p. 8


was JUAN FRANCO TRACK long repose, Pearl Good Races Jimes himself.
this usic ore) Dear up for a.
topt of on the third horse.
gone Republic, Harry States of Am on mnents is is New York City, and dren.
Last Sunday Races SCATTERED LEAVES The Big Fight Tonight To Morrow Races (Continued from page 1)
Everybody talking about the An attractive card of seven The number of races at Jua well interpreted although the voice right tonight, and opinions are races is arranged for tomorFranen on Sunday afternoo la. lof the singer was slender fairly divided as to the outcome row after yo) at Juan Franco was tight plus a walk over for Next in order was the playing of this the best scrap that may Park. The program will be Col mbona for the seventh event, ever be staged at the Bull Rinx opened with a seven furlong Pierrot the other borse who of the popular violinist Mr.
for a long time to come.
should bave run a match with Prada, Meticulously groomed, he 10 ter having been ecrazeb This himself that the reason there is on race between Lind, Dard ine.
arieture. Without much talk about it, and that la and Candlewood, followed race carried a purse of 500 ardoneccessary display he escuted bis also the reason why every man by a four furlong for seven cup presented by the Chinese difficult Hajere Kati. It eemed Nsunaris. Lague.
like eruelty call him back, but who got any life in his make other native horses. The big.
a TO MORROW up, intends to be at the Bah Ring gest race for the afternoon un event, which was of he must play again. As if after The main seven furlong parse 500. was with sbsoulute facility the most Mr Prada repeated tonight, to see Jose Lombardo the idol of Panama and Joe Cook will be over seven furlongs.
woo by Joly Pellow who ran. intricate passages of Sunday, April 11th, 1926 waich race with Isheviki.
the Silent Man froin New and in this Frou Frou, Funchhis selection.
Orleans, to try conclusions for al. Argentino, and Araucana Alaucana paid the biggest por The grand item for the afternoon superiority.
fortuny hen she beat Dad was a selection from Bizet The will try conclusions.
When these two young ex 30 Fishers, played by the over six furlongs.
How heyrar ents of the tistic art met last! The entire program is as tlantic Orchestra When it is and ore ball furlongs: consider that every one of the worth there was a gseit eil of follows: comment on the fight, and puble Can lewood Escobar) Dictador nine players nas regular employ.
opinion Seven furlongs 250. Linda was untie that neither few ez) Ruso (Hidalgo. Time ment and ca cnly devote a boy exteaded 126, Dardanela, 104, Candle138 15.
Pool paid 20 on the spare hours to practising, it is marvellous what excellent mu Races For Imported horses winner.
willon became so ganeral that wsi 99.
issure was brought to bear on x fur rgs: Araucana (Mo. they are able tt offer to the puble.
Four furlongs purse 150.
moter Sol to have them Zapa 118, El Chichi 112, Paand for Native bred Ponies Did (Munz) Time 16 25 Mr Handel Law on, the pianist tcbed return bu Two starters. Poul paid 70 on and conductor, must be very par ticularly mentioned. of nce their appearance again yaso 119, Roamer 108, Barba the web puerongs: Hope (Schalız) musical Family, he has been WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE for another 12 round Roja 105, Caribe 103, Firefly In all there will be 31 rounds go. Zopa (Aranda) Barba Roja careful not to beglect, the gift be Casas. Time 52 5. Pool paid recived at birth; and the shade of good lighting, the Cartin Four furlongs purse 300.
Raiser will be a round sera 83 20 and 20 on the winer, Haod can ill accuse him of brine10 on the second borse and 40 ing discredit on his name. The AN AFTERNOON OF EXCELLENT SPORT between Kid Mendoza and Kid Towello 126. Med ler 126, Mi Sanchez, these two midg ts are mosa 123, Belle sauvage 109.
other members of the orchestra well known to regular fight ta 19 Four furlongs. purse 300.
Six furlongs: Reina Mora whose names did not ar pear singly ana need no paint. Gor zal, 2) Meddler (Schuitz on this programme are: Violin. Mr.
Everybody will be there. Don miss it. Kid Denver and Young George Lucero 26, Col. Arango 114, lle Sauvage (G. Gorzal Pimne Matucet; Flute, Mr. Bie Dixon will mix it for another Maduna 1. 15 25 Puol paid 60 and berachi: Clarionet, Mr. Jose Bies dicho; Cornet, Mr Jose, Casada; First Race Starts p. Sharp four rounds and this oromises to 80 on the winner and EO on Seven furlongs purse 375.
the second horse.
be a slugging from th: tap of the Frou Frou, 126, Funchal 121, Trombone, Mr. Wr ght; Bass Mr Pearce. Dram, Mr C, Boyd.
Argentino 103, Araucinion, For the sem final Young Seven furlongs: Jolly Fellow The song Battle Cry of ihe Wills wil Fet Bid (Cudel. Bolsheviki (Muncz)
ADMISSION: Seven furlongs purse 300.
was next oftered by the Sx urlongs: Top Sergeant Pastor Dionisio in a twelve round jur Pierrot 132, Colombina Clo of Christ Church by the ney. Wills is widely knowa in Clo 90, Justice 95, Ocurrencia (G. Gor zilez) Candlewood (aa. Sea and the servers of the Guild of Grand Stand Time 25 5. Puol St. Vincest. During this item the Field Stand 50c. Panama and needs no boos inv; het)
Dionisio hails from the Atlantic 90.
paid 10 on the winner. Two colours of the United end and is said to be a scapper Seven furlongs. purse 350.
area were exposeu. The Pastor, who Wills dares not to tbiuk light Marcela 128, Tigre 100, Sister time 27 5. Pool paid 90 robed white and black vesi of.
the winter. Two starters.
led Cecíl a 122, Zambɔ 109, NoOse mil: Colombina won in a ressed a procession of acolytes is great. Take for instance, the reBIRTH CONTROL great feature about this light in red an: white, the first peate comments which have that both Lohardo and Cox vicia 106, Meddler 103, Capiwalk over. Perrot scratched. No of whom e rred the Cross. In a hard about the fine impression Coatinued from page 7)
bave agreed to donate to od tani 90.
rich voice the Revd, Cooper sang produced by the chairs used by the circum one half per cent of their ar Six furlongs: Ocurrencia (A among them, and then alone the orche tra during this last concert placed in favou ahla verse including the words. he it was, extensively felt that the stancias infinitely fine. Salle re building fund and this rinda) Revoltos (Moore)
of the proceeds toward tie Sucsial Candidates.
Sister Cecilia (Escobar. Tine Sied to make men boly, Let us die uniformity in the shape ad colour animal physically than in itselt is a act t) bcon 16 Pool paid 30 and to make men free. It was so of the chairs had added a touch of product of civiliz. koa. His men nended are great figncers, an skilla The result of the Cambridge 00 on the winner and 90 much like a drama that recalled beauty to the stage.
Mounters while hi women per the Miracle Play which ran for on the second borse.
Tickets will be on sale to aigh Exupina ion held in Decembe ove form all the functions that at the B:lla Vista Hotel near the last wara published in the Jawhich had the plensure of seeing Sparklets nature demands of them, pro Ball Rag for the banetit of thmic Gleaner of Toursday 1st Farewell Service there. was almost expecting to 10 duc ne vigorous, heal hy chil public who are asked to purcha: Dong the successful see once again the face of the nun a ticket befor going to the Bill candidates who took the Secior in tre person of Ldy Diana Man Ring as no one will be allowed Tests otherwise cell the Curti(Continued from page 7)
OUR CO PEOPLE (Continued from page 1)
ners of unbelievable beauty.
there unless he can produce a ficate Exsin ination were trama They study birth control and (teket. This precaution has been and Basil Parker, son of Mr.
Next in oraer came the closing our proper progress. How may we a Cols where he had received his reiparks Boy or the chairman, was expect to be epuitably treated by eugenico in manier, quite Dietition of the unfortunate dis Parter of the Cristobal Colored call to the service of the church stated that he had had an oppor have we to demand and expect the real the absolute neces pridious our unkowo to eivilizationsuc orders cccurred and of its pleasant you withobe tutity that afternoon to know from tham equitable treatment sity of producing vigorous men Tickets are sa sale at the Metrosta Jana ca.
the Si Jahn High schol, Kingpeople since taking up duty among thet there is in Colon talent which when at each turn the more fortu and women as dissimilar to our pole Alstel, Jimmy Dan Coor: them.
The Choir sang a beautıful an. nu ical world. He may one day stand ligh in the them during which the organ was is to be found said that there ate among us step neide from that C3 population as it is possiólei. the Ancon In and Kelly which tells to to then Riz in Panam, solat Budy among RALLY played by Mr. Lawson, the people here much ability which minister justice to one and all Can anything be more painful Bar Calon The regular monthly rally will be The pariing hyma, God Be he had not suspected. It is hard Man, like the gen rous vine, sup the state insnts and statistis of Death of Mrs. Vincent home on Saturday afternoon, April a slike? Charity begins at home. and dis pointing than t) read hell in the Cristobal Silver ClubWith You Di We Meer Aguin. to. derstand why one brought the eyening exercise tu u se geltelly acquainted with this aported lives. the strength beras those who neendevourite Bourne.
10th, at cluse.
people did not before know them from the embrace he obtain recruits of veo moderate Anderson Club has the program Revd. Sirgeon wiil be sia erily in one of their best phases.
As have pointed out in a pre. physique for the which will be very interesting. missed, uu, only in religious cire es, article, we as West Indians police and for our fighting It is with deevr regret that we welcome will also be given Miss ness spheres. to which hs duty by the Orchestra.
but social, and even in busi. the piece, ibe Crusader, played here, have a boat to manage. Let forcos. Ye. otherwise is it tain ertise Loo Let not bhe Cape is quite ens ble people oppose tive to record the bath of Mrs. MacGillivray which will be her first Viocent Bourre of Calon appearance with us, nicus live many marches by the famous taver sercise hauen duen authoritvehout their teaching to heu xenics and which sa occurrence took place very okien Lock him. The imica Towasot people of aliu creed who called to bid bim the aged composer and tearing his he is taking his men to a better contro le mass of the at the Sta. Tona Hospital on British Consulate Notice.
all catto. Mareh King, Souss.
on assumption people who who ar. practically en Wednesday afternoon last the 7th goo. bye couleuve beeb seen bud play under his owo bayon at land; let him not spurn the word sl ved because those in anthority inat. at about o clock. Mer The British Consul at Colon throughout the whole day Wednesne dues Metropolitan Opera House, may seamen who serub the insist on their baing igooraat. Bourne had been ailing for a long would be glad of information as to day wmular into the night, He New York City. can more fully decks, nor the cooks who run the The time has now come when time despite the skill of the many the present whereabouts of John leaves betud him the ex. tople appreciate the creations of his a pure hite. Lik: Bayari extile braio tiren or the engineers and the the community must face the doctors wh) attended her from Elwart Clarkbelieved to be a who attend to the propel. Isitation, and for this purpose time to time she continued to native of Antiin, who was list te nas been suns pouret daus reThe enjoyabie programe came subordinates get uneasy at their ben formed. Toe sudy of focd St. Tumis Hospitalced the heart of at Pedro Miguel in 1915.
ing of the vessel; weither let the the Nw Health Socily bas crow worse. She prote VED scund it impossible to say otherwise that there were fr quent distrae equally absolntely and essentially tant to the whole than any of the medicos of that institution that Cristobal Silver Clubon Monday to a clos: ai p. It is regretted posts, though humble; the one is and babits is vahtly sure Import when it was discovered bs the than that they firmly believe him tons caused by the larve 10 conscientious man.
paltry suhjes which occupy so the end was not far oft.
May be find of children who were di dependent upon the other.
in his new field of aroughout broughout the audience, and the Although in our times there is much of the minds of the public.
To do this house.
help and assist nity goes out to Mr. Vincent The symp. thy of the commuthe Pousive and gratetuly crying of baby after baby. Such hardly any reognitition of the prince of the press is the only Bourne, her husband who is well Tabour bearis such as he tas ietbind. satertainments would hardly seem ople that right is mighs, as was ance Mr, Surgeon has been traisferred to be appropriate for those who so much evidenced in the ultimate effectual meins by which the Route cobosana Penhams, weld The Easter Season Prkram to mis native land, Jamaica, He is afectadores dos a partecite the World War, and jermany during the propaganda beblio. litle danubter who are left to which has been thoroughly pre be distributed to the publicmourn los.
being replaced bere by the Reva. Poe The disturbances lurther pared and rendition Coui on next Sunday afternoon the is, woo was recently station atract the players, many of whom might is right, is the order and the New Health Suciety at Bocas del were visibly on this occa The British Consul at Colon over of the famous niusician who not successfully win sion, It rupe over and and New We as West Indians realizis that in the press they a whole, en press an ally which wiil not fail ROSE OF PANAMA LODGE 11tb at o clock promises to ba No, 493.
well worth attending by every adult who loves would be glad of information as whilst he was playing a passage, to better treatment when we our to see of children trained to do things in Vurgis Samuel Lawrence, a native to intricate for the inity to appie selves baldly fail to apply, in our Free Gardeners laitiation the most intelligant way. We Duo Credit will bave over a hundred children of Jamaica, who was li ing in Co chate, beard whisperings in the own ranks. Do to others as we March, 1919, Degrees Conferring crowd. urang, be plied bis would like the other fellows to do finger o his lips in gn of silence to us, to care for, and the voice of 60 to 70 wil ibe heard taking active The British Consil at Colon and mat. ained the attitu le unul Inadvertently in last week All members in good standing part in a prograin which will be wonld be glad of informatson as to there had been absolute quiet in issue, the neme of Miss Kathleen are hereby invited to attend to a credit to the pareats of these the present whereabouts of John the hall befors rexu in his playSpecial Guest Smellie was omitted from Miss initiation of Candidates an dog. cmldrel.
Edward Clark, bel. eved to be a ing.
Linda Smart report of the laying rees conferring tonight at 30 There will be other musical native of Antigua, who was last To the Atlantis Orchestra, might of the Corner Stone of the New St. sharp at the abovenamed iteros rendered, also the General heard of at Pedro Miguel 1918. suggest that they should wear a which took place at the Ameriza Smellie was the organist who ac room at top Caledonia road.
The grand Easter Concert Joseph Church Colon. Miss Lodge and Ordor at its Lodge. Secretary, Mr. Booz. will.
uniforn at their concerts? All the Theater on Sunday April 4:h, the companied the Choir in the second addr ss the audience. This is nigh class. orchestras abroad use well known Atlantic Ochestr item on the program our first attempt to conduct one, and with most of them the is one that will Why pay double price down in his program of this kind for the uniform will go is strict evening dress. tory us children on this side of the do not wish by any means to in were also special guests to the to those who attended. There for inferior imported TRY Isthmus. We therefore bode 10 sinaste that the members of the conceat, amonp those make sbe little ones very gl d, Beer when you can orchestra have not heretofore shown Estena William and invite the older oues buy a superior Beer taste in the matter of dress; but side. During Mrs Williams stay on the Pacific Have you tried the KRONEN BRAU witness the affair.
should think that uniform for on the Atlantic end she was the Such as BALBOA for new Beer Admission Free public appearance would ON DRAUGHT suit them guest of Mrs. Daisy Liwrenc half the price.
better than to leave the matter to who was the promoter of the cogthe discretion of the individual cert along with the assistance of Kronen Brau Rent Receißt Books in Spaq OR BOTTLES ish and English for sale at the players The effect of uniformity others and the noble orchestra 00000090 09000000 100000 Workman Printery tight coloured he he gives.
and health The last item on the program was MOU8 a Siore seeing 10.
Ooo as our claim our own Q00000000000000000000000 were Mrs

    BolshevismFranceWorld War

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