
Attractions at the Theatres LA BOCA reply.
bellel, been wrongly impressed at Clubbouse on day What Is Your Fortune. quate cannot 80 is everything a flood. BY L, SMITH)
Orpheus Musical Club Quite in keepirg with my expectations, turned the pages CECILIA AMERICA of the WORKMAN of Saturday AMADOR The Orpheus Musical Club has and saw a beadline reply to announced a meeting for next Mr. Smith (by A. PANAMA)
Wednesday evening at seven (COLON)
PANAMA Gaskio. became surprised o clock. Special business in conhowever, when read the intro TODAY, Saturday July 3rd and TODAY SATURDAY, July 3rd pection with the staging of their TODAY Saturday July 3rd duction of the Play The Path Across the Hill Wm. Fairbanks in Zasu Pitts in at the Cristobal Clubhouse on the It was, and is still, beyond my TOMORROW Sunday July 4th FIGHTING YOUTH PRETTY LADIES of this month will be dealt power to comprehend bow or Esther Ralston and Miss America in the. ho why the gentleman could bave THE AMERICAN VENUS TOMORROW SU DAY July 4th TO MORROW SUNDAY, July 4th ment made by Mr. King, concluded that do not believe in Raymond Griffith in Alice Joyce in director of the Play, the advertis Jealous God. This is quite the contrary The gen: MONDAY, July 5th Jeman state.
ing for the Play on the Atlantic HANDS UP MANNEQUIN end bas been put in the bands of Constance Bennett in ments were bis deductions, and, bad be asked me MONDAY, July 5th Landers of Istobal.
MONDAY, July 5th SELLY IRENE AND MARY pointedly about my be would not have Elaine Hammerstein in Larry Serron in Lot TUESDAY, July 6th STOP LOOK AND LISTEN LADIES OF LEISURE Athenaeum Elects Officers.
Polisi me correct this faulty impress James Kirkwod in hon bere and state most empbatiTUESDAY, July 6th TUESDAY, July 6th cally that believe in Jealous GERALD GRANSTON LADY Glen Hunter in Pete Morrison in Mr. Neely, Secretary of God that bates sin and all evil. THE LITLE GIANT the LA Boca Clubhouse. was BLUE BLAZES WEDNESDAY, July 7th God who sent His Son, Jesus elected President of the Athensto die that we sinners may be Ricbard Tolucage in WEDNESDAY, July 7th WEDNESDAY, July 7th eam for the Jals canber 1926 redeem.
term, at the bi annual election THE NIGHT PATROL Esther Ralston and Miss America in Richard Dix in which took place at their Tu Before proceeding to adduce THE AMERICAN VENUS WOMAN HANDLED beld the arguments in support of my THURSDAY July 8th belief, let me state that, it the evening last. The otber of Raymond Griffith in THURSDAY July 8th THURSDAY July 8th cers were: Mr. Willian Jump writer intends to enter the ples Constance Bennett in HANDS UP Norma Shearer in not believing in the Bible, Vice President: Mr. Cl. fford of SALLY IRENE AND MARY Sted. SLAVE OF FASHION Sewell. Secretary: Mr.
that plea will not be accepted, Reynolds, Asst. Secretary: Mr.
FRIDAY July 9ih bas seeing that he himselt FRIDAY July 9th FRIDAY, July 9th Gordon Saib, Chaplain; Mr. D, quoted Bible events. eg) the Larry Semon in James Kirkwood in Bebe Daniels in Wesley, Critic.
the actions of the Jews. in support etoning of Stephen and STOP LOOK AND LISTEN GERALD GRANSTON LADY THE SPLENDID CRIME Women Life Problem Club of his arguments in the last SATURDAY, July 10th Thus it would be strange Issue SATURDAY July 10th SATURDAY July 10th Special Cast io for anyone to quote doubtful Richard Tolmage in Bill Cody in The Women Life Problem statements to support a principle THE WANDERER THE NIGHT PATROL FIGHTING SMILE Club meet every Tuesday and of which he knows much, Please Thursday evening in a sewing note what Stepben testimony class. General dressmaking, was while he was being more fancy work and embroidering, it dered.
is understood, are belog carried Having made this poiot clear, on. shall proceed to state some facts in support of my clains.
measure God by the span of his feeble intelligence and inade.
The Open Forum Employees Associatioe. Dating back from the understanding. Why Garden of Eden, we find that a thing be impossiole because we man disobeyed God and a (Continued from page 4)
it is The District oficers of the comprehend it?
Madamo Ronoe will Interpret Zodiacal Signs IC result incurred the displeasure mysterious, so of the Creator, bence carse around us. Even we are a each week for Readers of this paper conventional dogma of the Panama Canal West Indian EnTrinity! What a moral monster Bounced that their general meetployees Association bave anwas pronounced upon all flesh myst Can huWATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE (G. nesis)
mysters to ourselves.
is the God of Calvinism! How man intelligence comprebend a (b) Noah received divine infraction of the mysteries of a fendisbly wicked are the decrees ing for this month will take place June 25 July structions characteristic. Your quick sym which predestine the mass of at the Clubbɔuse on the 9th, next the then universe as this? Down with the to warn wicked, sio cursed population agnostic, the rationalist and the The Sign of Cancer, the pathies make you a good host of men to unescapable damnation! Priday evening at o clock.
is hostess; your understanding would How thoroughly commercial to turn from their sins and serve athies. Crab.
make you a good emotional actor, the traditional notion of atone On Monday night last wany God. They persisted in iniquity Let their names be written op and the world was drowned by the pages of forgotten bistory: The Stone belonging to this week historian or sensational story ment! How frightful beyond the friends of Mr. and Mrs.
as the lucky stone is to index to writer; your intuition would help dream of insanity is the vision of Allen of the Quarantine Andex The God idea is e ernal. It the character of the person bore you in being an occulist. the orthodox hell! How th roughly visited the latter bome for the pur a mystery, under this sign. It is the crystal. c) The people of Sodom per will ever res. the Lord Thy pure and reflective with a slight only a few spots which are especial. Salvation by faith. Prof. sympathy for the death of Miss netbical is the statement of pose of further expressing their sisted in their wickedness, and The sweet violet growing well in taough Abraham pleaded with God am a Jealous God, visiting changeableness.
God messenger sent on. des. the iniquity of the fathers upon ly suited to its culture, is the flower Schmidt, Professor of Semetic Edna Allen in New York.
Wednesday Languages of morning special ser You who were bora at this time which possesses your characteris sad? new conception of the vices were held at St. Paul tros ing mission to that city, that the children unto the third and are peaceful and and reflect please with its people was des fourth generation of them that the moods of those around you The story City and of.
lar29 It would be an end to your the Garden of Eden is a myth. also attended by a number hate me. And showing wercy For the reason you should use dissuccess in Baypt, the Israeliter love. e and keep My commande endodenas your paftoriame with young core owny mind first and see deluge a myth of Babylonia member of Sunday chod pro(a) As a result of Joseph unto Mbondendo al them that crimination in your friendships chances of domestic happiness if Adam is certainly not a bistorie ose frlands and sympathisers of married very young. The the Allen family there. Pharaob wents klaves of them anc refused to free sincerely hope that these are prone to be morose and irritable nature, for you are apt to grow like choose as companjons those who are that your choice compliments your ordent Emeritus of Barvard vities, Dr. Charles minent in Its School actithem though Moses and Aaron my closing worde.
to become so yourp eaded with bir. As a result, self. The bright, cheerful, optim anyone with whon you live for any the Egyptians who pursued tic people are the ones who will length of time. Persons who will ity. Spe king of the says of the future will not be McBayne Taboga Trip Israel were drowned These 32 Boys of Colon briog happiness to you. make suitable mates are born tie repatriated Israelites disobeyed Although you disposition is last two weeks in February.
on authority elther God during their journey to Institute The authority Precisely at o clock on Monual or temporal.
affected vitally by your surroundof churches and the Bible is day morning next McCauly Canaan and were severely pun ings, you will never let your busi. Copyrighted 1925 by Henser Bayne will start two spacious ished. Here are a few events:ness affairs be touched by this Adams Syndicate. of the future there will be no (1) The idolatry at Sinal, RECEIVE HOLY COMMUNION, worship, texpressed implied, of (Exod. 32)
of outing, parties The promoter dead ancestors rulers is well known for these activi(2) Murmuring at Kibroth Thirty two boys of the Colon more tribal, racial or tutelary sies and tbos who are gobattaavab (Num. 11)
Boys Institute received boly ing to gods, no identification of make the trip are sure to NOTICE (3) Rebellion at Kadesh Barnes communion Saturday last at the however majestic in character, enjoy tine day outing on the (Num 16)
Catholic Church of Colon under as beiog mighty God. The white sandy of beautiful Ta boga, But let us follow the Israelites the leadership of Rev, Father This is to inform the Public that Mr. MUS twentieth century will accept to Capaao. They posses the Borns and Father McGulre CHETT has been separated from the COMPANIA implicitly the statement that La Boca Clubhouse land. but they persist in their with a large gathering present PANAMEÑA DE FUERZA LUZ as an employee in God is infioite spirit which perthe Universe just as the disobedieto Various punish to witness the solemn ceremony by this city, effective June 30, 1926. Therefore all per spirit of ments varying from the scourke The Rogulur monthly Rally on pervades his body, the Pacific side took place at the McGuire, sons and Corporations are notified not to treat with and of surrounding nations to desacts consciously or uncon: La Boca Clubhouse ou Saturday, truction by plague and famioe At dm. three sisters of the sclously in every atom of it. That June 26 at 04.
him as an Agent of this Company any longer, as he are brought upon them! They cburen came to the institutand has no faculty to receive money nor to represent the God is vital atmosphere or inestablish themselves as a military helped to get the boys ready for cessant Inspiration, in whom we Boca put on a splendid program The Era Bowles girls of La nation, with kings as their church; at 30 thirty two boys Corporation in any form whatsoever, live, move and have our being which included piano solo by they but practise in full white suits which have The new religion will Colon, June 30, 1926.
therefore idolatry, and they are taken been given to them by the church GRIMES, JR. be monotheistic, its God belng Miss Jump. two songs by captive to Babylon, Zedekiab for the purpose with their band one Infinite force, dwelling 18 Miss Sielly Cumberland, piano 10 solo being their last king, of music marching out of the loGeneral Superintendent.
every living creature. There Miss Jump and best of all was solo by Miss Elie and also Passing to the New Testament (stitute to the church, to be religion of the new era will rejact the most inspiring address by absolutely the conception that we see Christ třguring as the ceived by the officers.
great teacher and Philosopher.
Many otber children received man is an alien in this world. 11 Mr. Reynolds for centuries fore his advent, Holy Communion of At O clock there was a volley will rejact also the After battle fight nothing would ever tbe conceptloa Monster Rally prophets have referred definitely ceremony Rev. Father McGuire stop me from this great work.
man as a fallen being, hopelessly ball game between tbe Nannie his conception, birtb, lite. addressed the boys of the Insti wicked and tending downard by Burroughs team of Cristobal and death and resurrection, emphas inte telling them that the church no one that is bold enougth to Com. Watson asks if there is monster rally will be given emphatic rejactions of longnature, and it will make these (Continued on pgae 8)
ining why He would be sent into was glad to receive them into the bed orward badd sesebel the auder the auspieces of the Flower accepted belieis because it finds the world, 12; 48. Redeemer of told. He said that the parents wandering girls of this republic. of and of inconsistent mankird (Read the Book of with their Pentateucha! stories from of on humane, civiliz and worthy the cosmogonies of Babylonia, were responsible for the reck lo the city of Colon Isaiah. lessness of their children. The are remodelled, houses painted July 10th. 1926, at 6, at idea of God.
All through Our Lord sor; Rev. Father Burns has never and people are coming from all Court Atlantic Hall, 14 Street, Perala, Egypt etc. there were mons and discourses, He pointed failed to give his support to the parts to see this wonderful elty Cristobal. Popular band could go on Mr, Editor giv other Nations and civilization on out to the Jews, the purpose of Institute.
hundreds of well authenticated this Planet venerable with age, His mission. They rej cted Him, train up the young to to take the will be in attendance.
Commander of the old.
testimony on these lines, but posessing fine arts Government but He died for Lear. am encroaching on your and institutions which democ cannot express my Watson, into asceudo return for the ran as look apon my children and it is costing me so much shall beaver, with a feelings, my heart is full of joy valuable space. Suffice it to say strate conclusively evolutionary am doing my part although Why pay double price In conclusion, that if we as a process. Evolution does not, as promise gowed. Acts 10. The fore.
know people would devote more of for Interior imported some people erroneously think.
what it cost me to bring not give u, he continued. The tbe going time in deep and proloond think excludes God fron them Uatverse to the feet of Christ. John 32 boys that have received Holy references will be eroulasid in bis epistle: bave been given over by their parents Boor when you can Now would it not be strange ing and reading for our selves, and eliminate the esoteric or DO Communion bave, some these events, though so 80 greater joy than to buy a superior Beer am sure, would be led to inner significance of the Bible, carefully recorded, were untrue children walk apprehend the indisputable truth no, it wlevates and illuminates in the truth that nothing good could come such as BALBOA for these are false then are all Although have suffered greatly out of them; some have been put which these intelectually honest that library of books, by ascrit books false! But they are not, for them have notting to regret away by the Government because half the price.
and devout acholars are layinging to it, Its really true character bare before the world today. and origin. Evolution is the Masof. These hated in and wrong is still the labor. Today feel the great bent to the penitent form confesa ter key which is enabling manWe are sadgui ne of the incon kind to unravel all the intricate Jealous power of going on forward in sing their sins upto the Lord, and trovertible anthropolegical and problems of Nature, foreper, hence my beliei.
Rent Receipt Books In Span geological fact that, for bandreds this great fight for the good of it is the hope that they may corLit men say what they will suffering bumanity, and trusting tinue along the right path to be Ish and English for sale at the of thousands of ages before the Yours. Sincerely.
Away with the Rationalist who in the God of the right who the come the men of tomorrow, Worker Printery. Hebrews wero able to compile THOMPSON, spirit18 greatly impaired. In the religion Bunches over to Tab ga with or of men, vades man leaders. Today, said the world and our som of them see


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