
mom El Excelsior STILL ON SILE West Indies Cricket History JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP ta ire AND Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages sea.
make him Summary of Contents: History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual Players Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and Interesting Price 50cts.
made, value orts VIGOR TONIC Dope and Secure yours now there will bo great rush for them, Copies may be bad from the office of the WORKMAN Panama EL SAITERO THE ONLY ELABORATED JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
too glad to her and Spanish Cider with its own Carbonic Acid: reply Cider Champagne URETIC AND REFRESHING, Mr.
the ced to Trade Mark The job fails on Inexperienced Limes of Inaccurate report.
Patrick on the 24th ultimo over The Wspaper proprietors the spot where th. Naparima will brve to take up more went down on Arb Wedaesday. digolded position they did to the The ship res ed for two minutes past aad refuse to send a repreof the Compact modation, courteous treatCorner 12 Street East Avenue the diction, and prayer for ment, and every offered for ritbering all the loformation We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also lo tbe work. The passengers the newspaper wants.
watches. Our prices are the lowest and our were arranged in rows by Walter Clarke, one of the survivors ment tried to make Mr.
During the Cricket Tourne Workmanship is guaranteed.
from the crew of the Naparim Simpson under stand what Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you During the service the after was expected of the Cricket may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may noon sun which had been hidden oticials after had been (stapldly in mist, threw a bright streak of interfered with lowy lawful drsire, provided the monthly payments of light over the dark waters of the work. found it impossible to interest are duly met.
blm understand. To him the Press meant only so WE CARRY GOOD STOCK OF IMPORTED many BARBADOS who had entered JEWELS AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES.
without paylag. It is only when appeals to the Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall The General Hospital.
olto lor sabecription are belos be pleased.
ance for somebody wanta asia too often well Antigua Wants Aid la merited condon, that the of a Ray Work dos lo recopaper lo Barba So far as the BERALD 11 concerned. wo baye SURPRISED THAT POOR sus re bad very litulo Privano chletly COLONY SHOULD BE MADE because weekly paper The best Tonic In the World Cannot find space for many of TO PAY.
the reports which the dailies boping however, 10 At a recent meeting of the be published twice a week.
sabort time, that our Court of Directors and Trustets This olegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend of the General Hospital in Bar am fure that any discourtesy to od in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, bados, the Bishop reported that HERALD representative either Lumpoverishment of the Blood, and to build up pish regard to the question of by actor by refunalo training matron from Antigas to provide proper srangements will a run down constitution, It promotes digestion, impu uves the appein Ray work fortler tele not pass unnoticed. Buchanya.
Rram had been received from tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole systeme Secretary follows: GovernAntigua through the Celonial BRITISH GUIANA ment surprised that any charge DOSE One small Wine glase before each moal Jar should be wade to the sister times a day.
Colony in Demerara Governor pooretreamatances Leeward Island would be only do an act of ttie der Receives Teachers, cription for nothing.
gled it you will reconsider mat IMPORTANT MATTERS DISand will be report by trlegram it matron can be be given one month CUSSED.
to slz weeks!
CHURCH SERVICES Services of the Bethlehem coot tbla Golostruotion free of Sympathotle Hoaring Accorded Church of God Holiness His Lordahlp further stated (Continued from page 4)
that he had instreeted the Secretary to acknowl dglog His Excellency the Governor Seventh Day Adventist Church No, MARIANO AROSEVENA receipt of the letter enclosing of British Galans recelsed STREST CALIDONIA ROAD BAN MIGUEL the telegram and explaining that deputation of teachers oa Thurs(nowe Toth Park. PANAMA.
the Hospital Radiologist a day afternoon laat, in the annex House.
medical practioner in Bonday 630. Prayer Meeting work who Bobbath (Saturday. Am. Bob in private of was engaged by Browno, 10. Children Bervice; 11 am Houpital to do Ray work as C, Introdu hab Bohool: 11. 15 General Wordp to deputation which WAS P. Bpeste Clean Divine Service, Proweber, Bupplied definite ulary. The Hospital composed of Mosera 30 Boolely, tieg pon Sunday. Bahool, Buperinten. Directors were making no charge Lackson President of the BG. 30 Jualoe and Senior Sundard doute pas. 30 pa. Gos in this matter.
On the applicaA Teachers Association, pol Bervice, Elder of low 8 pm, Vespere ulon, the matter was referred to Pollard, vice president, and Cendoy over langs 30 Bere of Badl Bank The swaal weekly service will be Dr. Skeete, the Radiologist, who Darant secretary, Mrs. goraptiona Lewre. The poolel poble in night, 45 cordially lovited to turn out la large a charge for his fatraction. branch, Mesaro, Chance, sumber.
BEULAR 30 Prayer Meetins received to the letter.
11. Divine Bervice Bupplied.
Up to then no reply bas beep of the lower Storey president of Upper O. braneb, Seventh Day Adventist Church 20 Bunday School, Superintendont. Am Goepel service. Bro. Smal. The Barbados Press Melbourne, president of Paters (New Amsterdam branch)
Bed STREET BROADWAY, COLON Babbath (Saturday) 48. Bobbath Prayer. Bro. Webley.
Thursday night, Bible reading and the Eseguebo branch, and O.
And The Bascomb, secretary of the Bobool; 11. 15. Geors Worship Monday night, the od inat.
Branch. 300. Young people. beting Juvenile cobezrt will be rendered by the Team, 80 V The president welcomed His children of the district, wboa member Buoday evening 30 Prenobles from Paname and the neighbouring Excellency and Lady Rodwell on Service behalf of the primary School You are cordially invind to distriote will carnay is to take advant recent issue of The BARBADOS colony who pledged the loyalto Mr. Clennell Wickbam, in atencbers and children of the stood to corrion and bring your e of the beautiful moonlight, away rioode from the bustle of the city light.
FERLY HERALD, came out with and co operation of teacher GAMBOA MISSION 11 am, and thorpe, Captain slasblog criticism of Mr. Cal rith the government in everyof m, Supplied.
thlog that makes for the welfare The Church of God team, Elder FRANCIS, egotistical on what seemed of the colony In general and the of education in Pastor in charge. by the Barbados STANDARD The particular, P, Arome Street, Boor 25, faults rootha STANDARD His Excelleney replied thankBea Miguel Bunday at am. Prayer for the un ing the teachers for their exprea moting and Gompel tie at 11 Ebenezer Church of God me Ited criticism was more or alons of loyalty and promised od 30: Sonday Bobool pm.
Holiness less duo to improper provision Monday at 730 Testimony Mootlox made for reporters, Wrolo co operation.
Today 15 pm. Young People The deputation proceeded to unatahes of what they heard in a diacuna (1) the regulations passed N3, 46 CALIDONIA ROAD Wednesday 730 catch a you can way.
Jadwooding. Thursday at 780.
Bunday bo olack, Prayu Meetin Mr. Cleoneli Wickham welten by the Board of Education and Opeo se meeting. Priday 30 11. Divine Service Pronost In publisbad in the omical Gazette Weekly Prayer Mooring of the 30tb altimo relative to the supplied Herald thus: engaging of teachers have received a Jelter from. tion outside their ordinary In Bro. Pessoa. in charge. occapa Bunday Behool Superintendent.
Red Took, Zoua, Sunday Bobool p. o. Programme gentlemso who beard speech duties. 2) local pu. Qapol meeting on Thursday 730 Gospel Servico, Prenoher thorpe at the Cricket Dinner, and the health training Insti by Cat tation for sanitation 730 PO Bupplied of tha schools. 1)
The writer states that Me. Cal. the eatablishment of technical Bila GRAY Taneday 7:30 pm. Gospel Service thorpe did not say what was and model schools. 5) the to Noe Providenen. Goopel Meeting at Note. Other Be vices for the week reported in the Standard 11. 30 sm sad 30 Sancay Shool will be given from the pulpit. which report my criticism wae Board:6 the local primary school organisation of the Education 3p. Wednesda at 30 to. GoeElder ODLE founded, but that he said: pel Mooting Friday at 7:30 Prayer Pataor in The Barbados side was nou (7) the salaries and pensions of bacher on the Inspectorate: and Mouting than the by an teachers.
Bro MeDONALD Innings and 72 runs.
Botue, Canal Xone. Coupe Mestop The Salvation Army His Excellency gave the depuOf course, onder the circum tatlon a very patient and sympa11. 80 and 30 Monday stances cheerfully withdraw thetle hearing and promised Behool a pm. Wedoesday 30 pm.
PANAMA CITY CORPS, what said about Mr. Cal hor pe to go lato the matters carefully.
Goopel Meeting. Pridsy at 30 pm Pra Meeting Service are followusing unfortunate and provocative words, am especially wlad Demerara Hinterland Bro. GEORGE GRIFFITB Eurly Prayer Mooting. to learn that the Englisb skipper Cole 3d Breto Gorpelands and Brigade) United Open Air Menting made to appear.
10 Ohildren Directory Meetins is not so stopld as be had been Railway.
Inge at 11. and 30 Bunday Bohool 3pm Wednesday 30 Boline Meetina to be con ducted The fault is not, however, Gospel Meering Priday at 30 oted by Commandant Martin, Prayer Meetinu. Company meeting and to the STANDARD as te the people am bound to admit, so much doe Electives Opposition To Mr.
Brigade. Open air.
tesponsible Amery Finalngs.
the arrangements Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON Junior Open Air.
146 Separate Briende open Air merely inadequate bal Insulting.
for the Press, wblch were not Meeting The people in charge of public conference of the Elective Salvation Army Hall. 30 Big Salvation Meeting.
Other notice for the wook will be been in the habit of treating held in the Court of Policy Hall, a in Barbadok bare never members of the Demerara Com.
bined Court was arranged to be given from the pulpit, LA BOCA OPUP newspaper representatives court on Saturday last to consider eously. 30. Knee Drill opens ander the the like, the colonial Secretary with relecertain correspondence from the 11. Ho in Me ting.
senior reporters on the various retee to the decisions arrived at pun. Sunday School Rent Receipt Books in Span newspapers try to dodge the 30 Open Air. 30 xlvation meeting be and English for sale at the work and have even been known by the Electives at their recent to refuse point blank the honour eunlerence.
cordial ir vitaion to all. Wor man Printery at attending to make reports Contioued on page 8)
VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ S, VILLAVICIOSA SPAIN ESTEBAN DURAN SOLE AGENT For the Ropublio of Panama Take Notice tho based Regular Assortment of a Ho Ro Co Famous Products who SUCH AS Meetiek Barbados Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, etc. etc. etc.
teachera. 8)
obatge better The Workman Printery 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Panama City Book Binding! co.
Pe for affairs Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting, books when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Opposite Cecilia Theatre LA MARIIN. Camwandent Public Dinners


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