boundary walls of ihe premises tip Restore Former Conditions the excellent work performed No. Abercromby Street and St. Andrew Not nefited the Brigade. Property to the extent of about 81, 000 was JesThe Heraid understands trosed. The Colonial Fimex lost all its effects, that at the comming session of change Ltd. lost all John The Legislative Counci a motion salon was destroyed, the root Gomez hair na by the Canadian Bank elec ed member urging that mind seo premises suffered and St. Andrewshoula merce and Kirgston and the Hotel de water dame be In short that the amalgation sutered considerable Trol schem should be aband ned, and the beat that the steel doors of water damage. So intense was that the status que should be the re inforced co crete vaults returned to that the St Andrew Parachial Board should be red Cd. were twisted and warped Colonial Flim Exchange establisbed whilst in Kingston there should be a separate Coup and nothing but an iron sale with dit lok after the affairs of the bouks were saved.
Municipality The origin of the conflagration The el cted m? mber in ques for the exact spot in which it tion in co don with a few of originated is no: knowo, but it bis colleagues) thinks that the was first noticed at tha back of the premises. Owing amalgım ition was ill abu ed, and highly inflamable nature of the to the having regards to what bas since burning material, the times transpired, the fasion should be abandoned.
the entire build The people of St. Andrew, es: The result was that when the ing in an incredibly short time.
pecially those in the billy dis. Bigade received notification the tric s, woald welcome the return to the old order of thlogs. It is to ruin and but for th: fact that premises were alrealy doomed that many of the bo wind was blowing the coached roads have been neg rounding property, and probably lected and generally they do uot the wbole of the business section see wbat good amalgamation has in that ares, might have been brought them wiped out From what can be thered a is now being prepared Central Brigade, the first notiti According to the story of the for preseаtation to this sisle cation of fire was received from tive Council in support of the Lance Corporal Grant who was dissolution of the scbeme where lon by Kingston and St. Andrew on duty in the vicioity and 20ticed ite fare. He blew the amalgamated have been mucicipal purposes for whistle and ran to the Central Station who receive the alara as It remains to be seen what 45 a. Simultaneously attitude the Goveroment will take telephone call was put through u in tbe matter.
by Archer Taxi Garage at No 18 Abercromby Street. The Burglars Armed to At. Station to the scene of the con dash from the Central Fire tack Police.
Bagration was made under 30 seconds but when iha Brigade arrived on the the scene the SENSATIONAL DISCOVERY OF Afthe roof and spreading rapidly in flames were then shooting bigh SKCKET PLOT. TO PROVIDE a southerly direction.
STILUCTIONS OF THE MEN The entire stock of films HIGHER UP owned by the Colonial Film Exchaoge Ltd. is stored in four Accordiog to a story which has re inforced concrete vaul:s of ached the ears of a representa about six inches thickness, with tive of the HERALD, sensational steel doors and these were desdiscovery bas bren made of a when the doors failed to certain cility whire thieves with the great heat. The tilms armed with revolvers to are estimated to be worth about attack the police in case they 8, 000 and include a number of were arrested in their nightly new productions which have depredations.
The burglars would frequent West Indies. They insured New Building Opened.
sur Secretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly Societies petition presence of CAN BE HAD AT The new building on which the important activities of the Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture will be centalised was tbrown open by the Governor on Wednesday in the the Parliamentary Dalegation.
Considerable advance has ben made by the College since its opening a little over three years ago lo temporary quarter. and to day in its growing aum bor of students are representatives o!
many of the far outposts of Enpire. On going ever the grounds of the lostitution the visitors struck with the need for the provision of and estat sufficien.
tly large for the caltiva ion of economic crops on a large scale.
This is one of the chief aims of the Principal and is dependent, as other neceseities on the sue: cess of the appeal launched in Egland for a 100. 000 fund.
The Workman Stationery Store troyed What everyone is saying KRONEN BRAU superior to all imported beers were ADVERTISE og er at den screened lot of In The WORKMAN it Pays


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