
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY APRIL 10, 1926 PAGE SEVEN El Excelsior Clunes Defeats Agard Conditions in Hayti Are Very Satisfactory STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History AND Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages sud Summary of Contents: History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, Photographs of the Teams end 16 Individual Players Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and Interesting Price 50cts.
VIGOR TONIC Secure yours now there will be a great rush for them, 0019 Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Panama EL GAITERO THE ONLY ELABORATED JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
Fred Clunes won the singles CAN HIGH COMMISSIONER Corner 12 Street East Avenue event in the La Boca Tennis Club annual Tournament which LARGE CUSTOMS RECEIPTS We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also was beld as usual on the turt courts of the La Boca Clubhouse Washingtor. March 3ubwatches. Our prices are the lowest and our daring the two week period, stantial proof of Hayti conWorkmanship is guaranteed.
Marca 10th to 24tb.
tinued progress in self govern new old star of the first ment, financial economic Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you magnitude apɔeared at this other undertakings was farnishmay keep the pledge pawned as long as you may meeting in the person of William ed the State Department today in drsire, provided the monthly payments of Jump. With a lapse of aoprex the annual report submittel by mately two years of the court, Brig. n. Joho Russel, Am: interest are duly met.
be returned this year and, paired erican High Comissioner, for with Cluces, won the inter the calendar year 1925.
stip which was held at Red lank the tirst three months of the new Tbe customs receipts during JEWELS AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES.
on the 22nd of February, ultimo, riscal year, the report said, Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall and started to get a bot pace for bave been the largest in the be pleased.
Competitors of tbe singles. history of Hayti. It is anticipat.
The matches in the first rounded that the total receipts for the produc. some very good tennis, entire year will be large enough as well as several upsets. to devote a generous amount to Ellis added another win to his debt reduction.
Winner when he eliminated Mrs. Florence Smith in the tween natives, the Marine Corps Regarding relationsbius betest match at scores of 1, 1. occupational forces and the gend.
The best Tonic in the World William Jumo defeated Reed in an erratic match. Jump reported a continuance of peace armerie of Hayti, Gen. Russell hit the ball with his usual pace ful conditions throughot the and allowed Rzed no the offensive in either treamely small number of con country, resulting to an exto take This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend set: winning the match at 0, ticts during the year.
ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, 1.
to register two love sets when ernment and the press, however.
man Relationships between the Gov Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up ne met and defeatad Mrs Oiga showed to improvement over a run down constitution King, 0, 0 Agard won a chose existing in the preceding match from It promotes digestion, impruves the appe Natly, year, the repor Agard played bis usual game.
no decrease in the attacks intite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system but allowed Neely opportunities dulged in by certain of the local woich he failed to util. 23 in the newspapers against the Haytian DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or tirst set, but in the second set Government and American of times a day, he struguled for thret. set ficials.
match but in vain as Agard took the match at 1, 4 Mrs. These newspapers are such Jump was forced to default to went un. They carry little or no Sin game only, Gen. Russell Williams to iilness.
In the second rou. id Clanes news, ond devote their columns met and deleted Ellis ones to petty criticisms of goveroof 2, 2 by scores mental acis usually accompanied Jump surprised CHURCH SERVICES Services of the Bethlehem Elie when be elimu atedo hico by some ill meant but tutile at Church of God Holiness by scores of 60, 5 10 benched Willians for 4. Their editors evidently re(Continued from page 4)
No, MARIANO AROSEMENA 8t. at 1, 62. 2, while Tracey stopped Seweil aliz: that they are incapable of conducting reputable news.
Seventh Day Adventist Church SAN MIGUEL STREET CALIDONIA ROAD The semi final saw some good paper with the purpose of distenais but none which was cacul seminating news, and therefore (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA.
Sunday 530 a. Prayer Meeting of the watehes of the entire Tour printing yellow news.
ated to produce excitement. Au make wha; prodiit is possible in their insignificant circulation by Faltath (Saturday) 45 a. Bebe ba thSchool: 11 15. General Worobop Divine Service, Preacher, supplied.
10 a. Chilaren Service; 11 am. nament were won to straight 30 pm. Spanish Class. free pass to them appear sets. Jump, the coquerer o. YP Society, meeting deat 6pm. rm. Gue Clunes. Tue old new study was Haytiaa Government deems their 3p. Sundry School, Superinten. Reed and Bre, was Jimda ed by ently means an onlicensed press 530 Jonor and Senior Stabdord pel Service, Elder Francis Vas and, consequently, when the of tsinaunt Chris 6p te. Vespera.
The usual weekly services will be enabled him to win bis former annoying attacks important not to the wbich bad Sunday evening 30 Stere conducted, on Tuesday and Thursday matches and be succumbed atter enough to take means to curb optica Loue. The general public is night, at 45 Patting up a desperate fight in their verbose slander and malice cordially invited to turn out in large BEULAI 30 a. Prayer Meeting the second set as the score 63, ainst governmental and diplo numbers.
Il a. Divine Service Supplied. 5 shows. Țbe remaining win matic officials, th y vehemently 80 pm Sunday School, fuperinten ner was Agard who conquered protest that the Government is Seventh Day Adventist Church dene. p. Gospel service. Bro. Small. Trace; in an easy match at 0, leider erlering with their liberty of 61 3rd STREET BROADWAY, COLON Thursday night, Bible readings and Sabbath (Saturday) 45 o Sabbath Prayer. Bro. Webley.
The tinal round, Clunes versus Citing the co operation by the Sehnol; 11. 15 sm. Genital Worship GAMBOA MI SION 11 am, and alternoon as the piece de resist Agard, was played Wedde:day United States Department of Azriculture and the service 30. 9, Young people meeting m, dupplied ence of the meeting. It turned techtique in continued experi5. 30 ta Vespero Elder T, C, FRANCIS, out to be something that left the ments un rubber growing possi.
Sunday. vening 30 pm. Prracbing Pastor in rburre.
appreciable gallery wondering bilities rindbilities in tbe island, he said Servier. You are cordially invitd to what was bappebing. It was these investigations have so far attend these services and bring your about as strangea mach as was advanced as to demonstrate most friends, Ebenezer Church of God eyer geen ever seen.
When it ended in a cablility of rubber growing in in a clearly the feasibiity and practi Holiness loye set in the third set Hayti.
The Church of God to amazs N) 46 CALIDONIA ROAD ment, and the spe spectators dispers small amount of rubber ta a bewildered state of mind, has already been exported from Sunday 50 clock, Prayer Meetin trying to make out what had Hayti, bringing ore dollar a Pagams, Aroumena Street, Ilcune 25, 11 mn Divine Service Preacher. really happened. In the tirst pound, he added.
San Miguel Sunday 4t a. Prayer Suplied set the games were fairly close, meeting acd Gospel meetings at 11 am. Sunday School Superintendent. although, Clunes won six of the and 30 pm, Sunday School at pm p. Programme seven in the second period, BIRTH CONTROL aday at 311 Testimony Meeting wbatever was the cause, 730 Gospel Service, Preacher men Tuesday at 15 pm. Young People managed to nose out at sevenMeetin. Wednesday at 30 pm. Supplied.
tive Tuesday 30 Ged: Service hard Clunes went into a six love Still holding his game in Is Civilizat. on a Falture. Corel meeting. Thursday at 30 Ofen sir meeting, Friday at 30 m.
Note Other Se vices for the week win without apparent difficulty.
Subject of a Lecture will be given from the pulpit. Partial Summaries. First round, BRO, C, PESSOA. ir charge. Elder ODLE Ellis, Mrs. Smith, 1, 1) cable despatch from London, Red Tank, Cipal Zowe, Sunday School Patacr in charge Jump, Reed. 0, 1, Elie states that Sir Arbuthnot Lane P. Gepel meeting on Thursday Mrs. King, 0, 0, Agard dl addressing the London Clinical at 30 The Salvation Army Neely, 1, 4, Williams Mrs. Society recently realibre on the subject Sis. GRAY Jump, default.
20 a said. New Providence. Gospel Meetings at PANAMA CITY CORPS.
Second round: Clunes Ellis, This is a question that always 11. 30 sm and 7, 80p. Suncay Snhool 62, 2, Jump E le, 0. 75 arises when one sees the disaste at pm. Wedoesdav at 30 GosServices are as follows: Agard Williams, 64, 2, Trao rous effect that association with pel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 Prayer 8. Early Prayer Meeting. cey Sewell, 1, 2.
the wbite race bas upon commun 10 a. Children Directory aleeting Semi final: Clubes Jump. centuries had a bappy vigorous ities that have for bucdreds of Bro. McDONALD and Brigade United Open Air Meeting 75, Agard Pracey, 60, 61. life. Can anyone feel that we Gatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Meetingo 11 am libees Meeting to be con Final: Clanes Agard, 1, nav conferred by Commandant Martin, the slightest at 11. 30 a. and 30 m; Sunday dueted 5, 0.
School at pm. Wedneeday 30 p. Company meeting and physical benefit to any native Goepel Meeting. Friday at 30 Brigade Open air.
race to which we bave tirst our Prs Meeting Junior Open Air.
mercbant sramen and later our Bro. GEORGE GRIFFITH 45 to. separate Brigade open Air 6006 Bluod. Tablets safer than fonch missionaries? The former have 606 Colon and Streeta. Gospel meettaught them to drink to excess Money back 30 pm, Big Salvation Meeting.
guarantee. In fogs at 11. 80 a. o and 30 Suoday Price Particulars free. Welch and have deciimated them with Bohool at 3p. Wednesday at 30 Other notices for the week will be Medicine Co. Dept. Atlanta, aiseases, while the latter have altered babits by teaching m. Gospel Meeting. Friday at 30 given from the pulpit them a lmcralcode which invaris; Prayer Meeting MARCIN. Commandest bly results in their degeneration.
Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON Sir Arbuthnot continued. Why do we insist on impos0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ing on oiher races, who have Salvation Army Hall TRY Why pay double price existed by communities leading for inferior imported happy lives long before us, our methods and ideas on the sup LA BOCA CORPS KRONEN BRAU Beer when you can position that our habits and 30. Knee Drill.
buy a superior Beer deeds are more suitable to them 11 Holiness Meeting.
ON DRAUGHT than theirs. p. Sunday School.
such as BALBOA for The native living in his normal OR BOTTLES 80p. Open Air.
half the price.
surroundings and following his 30 Salvation meeting.
accustomed habits and diet it We extend cordisl ir vitaton to all.
0000 sonCDOQ00000000 (Continued on page 8)
VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ S, VILLAVICIOSA SPAIN licteru ae ESTEBAN DURAN SOLE AGENT For the Republic of Panama Take Notice es, surprise turned to ed in a Regular Assortment of Ho Ro Co Famous Products Clunes SUCH AS Prayer Meeting Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, etc. etc. etc.
Meeting The Workman Printery 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Panama City.
Dave Morting Book Binding!
Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting, books when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Opposite Cecilia Theatre


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