
FAGE SIX British Money for West Indies Banana Trade THE WORKNAM SATURDAY MAY 8, 1926.
Reject Clause to abolish the Death Penalty SWIFT 100, oco CORPORATION TU DEVELOP INDUSTRY IN 8r.
Mr. Vermont of Ja.
maica Has Been Put In Charge To Run the Plantations.
Govt. Do Not Intend to Use In Trade bill to Legallo Betting Lost. Pain Enemy On aix continente Chester field to winning new friends crery day among smaker whe love seed tobaccos and are coer icoking the best The world wide preference for blends ANI ed Itse NY tobacco man will tell you that if you blend Turkish and North American tobaccos in the right proportions, you can necure smoothness without flatness, and richness without over richness.
And any experienced smoker will tell you that in Chesterfield these fine tobaccos are so blended as to yield a rich mellowness and satisfying fragrance like nothing you ever smoked before.
Is it surprising, then, that more and more smokers the world over are chang.
ing to Chesterfield?
enemy PAINS EEMT troops Chesterfield Up to date Jewelry CIGARETTES SETTES Yanufactured by LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
Jamaica, who teren: atmosphere was created. Fuller Jewelry Store West The Daily Obronicle of Georgetown, British Guiana, in one of its recent issues says in an editorial: Our little Island neighbours, St.
Lucia and Grenada, are apparent: ly on the eve of great agricultural development and prosperity, an English concern having interestitself in the establishment of tbe bavada industry in those two coloides. The fairy god. father wbo in wielding the golden wand is Mr. Georgo Swift, Chairmad of Directors of the Swift Banana Company Limited, 100, 000 British Corporation that was registered in England on the 30th December last. All the tirst sbaree are said to have ben taken up by the Chairmana his colleagues, but it is proposed in the near future to oder a new issue of shares to the British public wbo, it is stated, are keel ly interested in the venture. Mr.
Swift has recently concluded a visit of several weeks duration in St. Lacla, and up to Maren 9:b last was in Grenada, in both of which places, judglog from the references made by the loc: Press, be bu buen making ibing: bum, According to the Volce of St. Lucir, be bas taken over on beball of his corporation, all the interests in that leland tbat were formerly vested in Mr. Ryberts (xbo has been appointed the Company attordey in St. Lucia and Grenada)
and ACQUIRED 10, 000 ACRES of Crown lands in respect of wbich he has paid in the Treasvry 1, 000 as the first instalment of the amount due. Mr. Vermont of bas bad 26 years experience In thu banana trade bas been put in charge of the plantations which will be run og up to date Jines. In Grenada tbe Annandale Estate upon which the cultiva.
tion of bananas is being proceeded with, boomboon, transfero Company, the feed Indian dian makes sigpistatement: We are in a position to tell readers that they may look forward to important announcements in the West lodian concerning banana in Grenada.
Apart from the large amount of money wbicb will be put into circulation as a result of the Company operations in the two islands mentioned, there is bound to be great impetus to peasant farmers, particoli view the announcement the Company is prepared to purchase all the stems they can ket. In this connection the West Ind an states peasant proprietors of wbo bave always adhered to the cultivation of few bunches of bananas of one type or another bave now only to intensity their effort and grow the right kind of fruit ia to ensure comfortable accretion to the income derived from their boldings. Tae will prove for what the sugar cane bas proved for other colonies product, the enabling of which will call for liberal expenditures at all stages and thereby bring about that welcome employment of labour upon which the prosperity of every community ultimately deWith regard to the questiou of transportation nothing bas been left to chance and everthing is being done to ensure steady service. Contracts have already been sigued with a ship building Compacy for the building of steamers to convey their fruit, and be first of these, it is announced, will be ready in 1927, These steamers will have a capacity of abɔot 60, 000 buncben and two will call every five weeks, e. one every 17days.
Knowing we do what the bapans industry has done for Jamaica, we feel sure that, with their natural advantages, the people of St. Lucia and Grenada are in for a good time.
gratulate them on their good tune and wbile, perhaps, some of our much barassed THE BEER SUPPLIED BY The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
is brewed from the best materials obtainable It is specially suited for this climate is superior to all imported beers sold here and it sells to the public at HALF the price.
TRY OUR NEW BEER LOAN Liniment la po London, April 21. The House daimed the world ante of Commons in Committee Mon Deine Pain greatest rong.
day, rejected by 269 votes to 123 Multitude of people and Dew official Labour clsuse o recommend it.
the Army and Air Force annua Rheumatie aches and paing bill, providing for the abolitiot instantly obey it command of the death penalty in cases o and disappear cowardice and desertion, whill It penetrate night to the more spot. No need of rubbing on active service, It doe. Ito work thoroughly.
Burtle of Shoreditct, support Give It trial ing the clause, said that th One bottle will convince you.
Libour Party favoured the death At all drugrists and dealere.
pecalty in cases of treachery and desertion to the only. Bouse also rej cted by: SLOAN rote os 283 to 103 a Labour cl. us LINIMENT which woola probitit the use in connection with trad disputes, except when a proclamation declaring that a state of emergency existed was issued.
Speaking for the Government, Captain King, Financial Under Secretary of State for War, declared that there was po qusation of intimidation or taking of sides when troops were used in industrial disputes; and these troops were available as much to protect strikers as to protect the rest of the com munity. The Government didn intend to use soldiers to break in every form can be seen strikes.
Mr. Thomas stated that here at its best See ou it was recognized that in a state Wrist Watches, of emergency the Government was responsible. However, wben Bracelets troops entered district the peoplo wrongly coneluded that they had come for other pur Diamond Rings poses He recalled that during the in connection witno Newport and a hundred other adornwar he went to found that the troops bad aap why this is the LEADING and ments and you ll recognizo pealed to their officer to remove commanding ammunition and the theme mama JEWELRY HOUSE in towe min gle with the striking sirls. The ask prices and you ll find still commanding officer concurred another reason. and an The rejected in tended to legalise betting and 122 Catnral Ave. Phone 629 license book makers 126 94.
THE PANAMA CANAL WILKINSON Two hundred and ten commer clal vessels and seven small Contractor launches passed through the Panama Canal during the first and Builder Alteon days of last month. Tolls on the commercial vessels aggregated 979, 950, 20 and on the House No. 20 lunches 15, 75 or total tolla 28th NOV. STREET, collection for the fifteen days of SAN MIGUEL 1979, 965, 95.
average number of transits for the first fifteen days Box 411, Panama, of April was 14. and the daily Average tolls colection 05, 880, 01.
The average amount of toll paid Plans and Specifications Free by each of the commercial transite was 4, 666, 43.
As compared with the first First Class Workmanship Bfteen days of March the above Egnres abow a decline of 33 tran Satisfaction Guaranteed sits and 94, 455, 61 in tolls collected. FLOWERS Rent Receipt Books In Span sh and English for sale at the Worker Printery Abogado. Attorney at Law OFFICE: No. 44 ST.
sorely tried farmers might be BOX 36 PANAMA CITY tempted to bemoan the faet that TELEPHONE No. 1377 no such favours come their way, we would polnt out that durlog Practicing before all the courts of auch time as we were content to the Republic since April 1914 do nothing more than talk of the establishment of a banana iodus try, the people of Bt. Lucia and Grenado were forwarding good fortune is largely traceable able to their own efforts and enter: as most, however, is that British HOUSE 1078, LÀ BOCA capital is CANAL ZONE.
towards these parts. Time and Office Hour a. to 1p. m, again has the complaint been made, and with some justification, to 6pm that while British vold can DAILY always be found for lavestment In foreign countries, these little PHONE 1941 BALBOA precious little of it and are usually left to Specializes in all the branches their own devices and incidental of Dentistry, ly the exploitation of foreign capitalists. We do bope that the a present turn of events in st.
DR. HOFFMANN Lucia and Grenada is but an io has transferred his clinic to 37 dication of the turning of the Central Ave. upper floor of La tide, and that soon British gold Mascota in front of the Alcalde will now as freely in these Entrance betwec. La Mascota bitherto neglected units as it and Preciado Book Store. now finds its way in the South American Republics.
TELEPHONE 991, The dally ibe badana izdustry that KRONEN BRAU ia order to banana Grenada SUPERIOR TO ALL pends hipments abroad on that their Dentist Howell JOB. PRINTING at last making its way Marcb Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH AT THE We con for WORKMAN PRINTERY and


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