
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JULY 3, 1926 PACE SŁVIN Want Labour Freed Interesting West. El Excelsior JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP From Alien Heresy. STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History AND Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Summary of Contents: History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual Players Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and Interesting Price 50cts.
purchasthe VIGOR TONIC Secure yours now there will be to great rush for them, Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Panama EL GAITERO THE ONLY ELABORATED American Pharmacy.
Spanish Cider with its own Carbonic Acid. Cider Champagne URETIC AND REFRESHING!
Trade Mark dent (Continued from page 2)
lency bad arrranged to bold on PREMIER BALDWIN TELLS GREAT Goveromsnt House grounds in CONSERVATIVE GATHERING IN the afternoon had to be abandonCorner 12 Street East Avenue SPEAKING ON UNR EST les owing to the inclemency o the wether His Ezcellency enWe make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also tertained his guests in the bouse LABOUR AND CAPITAL, instead watches. Our prices are the lowest and our Declares Coal Striko Must be Workmanship is guaranteed.
Georgetown, B, G, May 25. Settled to Check Decline of Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you Yesterday afternoon there was a Nation Purchasing Power may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may serious mishap in the Demerara River wb. the boiler in the drsire, provided the monthly payments of Direct West Iodis cable Essequebo. one of the stuaminterest are duly met.
ers of Messrs Sprostons Ltd. Despatch from London states exploded whilst the steamer was that Mr. Stanley Baldwin speak WE CARRY GOOD STOCK OF IMPORTED on the return journey to the city ing before a great gathering of from Wismar. About 28 par discontents Conservatives on our present JEWELS AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES.
devoted himself Sons bave been more or less serlously injured. Up to da e and the recent general strike. O!
chiefly to to the industrial worest From this date on, last night no death was reported and the coal strike now in progress The Premier declared that a setACTION SALES The Essequebo towed tlement must be reached before will be held every day from a. to p.
by the Lakunani, reached long in order to check the Georgotowa last evening. The decline of tbe nation Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall statement issued by Sproston log power While trying to Ltd. be pleased.
owners, disclosed that a labour and capital, the main steam pipe burst; steam Veremles wanted to see the and water escaping into the labour mosenent free from alien maio alleyways nearly emptying and foreign beresy.
The trades the bad engineer could close the main fought sby in the recent general The best Tonic in the World stop valve. The casua. ities show strike of the red internationale dead; missing supposed to only to surrender itselt to have been drowned 3; badly Amsterdam internationale, where injured 11; slightly injured 11. it played second fiddle to Germany lead, This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend.
Though he ad nitted that a ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, TRINIDAD general strike for some time or other was inevitable, he was Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up emphatic In declaring our peoa run down constitntion City Magistrate And ple are not going to throw over It promotes digestion, impruves the appeto set up the divine The Police, right either of the capitalist or tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system the Trade Ua onists. We are not going to bow dowo to the DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or LATTER CRITICISED OVER MAN dictatorship of elther. Great times a day.
NER OF GIVING EVIDENCE, Britain, because, the British race was not a raw and untried JAVIER MORAN Abbatolr Employee Shares In finest traditions during the race, kept its head true to its Iticism, west general strike and by keeping its head bad won the reluctant Almost throughout yesterday. admiration of the world. NoverServices of the Bethlehem (was Additional Church Services.
Church of God Holiness of the 9th ulio, the City Magis sinister bortent in a land which trate found cause to complain of prides itself above all things Seventh Day Adventist Church No, MARIANO AROSEMENA se. the way certa: policemen ex apon its peaceful and orderly themselves the developments.
witnes STREET CALIDONIA ROAD SAN MIGUEL box in answer to his questions (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA.
of the Sunday 30. Prayer Meeting Stances occurred in ander in British Guiana Lacks klaring Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sab Divice Servia. Bro. Wesley.
10. Children Service; 11 which Constable Maynard acbath School 11. 15 Genera! Worship p. Suddny School. Superinten an obstruction with his motor cused Licnel Lublay of causing Workers. 30 pm. Spanish Clase; 30 M. Society, meeting pel Servion, Elder Parkinson pm. 30 pm. Guebus.
The Canada West India Maga6. 30 Junior and Senior Standard The usual scekly services will be Constable Maynard falled to reIn the course of his evidence ne says: of stainment Cles p Vespers. conducted o Tuceday and Thursday ply to the queries of the Magis work in many countries, British While th ra is a shortage of Sunday evet ing 30 Stere night, at 45 option Lecture. The gibel al public is trate as be desired, and His Wor. Guiana is suffering from the lack cordially invited to turn out in large 11 a. Divine Service Bro. Swal. ne could not use the language on Rate. who has been to BEULAH 30 a. In Prayer Meeting ship declared that he was sorry of workers, it was stated by Rev.
numbers. 30 pm. Sunday School, Superinten the Bench which the constable Montreal to create interest in dent. p. Gospel Fervice. Bro. Small ignorance deserved.
the missions of that country.
Seventh Day Adventist Church Thursday night, Bible readings and of Lance Corporal Noriega in the a week, but living costs are After listeniog in the evidence The average wage isf rom to ård STREET BROADWAY, COLON Prayer. Bro. Webley, Babbath (Saturday) 45 a. tn Sabbatb GAMBOA MISSION 11 am, and clared with emphasis: You are a same matter, the Magistrate de very low. The chief Industry of Schnol; 11. 15 a. General Worsbip pm, Supplied.
be country is the cultivation of bopeless crowd, get out of the sugar, beets and rice. This is 30 Young people meeting Bro. WEBLEY, successfullz carried 30 Vespero Acting Pastor ia cb. rgo. At the end of the evidence of heb industrialist, be Sunday evening 7, 30 Preaching another constable who seemed Mr. Ritee told the Camda.
You are cordially invited to incapable of answering promptly West India Magazine that there sttend the service and bring your Ebenezer Church of God with his is.
triende. Holiness wondered whether was worship an excellent market for Canne himselt spoke English or not. No 46 CALIDONIA ROAD ABBATOIR MANAGER ALSO Imported from cu in British Galana.
from Sund. y 59 clock, Prayer Meetin The Church of God CRITICISED. as large supplies of canned 11 a. Diviue Service Preacher Policemen were not the only be gre Panama, Arow meda Street, Loure 25, Supplied greatly persons remonstrated with in this lation of the country is in the developed. The popu.
Ban Miguel Sunday at a. Prayer p. Sunday School Superintendent. wander during the day, for sot neighbourhood of 300, 000.
meeting and Gospel meetings 11 p. Programme after these guardians of th and 30 Sunday School at 7 80 Gospel Service, Preacher peace were dismissed from the tion facilities, Mr. Ratea said at When asked as to transportaMonday at 30 Testimoy Meeting Supplied.
witness box, Mr. Cyril Fraser. present the only railroad is Tuesday m. Young People 5. 15 Wednceday at 730 30 Assistant of the wel meeting. Thursday st 30 pm will be given from the pulpit.
Note Other Bo vices for the week or came in for severe alibic: the coast, but the colonial govern.
when he asked to leave! plans to extend the transporation ment has under consideratioa Open air meeting. Friday at 30 Prayer Meeting Elder ODLE the box as being hopeless This system to penetaate the interior in case in mineral and Bro, PESSOA. in charge. Pateor in charge. Frasar was giving evidence on Cores Red Tank, Canal Zowe Sunday Scho beball of the prosecution by the forest weal:h is to be found.
Conditions in British Guiana P. Gospel meeting on Thursday The Salvation rmy City Council. The matter was sre very good, be said. The at 30 pm.
people are living peacefully and Sis. GRAY PANAMA CITY CORPS.
are not disturbed by labour dis Providence. Gospel Meeting at Services are foliowe Port of Spain, May 22. The putes or political factions, 11. 30. and 7, 80p. Sunday School. p. Wedne day at 30 GEarly Prayer Meeting. Superiotendent of the Royal pel Meeting, Friday at 7:30 Prayer 10 a. Children Directory Motina je da seama Packet Coy to the Dentist Howell and Brigade United Open Air Meeting been advised that owing to the Bro. MeDONALD 11. Haline Meetino to be convender submitted to the Canaucted by Commandant Martin, dian Government Gatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Mootingo having met Y, Company meeting and 11. 30 a. sad 80 pm; Sunday results, the Com HOUSE 912, LA BOCA Brigadee Open sir.
School at pm. Wedneeday 30 pm.
pany will after the end of June CANAL ZONE. p. Junior Open Air.
provide a modified unsubsidised Goepel Meeting. Friday at 30 45 m. Separate Brigade open air service with two steamers yiz (Opposite the Restaurant)
Pn Meeting Meeting, and Chigoecto Office Hours: a. to 1p. Bro. GEORGE GRIFFITE 30 pm, Big Salvation Meeting. which will maintain a monthly Doho. and Stroete. Gospel moetOther notices for the week wi be schedule from St. John to Halifax to p.
Inps at 11. 80. and 30 Sunday given from the pulpit.
calling each way at Bermuda, DAILY Bebool at 3p. Wednesday at 30 Barbados, Trinidad, and Dame pm. Gospel Meeting. Friday at 30 rara. The calls at the smaller PHONE 1941 BALBOA Notice to Correspondents.
islands will be omitted.
Specializes in all the branches Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON Contributors and correspondente of Dentistry.
are asked to send in their contribu.
Salyation Army Hall, tions not later than Thursdays to British Consulate Notice insure publication. This is impers.
LA BOCA CORPS tive ard must be adhered.
The British Con ul at Colon Have you triod tho 30 Knee Drill would be glad of information as to 11. Holin Meeting the present whereabouts of Albert now Boor p. Sunday School 6006 Bluod Tablets safer than Davis, a native of British Guiana, 606 80p. Open Air.
Money back guarantee. who is stated to be in the leather Kronen Brau 30 o. Salvatio meeting. Price Particulars free. Wel. business and whose address is said extend cordial ir vita ton to all Medicine. Dept. Atlanta, Ga. to be Colon, VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ S, VILLAVICIOSA SPAIN ESTEBAN DURAN SOLE AGENT For the Republic of Panama box!
on by Britasserted.
Take Notice Canada as well Regular Assortment of put in his opinion this ined goods trade Ho Ro Co Famous Products SUCH AS Dito.
along Meetio.
Abbat ism was Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, etc. etc. etc.
The Workman Printery 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Panama City.
Meeting with negative a Chaleur Book Binding! Prayer Meeting, Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting, books when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Opposite Cecilia Theatre 66


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