
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1926 PAGE FIVE Attractions at the Theatres ol With to sing What Is Your Fortune?
ATLANTIC SIDE 4444 4 Miss Gordon to Sing for Employees Association.
Sacred Concert a Nine Wielfred Gordon Gatun, trained soprano, who reSuccess.
cently arrived from the United States and has already appared before several audiences in Pan The Grand Sacred Concert CECILIA AMERICA AMADOR ama City andupon which she has which was held at the Wesley in left a lasting impression of her Methodist Church last Surday (COLON)
good qualities as singer, will on (PANAMA)
afternoon the 18 was a c)
the 14th of next mouth contrispicious success. Toe attend TODAY, Saturday July 24th TODAY SATURDAY, July 24th TODAY Saturday July 24th bute to a high class musical proance was all that could be Buck Jones in Richard Talmage in Rram to be held at the La Boca desired all seating accoumada and Clubhouse ander the auspices of THE NIGTH PATROL TOMORROW Sunday July 25th tion being exbausted. THE ARIZONA ROMEO the LA Boca District of the PaThe programme was caarid Adolph Menjou in Dama Canal West Indian EnTOMORROW SUDAY July 25th TO MORROW SUNDAY, July 25th through without a bitch, and ployees Association. THE GRAND DUCHESS THE WAITER every Item was splendid.
Lew Cody in Leon Errol in It is difficult to make any CLOTHES MAKE THE PIRATE MONDAY, July 26th HE EXCHANGE OF WIVES Mr. and Mrs. Manor special mention of any one witbDorothy Revier in out doing in jistice to others.
MONDAY, July 26th Entertain.
MONDAY, July 26th Miss Rample. cap ivated the SEALED LIPS Harry Carey in Charles Ray in audience with ber solo Abide PERCY THE FRONTIER TRAIL Oa the 12th inst. Mr. and Mrs Me. Mrs. ga Kior, was TUESDAY, July 27th Manor of the Quarantine. well Mrs. Olga Kog that Tom Mix in TUESDAY, July 27th TUESDAY, July 27th Annex entertained many of their all; cheered even before she TEETA Lagra La Plante in Norman Kerry in frieods at a delightful party at began to their residence. The party was The Atlantic Orchestra was at WEDNESDAY, July 28th UNDER WESTERNS SKIES THE BEAUTIFUL CHEAT held as a farewell recept on for its best. Si nors Prado and Helen Chadwick in Miss Grace Barton who was WEDNESDAY, July 28th Ortega sbowed themselves mas.
WEDNESDAY, July 28th leaving for the Uolted States. HER OWN FREE WILL Messrs.
ters of the violin.
Adolph Menjou in Special Cast in The Manor Lambert and Joseph excelled in THE WANDERER THE GRAND DUCHESS THE WAITER into a flywer garden to which the th ir corret du Mr. Lawrence THURSDAY July 29th gorgeous dresses of the guests cell) solo was simply sweet Lex Cody in THURSDAY July 29th leut additional beauty.
Dancing THURSDAY July 29. and so were all the other items was Indulged in until midnight THE EXCHANGE OF WIVES Earle Fox in Dorothy Revier in by the Orchestra and between which the SEALED LIPS THE LAST MAN ON EARTH good wishes of all were showered on The Choir rendered two items, FRIDAY July 30th in whish they lived up s004 Miss Barton.
Harry Carey in FRIDAY, Jly 30th FRIDAY July 30th thiok beyond their reputation.
Tom Mix in Harry Carey in The climax to the 8t cond THE FRONTIER TRAIL TEETH THE SEVENTH BANDIT Dramatic Troupe Goes to Anthem was simply perfec. that all.
SATURDAY, Ju y 31st Cristobal SATURDAY July 31st SATURDAY July 31st Aod K, Lawson. oor Wallace erry and Raymond Hatton in Helen Chadwick in chap! xt me we hope the Dorothy Revier in BEHIND THE FRONT HER OWN FREE WILL.
Today the troupa that presentMuster will pil y de an eleva cr WHEN HUSBANDS FLIRT ed the comedy drama The Path for blm to go from piano downstair to organ upst. 47447449 Across the All with mach suecess here goes to Cristobal where H9 alone accompanied the 16 it will present the Play this items on the programme which evening at the Silver Clubhouse.
lasted 27 bours.
The Athenaeum ist who prepared ih anthen and last but not least the organ of The Colon Wasley Church, Madame Reneo will Interpret Zodiacal Signs LA BOCA blow ar je is not an electrical The La Boca Athenaeum is preeach wook for Roaders of this paper one.
paring program to be rendered The abɔve Dimca Society WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE Closing remarks by 8.
INTERESTING PROGRAM Christian Endeavor Society at before the Panama Wesleyan Cousins. were appropriate and staged a very interes ing met IS PROMISED. the latter Hall in Panama City the benediction was pronounced ing on Wednesdiy night, July 21. It was an ey ning with the at 45 July 16 22 The women born during this on Wednesday evealog Dext.
flowers. The Church was beau.
The Sign of Cancer, tha week should mate with tien bora tifully decorated with flowers of Juring August for they will never be Frank E, Reed, Chairman of There was a very Crab.
Colon Boys Institute all kinda content with a husband who lacked the Euter aliment Committee of Activitas of the Girls Friend good attendance, as members of Self sufficient as you are, you the leadership qualities which they the Boci District of the Paarly of St. Peter s, La Boca.
tbe ao xious to hear the interesting practically any line of business or band, will generally be happier with og en interesting program 167 Society and friends were all will make a place for yourself in posseszed Themen, on the other Canal West Indian Enpl programma that was prepared any community. You are never de wives who are born in the month of Last Sunday Afternoon, comCommander Watson of the by the Flower Committee, und »r pendent on your surrounding to October. Dəmos ic hippiness is the District Community Night mencing at o clock, the Girls Colon Boys Institute announces its active cretaay, Mr. enjoy life. You always kaow what never assured for these impetuous chalchoose to take place at the Friendly Society of st, Peter Clubhouse on Thursday night La ibat the sixth anniversary of the Institute will be celebrated on Teachar Parker of the Cristo a lo to decide a question or maki treme wil power to control their. Anong the sterkere wil tenth anniversary. There were bM. over three hundred persons preAugust 8th nex: and that bal Colored School, ac ed as a move. You make your decisions desire to domineer but in For an bar and a more or lesº selfishly, spite napter of the the Guachapalic arrangements are beug mide to Calrman.
Ruby is the stone which lege Universal Nokro lo provam ant tatives from the st, Aiban sens, represen.
carry out appropriate and effec ball the alience, vaste ting og materiale e bathe by anything to hit says brings te lack to the westerse he Association. Mr. Alexander Is branch, Paraso, seven from the tive ex:rcises. The exercises are entertained by the different hurt which born at this time and is you direct or do.
to commenca at one on that items.
also an officers of th: is ciatiɔn, St. Barnabas Brancb, Empire, color of that person soul. TENA In connection on with the ad live from the St. Paui Bianch afternoon. Many Capal Zone Active preparations are cow sympathizers of the movement bang mada for the meeting of promoter. The ministry, the teach penele and its development brings musical contributions from seve. Peter Branch. Inmediately You make a natural leader and CITY sooltes debe motton bthose dresses Mr. Reed has requested Panama, and fitly from the su have signified their intention to Wedni sday, July 28. b, when the ing, profession or politics would success.
ral persons of ability in the com after shortened Choral Evensong, be present.
chief feature of the programme nuke good channels in which to (Copyrighted 1925 by Hense munity as well as in Panama city, the R9 T. Mulcare, Chaplain Will be a lecture by th: Rev. direct your energies. Adams Svndicate. a lively program is looked of the La Boca Branch. admitted Donor Thanked Cousins, Bow we got our forward to. All em, byees and eight probationers to fall mem.
Eglish Bible.
their families are cardially in be:ship. Following the admission, The entire ataft of the Insti:ute vited. Ad. mission frue.
the Rev. Canon Melcber of begs through this medium to conCALL IN AT St. Luke Catbedral, Ancon, degratulate Mr. Frank Scott of th PANAMA DISTRICT livered a very good sermon, tak Wilcox Company who has kindly Population of La Boca done the remodeling of fences Ing for his text Proverbs 17th around the Institute.
Ordə of Druids Friendly chapter, 17th verse.
According to a house to house canvas taken by the Polica and Ancient Order of Foresters Honorary Members Welcomed Fire Divis on betwzen Jung and Danatinns Needed. The half yearly meeting of June 30 of this year, La Boca is (Friendly Society)
the Panam: Distrit, der of credit with population of 2, 652. This total includes 784 msn The Commander of the Insti Druids, will be held to tute will be glad to earol Honor Gabriel Ualon Lodge Hall, night, Saturdıy July 24, at the On Saturday, July 10th, 1926, 528 women and 1, 340 children. at a regular summoned meeting No. 93, Central Avenue ary Members, who may care to Street and Budson Lare, Colon, th was taken there were 750 men and sis wo Grove Hall, La Boca. the of Court Pacific No. 9751, con ribute from time to time to Delegates are requested to be belp carry on the good work.
men employed by the Canal Zone following Brothers were installed ASSORTMENT OF There is now the expense to the at 30 on time. Meeting to commence government. The population of in office for the term July to Institute of keeping an glish La Boca represents West Indians December, 1926.
teacher; there is also a Spanish British Consulate Notice GOOD STATIONERY with a very small percentage of teacher who is taken care of by Pagan nians Bro. C. Green, Chief Raoger.
the Colon Municipality; while The British Consulat Colon Bro. Hayner, Sub Chief there are two helpers who are would be glad of information as to SOUVENIRS, Ranger not fully pald for their services the present whereabouts of Aruold but are willing to contribute to James Lewis, a native of Barbados Rally Bro, W, Eitmind, Taasurer. re elected)
help the case. Any donations to Bro. Robf, Atherley, Secrethe Institute may be sent to Com.
But while Justice demands Important.
mander Watson, Post office Box Tomɔrrow promises to be a big tary.
The Open Forum punishment we find that Love day for Li ci Wesleyan Christ.
No. 163, Colon, or to the Governor on the other hand provides a way Ian Eadeavourers. To promote a ward.
Bro. Belgrave, Senior Woodof the Province.
We do not hold ourselves respon of escape, John 3:16 Contributors in general, sible for views expressed in these aware of the plan of redemption the young people work in con ward.
We are all livelier interest in this branch of Bro Blackburn, Janior Wood.
Snake Mixes With Letters and our Atlantic side writers Columns as the means of makiok Atone nec ion with the Courel, the So Bro. Paillip. Senior Bradle.
in particular, are asked to the Editor, The Workman: God and Guilty sinners; course Rally. Several speakers from ment or peace between a just clex has prepared for Bro. Caby, Junior Beadle. Corral snake weigbing draw breath when writing After the necessary formalities ven negerilor eure ronde wand found by tions considerably, to ensure your papers and meet requier het of our to Lonely plaGrabbers of cousins Associato Minister of installed only the roaster of Celle by some the chair will be taken were declared duly and legally Commander Watson on Saturday publication.
extensive argument over God Idea, also noticing that the preachers, and the ida 0, the Panama Wesleyan Circuit.
last, in one of his letter boxes wony, Bro. John Butcher.
division Is chiefly on the ren Love so slightly referred to where records of discharges are assisted by Bros. ET the kept. An end was put to geance and love subjects, do that no wonder when one begins rep wards, Simons, tile life after all the pupils and Why pay double price hereby bumbly crave the liberty to talk about love that the idea Clunes Better Bynoe. Walks inmates pla large crowd of ot writing these few word, al seems different and to be in White, of the Court, for inferior imported though not being so much a conflict. But it we should sit outsiders bad gathered being Merritt and Small, attracted by an alarm given out Boer when you can learned writers. Der will begin by saying we will find and see tbat the two suppiy Dapartment at Balboa The ceremony being brought personas those able down for a while and consider Fred Clanes, employee of the 9138.
by Commander Watson.
buy a superior Boer that, the attributes already sides agree in perfect harmony. Haights, and all around tenn to a close, the Brethrea retired to such as BALBOA for they same source. Vengeance de because be able player de ucderstand the fulness of God in one of his shoulders by young spoke on the half the prico.
newly Installed otticarnal minded men Church of La Bocs while they Have you tried the manded the death of sin, or, distruction of same, it is only cannot see things, spiritually and were cojoying an onting on the cars and partood of the social jastice that all wrong acts the fullness of God is rather felt Island of Taboga on Indepenadvantages provided for now Boor Please Aadres all communica Ront Recelpt Books In Span that the wages of sin is death, sbould be punished for, we knc aw than expressed.
dence Day, was discharged from tions to the Secretary of Court Kronen Brau Ish and English for salo at the whetben spiritually or physiThanking you in advance. Ancon Hospital a week ago and is Pacific No. 9751 Yours, much improved. Mr. Clunes bas o. Box No. 155, Balboa Heights, Workmar Printery cally, SMALL returned to work, Canal Zone, Pios! dent over and The Workman BOOK STORE At the time canvas definitely O,


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