
New York Paper ไiftion ประilinois dini (toor Dinos riffilitarthlifolio Free For All Fight Mars House Inquiry in to SECURES SECRET PLANS OF JAPANESE GENERAL STAFF THE ATTENTION Friendly Societies and Secret Orders IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS Suitable for Lodge Business enemy. யகய யயயயயயயயய None legitimate without portrait and signature of Dobarlllloan At all drugite and dealers.
Workman Stationery Store for (PAIN ENEMY)
First Cuiet the air THE BEER the melse these Up to date Jewelry The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
Osssss Sea es Committee.
practices to dealing with bis Fuller Jewelry Store Discloses Plans For War Across OF.
HURLED IN ROW AT HEARIYG ON CHARGE3. New York Cable despatch dated June 6, states that secret LAWYER HIT IN HEAD.
plans of the Japanese Generol Well Doer Staff in preparation for war Washington. June alled with some Western Power, SLOAN ink well, a water tumbler, a law Doel mare to drive away whicb it believes inevit ble in book and a crutch were the prin pains and aches than any the coming years, bave been cipal weapons used in a free for other known remedy; that is secured by Sunday New why thousands of people the all figot that broke up this morn York American ing session of a subcommittee world over call it pain These plars. Prepared of of the House Judiciary Com Rheumatism, sciatica, stiff course in the original Japanese ittee investigating impeach neck, sore and tired muscles, and translated, show with what me charges against Frederick lumbago, neuralgia, neuritis, indomitable ambition, ceaseless Feon ng, one of bacon sprains and bruises are instantly relieved by activity and economic vision missioners of the Di triet of Japan is directing all ber Colom sia.
SLOAN LINIMENT energies to be fully ready for the The iokwell was hurled by day of couflict. АТГне. presentative Rinkin of Miss This amazing secret decument issippi at Frank Hogan, a was prepared last October. The Washington lawyer and chief whole report is based on the counsel for Mr. Fenning after necessity of providing Japan Mr, Hogan had made what the SLOAN with the absolute essentials Mississippian constructed to be aking war.
LINIMENT It was sponsored og offens ve statement. It struck ww. googaganapangana man nu 2012. 09. 2007 by Minister of War Ugaki, Mr. Hogan on the head. Mr.
Assistant Tsuscbo, Chief of the Hogan returned the fire with Intellgence Bureau Chalta, Chiet the glass of water. Mr. Rankin of the General Staff Kiwai and seized a copy of the statutes of First Assistant Muto. the District of Columbiabot It reveals the programme of was blocked by the interference of the Japanese War Office lo. some one and the book went Exploitation of the vast aimlessly through Wounded natural resources ot veterans scrambled Korea forward and the crutch of one (Chosen) and Manchuria, the found its way to the head of Mr.
great province of North China and the production of immense SUPPLIED BY Hogan, Mr. Fenning tried to get qualities of essential materials o to Mr. Rankin for a fist blow, coal, oil and food bat said he could not war iron, reach bim, stuffs. buge deflciancy in Some observers of the war materials at present declared less were at leas: is disclosed scredere three in progress at one time in the Committee room.
om. in every form can be seen Construction of a compre.
Charges against Commissioner here at its best See oui hensive system of railroads Fenning were made in through Manchuria and Korea to in the Huse some time ago by Representative Wrist Watches transport these materials to the Blanton of Texas and twentysbores of Korea Straits and the eight is brewed from the best articles of impeachment Bracelets of Japan, and the developagainst the Commissioner are ment of barbours connected with these railways.
materials obtainable pending before the Judicary Diamond Rings Preparations for the power Mr. Fenning was appointed by and a hundred other adorn ful defence of Korea Straits a:d President Coolidge a year ago ments and you ll recognize the Sea of Japan to guarantee It is specially suited for this climate and is one of the three officials Balety to transport far war at the head of the Government of why this is the LEADING materials across these waters to the District of Colombia.
is superior to all imported beers sold JEWELRY HOUSE in town Japan ia time for hostilities.
CHARGES AGAINST FEN nsk prices and you ll find still Adoption of a friendly here and it sells to the public at NING policy by Japan toward Carna another reasonIt is alleged that Mr. Fenning and avoidance of any hostile HALF the price.
been action against the Chinte ugla order to facilitate the Japane e exploitation programme.
warde, who are inmates of St zabeth Hospital, and a large 122 Cetnral Ave. Phone 629 SECRET REPORT REVEALS TRY OUR NEW BEER number of whom are veterans: PLANS.
Fenning has been accused These plans, together wich of charging excessive commisdiagrammatic map, were presions from their estates and ot M. WILKINSON bis wards pared in exhaustiae detail by experts of the Japanese War tention, Mr. Fenning has enter Contractor Ottice and already are being cared a flat denial con ending that ried out as an im an immediate and he was strictly witbio his legal reconstruction and Builder and rights in SUPERIOR everything TO ALL wholesale development of pan investigare th subcommittee appointed resources for war time, is the all gations consisted, in fact, of virtually all Blouse No. 20 keynote of the programme. 0400000 cry Execution of the place opens the members of the Jud. ciary 28th NOV. STREET, Committee. Mr. Banton appear the way for the extension of ed before the subcommittee until SAN MIGUEL Japanese economic conquest over a few days ago, when be acManchuria as well as Korea, and even into Mongolia Tne ad bounced that this physician bad General Staff expects that ordered him to rest The task of PO Box 411, Panama, ese ing the cross examinatheir realization within the next Lion was then entrusted to Mr. Plans and Specifications Free tive years will put Japan in an jbvincible position in the Far Rankin The cross examination to da)
East and lay the foundation for had proeeeded un il nearly noon the military conquest of the whea the ball, occurred. Mr.
First Class Workmanship Pbilippines the next and most important objective of Japan Rsokin sought to have the com Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Of every description mitree adjpuro ter ihe afternoon imperial expansion, as indicated and hold a night ssion, 80 by the steady influx of Japanese nationals into the Poilippines be might attend to legislative and their acquisition of large DONE WITH NEATNESS AND business in the House, man Dyer inslated on sitting all aul FLOWERS areas of land there. Obviously, day, declaring aoncu icement, day, Japan plans are in contempl tion once had been made that the Abogado. Attorney at Lav of DESPATCH war with the United would conclude last States.
Saturday and that tha time ozFICE: No. 44 sr Photographic copies of this was extended until today so that BOX 33 PANAMA CITY Japanese secret report serv: to AT THE Mr. Rankin wight cross examcorroborate strikingly the recent ine Mr. Fenning TELEPHONE No. 1377 articles by Brigadier General Rankin protested against Henry Reilly, R. who was the ac. ion and declarad. defy Praeticing before all the courts of sent to the Far East by the any man on this committee and th Republic since April 1914 Hearst newspapers to and any Member ol Congress to show report on conditions there that sufficient investigation or they affect the United States, these World War Veterans and who disclosed the progress o estates has been made, and say and ick flew in all directions. Io.
already made by Japan toward that they are intact.
stantly there was another crash the complete domination of Man see the courts and every as Mr. Hogan seized the water churia and the exploitation of China natural resources.
body known they are iatact tumbler in front of him and. ceeds with a far reaching proion of tons of war opplies The word Gentleman is de Hogan remarked.
nurled it at Mr. Rankin, who war plans now revealed gramme for wiping out this across the comparatively narrow fined in this way: man who is RUMPS lodged. The glass broke against contemplate immediate construc deficit, intensive development in intervening Karea Straits and clean both outside and inside LAWYER STARTS tion of hundreds of miles of new the production of vital Mar Japan fortificendioneprotection of who doeltehes lehes popote the ho labkin. Oh, yes, rejoined Mr. Rao bigh desk.
nor dowa. railway lines in Manchuria and te rials and foodstuffs in Mit strong fortificatione.
While half a dozen men grapca lose Korea as a preliminary step ia curia and Mongolia are outlined. Just a minute, Mr. Hogan Another secret report, supple without bragging, who is consi continued, rising. The fact is pled with the principal contestoil and other raw materials there raising the output of coal, Iron, agricultural colonizitions in Manomenting that referred to, elabor derate of women, children and there is not a slogle one of them ants to prevent further dainage; churia and Mongolia are urged: so that adequate war supplies plans for expanding the outdu abesse to a minute degree each old people; who is too brave to that they are not intact and the here was a general scramble in room. When the and the means for their rapid of iron ore and coal are specii a phase of the war plans and lie, too generous to cheat, and suggestion that there are no subsided it was found that Mr, transport to Japan may obe Manchuria has an area nearly as estimates thats the construction who takes bis share of the worla intact. undeniably false and Logan bad big bump on his proposed people. assured in the event Japat should large as cost about 100 000, 000 yen Now, you will not insult me, e forehead. The inkwell, it was, be cut off from other sources by Germany combined. 10, 000, 000) Emphasis is laid enemy ships in war time. The vital part of the secret upon the necessity for cultivatexclaimed Mr. Rapkin. will believed, had bit the table and VITAL PART OF PRO programme is the wide spread ing the friendship of China and DR. HOFFMANN not permit it, and will not stand bounced before striking him.
for it.
The Chairman Graham of the enlargement ot the present che possible interference with has transferred his clinic to 37 The report enumerates Mr Rankin stepped to the committee rusbed la and took Japanese railway systems Ave. of detail the present deficiency of Maccharia and Kores to form which also has importaut inter Entrance between La Mascote Mr. Hogan was sitting; seized anored the subcommittee adjournthe programme by Soviet Russia Mascota in front of the Alcaldes. table on the other side which ebarge and when order was resJapan ip basie war materials great series of channels of transinkwell and threw it at Mr. This afternoon all parties amounting to more than 12, 000 port to points on the sea coustest and ambitions in Manchuria and Preciado Book Store. inkwell a were in their usual places and the 000 tons annually and then pro best situated for conveying mil and Mongolia is also discussed. TELEPHONE 991, There was a crasb, and glass hearing proceeded peacefully.
KRONEN BRAÜ pot giving Cards proper atbe did.
COLA plete The consisted, in Japan conduc JOB PRINTING th. Chair bearings Mr.
WORKMAN PRINTERY to study Japan will GRAMME iD

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