
Attractions at the Theatres Heights to 4th.
on Hector would The Choir.
Williars my beball, Grabado Sintos.
What Is Your Fortune?
Vice PresiTHE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1926 PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDA VU. Model School a Grand Musical Program Celebrates First Commander Watson At St. Peters By The Sea, Anniversary La Boca VISITS BALBOA HEIGHTS On Wednesday of last week. SAYLES SHERIFF)
With a view to addirg to the Commander Watson of the Colon joys o! Eastertide a Grand Ma.
Boys Institute, accompanied by CECILIA The NL. of Colon Model AMERICA bis niece Mrs. MeVair, School celebrated its fist annivers sical Program has been prepared for the general publie by the who is on a two months visit to (PANAMA. COLON)
large mix choir of St. Peter ber uncle, went over to Balboa ary by staging a two day preboa grain on the 49 and b. Instant TODAY. Saturday April 10th and TODAY. Saturday April 10th and Church, La Boca and will be to see His Excellerey eney On Sunday night, instant, entered Dext Sunday, the 11th the Governor of the Panama the spacious Liberty Hail was TOMORROW. Sunday April 11th Lon Charey in Canal, Col. Walker. o packed to its capacity by mem inst in Faid Church at p. to.
Johnny Hines in THE MONSTER Turpin well trained orchestra.
arrival at the Adeinistra a bers and friends of the Associa LIVE WIRE now under the able directorship Becilities they meeting TO MORROW. Sunday April 11th of Pro. Jolly, will interpret sx by Mr. Stevens, was declared opened at 00p.
beautiful selections, from Verd Mary Astor in Secretary to the Governor, who by Mr. Best, Chaplain.
MONDAY, April 12th Handel, and other famous muso ecquiring their mission was After the regular opening exerBebe Daniels in THE SCARLET SAINT letter al composers. few of our welt Watson which read as follow. Best delivered bis Easter Sermon cises were gone through, Mr. LOVERS IN QUARANTINE MONDAY, April 12th known local singers will also contritate To His Exceller ey the Gov and brought the religious progBetty Bronson in Inspiring solosonated quartets. Price of admission for error of the Panama Cacal, to a close. Mr.
TUESDAY, April 13th Con Col. Walke THE GOLDEN PRINCESS adults and children is as usual.
nor, President of the Association Richard Talmadge in Il you wish to be musically Your Excellency.
and organizer of the schools, was TUESDAY, April 13th up, accept this final ioI the ordersigned, your tuw then introd introdneed BLUE STREAK Master of a: Mast Laura La Plante in vitation, come out, come down, ble and obedient servant, being Ceremonies. In making bis opencome over to St. Peter s, at the at all times conscious of your ing remarks, Mr. Connor spoke WEDNESDAY, April 14th, DANGEROUS INNOCENCE bour specified sod be thrilled by kind disposition and act of at length on the progrees of the Evelyn Brent in 59. The Program follows: WEDNESDAY, April 14th eu ency towards all people, Association. LADY ROBINHOOD. Opening Prayers. The Reccomprising the inhabitants and midst the most relentless opposi: Johnny Hines in to of this Republic LIVE WIRES Short Address. The Rector.
adde Canal Zone of which latter place blasting their way to success THURSDAY April 15th Selection. Smple Arue you occupy the high oistinčtion la cocclusion te reiterated his Mary Astor in THURSDAY April 15th Orebestra the celtscht? Magistrate and determination to climb dizzy Anthem Awake Ye Saints Bebe Daniels in THE SCARLET SAINT.
Governor. ur honour of fame and success or much alive to the economic die in the attempt. His address vers heights of LOVEIS IN QUARANTINR Solo Calvary. Mrs. Sarah FRIDAY, April 16th stress, which an all wise Provi will long be remembered by those dence has FRIDAY April 16th fall to Betty Bronson in Riebard Talmago in Baritone Solo Day of the lot of our people in these pregnant with food for thought THE GOLDEN PRINCESS Triumph Mr. Bascombe.
times. hereby beg to appeal and clearly indicated the very BLUE STREAK Selection Handel Largo to your most charitable nature good intentions of the yourg SATURDAY, April 17th and Sun. 18 chestra, in your position, on bebalf of the leader.
SATURDAY April 17th Quartette Rock of Ages. peor destitute boys of this It is not possible to gve Betty Compson is co Claire Windsor in Mr.
Mrs. Maynard, Mr.
Republic am doing so with detailed account of the night the THE PONY EXPRESS THE DENIAL Bascombe and Miss Harris.
hope that you may see your Violin Selection (Bec:hoven)
Vay lo coa sider saue and act in upitles becaus? Fue would in ender our article very volumiMiss Daisy Whyte.
10 Solo Two Cities Mr.
We must however make For six years am nomer tion of students operati the Colon Boys Insii tut, rounded by me to take ca Recial 11 Clarion Cornet Duet of the destitute boys of this Jones and Paullire Leuder, of Arthur, Miriam Sayles, Olga (Selected. Messrs. Neilson and Republic. The work mostat: Non must say the Technical School, who shop has been useful in placing this out in all their brilliancy and CANAL ZONE NOTES 12 Solo The Prince Inmortal hi Mrs. Estwick.
citizens can walk tbe streets of the monster owd. The pupils 13. Solo Thou Pilot Of My without inolestation from the of the Model School seeməd Madame Renee will Interpret Zodiacal Signs Soul Mrs. Rance wayward boys of this public. spec ally inspired and teld La Boca Pars.
the 15 Solo Selection Meditation and also giving sbelter to th. si Sudience each week for Readers of this paper pew bound through Orchestra boys who are bereft of pare te. rut. The UNI Choir and the WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE An Interesting Debate.
15 Solo Heard the Voice of Now the work requires a larger Bard of the Colon Boys InstiJesus Say Mes. Teresa NeilCipe ud feeling greatly the tute, both order the direction of April 8 burden on my shoulders, of the Mr. Mo: es Janniere, Well known persons who have 30.
16 Solo The Holy City Mrs.
Resolved: That Pre batal luflu rea! cost of bren born under this sigo are dent of the Association, render The Sign of Aries, the Ram William Wordsworth. Raphael, ence is the Principal factor in the Sarat laxing, necessary Sarab Williams.
for the u. keep of ue institutioned veral beautiful sc lections.
17 Si ction Sans Paroles. bereby beg you to consign ti It is hardly possible for outAre yoi harrassed by the desire William Ellery Channing. Washing making of human Character. This Orchestra me a site of hard on the Panama siders to fully appreciate the to create something ovely and ton Irving. Hans Christ an Ander is the subject set aside by the la Bica Athenaeum for its quarterly 18 Anthem Corist Is Risen territo y on Atlantic end on which can, bs Colon. In order to fully appre: was at its height. Of course only a people, is supposed to have mig the good work of the of enchanting? That is because you son and Thomas Jefferson The Choir.
were born when the sigo of Aries Jasper, when word by Aries Clubhouse on Tuesday evening debate which will be held at the raising funds, establish a homeciate its activities, one must visit small percentage of those boru at netic power. The tulip is tie flower debater, Mr. Clifford Boca Red Tank Star to Initiate 19 Doxlogy 20 Closing prayers for this worthy cause. Trusting the Liberty Hall at h Street this nest. This time there will be a new the C, Sewell of this favour and assuring you of Connor and his bąrd of faithful. nearly allore them have thic intelli bir bdaya fall during this week it will be in year power to grant and Hudson Lore and see Mr. deir desires into practice, but which is sorta dipant infortunio entiese the start of teachers sof the School, Mr. Sewell is to champion our great need at this time.
and Repectfully, Marriage with one born during the affirmative of the question, gence to recognize the urge in ra at work The Rod Tark Star Lodge ne raselves and to appreciate the the first half of October will be the assisted by one of his colleagues in WATSON. Op Monday mornire 5th inst. fr its of others ability. most successful. as the Libra börn teaching Mr. Frank Reed, also No. 13. 10 will bave at After radirg the letter tbe ant, from a very early hour, Anything create by an Aries. will supply the self control and Cyrus who has several times taken ferring of the s. Degree, and Boca School, and Mr. ihe Paraiso Lodge Hall, the conSecretary kircly informd us children started to asse in ble at bat it would be turned over to Liberty Hall, anxiously awaiting forelle person menus beauece story stability needed in a felicitous part in the Athenaeum debates iaitiation of candidates on Sat.
who would inform us as scon Dansport them to the Mt. Hope satisfy one of this type. He is not union. child born of such parents and proven of real value. Three walce will be in charge of the to intellectualMere heauty does not Excellency aree urday, April 10. 1925. Legate le adduce of his decision Lorg before content only to enjoy a picture or will have a well balanced chariet veteran co On leaving the o dick, several buss Governor of (Copyrighted 1925 by Hense arguments in favour of the nega ceremonies. All members of the of a poem; he demands that it stimutive, Pushing who file we stopped in at the office o ed late his mental powers, screamed Adams Syndicate)
Reynolds, William Jump and tend is function, George Pierre. The subject is sure time is anticipated. Treasurer Ar. Boz Supt. of Clut for jr. were transported. The gallant houses and Grounds and pl ce wis specially prepared by to prove interesting and will be is own and Secretary Walker are 4446 888ses ten to Mr. Guy Waller Johannes creiary of special interest to students of working exceedingly hard for the of Police Fire a do of the Silver Clubhouse at Cris. 60 total. great number of adult THE MIRROR TOBI EM SOLV ED psychology, eugenics and tiology. past few days on the RefreshThe public is cordially io vited. ment and Entertainment Comitol the In all the Act. Suparin se cflices kept up a lively pase until 12.
ices in mbere joined in the rush and tee and is looking forward to a Nr. Booz and Johar nas are in Boys Institute arrived. The e were highly accomodated lock wben the band of the Co The Path Across The larga gathering. Past CommandI er Myers. h3 usual toast.
in deep simpathy with the moveIf you have any trouble with your mater, is also preparing an iluent and promise 1b ir suprort recple indulged 10shich they as far as possible. To ruch of cut door sport of After several months of bard lustrious toast for this occasion, Mirrors or Reflectors aise cannot be practics, so as to be able to present and is expecting the usual atbe given to Mr. were capable. Although Presida play the public, the Orpheus terd soce. for what he has already ert Connor bad given orders cone; we have earned hundreds that eversthing should close Musical Club will be ready with a send them to No. building, 12th of dollars through him for butid. down at 500 pm, it was not comedy drama entitled The Path Across the Hill. October Street, Guachapali, where they to PARAISO be staged at the new bathing beach, ana until approacbirg darkness bad the on the forced a relucant departure that 15th of next am sure that they will ever give month.
it was seen fit to go us thir will be carefully and substantially repaired support uaill this pro to their Grand Garden Party in the preparation of gram is ever.
officers ard members of Leaving Balboa we visited the fully pleased with the progress e UN of Colon are delight also new ones made to order at moderate Grand Garden Party under community for some time has not þeen favoured with musical La Boca Silver Cubbouse where the auspices of the Star of Ps.
of the schools.
as in The efforts the President Con we bad refreshments, then we past.
prices. If you want to have an estimate raiso Juvenile Lodge, working visited the Balboa in of the young ladies of the Club, under the authority of the st.
speaking Docks. Mrs. paid a glowing tribute to Messrs.
on this matter, McVain was surprised to see the Smallie, Thomas, and of work to be done, send a card to under the direction of Mrs, Olga Paillip Lodge No. 50, King, have always been well re: Inc, will be held on the Tennis great water way which runs from the Pacific to the Ath to a great extent responsible for Campbell, wbo, be said, are ceived. About a year ago the Club Lawn of the Paraiso Clubhouse BROWN presented ia connectioa with one lantie. Mrs. MeVzin their eaterainments on Saturday Evening, April 10th, a she never knew that she would the unfalling success of the EduAncon Box 1223 entitled Strange Totsey Orchestra en permitted to behold catton Department.
ings at Slowville Station.
the place where her father was Sixteen years experience in the West Indies, United To be presented next monew will furoisb the musical program, is and an enjoyable time is antici.
living ten years before she was New Appointment States, Costa Rica, and Panama. being looked forward to with much pated. Refreshments will be born.
enthusiasm as some of our popular on sale.
where sbe young ladies will be taking part.
to see the great city. How The Supreme Grand Lodge of It is understood that tickets wilt different Panama now, the of Inc. located be on sale from today and may be and Mr. Percy Jarrett of Silver she said, to the statement that at Philadelphia, Pa. 17. bave This journal wishes him a RED TANK obtained from any member of the City, Cristobal. Both cre mem my father gave us concerning appointed Bro. Drummond, successful ad micistration, and Club.
bers of the Cristobal Team.
it, when he was living in this at presens of the Guiding begs to offer hearty congratula conntry twenty five years ago. Star Lodge No. 14, Colon tions on his deserved appoint. Went to Baptist Conven1 He told us that this place was as the special Supreme Deputy ment.
PERSONAL Miss Guillermina Jump, daughtion ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Jump very small and the bouses were for the jurisdiction of the Repubof Jamaica Prado, is spending the nothing to speaka about. Sanit c of Panama and Central AmeDeacon Crooks and wife, ation was very pooor. She con rica. The credential of Mrs. Susie Neely, wife of Sec. week end with friends in Panama his also Deacon Grant of the retary Neely of the Club. City.
appared this Republic to the po pointment was What everyone The one him, showing that be has recently sent to ublic of Costa Rica.
Red Cross Baptist Church went house, returned from the Atlantic over to the Atlaniic side on Good end on Satuadoy last, after spendsaying is that the great sgiever Friday to attend the sonual Bap ing a week there visiting friends, pleasant visitor here on ThursTo that that republic is not Inc. in this territory. His duties tist Convention day last was Miss C, Davy of Col.
as a represent the oficial month to be found here. Many business are, to act as KRONEN BRAU ative. They reported baving a 00. Miss Davy is very popular in were also visited.
piece ard ambassador of the good time with friends, and reAmong those who attended a religious activities on the Atlantic Mrs. McVain will be returning Supreme Grand Lodge on all me at the eud of the present matters. All communications per superior to all turned on the evening train. special meeting of the Inter Club end and is member of the Colon Deacon Crooks brought over house Base Ball League, which Wesleyan Choir. She was accom nonth, she says that she is great. taining to the Order should be Is delighted during the time she adders. to bim at Box No. 768 imported beers with him, bis 11 year old son who was held at the Clubhouse on Sun panied with Miss Alice King of was spending some time over at day last, were Secretary Wal Panama, by whom she is spend bas spent in this republic Cristo 1, CZ. SEE that end.
ler of Cristobal Silver Clubhouse ing the week end.
same lowers Hils debaters loads children a3 Play Chief order of Mr.
Toz Due to us of this plement Гһе the grams as sald that comedy 1026, Jolly Hossain goat 2p.
have surprised is that he has contre difference Bolver every branch of the places were


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