
THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1926 PAGE FIVE Attractions at the Theatres ideas, verts.
you xpected program Mirrors or Reflectors with for a develop melup woman Bot a ATLANTIC SIDE CANAL ZONE NOTES La Boca Pars Correspondence Cris obal, Employees Asso, to Have. Mas 1926 Big Meeting TuS EDITOR THE WORKMAN: CECILIA AMERICA AMADOR Sir: Please find bere with the The officers of the Li Boca full text of the article on be District of the Panama Canal (PANAMA)
PANAMA Modern Woman 10 which Miss (COLON)
West Indian Employees Associa.
Smart referred in ber articl of TODAY, Saturday May h TODAY. Saturday May 8th tion are preparing bave TODAY Saturday May sth and last week, Buddy Roberts ia record attei dat ce ibeir I think you will agree with me TOMORROW. Sunday May 9th Evelyn Brent in RIP ROARING ROBERTS month business ietinz, tha that the article is full of sound date of which is set for the 13 CYCLONE RIDER Dorothy Mockail in and makes good reading.
next week Thursday.
TOMORR JW Sunday Aa. 9:h and therefore, should be read JOANA TOMORROW. Sunday May 9th Lewis Stone in by the many and not the few.
Anna Nillson in The Path Across The Hi It was written by the Hon. MONDAY, May 10th THE SPLENDID ROAD FINE CLOTIES Wind. Jamaica, and Eleanor Boardmani in MONDAY, May 1orn Every body seems to be talurg MONDAY, May 10th spreared in the Jamaica Critic about The Path Across the Hill of January; and so well was it THE WAY OF GIRL Jack Holt in Jack Perrin in the threr act comedy drama received that many were the COYOTE FANGS ANCIENT HIGHWAY which is to be staged at the Club TUESDAY, May 11th requests tbat it be reprinted, bouse next Saturday night. It is hence it appeared again in the Douglas Me Lean in TUESDAY, May 11h TUESDAY, May 11th Onderstood that be play is April number of the journal. SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPLATE Hoot Gibson in House Peters in Et usement and also tuink the many readers of you. TORNADO carries a very good moral which weekly will enjy it. ARIZONA SWEEPSTAKE will appeal to the most critical.
Your e.
WEDNESDAY, May 12th WEDNESDAY, May 12th The Orpheus Musical Club whose GEO. PARKER.
WEDNESDAY, May 12. George Brirn in Gloria Swans un in members are staging this play is PAINTED LADY Dorothy Mackail in STAGE STRUCK preparing the auditorium of the The Modern Girl JOANA lubhouse to accomodate a very If the words you usuggest THURSDAY May 13th larxe crowd THJRSDAY May 13th It is understood tbe THURSDAY May 13th close cropped, cigarette that the seating arrangement will Anna Nillson in smoking, maonishly dre sed and Eleanor Boardman in Lewis Stone in be much improved upon and each rather noisy type of wirl that one THE SPLENDID ROAD THE WAY OF GIRL WHAT FOOLS MEN row of chairs will form a senifrequently sees in all countries, cicle. The cast of characters will then must confess that th FRIDAY May 14th FRIDAY, May 14th FRIDAY May 14th appear in next Saturday issue modern girl does not appe to me of this paper.
Jack Holt in Douglas Me. Lean in Wirner Boxter in in the slightest. BEST PEOPLE SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPLATE ANCIENT HIGHWAY is the This frank opinion of His The Girl Guides Royal Highness the Prince of SATURDAY, May 15th les regarding the Modern SATURDAY May 15th SATURDAY, May 15th Girl. It is the best sermon we Collen Moore in George Brien in Alice Joyce in The Girl Guides of L1 Boca, have bard for a long time a WE MODERNS PAIN TED LADY DADDY GONE HUNTING. under the able leadership of should certainly make many cho Mr. Edith Cole, are preparing literacy program to be given at the La ca Clubhouse on this Io the good cld day; wben tbe evening of the 22nd inst. Sever highest ambition of woman was leading adult members of th. motherhou, he was a creature community have signified their by man regarded with a reverence that was a most sacred.
It is true that physical cul certain high standard of Intention to help make the pru.
tarists are preaching the gaspi moral character should set gram a success.
This was not to be found orly THE MIRROR PROBLEM SOLVED of a good physical body to men and maintained by male, female. DUK the well bred or the and and women alike, but it is quale individuals. communities The Athenaeun.
bigbly ecucaied it was common ly true that physical development pations alike It is true however even to every Tank and class. Since moral woman bas be un to ape man, to If in a woman, beyond a certain that the standard of have any trouble with your maximum limit which, by the character which our sisters are The principal item on next make the desire of their bearts to maintain, is slightly weet Way, is far below tbe maxima in advance of that which is useum will be an illustrative at the Atheand the highest ambi ion of their fixed for a man raties lives equality with man thal with grace and charm. An over demanded ot us. We are more lecture on the secret work of reverence by man for the sex bas is excused and forgiven pytbagoras the Greek philosophe almost by any easily entirely send them to No. building, 12th dis appeared means a pleasant person to look given than they are.
by Mr. J Church. Importans They act like men and they are at, and her appearance is not tixed wbicb Be that as it may, genuine week new October Street, Guachapali, u here they iteci naturally treated like men.
often envied by her sisters who womendo No wonder people are so slow possess that femicine grace help men totally unconsciously on the weekly programs, will will be carefully and substantially repaired up to their moral given by Miss Cic. ly Camerland.
to wed in these days and that which makes its demand on the xpectations and obligations, and the Program Committee is als there are so many divorces among admiring eyes and the inwardly teods to convey the fda arranging several otner item on those who do wed; for the also new ones made to order at moderate appreciation of members of the that women possesses greater complete what is looked forwar Modern Woman does not other sex. Primarily for this moral strength than do men, for to be a pleasant affair. Tais even again aspire to make sweet the prices. If you want to have an estimate reason, women are not as de the mere fact that they (womer ing the Management Committe Lot, to glidden and cbeer the veloped as men of work to be done, send a card to generally are hart of man, or to enoble bis become leaders in this direction. ets for the purpose of furthe What places man in the lead in To however, may be due to the log plans for the better working life.
The Modern Woman evi most enterprises? Because he very exacting and almost inexor of the society. BROWN fits in more naturally than able laws of ciety rather than dently thioks that in aping man woman, and when posts are beli to jaberent Woman Life Problem Club sheilfts herself to a higher Ancon Box 1223 by those who most naturally fit When the me comes if come pedestal; that as woman she is in, untold difficulties and com iever us hope it will ac inferior. It sha would only Sixteen years experience in the West Indies, United plications are eliminated.
The Woman Life Problem that women as a a body, can prove, Club, Mrs. Maud Monroe, Presi.
stop to think she would quiekly States, Costa Rica, and Panama.
It is an axio that Thinus tha beyond the shadow of a doubt, dent, will observe Mothers Day discover how mistaken she is are (qual to one another are than, or as qualitied as wen ta varied program of songs, recita: that they are in in every way better on Sunday the 16th lost. She was made woman, created qual in all respect. Thebe dictate, rule ned lead, the world tions, readings and addresses is for the purpose of comferting verse is also true. If this truth, mam, of brightening his life, of when applied to things and peraccept their authority; ard being prepared for the occasion.
tilling him wita high ideals and sons, cannot hold its own both loon, and only the, will this On Thursday afternoon 1291 masing benet mobile deedie So baise the name out woman but Why Was Woman made to help to make man aspires to be without sex.
are to tion be settled. In the mean the Club belt an Afternoon Tea, what God intended him to be. To the Prince of Wales they Created. what is true of things in this time, dear sisters, work and with Mrs. Susie Neely, wife of What can be bigber, what can be Do not appeal in the eligntes.
direction is also true of persoas. wait for all things cometh to Secretary Neely of the tam that wait.
Clubhouse, as special guest. The 68 high as the sacred office of neither do they appeal to selt Intellectually woman is equal affair was held as a means to motherhood certainly nothing respecting men anywhere! They say au revoir to Mrs. Neely who to man, though the consensus of we know of Yet the Modern may (BY SMITH)
be by some regarded as Woman is torsking the duties desirable playthings, opinion is that she has yet to (Continue on pgae Whatsoever Man place herself. Suffice to say ot the The above was the subj ct of home in order to go into curiosities with whom rome may the world and imitate mar. To amuse for a time, or an article playing Soweth.
do this sh must ta urally resori as depraved creatures, for whom isst week issue of this paper important rart in law, politics, to artificial means and she there oth rs entertain pity mingled medical line, ecclesiastical vecuWithout the contemplation of pations and indeed in What everyone fure descends to depibs wbici with content, but to branch of they appeal a WOMAX. Doned criticism in any ebape or form.
and with an apology if the aforeactivity; must fill the true wunan wit stili. By WATSON, Commander saying thwe, to deeds which in her not (leaving out prejamentioned be apparente in the dice) object to the ever growing it is known fact that the of the Colon Boys Institute)
Litoe good old mom nts of sanity must dispus days a woman course of my comments. do room KRONEN BRAU even bersel! The ose co coach would at once be offered bereby att pt to advance my tendency on the part of women words of the Bible compose an participate ette poking, Ki in matters where everlasting truth; tb y live from dizin seals with much wing views on the above subject.
bal: naked woman is a crettu reason tells us that only men are generation to generation proving superior to all and listing of hats; today which shy Diting back from the Creation suitable desirable and capable?
man seems to belo is hardly no:ices, except by a few. be earliest history to the world today that whatever an undiscovered world. cea of the in whom the finer telings stili se ses. we find shat woman wus went up Nero, when emperor of Rome, there are mat soweth that sball he reap.
imported beers and down Greece, Since man is only half acqu iated crowd of rough, woald sure therefore to excite curiosity exist. woman coming upon a. created as a help meet for man. challenging the fiddlers to beat It will be two kinds of sowicg! 100 sad to see when the day When however (Gən ii was because gun. Aeropus, king of Mace of some sowers makes Curiosity is satisfied and the greeted wih rule remarks ship of ano her species, not be an erns? Harcatius, king of they had never been boro. Such hatred, full of stones and all addition land almost fascination created by the sigh and perhaps insulted.
of something new and novel bar She has lost the reverence cause be bad to bave simeone to Partbia, employed his itme in wae man and ad passed away the new of other impediment. But 400wbicb man hid for ber b: cause him and dictate to bimching moles, and was one of Lazarus ope rejoiced in sowi. Sogardening was kept up.
Admitting that men and woman be all respect for be posesses alike attributes Roman toe best mole catchers in the and wept in reaping, while the the without that still bear name of that man comes first in order of sower that time be in reaping. Oh, let not in the Modern wman aspires, Pne Modern Woman. neds be must, however, nass on as it is to illustrate that certain stations This is the height, which Nowan, will you not loud a bano? sentoring is not in intellectuality quoted may at first sight seem well doing, for ye shall reap in would reap some reward if he fainteth not by the way; for but they are intended due time if ye faiut But.
whatever a man sowetb, that this is the summiver her ambition forced to understand that a wo not my intention to make the sce man had two sons: One wasball, he reap. Because he was this the goal for which are shi man is a wom in or nothing at all! Scriptures the basis of my argu teie incoceptible with the quali la minister of the gospel saving determined to show the world strives though volumes as she can never be be mad. nent.
the kingdom of heaven that great good can came out of smoke, gallons of beer, hall God creatures she the them; and though all the above and doing all manner of good for Nazareth his work was much nakedness, de pravity and noblest, eweetest, best. To her insanity.
is given the highest, the greatest, t, man. This may be considered was sacrific. d, yet the col verse we bave holds Ruod and true.
Ose could almost be amused the most sacred calling; for she a bold statement, but who were the. deed. ard, Ruilty of all unlawful And and a perfect disgrace to some of nis owo race, at her it so much were not at world for God.
has been called to mother a only to refer to the condition: Woman has always taken, are numanity. Of course, one boy Oa the sixteenth of the present stake. It mothers whom WE that obtained in Greece and always taking, must and will prayed that the night might not were not also Frpm the Jamaica Citicº Rime when those adore countries always take a place, not neces ad into the day, as he could not muate the Colon Boys League women; it sieters whom we love ni 1926, Al parished, and when the glory sarily far below, but nevertheless bear to see the light; able the Institution will celebrate its sixth were not als) women, if daughfor the long anniversary; and there will be British Consulate Notice companion of the other prayed woman has ever reached or will other sex as far as gene. al acui right to pass away that he dignitaries who will attend to do ters in whom our hopes are The British Consulat Colon ever reach that stage of perfect vities are concerned.
centered were not also called bonor to the occasion. The event arise from his bed and go furth will be in commemoration of the women; it all these were not would be glad of taformation as to physical development attained The moral side of the question to reap the fruits of his labur.
maintained by those time when the writer started to wbat they are called by the the present whereabouts of Mr. and requires very little, it any dis On the sixteenth of the present sow seeds for a home for the The same is true to cussion, and Kreat caution must month the writer began to sow destitute and wayward boys of almost be amused at the insanity Jamaica, who was living in day, women are not as st10 as dominate the handling of the seeds in the garden of the city bis republic. cordial welcoms dame woman, we say we could! Virgis Samuel Lawruce, a vative ancha. particular phase of the subject. Colon. It was almost impossi is exacded to all.
of the Modera Woma, whs Cloia March, 1919, will; lat a was or 88 nearly every wbo does the seated this to per potere today able tanto sboule have the companion aonia, spent this time in making it appearance they were preference to get the ground, and in DS in the proper place a creature self Mothers le dimante cewo Gose nust, he wenye mami singdom:haThese references and other wept to do wins and reine und so we the ind hot in de line ug till is. But the work went oor were some called below her of wan was his stue strength


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