
THE WORKMAN OUR BEST ADVERTISEMENT For To marron Sunday, April 11th IS AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCE Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen en applicaVALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes SATISFIED CUSTOMER (Anginn Communit)
venue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
First (Low) Sucay Aher Easter PO Box 74, Panama RP.
All copy for publication must be NOGAR Suits are sold with a guarantee that St. Paul Church, Pana na written on one side of paper only, and Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of they please the customer. Several NOGAR Row AF Nixb nende, Rector)
One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica6am Holy Cousin Six Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
suits have recently arrived on the Isthmus 10:15. Mine Three 860 We do not undertake to return re103) a H1, Euchsis sajected correspondence.
and every customer is pleased.
The Reeter 12 o. Iloly Bapisa. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights NUIS Orders have doubled during the past month and many 3) Mure Programme. 30 Chor Evoluong, termos repeat orders are coming in. If you need. general The Rie er SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1926.
utility business suit, a hunting suit or an extra pair of pants for hard work NOGAR is the trade mark St. Alban Church, Paraiso you want to get.
Write for samples and information and we will ve STRONG, BUT NOT AUTOCRATIC (Ro. P. NIGA TENGALE, a representative call if you say so.
Priest in Charge.
Matins address 11 am, Mr Osborn. Catchist.
Much has been said on Leadership. Being so very of Reading, Pa.
3p. Musical Program necessary in the proper conduct of human affairs, it is one 30 Choral Evening address of the subjects most discussed. We are interested in Negro CARTER. The Catecbist.
leadership: and have come to a definite conclusion that we cannot any longer rely on the leadership of the other Local Representative, Panama Canal Zone Listrict fellows in one and everything: they wil not hey can not BOX 1191 ANCON, CANAL ZONE St, Matthias Mission. for more reasons than one, take care of our best interests: LAS SABANAS and we should not, conscientiously, expect so much from ges ACS Sexes as s3v300 sex (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, them. But selecting leaders from our own ranks is very Price in Charse.
much an experimental undertaking, yet we have to keep on p. Church bool.
experimenting CONG SEX SEX SEXSONS 15 pm. Evensong We are of the firm opinion that our leaders should be Mr. Richards stechist.
selected from the few a ho are not only intelligent in a circumscribed way, but intelligent in a general way and well St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca disciplined: as we find that, for instance, parents who are not themselves intelligent and disciplined fail utterly to disAmerican Episcopal (Anglican Com cipline their children, and so children look up to their parents to set them a standard to go by, so do followers LUDOD)
Fiist (Low) Sunray After Easter look up to their leaders as models of discipline from which. they may safely copy.
Holy Communion 30 a.
Holy Bapism 30 am.
Trying to imitate the leadership, on paper, of CromChoral Matins and address 11 a.
well, or Peter the Great, or Calvin Coolidge, or George Lay Reader (Mr. Hun er)
Goethals, many of our leaders make a mess of things. Musical Pr gramme 3p.
Again, some nurse an imaginary idea that Victoria the 30p. Choral Evensong, sermon.
Good simply disagreed with the way slaves were being treated in various parts of the British Empire, and immedi MULCARE, Rector, ately ordered that the slave owners at once liberate their chattel property or suffer the consequence of forfeiture of St. Barnabas Church, Emp 10 their plantations on the arrival of armed frces on special orders of the Queen herself. In other words, many of our. Litany, toly Eucharist Sirmon leaders are of the opinion that leadership means absolute 10. 45 The Priest in Charge. Church School Anniversary Servies control and a ridiculous abridgement of the rights and privil. p. Lay Reader Mr. E. Jobafon eges of those they lead. Is not this an awful inisconception Choral Evegsorg rod adress p.
on rational leadership?
Lay Reader. MULCARE Prist in Chenga For the purpose of the argument, we my cite as contrasts in leadership, that of Napoleon and that of hilberforce. While the Colossus was busy bestriding the world St. Bartholomew s, Church for his personal glory and honour, Wilberforce was equally SXsbX55 LAS CASCADAS.
busy killing the African Slave Trade. Napoleon looked on life as an excellent oprortunity for seif agrandizement, Chorel Matins and address 11 a. co.
while Wilberforce saw in it an excellent opportunity for selfNo More Resignation Lay Re. der. Mr. Skeen.
bestowal. And agin, Napoleon principles were that Chur School p.
Choral Evensong and address p.
mankind was under infinite obligation to him, while Wilber.
force principles were that he was under infinite obligation Employees will be Lay Re der.
to humanity And because Napoleon leadership was for Discharged. T. MULCARE, Priest in ebarea selfish interest and honour he and his cause ended in ignominous defeat, while Wilberforce typitied the successful THE HAIR STRAIGH ENER lo th: future the acceptance of St. Jude Mission, Summit.
leadership, the leadership which obliterated the accursed WITHOUT AN EQUAL resignation of empli yees of the an Church tebool pm, Africa Slave Trade.
ama Canal, in lieu of disclatge for Evening Prayer and Address 30 cause, will in all cases be firs: Lay Radt, Mr. Bratbanite, There should exist a more or less mutual confidence beDon fail to try it submitted to the Governor of the tween leaders and their followers: an example of which is Canal; and the custom most clearly expressed in a leading article appearing in The apparently exists where in certain st. Simon Mission, Gamboa Philadelphia Tribune, one of the foremost mouthpieces of Divisions when an employee Choral Matias, ard adrese 11 am the American negro. It runs as follows: service is Unsatisfactory No Special Combs or Hot Irons Required. resignation is demanded, will be his Lay leader, Mr. Cathy. We watched two acrobats with keen delight as they discontinued, it being considered Musical Program p.
performed a difficult act. One of them ile lying on his not good practice. This is under cordially invited.
stood to be a decision arrived at back balanced a thirty foot scaling ladder, with trapeze at: MULCARE, Priest in Charpe. y Governor Walker of the tached at the top of his feet. The other one climbed to the top of the ladder and gave a clever exhibition of acrobatic The Passport Nuisance. Panama Canal during the week.
Baptist Churchos skill. The success of the feat depended upon the mutual The necessity for the conference which the League of Catholic Priest Drown at cooperation of the man at the top and the man at the bottom. If the man at the bottom permitted the ladder tu wuver Nations is convening in a few weeks time to bring about Porto Bello. Under the au pices of the Suthern Baptist Convention. one foot it would have cause the one at the top to tumble some simplification in passport formalities is rather strikingdown. It was necessary for the acrobat at the top of the ly demonstrated by some figures which have just been Colo 11 a. Tercber Ellio; 15 ladder to do is gymnastic stunts without undue strain given by the British Foreign Minister in the House of Conception of this city was drowned Father Munoz of the Immaculate pm. Descon Broome.
upon the foundation. Both men exhibited a rare amount Commons on th remarkable development of the passport Porto Bello on Sunday morning 15pm. Mc. Yearwood.
Chorri lo 11 a. Leader Gallimore; of confidence in each other, without which they would have system in Europe since the war. In 1913 the number of last. Father Minoz leit here for failed to carry out their purpose.
British passports issued was 12, 700 and the staff of the Porto Bello e for night ago to 16 m. Descop Smith.
Calidonia 11 am. Deacon Lewie; The successful culmination of any cause depends upon Passport Office numbered two. In 1925 the numbers of conduct a mission; and it isrepor: Red Tsok 11 a. Dcaogn Smith; the coordination of all of our forces toward that end. In new passports and renewals was 839, 981 and the staff at ted that after giving Mass on Suody morning he went the present moment numbers 293 persons. The fees exacted swim thereby met his death.
for 16 Pastor Witt, the acrobatic feat above referred to the man at the bottom for passports cover all the expenditure, but that fact is Empire 11 a. Pastor Witt. 15 had to counteract gravitation in order to insure the success itself an indication of the burden thus laid on the travelling m, Deacon Cummings.
Gatun 11 a. Mr, Deacon Broome: 15 Descop Edwards end toward which all Negroes should be striving. In order public, even though Bhisha passport and visa fees are far to Prevent Influx of Destidemanded by other countries. In the No. Providence 11 am. Supplied to reach this goal the same amount of confidence and cotute Immigrants. Pueblo Nuevo 11. Deacon Mo operation displayed by the acrobats is required of all classes same answer in which these figures were given the Foreign Minister emphasised the general increase in diplomatic work Iclosb 15 ta. Mr. Peterkin.
of Negroes.
that has arisen since the war by mentioning that whereas Trinidad is seeking to prevent Matts doods 11. Deacon The attainment of justice depends upon those who are in 1913 the number of countries where the British Govern the influx of destitate immi. Suart.
at the top as well as those who are at the bottom. Confi ment had diplomatic representatives and which had their that the immigrant must possess grants by raising the amcint dence and co operation are essential. If those who occupy own representatives in London was that figure had risen from to a bixber figure (20 or 0000 0000 000000000000000 the lower positions refuse to sustain those who are more by 1925 to 52. All this, of course, means far more work even 25 is suggested in one favorably situated they will tumble down and crush them. for the Foreign Office and the Diplomatic Service and the quarter. and the increase of the TRY Likewise, if those who are above fail to strengthen those cost to the country has increased proportionately.
bond given by an approved resident in case the immigrant is who are fortunate, confidence and cooperation will be lack not in possession of the necessary KRONEN BRAU ing which will cause the ruin of both.
amount) from 20 to 50, and to Our leaders should be strong, but not autocratic; while ADVERTISE the condition more ON DRAUGHT stringent, the cost of repatriat they lead they must not lose sight of the vitally essentialtion, it found requiste, is added OR BOTTLES IN THE WORKMAN IT PAYS mutual cooperation. That is the main lever.
to the amount of the bord.
0000000000OOOOOOOOOOOO Only First Class Ones Need Apply Contra Crespo All are a 70000 2000 render


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