
TAL WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1926 PAGE THREE KEE WHY THROW MONEY AWAY When you can get Movie Tickets FREE AT THE SILVER CLUBHOUSES AT THE CECILIA AND AMERICA 30C. TICKET FREE FOR 50 empty packages of Lucky Strike OR 100 empty packages of Victor 150. TICKET FREE FOR 25 empty packages of Lucky Strike AT THE GOLD CLUBHOUSES 200. TICKET FREE FOR 40 empty packages of Lucky Strike OR 80 empty packages of Victor LOC. TICKET FREE FOR 20 empty packages of Lucky Strike JOC. TICKET FREE FOR 20 empty packages of Lucky Strike OR 40 empty packages of Victor 50. TICKET FREE FOR 10 empty packages of Lucky Strike OR OR OR 50 empty packages of Victor 40 empty packages of Victor 20 empty packages of Victor In order to get a FREE Ticket at the CECILIA AND AMERICA Present your Empty Packages of Lucky Strike or Victor at the Manager Office and they will be exchanged for a TICKET AT THE GOLD SILVER CLUBHOUSES Present your empty packages at the the Cigar Counter where they will be exchanged for a Ticket Watch this paper for weekly Advertisements of the numerous other Premiums GIVEN OUT FOR EMPTY PACKAGES OF Lucky Strike and Victor Cigarettes SAVE THE EMPTY PACKAGES AND YOU SAVE MONEY BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO CO.(Panama) Ltd.


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