
PAGE FOUR THE TORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 1926 ASSASSICS 333333333 CHURCH SERVICES THE WORKMAN OUR BEST ADVERTISEMENT For To morrow Sunday, April 4th GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted ATESPERANZA LAUNDRY Rentor, IS AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertasemen on applies (Anglion Communis)
WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes SATISFIED CUSTOMER Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
EASTER DAY PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be St. Paul Church, Panam NOGAR Suits are sold with a guarantee that written on one side of paper only, and (Rev, Nighteagale, Rretor)
Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of they please the customer, Several NOGAR a. Choral Eucharist One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica 10. 30 st Holy Eash, ist smoSix Months. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
The Reeter suits have recently arrived on the Isthmus Three We do not undertake to return re12 Holy Bap isn.
One jected correspondence.
and every customer is pleased, p. Chureb bool Service (Presentation of ftern Offering. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. NUIS 30 Coral Evensong, sermon Orders have doubled during the past month and many The Recor SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 1926.
repeat orders are coming in. If you need a general utility business suit, a hunting suit or an extra pair of St. Alban Church, Paraiso THE AWFUL LACK OF PUBLIC pants for hard work NOGAR is the trade mark CANAL ZONE.
you want to get. Rev. NIGHIENGALE, SPIRIT AMONG US.
Write for samples and information and we will have Priest in Charge. Holy Eucharist and semn There is evident in this community a stagnation of a representative call if you say so. Rev. Nightengsle.
effort which is alarming. It seems as if nobody wants to 15 am. Holy pism NOGAR CLOTHING MANUFACTURING Co.
move. Everyone is electing to mark time and the sign of p. Church School Easter Service impotency, of helplessness, of supineness is killing our Of Reading, Pa. Presentation of Lentera Offerince) 30 Choral Evensong addresa national and commercial life as sure as vegetation dies under Mr. Osborne. Catechis.
the Upas tree CARTER There seems to be no resiliency in the spirit of the Local Representative, Panama Canal Zone Listrict masses, that ability to spring back on fundamental princiSt, Matthias Mission ples, that quality of bending but not breaking. At the BCX 1191 ANCON, CANAL ZONE LAS BABANAS present time it seems hard to interest our people in anything (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, that tends towards racial solidarity.
seses so sexsexse Siseseiscio Soxo XX Priest in Cbarge.
It is peculiar in this direction, that although we copy p. Church hool.
with amazing facility the exterior trappings of our white 15 pm Evensong overlord. we swear like him, we ape his tricks of speech, SNSD Oo Mr. Richards Oatechist.
we adopt his immoral code, we imitate his dress yet we St. Peter by the Sea, La Bora have failed to sense his clannishness. In old plantation days the toiling slaves expressed their hopes, their woes, their aspiration, in the plaintive folk song. Schooled in adversity American Epicopal (Anglicna Cornthere was engendered a brotherhood bred of oppression.
There was a looking forward to a better day.
EASTER DAY The philosophy of today is Sufficient unto the day is Holy Communion 6, 30 am. Celsthe evil thereof expressed in Shakespeare lines.
brant. The Rector. Tis better to endure the ill: we know of The Litary 10. 45 a. Holy Kuehar.
ist and sermon 11. 30a. Th, Rector.
Than fly to those we know not.
Special Service for Church School This is not the spirit that led Colombus across the The Rector ocean blue. This is not the spirit that led Toussaint Over. 30 Choral Evensong, sermon.
ture to humble thº best and proudest nations of Europe.
The Rector This was not th: spirit of the late Book T. Washington Choral Clebratio of the Ho y ComStrange to say, in this community most of our young munion, a. he Rector. Hoy men who hold pretensions to culture are awfully lacking Baptism, 39, a.
in public spirit They wrap themselves in the solitude of The Latany, Choral celebration Holy their own originality, personality, or something else which Eucbatist 10 45, am The Rector.
Church School apniversary service, can hardly be detined They will neither lead nor be led, and sink their own manhood as a rule, in a cringing servile p. The Choral Evensong and Fermen, 730, obsequiousness to others who invariably have no more The Bishop will be the preseber, Our members and friends are specialy brains than a jack rabbit.
invited to all the service tomorrow, To watch this species of the genus homo in our comespecially as the Day is the Anniversary munity is both amusing and pathetic. His capers would Day of St. Peter By The Sun at Lu make a horse laugh and his antics would put a third rate monkey to shame. It brings to mind the poet lines: Special Carols will be sung by a large chir of Church School girls at the Blan, little man, dressed in a moments brief authority Coo OS SO OXOCESE 500 service On the wbole the Day Plays such pranties before high heaven as make the Angels weep.
will be a Parish Drive Day, and the They speak of we are going to do this, we are going to general public is cordially invited to do that, they make frantic attempts at many things and NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES participate in the builowed exerxites booked.
accomplish nothing It reminds one of the three Grub (From Our Correspondent)
MONDAY and TUESDAY Street tailors (now mark Grub Street is the poorest street in London) who sent a petition to Parliament and began it this Rev. Surgeon respectively. there will be celebration At 78. Monday and Tuesday, way. We the people of England.
It is high time for us to quit fpoling, close our THE HAIR STRAIGHTENER of the Lord. Supper.
DELIVERS INTERESTING MULCARS, Rector, ranks, arise to race consciousness and do something of which we will be proud and not ashamed, and for WITHOUT AN EQUAL MAGIC LANTERN LECTURE which our future generation will thank us.
St. Barnabas Church, Empire You teachers who are supposed to be moulders of the Don fail to try it As was previoutly announced, Rev. Surgeon visited New 11 Lay Reader.
Choral Matins, the Litany, address, race that is to take up the threads of the problems of today, Providence for the last time on come out of clover and make your influence felt as leaders Church School service, p. Ly Tursday the 23rd Ulto, be de Reader.
in social uplift. Blaze a trail for the path of progress and divered a magic lantern lecture say to our sons and daughters, This is the way, walk ye No Special Combs or Hot Irons Required.
Choral Evensong and address p.
at p. on the late European Lay Reader.
in it.
basic on land, on sea, sbowing scenes of the Everybody is invined to the grard and in the Bozaar on the lawn near the Church, air; and also pictures of several beginning at Monday 5th inst.
Snap Shots.
right (though a fifth shared the full title with her husband) prominent persços who took An ore estra will be in attends pas.
and she also, of course, reigned longer than any other lasted for two hours, part in the war.
The lecture The church MULCARE Priest in Charge monarch, man or woman. In the sixty three years that in was crowde was beyond seating We have tried as far as possible to read as much of tervened between her succession to the throne in 1837 and accommodation, although several St. Bartholomew s, Church the current literature of to day as comes to hand, and are her death in 1901 Great Britain passed through many vicis. extra seats Struck with the trend of various suggestions in it all. Now situdes at home and abroad. Light had already been cast on Limon were present, and at the from LAS CASCADAS.
Vicious literature has been common in every age, but it the earliest of those years, and the part the Queen played in close of the leciure one and all Lay Reader Choral Matias and address 11 a.
would seem that it has been reserved for our own times to that period, by the publication some years agof a selection expressed much satisfaction in Church Sebool Service p.
produce literature that deliberately erases the not from of her letters written shortly before and shortly after she what they had seen and heard. Choral Evensong and address 5p.
every law of God and man, and elects to preach a creed of had ascended the throne.
Rev. Surgeon did not forget to Lay Reader.
immorality as the Gospel of the future.
Now a second series of letters covering the much more remind bis hearers of the fight MULCARE, Priest in char ce important period from 1862 to 1878, during which time between the disciples of Christ. It is all right for the preachers who are usually well fed occurred the American civil war, the rise of the German out that there are no neutrals, St. Jude Mission, Summit.
to talk about the sparrows being fed from the hands of the Empire and the Franco German war, has appeared. In re you must be on one side or Evening Prayer and addresa p.
almighty, but these are not the days when we sing man gard to all those matters, as can now be seen, Queen Vic Other; either be a disciple of Jesus Christ, or numbered (Lay Reader.
wants but little here below, nor wants that little long, man toria was always well informed, and she invariably insisted is no air plant. He cannot live on earth and board in on taking an active part hers If in the conduct of the among the forces of the evil one. st. Simon Mission, Gamboa foreign affairs of the kingdom She did a good deal to keep Wednesday for Colon, he was Ley Reader Rev. Surgeon left at 12 noon on heaven.
Choral Matins, and address 11 a.
British temper equable during the negotiations with the accompanied to the motor boat Church School Service 30 Northern States of America over the confederate cruiser by many of bis Borrowing Choral Evensong addrere p.
In bygone days official documents were the means of Alabama and Great Britain part in equipping that now friends.
Lay Reader.
highly commending one for patriotism. In these days a notorious vessel. At the same time familiar traits in the MULCARE, Priest in Charge.
new definition has been introduced covering the term Queen domestic life are disclosed afresh or new ones Patriotism. It runs thus. Patriotism is the last refuge of revealed for the first time. Her sternness with her eldest Easter Thoughts a scoundrel.
son, afterwards King Edward VII, is well known, and these 0000 DOOD DODO000000000000 new volumes of letters give fresh instances of that, partic In the annals of the Christian TRY Great Queen.
ularly in such examples as the decree that the Prince, as Church, there are two great he then was, should go to the races at Ascot for only two festivals, vizs Cbristmas and KRONEN BRAU days out of the four for which they were continued. There Easter. And to my mind Easter Englishmen are beginning to renew and to some extent have been various works published about Queen Victoria is the greater of the two.
Christmas time relatives ON DRAUGHT revise their memories of one of the greatest of English in recent years which have tended a little to modify the and friends give gifts eta one sovereigns, Queen Victoria. Victoria was one of the only enthusiasm of her admirers. The new letters will go far another, and the giver is very OR BOTTLES four women who have ruled over England in their own towards re establishing the old impressions once more. Continued on page 8) 0000 1000 1000000 1000 000 Only First Class Ones Need Apply Boca.
Contra Crespo Several were brought it.

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