
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 1926 PAGE VE Attractions at the Theatres was a splendiebeto by Rega: wby the recommen in while take What Is Your Fortune?
fiery Jaco)
asual hour ATLANTIC SIDE tey so gey in the distance: It must he Malachi coming. CANAL ZONE NOTES The stirring address of McDonId was followed by the SCATTERED LEAVES bymn. Hois Patron, Toer Salut La Boca Pars.
ing. in honour of St. Joseph the patron of the church to be (BY LINDA SMART)
erected The weekly programs of La Boca Tois THE CORNER STONE OF THE was in turn followed by Athenaeum are to be very much NEW ST. JOSEPH CHURCH.
the principal turber olibe CECILIA AMERICA improved, according to Secretar?
programme, whicb was the lar.
Wesley who announces that ing of the corner stone. Fr J. PANAMA. COLON)
the wanagement of his society is Or Palm Sunray, March 28 b, Buros, CM, ac ing as the direct TODAY. Saturday April 3rd and TO DAY. Saturday April 3rd Dow working out plans for a con Keral improvement which will not the open space ai the junction representative of the Most Rev.
TO MORROW. Sunday Abril 4th wh as of Tenth Street and Central Archbishop jas, Special Cast in only result is the improvement of Mary Pickford in Avenue, Color, was the scene of unable to leave the capital for IT IS THE LAW.
the week y prog ams but increased a charmiug Ceremony.
occasion, perform the era.
membership mony. Clad in the flowing robes ROSITA The object which had drawn of his office, and accompa ied tyg TOMORROW. Sunday April 4th The principal item on the program for last Tuesd s meeting the large assembly, in spite ot brightly garbed acolytes, he MONDAY, April 5th Raymond Griffith in the heat of the day, was the proceeded to the spot woich is to of Shak Ca. inne Griffith in REGULAR FELLOW occasion of the laying of the cor mark the high altar of the new olds; a beautiful vocal solo was CLASSIFIED ner stone of the new St. Joseph church, and there read the MONDAY, April 5th also rendered by Miss icly CurnChurch. have often wondered appropriate pravers and psalms.
Conway Tearle in berland. The henaeu also ao the warmest hour is always Retu ning, he directed his TUESDAY, April 6th steps proved at this meeting, the Manchosen for the layiog of the tirst to the JUST WOMAN site of the Evelyn Brent in the cornerstone, agement Committee stone. On this occasion, however, and again performed the relevent THREE WISE CROOKS TUESDAY, April 6th ain of a program covering the was among the fortunate ones offices. Soon the copper box, for Tuesdays in this mouth. For Art Accord in to be comfortably seated on containing souvenirs of WEDNESDAY, April 7th, Dex Tuesday, Doctor 0.
raised booth under roof of re. country and the actual times to SKY HIGH CHORAL Jol nson of Panama, bas been Tresbing palm branches.
Clare Windsor in gether with similar obj cts, was vittu to deliver an address on The programme opened at t2 laid in the bollow of ihe stone. THE DENIAL WEDNESDAY, April 7th Deotal hytes On the 20th as was announced, which which was sealed.
Mary Pickford in there will bu a variety entertain in itself is wortb comment in The sixth item was a selection THURSDAY April 8th ROSITA maut at which the club will col view of the unpunctuality which from the Ban It was the Raymond Grifith in lact its annual pin ney. usually accompanies every form charming piece. Paims. so THURSDAY April 8th the last Tuesday is set aside for REGULAR FELLOW suitable to the day, and which of function a debate as to what intluence preCorinne Griffith in The first item was the playing was so natal influence has in the mould was so delightfully rendered.
FRIDAY, April 9th Mr. A!
of the National Anthem of Pana. CLASSIFIED Doyle ing of character. As a rule, tha tben Conway Tearle in loa by ibe band from Fort De addressed the large gathering.
FRIDAY April weekly programs of the Athenaeum are iree to the publie.
Lassepa. At the beginning of He recalled ihe introduction of JUST TOMAN this piece there was a markedIn Gepouse discoverer with the arrival of Evelyn Brent in expression of uncertainty on the the SI SATURDAY, April 10th and THREE WISE CROOKS Secretary Ethelyn Thomas ofte major portion of the gathering Christopher Columbus, and poin: Ceremony as SUNDAY, April 11th which was composed of West ted to the day SATURDAY, April 10th Orpheus Musical Club announces Carol Dempter in lodians, Panamanians, and Ame but another landmark in Catholic Lon Chaney in that meeting of her Club will ricans, as to whether they sboula extension, which has been steadi SALLY OF THE SAWDUST place at the Clubhouse on THE MONSTER stand or raise their bats as the king on througt the centuries.
Monday evening next at half st case might be. It was pleasing de concluded by praising the seven, to which the full meinterto note, however, that before the work of the Vincentian Fathers, ship is requested to attend, as for the interoduction to the beautiful who were responsible plans are to be started for the national song had been completed building of this the third churcb staging of the commenty. drama, The of their Pain Acro:s Toe Hill. 10 May Faith ot Our Fathers, was respect for the soil on which we hanpy tbereio.
Tickets for the play will be put were standing. remarked also Dext rendered by the choir.
For ten long years we have on sale witain the next few days, it bat the band did not appear to The very popular young priest, laboured and toiled that we learnt, interpret the spirit of the Rev. Me Guire, addressed might see this blessed day on anthem. This am not by any his flock. Hº likened the new Madame Renee will Interpret Zodiacal Signs which the Corner Stone of the New St. Joseph Church would The general mootbly meeting of means attributing to faulty in church which was to be raised each week for Readers of this paper be laia thu Panama Canal West Indian terpretation of the written music to another vung in the ladde of but to apparent lack of sympathy leading the faithtul up Many times and oft, bave we Employees Association is an WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE with the split visited this place in Procession, noduced to be held at the Clauof the music. trom earth to heaven. He bleand begged the good Lord to house on Friday evening next the is likely that this may be due to sd the people for the sacrifices 18 March 26 April absence of krowledge of the text and privations in theorieboektoch The Sign of Aries the Ram. lowano red, expressing the bril granted. Praised be to the nam which you are endowed.
Orange with its tones of yel begin.
basten the day wben we could 9th Instant at the Our praver has been there are special questions of the of the Panamanian national an they had come in their endeavour moment wbieh will be taken up.
thea May be, after translating the to make the dream of anotber This is the bead sign of the liance and intensity of your soul, of God forever.
woich dem and the presence of the words, toe players would more church come true. and be fore Zodiac and to be born during is the color characteristic of this appreciable enter into the feeling told the consolation that the inis period means a natural tend sign. The smooth, clear am ber bonor and glory of God is the be a report on the last in rview To build a temple for the full membership. There will also of victory as expressed in the walls of the new church the ency toward atsioi strong stone is adapted to the serene noblest work any people car wib the Governor of the Panama the Association representative had ortal notes in the first and last fruit of their labours. would mental atributes. You dislike ma ma power of these persons and when parts, and the better whisper the mean to them at the fall of lite, nual labor of any kind and are worn decreases obstacles which perform aream of the two oceans which is when the eye is dim and the usually clever enouxh to have may arise.
The good Master has taugh; Report of the Caal. In addition, the Annual so beautifully told in the softer frame is tired.
Association for He endeavoured others do the work that is disus to seek first the Kingdom year 1925, which is just off the strains.
Toe flower is the bawthorne Heaven, and promised that all presse will be distributed to finhowever, to impress upon his tasteful to you.
the The second number was the bearers that the test of Christian astered of great in born tal side of the Aries born, It blooms other things would be added ancial members. The Report 15 unto us singing of the by mo Holy God, faith is not necessarily in the ent in various arts you should best in the open and needs un We Praise Thy Name by the number of temples, but in the uodoubtedly be successtal in any limited light and air to develop Lord said, wby waste the pre months, January to December plendid account of the work dont The skeptic in the time of ou by the Association for the twelve choir under the leadership ol lives of the faithful.
undertakion if you bave the per as it sbould Mr. Kerr. The singers An offering was then collected severrnce and oneness of porClous Olotment? Why not sell it were atly accompanied by Miss during wbich the band played a pose necessary to push a project be entered into with those born To day he says, we need more Matrimonial ventures should and give the price to the poor?. upon an organ which had most alluring piece full of tend through the inicial period.
RED TANK been transported to the teld for er passages and contrasting Ingenious and gifted as as you in the first half of April in this hospitals the occasion. The singing was pomposos.
good; the occassional bead and are, great things can be expect intellected to be balso are of the churches. But Christ condem pec. but as you are Rox. Fr. Angles, the pastor ed of you. Prince Bismark of impatient of those who can be shocere ptice wish to be reds oor Open Air Moonlight Hop We express nose. bave marred it we tas been in Conception of Colon, was the nexterous charac er which this you would be dissatisfied with crowned our effort with shoes sai made by the Red Tank Lawn the Parish of the Inmaculate Germany is an example of the reach your owa mental sphere deep gratitude to God for having doors, was sortened by the open next speaker. Himself a soul weeks produces. On the other anyone not in your vel.
have been ali sentiment and poetry, with nand, John Cabot, the explorer, to Third on the programme was which his very body guays in (Copyrighted 1925 by Hense all classes of society, and es Tennis Club for a Grand Nicola pecially our pon catbulic friends light Hop on the Tennis Lawn. the address of the very Rev. graceful movements, be took bie who was also born during this Che time, shows the quality of in Adams Syadicate)
bow much McDonald, who spoke for listeners back to the first sac vestigation and inquiry we appreciate their Red Canis Clubhouse, on Friday with rificial generous help.
nearly an hour. The orator elab ribe stone on which the choic algat lust.
We are bera to day also to orated on the character of the est offering was laid; then the This being a new feature as far Christian. which Arch of. bringing conexpress our deep trust in the as dancing is concerned at Red cermed the reluaigh internationallation to an exiled people the goodness of God, that He li ack, it is expected that a huge meaning, in bis one of the ex Item le of Solomon with its his THE MIRROR POBLEM SOLVED belp us to tinish that which we crowd will be in attendance.
the begun.
only true toric magnificence of rare marbThe Management, having suc communism. embracing all races le, odorovs woods, incrustations Whatever you will ask the caeded in galaiay the support of of earth who are gathered under of precious stores; the bidden Father in My name, He will give the Clubhouse authorities, is one standard, irrespective of the worship of the catacombs; and If you have any trouble with your you We know full well our determined to make this a Real colour of thu skin or the pigment later the grand cathedrals and prayers are poor and imperfect, ik wiss Athair.
Continuing basilicas, and the saretuaries but the prayer of the Immaculate Then above all they Mirrors or Reflectors bave point for some time, the speaker pointed out that in constructing which today sorround us He Mother of God and our Mother, secured the servicos of the uttered the following absolutely pointed our and the prayer of St. Joseph, the Premier chestra, Tre Hot clear denunciation. It there is houses of worship we are only send them to No. building, 12th fostered tatuer of Corist and the smalas anyone in this hs gathering who is continuing the thirst of the first Patron of our Church, must be Yas taey have enter into answered.
so mean, so low, so narrow, as numan mind for God; and in our October Street, Guachapali, where they contract wita the Promātors to not to be able to receive every desire to make the beau itul, May God beaten the day when aclipse all their past poeformother human being as his brot the old yearning to give the will be carefully and substantially repaired the last brick will be laid. We munces on this occasion ber, irrespective on the ai ler higbest tribute can only finish the first section Tae latest and best ia the Jazz of race or colour, let him spoke of the influence of the also new ones made to order at moderate now. Our next move will be to World!
withdraw, and not desecrate this Chu Church on the sensitive mind, fill our Brick Cards. Many ceremony by the protanity of permitting at times conversion prices. If you want to have an estimate thousands of Mortar Bricks will What a tim. Dance: Dance; bis offering. He stigmatised of the unbeliever, who had enterbe needed before the end will be out in the Open Air; Why, nu colour or racial prejudice as ed its portals through mere of work to be done, send a card to Obe sa afford to miss such a challenge to the intelligence of curiosity. For there, the scepWe close by promising you raad time.
every decent person: You can. tic beholds the tenuous light of that with deep faith in the help BROWN not have a church of the Maste: the lonely sanctuary lamp, reof God, and determination to and have it of division. he said. minding him ot the marriage of NOTICE Ancon Box 1223 work bard on our part, it will not Toe sp aker also pointed to the his pareots; of the baptismal be long before we will invite you instability of human institutions, waters with which he had mingto see the New St. Josepti Sixteen years experience in the West Indies, United such as governments, of which led his infant tears; of bis early complete.
BE IT KNOWN TO THE he said no state bas ever leat religlous training and of the States, Costa Rica, and Panama.
The closing number was the MEJHANIU CIRCLE its cradle.
former influence of the sacraAmerican national hymn, Star Brothers Jefferson, Alder This address was not without Spangled Banner. by the band and Hubert King, ot ine its amusing side. Fr. McDonald Unfortunately, the number of to which all rose with alacrity Layal Lovincible Lodge, No. 24, This item eoded an enjoyable of the legal credentials from the are in possession had at one point of his disertation Spanish speaking perions was languarge spoken.
gramme Jerusaquoted a prophecy of Malachi, sprd; but it is certain that the theretore, proceeded to indulge lem, My Happy Home, which programme at 4p.
when a flate and drum band was words of the speaker will not in talking and laughing.
Grand Lodge of England as High The was rendered by the Choir.
Priests the Order Divorce Granted. is Mr. Kerr, teacher of the heard in the neighborhood. Tue be left anrepeated, but will be fact that the language of the further made known that in Reverend orator, who is a man passed on by his grateful hear country was being attered on St Joseph Catholic School of On Monday last, March 29, in order promote the teachof statuesque build, and who, ers.
such an occasion, and by such a Calon, and Fr. Burd indefatiga the Cristobal Division of the ings and principles of the Order, It is lameptable, that no occa person, would seem to have been ble all around assistant, was the United States District Court, us also for a more harmonious he was speaking had kept while ke a rotary monument sions the words of the speaker reasons enough for close attention next speaker. He spoke in the Kindimouth was granted working among the Lodges and as be addressed bis hearers to could only be heard with diffi and respect, apart from the following terms: an absolute divorce from his Districts, all degrees leading the four points of the compass, culty on account of the discourtesy minimum decorum which would Reverend Clergy, Ladies and wife, Cecilia Kinnimouth, by His up to and including the will stood still at the approach of on the part of a large portion of have been expected under the Gentlemen.
Honour Judge Martin.
be conferred by them on any the dull music, and exclaimed West Indians who, apparently, circumstances. This is the day that the Lord Todd was council for bruiker, atter due and proper after having fastened bis bayon, were able to understand the The eighth item on the probas made, let us rejoice and be plaintiff.
recommendation, for the and not air.
pression, that it is on this possible.
He also eace of reached.
tbas mente.


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