p. 8


debaele early go in right thus Wh segoud side.
city Cracker Jack Races speakers the ssal and sarnant resident pastor, to: and be as one he confident In Jeboval Kilner gave dccusaticos while some are keep Another Big Day of Sport orthe wide ah fielding was very on Sundadalion to the algunior Choir of the pastor. lana And ot tharelse. All auxiliaricis dis through theireditable went for SA Quite who with To Morrow Race. Detailed Report of. Church Of God AcLast Sunday Races The Jockey Club has ar tivities. Continued from page 1)
The Panama Jocky Club ranged a mighty good pro effort tiday stamps him as a great paid out 3, 275. 00 in purses to gram for tomorrow afternoon master player.
The fourth Rejoicing of tha owners of horses that won at the popular Juan Franco The explanation of Jamaiea Church of God (or Sanotified in the nine races at Juan race track. There will be nine perfecuy good wieket lies partly in meeting place No. 30 Jose Doon what was a Church) was celebrated at the Franco Park on Sunday afterraces, and at that there will Kilner mueb improved bowling logo Espinar St, Calidonis, on noon last. As big a purse as JUAN FRANCO. TRACK be some extra gooi ones. from the south, but more still in Sunday and Monday 14 band eight hundred dollars was Copiapo will be seen in real the fact that owing to injuries the 16:b. Bro. Battleshield of paid for a mile and a quarter TO MORROW action over one and one half two best baus, Martin and Morales the Cristobal Mission Silver race betweon Cupiapo and mile, He will take up 126 had to the end Jolly Fellow; the former won.
11 a. service. Tho Sunday, March 21st, 1926 ibs for this distance against upseting the whole batting orders into preached a wonderf al bers Morrison made the re arrange in. program was brilliant The smallest purse 125 was Abel and Bolsheviki 127 each, went as well as could be done but one, as the delegates and Biders paid in the first race of four Jolly Fellow 126 and Risa it was bound to affect the bat from several churches of this furlongs in which seven Loca 123. In this case there ting of the native horses took part.
Ouly gave tirring addresses is really no cock sure as to Morales who coming in late and attenticn tre to Scott was Charlie which were listened to with rapt The biggest pool for the who will take the biggest end with a bad leg batted out the or a11 the day. 11, 70 was paid on of the Four Thousand Dollar innings and looked me if he could be plimented Blindina, winner of the ninth purse which is granted for have stayed all day if someone nese be displays in the Master race; whilə Zappr won the Races For Imported horses this event. This will be a would have stayed with him. service, though there are first race and paid the second real race two laps around KILNER CLEVER BOWLING gods like that of Nebuchadnezar biggest pool. 20.
and for Native bred Ponies the track delightful exbibi stood Abel mastered the mile in Bolt, Cicero, Pereque anation of eleve, bowling coming up and would not bow dowa to any against which he was entered with Olla are also in for a good from the south instead of the god, and Jehovah bus exalted Burlesco and Bolt, winning WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE time over seven furlongs. Olla other way he was able to get a lot blm above his fellows, the distance in 41 5. Bolt in this race will take up 90 the batten at rea but Scott and Lettered to the diode, work on the ball and had all are Ho ran a close second, Burleco a los.
Morales. He kept a fine wa admonished to true and bad third.
In six furlongs Olla will and showed great variety in attack Holiness will length the great work on behalf of true surely stand the Despite the judges decision again take up 132 lbs against even sending up a couple of gen test in this city. The Monday in favor of Dardanella in the Mi Pollera Blandini, Burlesco uine googlie to Charlie Morales nights programme was also in six furlong race for native Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
and Buck Dancer.
which gave that imperturbable terestine, so they were others The card is made up as person quite start horses, it was the opinion of who attended that were not there the majority of spectators!
follows: First Race Starts p. Sharp several solos good, vastly improved on Wed dueta in both on the track and stand Three furlongs, purse 125. nerdey form, of the Church with tbelr that Candlewood had won.
El Chichi 126, Repulse 107, Inspirational melodies: THE PROBLEM, large crowd attend this Zapa 103, Gran Šenor 102, The ADMISSION: Clerk Annual The started to bat!
Fire Fly and Mentirosa 90 punctually at 45 the problem. truthful and encouraging. There meet.
as also that of the Gual report, The results were as follows; each Grand Stand Field Stand 50c.
they had to solve ia order to win has been much set back from Four furlongs. Zapa Six furlongs, 375, Olla she match was to get 225 runs in numerical standpoint, but (Conzales) Cholita (Moore)
123, Mi Pollera 126, Blondina hone could be ter odbeing out for merable blessin tanit would they have attended Wormwood (Haughton. 116, Burlesco 113, Buck Dan do otherwise aplritually, flancially Time, 54. 5. Pool paid 20 Veteran Cricketer Retires, cer 100.
Holmes and Smith came in to and 33. 20 on the winner: Lombardo Cook Six furlongs, purse 300. face Morrison and Scott. 40 on the second horse Both batemen Justice 130, Colonese. 013: bowling from the start and both the Fight.
repreMr. B. Austin bas de Silver King 108, La Vittoria bowlers started very badly eviden, minent met which was bigbly and 50 on the third.
finitely decided to retire from few Six and one half furlongsprothis city contribucricket. He led the West Indies 96. Beile Sauvage 90. Olla (Conzales) Mi PolSix furlongs, purse 175, keep a length aud 20 went on the ocoward the tly feeling the straia, neither could ted The fight on Sunday night last teams which toured Englaod in free will offering lera (Aranguiz) Argentino between Jose Lombardo, the 1906 and 1923 and it was Renown 128, Baby Peggy 121 tips in ten minutes. Escobar. Time 1, 222 Panama idol. and Joe Cook of a fitting tribute to his skilt as Linda 108, Chiqui 97. Barda. Then Smith snicked one in the gathering torned out to say Oa Tuesdayon ng a large Pool paid 10 on the win oneeded an beasbeebesenerelle en peacher heb wes das asked to nella 90.
slips, but Holt neuer even saw it farewelll to Sie. Emils Phillips of to the fight captain West Indies team in the third catch that has passed New York City ner.
Seven furlong, purse 400 him in the maten the bad been Mile and a quarter pulled oft at the Visa Alegre the three test matches with us for the last four months.
Ball Ring for the past few years. in Barbados Trinidad Bolt 132, Cicere, 130, Perequel. Morrison soon chauged for Pierrot (Gonzales) Reina the bour for the and Demerara. Unfortanately and Oila 90 each.
Young and Martin, hoth of them on her behalt with one accord, all Many were the testimonies given Mora (Casas) Capitan cartes before raiser there was a stan rain caused the final test to be (Aranda. Time 09 Pool pede to gain admission in the abandoned when hard luck with one fine over against God tince ber arrival of the 123, paid 30 and 20 on the large arenesso great was the prospect of the West Indies schiery Lucero 132, Gallenlta Smith.
tickets that a cordon of ing a deci iva victory, but be bas Oriental 123, La Garzona 90, The batsmea continued to score really one of the Lord and that In this city proved that she is winner 2, 20 on the second horse: and 40 On this local police bad to be requisition had the pleasure of leading Silver King 119, Zambo 113, in fine style and at the end of the the devil is ashamed for the man to keep back the crowd. And slendid team and winessing the Novocia 118, Altanera 102, first half hour bad 40 up a rate of per in which he painted her. Sis.
it can be stated wi. bout fear of results of the spade work he has Sunny Girl 114, Revoltosa 80 an hour in Jesus Templeton fell asleep Mile and a quarter Copi, bistory of the bull ring has there Cricket. He proposes to go to til the done as the Father of West Ludian bit a nice six off Holt and on Wednesday a. and was laid apo (Conzales) Jolly Fellow at 30, 70 went up. Theo Jamai tto rest at the Herrera cemetery, been witnessed such Mile and one great England at an early date. DEME (Carrillo. Time 27. Pool half purse ca had another bit of hard luck. large procession followed.
crowd at any one time. RARA ARGOBY. 4, 000. Copiape 126, Abel Holmes went for a short one, start 10 on the winner.
The four curtain relser 127, Bolsheviki 127, Jolly. ed back when half way up, and a Six furlougs Dardenella resulted in the decision being Fellow 126, Risa Loca 123.
bard gring straight for 6006 Bluod Tablets safer than (Aranguiz) Candlewood given to Battling Mendozi ovar Havo you tried the hit his bat as he Five) furlongs purse 150, the wiele 606 Money back guarantee. Moore) Kid Mendes: Barba Roja Тbe Price Particulars free. Welch Zapo 123, going prilimiary bout between Fenomeno 115. Schnltz. Time 1, 34 5 Pool Kid Cliford atd Buddy Lloyd now Boor The next over Martin bowling Medicine Co. Dept. Atlanta, Ga.
Caribe 95, Almiramte 101, steadily got Smith to mishit one paid 20 and 49 on the went the limit of six rounds to a winner. 2, 30 on the second draw.
Kronen Brau Dictador 99, Candlewood 97. and Rae took it in style at coverFive furlongs, purse 325.
the first wicket for 81 at minutes is no falling of in the splendid horse and 32. 40 on the third. There was some lay under the hour.
length of his bowling.
Six and one half furlong Kia Lenacs and Young Panama Confetti 126, Meelah 124: semi taal when both contestants Astill fellowed and balls later Another change, Holt on at Chamba Loca 115, Gallenita Linda (Moore) Baby Joe Gans claimed that the purse Nanes at the wicket off the south, and of his last ball 105, Ocɔurencia 103, Sister another fine ball from Martin.
Watson Boicks rigos Peggy(Archambeau) Chique offered for this bout was insuti SO DON BE Cecilia 97, Zambo 95.
Thus the first hnur went and the into Scott hand at slip once (Ararda. Time 24 5. cient and refused to fight After tes interval came the again it is dropped one more Pool paid 30 and 60 on Unlucky!
discussion wbichlasted for were now just ahead of their rate bope lost to Jamaica Martin at the winner and 00 on the about half an hour during which INTERESTING WEST being too tired the of scoring with two wickets down, laat has to go second horse.
eventually THE DECIDING STAGES 10 bowl any loose Charlie in bim.
One mile Abel (Escobar) bodas at and the bout staged. from The in more in Bolt (Aranguiz) Burlesco But the showing made by these Following the receipt of she teresting condition than ever 4: 15 the score in 188 the want wia and (Moore. Time 1, 41 5, Pool to boys actually disgussed the recent despatch from the Secre anything might happen either a three quarters of 9976 as hoar to fans who felt relle red when the paid 50 on the winner.
lars of Stato for the Colonies in win for the for Jamaica, rounds were finished. Gans batsmen bit freely and connection for a draw the bext hour would the Hinterland Six furlongs Gallenita 200 and At 10 Holt bring off spee(Aranguiz) Altanera (Aran tere siven the decislon over Isaacs.
beld Hammond were in, probably the tacular catch in the long feld Rent Receipt Books lo Span of the Electives was and the bar da) Revoltosa (Escobar. pair ep the side.
Time 16 5 Pool paid 60 llimosin bout went the full ish and English for sale at the despatch considered, when taking Tennyson off Rae, and of 12 rounds and Lombardo superb glide by Holmes the English side are left 15 was deelded to write the Colonial to Secretary be brouzet up that they be the 100 a and 00 on the winner and got a well earned decision over Workman Printery with half so hour to go 40 on the second horse. the best fight witnessed by Joe Cook. Tais bout was one of furnished 0000DDDDD000000000000000 mea) of (a) an act state. bour and 14 minutes for the 100. Then Oalthorpe tipped one ott Six furlongs Blandini fans for a long time and although commitments of the with an hour and a half left to WS Tery difficult chao failed to bola but Nunes and coloog in wbat (Carrillo) Carcajada (Munoz) Cook lost the Jon he wa lost the decision TRY how debt Martin and Rae were bowling. Inally Calthorpe bite a fina of these soms were represented finely and scoring proceeded in foar to leg od Rae and pastoa Novocia (Moore. Time 16 appland of the large crowd which Pool paid 11. 70 and 00 on and witnessed aggressiveness KRONEN BRAD on the investments by the Colo singles, and these close ones. Then Jamaica total with 25 minutes pluek, taking Lombardo winner and 80 on the grueling punches and returning Department nial Transport it they recovered the larga sum came from over fram Rae, and and wickets to spare.
Foster and his first over.
Well done second horse.
ON DRAUGHT just as mans. As is the reneral referred to by Mr. Amery as Then Hammond is cleanly taken SOME FEATURES OF THE GAME.
opinion Lombardo was his masOR BOTTLES ontstanding, bal not yet duated behind the wicket off Martina The chiet features of a spleoBaptist Church Activities. would appear Cook is not effecin the in tighting where it ter Market over later the same bowler tempts didly interesting game were tha 000000000000000000000000 (b) An exact statement of the Holmes who hits one to Holt at Goe of is where the local Sinki og Tand showing what was midon. Martin is bawling superbly les for Jamaica and the forcing Baptism service will be boy gained many points.
at its credit and its searly and local hopes revive. innings of Holmes and Tennyson held at the Chorrillo Church on The boat was undoubtedly deed feel proud of it.
In comes Tenny on the smiter, a for the Enalish side and the Sunday night when Pastor elve mands of the most excit We ucderstand that there is (c) Information with respect couple of fours and he bits one off wonderful bowling of Martin bapt 29 from ing that kept the every likelihood that these two any Chorrillo, Rua Tack and Call of both boys on edge all the champs may adiga up abone a gara construction at a railway in the one hears all around the ground runt Charles ofers la connection with Martin high in the air six, six against a side all out to make Morrison band donia Missionary Services will be held was either boy geuuned to be in time. At no stage of the mill and if that materializes it colony which may have been theo it is zeer that the trag stəry led his bowling excellently under in will meet with the general recently of the best will kvep it just inside diminis conditions. the Calidonia Church on Sou real danger and when the bout approval As everybody who was also decided to ask the the ground McCormack is waiting The iding on both sides was day and on Tuesday night. The ended and Referee Zubietta held was present on Sunday night Government to issue instructions with the exception of the Speaker at at the p. service will up Lombardo hand there was will travel miles to his hands and dropp od catches which undoubtBED not on the ment Board see these to the Colonisation and Develop and straight inthe screen, the balj to invite tenders edly iflaenced the result of the night the following speakers will sent audible in that rast crowd, astic art in action again, Eaglish, Tennyson continues to hit came to a tremendous extant.
ta de part. Rev. Bustemente ol Oar champ had fought and won is believed that another bout rican eapitalists as to the terms and so does Watson and the Alogether one of the finest Cu ba now Pastor of the Seawalla classical battle with one of the may be arranged for envy next upon which it was posible to buwlers are getting tired Mar matches we could wish to see.
Church. Pastor Oneal of the best boys in his class to mootb. And we say Amen. So construct a railway to the in has been bowling continuous Following matches will appear Nazarene u Pastor With found up north and he must in let it be!
Brazilian Frontier ly the entire innings, but there our next.
was ed to in Smith round ball WAS of the took him one Interfere, an BO 266 15 an who asking the both fund up muke 125 he won the tive.
There cremente.
twelve el received 28 right 01 he drops it.


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