
CLEANERS DYERS 03e others within companies and so long DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING differene ximity, all clinging to their superstitions, blindly, unreasoningly, giving sane thought to the consequences of our acts after they are committed. The THE WORKMAN real source of murder outside of that committed in a fit of passion, or jealously, springs From our one social system from lack of Published on Saturdays by Rates for advertisemen on applica the right kind of education, fr. WALROND, at the office No. 83 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes the environments of muck and Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
So long as 88 some people PO Box 74, Panama All copy for pablication must be have more money at their com written on one side of paper only, and mend than they can ever use, and Rates of Subscription must be acompanied by the name of others slave to wring from life a One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica sour bread, on loog as one kind of Six Months. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
stealing is legalized under the law Three We do not undertake to return reas big business, so long as there jected corresponent.
are pal tial residences on one side of the cities and slums on the The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS other, fo long as sbyster lawyers No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue make it possible for SATURDAY JULY 24, 1926, iod virtuale to rob the law, and bide behind a techniPANAMA BRITISH PRESS AND THE LEAGUE CITY Telephone 695 cality, from its long arm, so long as opulence turns its nose up and draws its skirts away from biting, OF NATIONS.
grinding illiterate poverty, so shall we have crimes criminals The announcements made at Geneva by the representtor will tell you, one must attack atives of Spain and Brazil as to their intention of very largely disinteresting themselves in the work of the League OF THE HIGHEST ORDER the seat, not the symptom and when the law hangs a man for of Nations as the result of their failure to obtain permanent crime against society it is equivaleot seats on the Council has naturally been the subject of to taking asperin for a headconsiderable comment in the newspapers of Great Britain.
a be that springs from bilousness, Work Done While You Wait All things considered the prospect of losing two important prom time immemorial capital punishment has been resorted to countries from the League has made less impression on the and do not see after all these British press than might have been expected. That is TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED years that it has belped in the partly because there is still a fairly general hope that after prevention of crime.
the lapse of a certain time for reflection the decisious just Here in Panama we do not exact announced may be revised, but still more because, as one Alter tions and Repairs at reasonable Prices nal and yet believe that if you the paper has pointed out, though the League would of course Ladies Garments carefully hancled compare the cities of Colon and undoubtedly be weakened by the secession of two States Panama, with any of their size in like Spain and Brazil it is now quite firmly enough estabcountries where capital punish lished to regard today merely as a misfortune what three ment is resorted to you will find or four years ago would have been nothing less than a REID Manager that murder occure more frequente disaster. There is not much difference of opinion about ly in the latter than the former, and you must bear in mind when this in the Press, where more stress is laid on the fact that QX5X5Ossss Siscos SSS SSS you make the comparison, that the last obstacle to German entry seems now to be rebere on the Isthmus are people moved than on the loss the League will sustain through from all over the worla living in being deprived temporarily or permanently of the co oper close Soossos ation of two of its original members. Confidence appears customs, their prejudices and to be general that the League is destined to consulidate itWhen are legislators, and law self increasingly in spite of apparent set backs, and misformakers going to awake to the fact tunes it may sustain today are likely to have little effect on that what kindness fails to its position in, say, five years time, accomplish, harshness will not achieve, where education fails, prison w«Ils will not prevail?
Unified Ministry of Defence.
Of course do not mean to imply that criminals should go scat free, but should be dealt with At a moment when talk of disarmament is general the in a hamame manner. Instead of old questidn of the creation of a unified Ministry of Defence taking a man life in expiation of for Great Britain has been raised in the House of Lords by his crime why not make it impossible for bim to ler ve his pative a former Minister for Air, At present the army, the navy laud, bind the burden of his vie.
and the air services all work separately, each having its tin dependents upon him levy a own individual organization, the War Office, the Admiraltax upon his earning capacity for ty and the Ministry for Air respectively. There has, how the benefit of the dead man ever, always been a school that argued that the upkeep of ATwidow or childrea, as long as be lives or is cupable of earning.
three separate organizations was wasteful, and that both Surely that would be more sensible economy and efficiency could be secured by the unification and at least benefit the loved one of all three services under a single Minister In this way of his vic. im.
Or if you must the salaries of two Ministers would be saved and the three segregate them as we do lepers parts of the machine would work together with much more giving then en every chance to make reparation to society for the bebt smoothness than they do today. It is noteworthy that that they owe, then, in the event of a theory found not a single defender in the course of the convict being in ocent restoration House of Lords debate. There exists it is a body called could easily he made.
the Committee of Imperial Defence on which are repre Only First Class Ones Need Apply Cupital punishment will never sented the heads of all the fighting services, and also the vitivate crime; clean up your slums chiets of other Government departments such as the you law makers, make it imcossible KOSKESS Foreign Office and the Treasury, and it is claimed that so for a landlord to suck the blood of bis tenants waxing fat on their great a degree of harmony and efficiency is achieved by the misery, make it impossible for an discussions of that body that no improvement would be to a substantial figure, have to be disbursed by such trades. Little Lesson on individual or company to profit effected by any endeavour to put the whole responsibility men to keep the servants on their side.
beyond given amount without The Congress on for the running of the war machine in the hands of a single Bribery adopted a resolution suggesting that the whole sharing such profit with employees man. Moreover modern war is so inconceivably vast and matter should be taken up by the Leag ie of Nations.
who helped the venture to succeed.
Continued from page During the last fifty years we omplex an enterprise that the moment war broke out the uopopular from the timo Muses bave progressed along certain lines one man would inevitably find himself incapable of coping originated the ten commandmants amazingly, but in our mad rush with the situation. The discussion of the question in Great Money From Russia.
for even the fear of the Lord and the children and youth of our Britain is of some general importance because the same the eye for an eye law could not generation have been problem is common to almost every other conntry of any prevent the Israelites from plying ed, in human sentiments we ar sadly neglect.
at eich others throts, magnitute.
Interesting questions as to the right of one government we exactly where Take the Uuited States as an ago the heart of man bas not kept to interfere in the internal affairs of another country are example of land where capital pace with his other developments, Little Bribes.
raised by the discussions that have just taken place in the punishment of ingenivus so. ts are our civilization is still a farce, our two chambers of the British Parliament on the propriety esorted to in an effort to satisfy efforts in other direction has. conof the action of the government of Soviet Russia in either justice; no other cou ll fiod too that in gealed the milk and of human kindness It will be news to most people that there exists a body directly despatching, or specially facilitating the despatch there such an utter disregard in the world is in our We find today that cf called the International Congress of Bribery, for in many of, moneys to assist the recent general strike in Great Brithe wenk is still subjurigated by and life, such a perfect carni the strong, a rotten social system; countries the giving and taking of large or small sums of tain. The principal involved is an important one and might crime as is fou: there. Pick a defietive education!
money as secret commission in business transactions is so apply in other cases than than this. There is no political up at randon newspaper of in an age of materialism what much a matter of course that no one has ever thought of objection to be taken to the receipt of money from other New York or Cricaco ant you Tennyson said so long ago is sti initiating any public action against it. In three countries, countries to help relieve suffering caused by a genuine in murder in all its histly details. twentieth centurv: are sure to find an account of applicable in this enlightened. however, Great Britain, Germany and Sweden, national dustrial dispute such as the coal strike which is unhappily The picintile purt of it is that mus organizations exist to combat the evil of secret bribery; and continuing in Great Britain. That may be charity pure and of the crimes re committed by However we brave it out We men are a llule breed.
in Great Britain legislation has been carried through making simple. În 1923 individuals in Great Britain sent consider youths who seem to have It is said that we move in circles it a penal offence to offer bribes as a means of obtaining able sums of money to supply food for children in the devoid of all fine feeling. tuke the after an age of repressloa comes business. At the meeting of the International Congress of occupied areas in the Ruhr, and though such action may whom were sentenced to die in the we ll ever revolve back to a time, case of two two of one of licence. wonder if Bribery just held in London various speakers gave evidence have been unwelcome to the French, as the occupying chair when judgeidºnt was passed similar, to that, when earth was of the prevalence of the habit of offering bribes. One of authorities, they never dreamed of making any protestone made jäking comments about new and the freshness of its them, an engineer, observed that consulting engineers were about it. Even if a foreign government had sent in mney the hot seat justice no matter breezes, the gold of its sunshine specially in a position to be bribed because they were often for that purpose it is doubtful whether it would have been how careful a trial bas preceded it, had not been tainted with crime able to place contracts in the hands of builders or others. an unfriendly act. But support of the illegal general strike dence has cost many an innocent with his vine and fig tree, and The Lord Chlef Justice of England pointed out that bribery in Great Britain is an entirely different matter. There action individual his life, and, if time or a envy and greed were yet unborn, was often th forerunner of what he described as the most by a foreign government in the interests of the strikers is confession from the guilty party when every one shared and shared cowardly of crimes, blackmail for the man who accepted a going beyond the bounds of ordinary comity in the rela proves him guiltless w can the alike in nature bounty?
bribe would often be ruined if the fact were known and tions between nations. As things are, no further steps law that unjustly exacted the BELL could therefore be exploited by the man who had given it seem likely to be taken in the matter, for the question of supreme peualty made restuti and who threatened to expose the transaction. Another how far the Soviet Government actually initiated the des extremely common form of bribery is that exacted from patch of money to England and how far it merely facilitated the victim relatives can derive cannot see what satisfaction. British Consulato Notice tradesmen by domestic servants, particularly in large it by waving ordinary formalities might be a little difficult from the death of his mur lerer. The British Consul at Colon houses, who have it always in their power to persuade their to determine precisely, and as the general strike is now It is a falaey to claim that capi would be glad of information as to employers to deal elsewhere on the plea that the goods over and is not likely to recur in any near future it seems tal punishment prevents or moder the whereabouts supplied by a particular tradesman are not of sound quality. likely that the British Government will be content with the kik because of the law but in spite Jamaica, weo some years ago had ates crime, human beings do not Thomas Davis, a gative of Sums small in themselves, but amounting in the aggregate brief but emphatic protesi it has already sent to Moscow, of it; most of us act upon impulse, cantine in Guachapali, Panama.
GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted ESPERANZA LAUNDRY a mere centuries breasts We are ve grown tion?
present of


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