p. 8


mind. Exciting Races 5 into a Another Big Day of Sport purse 200.
event was BO may be be drafted for to most traffic people to another Con To Morrow Races The Path to Peace CHURCH SERVICES International Athletic Sports at Kingston. Continved from page 1)
visit Juan hɔse who For To morrow Sunday, June Ehh, 16th First Sunday After Trinity Jamaica.
Franco Park tomorrow after. agony of blood shed; then came a AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCE noon will be in for a good time blessed surocase. Then after a few years the French and Spaniards as the Jockey Club has both Christian nations) united. Anglican Catholie)
The Cleaner reports that the St. Paul Church, Panama International Athletio sports which arranged a most attractive for the maintainence of white came off at Kensington grounds on card of eight races which, as supremacy and certain other rea JUAN FRANCO TRACK the 24th May was a decided sacusual, will be run, rain or sons to fight the Riffs and yet the (Rev. 7, Nightençale, Rector. cess from every point of view and Ritfian cause is just, and one TO MORROW sm. Holy Communion. The Rector King weather prevailed.
would think that France had had 10. 16. Matin Mr. Atwell, There will be an aggrega e ough of war.
tion of eight class imporSunday, June 6th 1926 After eight years (almost) the 10. 30 a. Holy Eucbarint rermosApart from a bad spill in the ted horses in the biggest nations have forgotten the war only The Rector Two Miles Cycle, Class III. the event which will be a Mile the burpen of their debt and the 12. 300. Holy Baptiem, only casualty. was broken pm Chureb School.
and a quarter, and carrying a support of battle scarred soldiers record in the 440 yards, by it 30 Choral Eveprong, vermor Becsta 10 Beckford (Panam. in six hundred dollar purse. In and war orphans brings 51 Did the war teach the European The Meleber, seconds, the usual time at Kenthis will be Abel, Perriot, nations who were the greatest sington being 54 seconds This Carabebe, Argentine. Burla, sufferers of the futility of battle?
sporteman also won the the 100 St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca final in lo 5 seconds defeating yards Rataplan, Titina and Meddler. Dit it bring them chastened, Races for Imported horses The curtain raiser will be a better understanding and respect easily. the wsy, did him a similar thing in and for Native bred Ponies a seven furlongs race for of each other?
American Episcopal (Anglican ComPanama, in 1922. In the 220 yards, native horses, class It In spite of treaties, the League of BUDIO)
Court, it Beckford Nations of Worlds to run ia heats carries a purse of 250.
taught but one thing, that the next WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE Choral celebration of the Holy Com ach, probably, cost him the There will be one more war wil be fought in the air and munion 30 The Rector Matins and addrew 11 am.
five race for native horses the the Dution possessed of the best and siz competitors each, with Las six in the final. As a result of the second event of four furlongs, aviators and machines will be Reader.
in which nine are booked to your to build better airships than victorious, that each must endeaobjection referred to, the eleven p. Church Sebool. 30 Choral Breasong, sermon with Beckfoed having some dificulstarted for a final dosh face the starter the next!
The Rector Oh pah, Altanera, Colomty for a line clear at the northere But what, to employ the clergy Everybody will be there. Don miss it. MULCARE, Rector point. The huge crowd cheered him bing Celia, Peti and Translate man phrase did it teach the man as he covered the distance between areb ooked for the last race in the street? Out of evil came First Race Starts p. Sharp Acknowledgment the leader. Bowen and bimwhich will be six furlongs forth good for it opened the eyes of those wiibout vision brought to self, finishing very clo e second the carelessly There is no question but understanding ignorant some slight The cycle events for the minors Mr. E, Williams take this were well contested, and they have ADMISSION of that the attendande tomor tions and the policy of nations. To economic condiopportunity of expressing his thanks to all those who in any manner their capabilities that the Miles so far satisfied the promoters as to row meet will be very the coloured peoples it revealed the Grand Stand Field Stand 50c.
whatsoever sympathised with him in his recent sad bereavement Tyrie, Burns, He witt, Bratam and farge One ſhe being attrac weak spots in the white man civiconfined to this class.
such a professed christianity, which for lization the worthlessness of his ted when there is occasioned by the death of hie Thomas (the latter won the Miles)
splendid ine up. It is irresis. centur. es his missionaries have breo further Relief Forwarded. brother at Trinidad firding it impracticable do are coming riders, and there is tibie.
choking dowu their throats.
ir dividually.
kuowing who It taught them to think; clearly (West Indian, United States higher service within a year or so and to question the Sparklets (Continued from page 1)
lo the Devil Fakes the HindCanadian pa persplease copy)
divine right of white supremacy, cycle race, 13 startet, the Dueling passed, piracy passed, and grew out of a discussion in connection with collecting funde to belp mao finishing last in e ch lap to slavery in human victims of the fire which destroyed the building knowa os the Titanic Janr:aicas New on out. Omphroy (Panuta) led (Continued from page 1) Chaves pused and now bondage of the Chorrillohe for four laps followed by Gentles, an o erni, ht decision by the corr. one nation to another of one and Teacher Battiste. When There was a general expression of approval of the iden, owing. Coetinued from page 1) the bell went for the 8th and final must also pass no one people on the profesororonoa enne ottaa y mand research ciences et neil bilmed by the Red Cross while the admatter of face, hones o could be discussed with profit at hp, Battaste was leading the forta especially, to the fact that indigent West Indians here being conamong these of stant Be thit as it may, the misguided and invention, and THOUGHT are either members of or contributing to the funds of that organiation. the meeting of the Board of Mana folowed by Walsb, Davis, and bunch of the literati at the Athe anhanapered by It was further brought out in the discussion that if our members gement. The Secretary read a let Omphroy, the Intter failing to naeum apparently beli ve that all bigotry is is the only means that will become members of the Red Cross, our Association will be in a position ter from Mr, Thursfield of Man place at the finish.
who preach Christianity or pore as civilize man to a stable peace. to from time to time, make recommeodations to that organization.
chester, who favoured the removal Sixteen started in che tive Mile leaders of men have a knowledge of And though the bollow mockery The following Resolution, unanimously approved, was, theretore, of the plant to Grove Place the Bible or Psychology. On the of christianity (as put into practice) the result of the discussion; and the secretary was directed to transmit The President (Sir Edward tured in the second cycle event Omphroy got puuc.
and with Stubbs) noted the observations of drew, the others dasbing, along night that am to present the must also pass the world will same to the Board. paper. may be conveniently always have need of universal That the La Boca. Papama District unanimoualy approves of its Mr. Cousins the Director of Agri. During the last lap Davis chaſ located on the by waye discussing religion, a spiritual foundation in members becoming members of the local branch of the American Red culture on the subject, the eastern means with members of and that. with request Mr. Cousins said the position lenged Browne up my kind, how to heat Brother will cause him 10 contribute all that it take steps to encourage not only members of the Association was that the Public Institutions at tetahi and hit is alleged that he interferred by other labor hunch but Silver employees in general, to also become members.
in for the Bails he over at Cristobal on the day of final higher civilization, When churches Respectfully, Bonum on fact was that cycle lengths ahead. The reckoninz December 31, 1926.
teach their members to look for KING. Secv. Treas.
a large amount result of the protest was awaited in money was being spent annually a little inside dope on why the heaven, and do their utmost to Ancon, Canal Zone, the purchase of condensed milk withdrew same and the award went with interest. Browoe eventually finals betwero Clunes of La Boca bring it to pass in this world and May 26, 1926. sed the money left the country. to The Hooded Terror. Truly it and Robertson of Paraiso was not not another; when public schools, Mr. Ellis The condensed milk plant had been was a splendid finish, but for the Sec y. W, pln ved in the Inter Clubhouse and parents the world over give Tennis Single Championship CrieDear Sir. This will acknowledke re eipt of 72, 00 as a donation erected at Hope, and the experi above referred to fill.
han er noh the first brotherhood of man tie ohligation from your Association to be applied, if neceseary, to the relief of suf. cessful. At Hope the fresh milk had so far proved tohal on Monday The Forhan 15 Miles cycle the indecision of the.
gam an the doors of dual adheres to law and order, aud which was available will advise ybu later as to the disbursement of this amount.
could should be placed at event was bour more profitably, but in Manchester behind scheduled time, but the one disappointment leur Yours very truly, to lives according to all that is good another. WINIFRED EWING, the milk could be purchased at a were to whom 18 the aggregation of within him not becaue of his fear Picific pod was of death and the bere after, not Secretary.
cheap rate say 22. to 2431. per which was not to be found in the The Hot quart. The fact was that the peo official programme.
forced to let the Gatun Court because there are poliece to appreand prisons to confine hut in Manchester had difficulty in Tamales were driving a Charlestou concrete Court si Cristobal; the lead for Secretary Waller tough us unit to keeps the rules because he is intelligent CANAL ZONE NOTES. THE REV. CANON the condensed milk plant at Grove ed on the roof of the pavilion was of their milk, and with Strutt, when a daring Ace perch.
Gatua grass and enrth Court beine MELCHER.
unft for play Place it would be an incentive to observed to be giving a display of after a of brief vii government for the good of the (Continued from page 5)
them. He expressed his confiden this dance, from Jupiter Pluvius. land og perfect whole.
The path to lasting pesce must the next game, the only one he To in the soundness of the ce at Cristobal, and, while Secretary Preach at St. Barnabas proposition and predicted that, run representatives of Panama and ten Fifteen riders took the start, five Waller and his paig were mopping (be paved with faith in each other won in the tirst set.
Church, Empire. on proper lines the condensed milk for Jamaica, and but for the driv.
the ability of the human boys and in the the court, some of the In the second set things some.
industry would be a profitable ing paee kept up throughout by crossed the border into Colon trace to work out its own salvation; what changed: playing with a undertaking here. They would at Battiste. Osboroe, Walsh and swallow a few drops of the dope and besides faith we must have greater amount of caution and Friday the 11th inst. will be st. least be to supply the Public few other it would not have been leaving the temparence leader mi sud uoseltishnes.
with milk. The milke finished in the very good time of had turned out had 44mios, 15 seconds. Browne ex Rohertson.
and be coxad or ha paydowledge, and truth and justice feeling more confident, Clune Barnabas the Apostle Day.
Ioad SWith success, and bited his great riding powers, wioof the Hidhe asso lation waiting to call lieve the Ruling Power of the uni sides, winning their service ki year by year the Patronal Feast the When that comes to pass be the first four games with both is name after the Apostle, and so And so Robertson, refused verse will bave achieved the end ended all. Prescott served and of this to take an Clunes before the fun is to saris which he is molding the lost in the fifth, and he was never kept by its loyal members. In the bad been overcome.
race, Gentles to the practical part of the scheme socond and Davis third. Nimbles space In short, he (Panama) finished fourth. Avcom of time world.
allowed to make for it.
their disposal. Robertson should game 4 evening, commencing at 301: recommended that the project panied by Smith (Penama) Nimb missionary maeting is usually should be given be congratulated on taking such a With both men winning one beld at ley struck it to to the end and they Place especially as it would were heartily congratulated for stand. Clupes desperate shots WEST INDIA siet each it was nenessary to plor lievered by two or more of the help the producers of milk who at their performance.
shouldn be trifled with in that third, in which Prescott bad clergy. Our faithful members and present had no market for their short space of time, especially when (Continued from nage 1) 1 in his favour in less than 15 tried friends at Culebra, Empire output.
lo the Milee Marathon Pte prestige, pendants and the like are the British colony on the Isthmus. minutes; it soon was all to his and Las Cascadas, will be glad to Williams (W. and C, wil.
at stake.
Mr. Spooner was of opinion that liams (ex w, had things momenty bear that the Rey, Canon when the experiment had been their own way defeating a large Major Wallis expressed his sin favour.
1: Melcber of St. Luke Cathedral, successfully Well, The Path Across the Hill cere appreciation of the cordial man game at this stage.
demonstrated will again lead a few hundreds of relation existing between Great was all in Prescott favoar! Apcon, will be the chiet speaker bec cell to leave the date out Clunes real zed his position and at the next missionary meeting At the close of the our clearminded boys and girls to Britain and Panams, on the one Clune Mr. Simmonds expressed the the prizes distributed.
at least places during this month hand, and between Great Britain warded the other side of the pic sluted for the 11th of the presente private enterprise to continues Paraiso and La La Boca Clubbou. and the United States of Americe, ture which showed 4 in his month.
view that the plant might be re by Major Dixon. Three cheers were nes. where thev may safely dwell on the other. He said, also, that lavour at the end of the sot.
The coming visit will be Canon moved to Grove Place. He did not then given for Major Dixon, three for a little while aod se practiced the President of Panama and the semi final was played Melcher first to Bt. Barnabas think the Government would lose for the Panama visitors, special some nearest to real family life, Governor of the Panama Canal between Red Tank and Paraiso, Churcb, and so very cordial any money in the venture.
cheer for Beckford (Panama)
pleaca tennements parental love Zone are blways most courteous both over Myers who really did people at the above named places veuture was succese can you Robertson sbowed to The President: Assuming the and the gathering dispersed.
with creeping in, ecl oes of and am able when treating upo not play to form. Love set in love at first sight. forbearance questions of to turn out it large numbers to under sell the imported article?
anol forgivenes, all IN MEMORIAM.
capped with a of the Committee, taror of Paraiso. Results of this hear the popular Canon. Remem Mr. Cousips: Yes.
partnership chimbax near to the sublime and Dr. were: Robertson ber the day and the time: Falday. After the discussion bad proceed.
bemutiful as anything else. Fearing plebem fittingly and 0; 2; 4.
the 11th lost. and 7, 30, MURRAY ALEXANDER LA ed the President stated that on It was three co. aod the the hearty support of the violence upon me and the troupe principle he was against food and ever loving memory of a eruxed them into an agreement whole Committee. Mr. Babingtoa tinals could not be played.
the Goyeroment engaging in dear husband and loving father Artists popular request and Simons, druggist, and the Rev Employees Association There was wbo left us for a better home on Ibe two and one Nighteo gale, Warmly DR. HOFFMANN the temptation of continuing such the early morning of June 2nd Half hours of sport at the res res endorsed the remarks of the Chair enterprises when.
has transferred his clinic to 37 once started, and 1924 pertive Clubhouses mentioned man.
The regular montbly business If successful, and his view was that above on the 11th at Paraiso apd Other members of the committee Central Ave. upper floor of meeting of the Panama Canal they should best be left to privare Loving and kind in all his ways We had not who found it possible to be presert Mascota in front of the Alcalde West Indian Employees Associa individuals, tbe 19th La Bocs, Upright and just to the end of his days, As he said he was intended that the little Play should at the function were Messrs Eatrance between La Mascotation will be held at the Clubhouse against the proposnl on principle. Sincere and trae in beart and mind be giveo sucb noioriety but you wilkinson, Geo. Boyke, and and Preciado Book Store. on Thursday night next, the 10th but be would give the matter beautiful memory he left behind Russell Phillips.
TELEPHONE 991. last.
further consideration.
can keep a geod thing down.
WITS AND CHILDREN had been spendice sed milk.
fully 5, 000 per coming before milk. The of was and the sucof place om the players from anda able to Mr President Teo fine been progressive nivo Missonease the fears Play 10 the short when are de Grove. Tense would field easily.
races ware Tbe sorrow The Che XSA.
Attorneygeneral private enterprises.


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