
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JUNE 1926 PAGE SEVEN Hymeneal Disastrous Fire El Excelsior STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History AND Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Summary of Contents: History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual Players Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and Interesting Price 50cts.
went had VIGOR TONIC Secure yours now there will be a great rush for them, Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Panama chairman. EL GAITERO THE ONLY ELABORATED JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
Spanish Cider with its own Carbonic Acid Cider Champagne URETIC AND REFRESHING!
Interesting West.
Trade Mark (Communicated)
AT OLD HARBOR CAUSES On Thursday night May 20th, GREAT DAMAGE 1926, the sidence of Mr. and JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP Mrs. James Thomas Furde of Guachapsli. Panams, was taste Many Stores Destroyed Estifully decorated for the pleasure mated Loss Over Three Corner 12 Street East Avenue of their guests to participate Thousand Pounds Sterling with them in merry making with We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also regards the solemnization of the Baptials of their only daughter, The GLEANER of the 22nd watches. Our prices are the lowest and our Eurine repe Forde to Mr. Clair: ultoimo, reports disastrous Workmanship is guaranteed.
monte Gluifeld Hutson, which fire which occurred at old Harbor took place at Christ Church on Thursday nigat the 20th May Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you Parish Church, at o clock completely destroying six shops may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may on Thursday May 20th at Bar before it was got under control bados, and even ually put out yesterday drsire, provided the monthly payments of The following guests were morning interest are duly met.
present: vizThe damage at a rough estiWE CARRY GOOD STOCK OF IMPORTED Messrs. Robert Green; mate will amount to a little JEWELS AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES. Lobban. D, Hudson, over 8, 000, the greater portion Smith, Howard, Parris and of which is covered by insurance Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall Conrad Blanchard, Mesdames in the Jamaica Cooperative and Lillian Goodridge, Rose Bunte, papies.
me the Northern Insurance Combe pleased.
Miriam Smith, Rose Heory, Theresa Ste Ann Bules and The buildings were situated in Florence Alexander Misses front of the market and starting Viola Henry. Ada Best, Emily lo the sbop of Mr. Webby. Sayers, Margurieta Monteadte Syrian trader. the fire and several little cbildren. easterly and westerly and Mr.
The Host, Mr, Ford, on bebe Altamont Dolphy wholesale balt of his wife, explained the through the breaking down of an store Darrow The best Tonic in the World escape circumstances of the solempina: unoccupied shop to the east of it.
tion of the nuptials of their only Had Mr. Dolpby store caught daughter, though thousands of the greater part of the towa miles away, and finally called would bave been burnt out.
This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend upon Mr. Green to take his seat as being a ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, close kin, From what a representative of Mr. Green, baving accepted the Gleaner was able to gather Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up the chairmanship elucidate fit the fire was discovered at about a run down constitution ting, remarks on tbe asion. 10 and the alarm was given and in conjunction, toasts were by District Constable Burke It promotes digestion, impruves the appe given by the following guests. and a man named Douglas, tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system viz: Messrs. Lobban, Hudson; The fire was then burning inside Smith, Parris and Mrs. Good the dry goods shop of Mr.
DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or ridge, Alexander and Miss Best, Webby and it soon shot over into times a day.
Amongst th decorations were three (3) special care that of Boo Shoe (Chinese. Sergeant McLeod and a few seen lighted in a triangle form, Constables hurried out to the and one on the table before the secue, but the buildings rather chairman You told me that old and for the most part conyou love me and faithful you Bructed of wood, yielded readily would be It put my trust on to the spreading flames.
you, will find you sober and Services of the Bethlehem true? Then it you be kind and The pressure of water at the Additional Church Services.
Church of God Holiness loving to me shall be tender start was reported to be poor but and true, It soon after improved and the Seventh Day Adventist Church No, MARIANO AROSEMENA were served; and dancing ended whole sale store of Mr. Dolpby Cakes, wine, sandwiches etc. Check the spread.
police and others worked hard to To save tbe STREET CALIDONI ROAD SAN MIGUEL up the peaceful hours spent. near Isthmian Park. PANAMA, an unoccupied shop belonging to him bad quickly to be broken Babbath (Saturday) 45 mm. Sab Sunday 530 Prayer Meeting.
bath Sobool; 11. 15. General Worship 10 a. Children Service; 11 am.
The tire. fighters Bucceeded 30 Divine Service, Preacher, Supplied. Spanish Clas; at about a. in getting the p. Sunday Sobool, Superinten4. 30 Society, meeting the fire under control and then 30 Junior and Senior Standard deat. p. 30 pm. Goe pel Service, Elder Francis.
good flow of water of attainment Clan p. Vespers. Continued from page 2) fiuisbed it up some time after, The usual weekly services will be Bunday evering 30 Stererelleving the excitement and optica Lecture.
The general public is conducted on Tuesday and Thursday cordially invited to turn out in large pight, at 45 enough. He returned about 12. 80 anxiety of the neighbourhood.
and said he felt badly. He then BEULAH 30 a. Prayer Meeting said that he had asked a boy Webby dry goods store: Levy The premises destroyed were Dumbers.
11 a. Divine Service Supplied. 30 Sunday School, Superinten his dding clothes to Tudor Shue dry goods and provisions.
from Westbury Road to take Sbue, liquor and provisione, Hoo Seventh Day Adventist Church dent. p. Goepel service. Bro. Small. Street at Mrs. Daniel but when Wab, Liquor and provi3rd STREET BROADWAY, COLON Thursday night, Bible reading and he went there he was told that sions; Chin Sinan, provisions; a Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Babbath Prayer. Bro. Webley. the boy not brought them. tailor shop owned by Mr. Pene.
School; 11. 15 a, General Worship GAMBO4 MISSION 11. and He had searched for th boy but lope Bernard.
could not find him. 30 Young people meeting p. m, Supplied.
The shop of Levy Shue was said be wanted to see a young owned by John Daley, aad is 80 Vespero Elder T, FRANCIS, man named Aubrey from Reid believed to be insared in the Bunday evening 7, 80p. Preaching Pastor in charge. Street. She went to call Northern. The other buildings, Service. You are cordially invited to as Worrell said that his knee was except that of Mrs. Bernard, attend these services and bring your weak. lett bio Ebenezer Church of God on belonged to Mr. Altamont Dolfriends. Holiness ber bed with ail bis clot on phy are insured in tbe Jrmaica He did not have bottle nor Cowperative, She was away to call Chin Sinan was the only one The Church of God No. 46 CALIDONIA ROAD Aubrey about fifteen minutes, who carried no insurance on bis Sunday 5o clock, Prayer Meetin She did not find Aubrey and 11. Divine Service Preacher when she came back she found stock, and so is the greatest gufferer of the lot.
Panama, Arosemens Street, Hour 25, bim lying on his back in her bed.
Ban Miguel Sunday at am. Prayer Supplied His belt was slack and bis The origin of the fire up to 3p. Sunday School Superintendent. blouse was beside bim on the Mr Webby was closed as usual meeting and Gospel meetings at 11 a.
the now in a mystery. The store of and 30 Sunday School at p. p. Programme bed.
telling Monday at 30 Testimony Meeting 30 m, Gospel Service, Preacher bim it was time to get ready and on Thursday afternoon and an be said Let Tuesday at 15 pm. Young People Supplied.
was above, de sala Let me alone, goin Meeting Wednceday at 730 Tuesday 30 o. Gospel Service lay down here. feel am going discovered at 10 o clock at night Gospel meeting. Thursday at 30 Note Other Se vices for the week to die. He seemed Open air meeting, Friday at 30 pm. will be given from the pulpit.
It was burning ins de.
as if he had spasms and sbe called to the next Inspector Sullivan Prayer Meeting Elder ODLE door neighbour Eidica Alleyne to went to the scene yesterday BRO, C, Pessoa. in charge. come and belp her. had the morning and Dstective Case of Pataor in charge.
Red Tank, Canal Zoue Sunday School smell of liquor on bim. He asked Spanish Town went over to take with p. Gospel meeting on Thursday to put him on the floor and we statemenis in connection The Salvation rmy did so, He asked for a drink of the matter, at 30 water and said to turn him on Bio. GRAY his side and let him die. Не Now Providence. Gospel Meetings at PANAMA CITY CORPS. had never met another girl at 11. 30 am and 80 Sunday Snhool Services are foliows:her bouse. never any.
at p. Wednesday at 30 Gor5 a. Early Prayer Meeting.
thing there pel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 m, Prayer 10 am, Children Directory Meetin keeping for bim.
and Brigade United Open Air Meeting vomited while he was there.
Bro. MoDONALD 11 am. Holinese Meeting to be con At this stage the Coronel HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA Gatun, Canal Zono. Gospel Meeting ducted by Commandant Martin, adjpurned the further hearing CANAL ZONE.
at 11. 80 a. sod 30 m; Runday p. Company meeting and until a gate to be fixed. Mean Office Hours: a. to p. School at pm. Wednesday 80p. Brigadoo Open air, while the contents of the Goepel Meeting. Friday at 30 pm p. co. Junior Open Air.
stomach will be sent to the to pm Prs Meeting 45 m. Separate Brigade open Air Island Professor of Chemistry DAILY Bro. GEORGE C, GRIFFITH tor analysis. Advocate.
Dolon. and Streets. Gospel meet 30 pm, Big Salvation Meeting.
PHONE 1941 BALBOA Ings at 11. 80 am and 30 Bunday Other notices for the week will be Specializes in all the branches School at pm. Wednesday at 30 given from the pulpit.
West Indian Regiment of Dentistry. m. Goupel Meeting. Priday at 30 MARTIN, Com wandent m, Prayer Meetidr.
Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON The STANDARD of a recent date Notice to Correspondents.
says: Contributors and correspondente The West Indis Regiment, Salyatlon Army Hall. are asked to send in their contribu. known locally in this island as tions not later than Thursdays to the Black troops.
is to be disWhy pay double price insure publication. This is impera. banded. These troops in the for Interior Imported LA BOCA CORPS tive ard must be adhered. course of time bave shrank in Beer when you can 8, 80 Knee Drill.
numbers. and as they are no 11 Holin Meeting, longer needed for service in West buy a superior Boor p. Sunday School.
6006 Bluod Tablets safer than Africa they are to disappear. 30 Open Air, 606 such as BALBOA for Money back guarantee. The Regiment has many battle Price Particulars free, Welab bonours, and did good service in 80p. Salvation meeting, half the price.
We extend e cordial ir vitaton to all. Medicinon. Dept. Atlanta, Ga. its long and glorious career.
VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ S, VILLAVICIOSA SPAIN Wong chín ESTEBAN DURAN SOLE AGENT For the Republic of Panama bad He then Aubrey sbe sitting on clothes Take Notice parcel. Regular Assortment of Ho Ro Co Famous Products She called to him SUCH ASTonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, etc. etc. etc.
She had no arioko Dentist Howell never The Workman Printery 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Panama City.
Book Binding!
Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting, books when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN.
93 CENTRAL AVENUE Opposite Cecilia Theatre


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