
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1926 PAGE FIVE Attractions at the Theatres gives him wills to bis The New Philosophy Co:tinued from page new respect for man because it sees th: Gd instead of the fallen man. Instead of the weak sinfol, degraded mar. theology pictures, ite new philosophy sees the exalted, sublime, devine CECILIA AMADOR AMERICA STRAND Instead of abasing him, locking on bim as helpless, as estranged PANAMA (PANAMA. COLON)
COLON from his God. it sees bim jast the opposite. It finds the God in Today. Saturday August 7th Today. Saturday August 7th Today. Saturday August 7th Today. Saturday August 7th. every man.
and This new conception of man Buck Jones in Margaret Livingston in Aileen Pringle in and of his relation to his Creator. THE ARIZONA BANDIT THE CHORUS LADY SOULMATES Tomorrow Sunday August 8th a new meaning, a new Tomorrow Sunday August 8th dignity, for it shows that he is Tonorrow, Suuday Pugust 8th Richard Dix in Tomorrow Sunday August 8th more than human, that ba is Lew Cody in Blanche Sweet in Bert Lytell in TAS VANISHING AMERICAN gud lo the making. It shows THE EXCHANGE OF WIVES BLUEBEARD SEVEN WIVES SPORTING LIFE that he is not a victim of his Monday, August 9th ancestors. It explodes the idea Monday August h Monday August 9th Monday August 9th Eleanor Boardman in that a stunted career was foreHarry Carey in THE CIRCLE Percy Marmont in Buck Jones in ordained for him before he was THE FRONTIER TRAIL born. It reveals to man the fact THE LEGEND OF HOLLYWOOD THE TRAIL RIDER that he has inberited a power Tuesday August 10th Tuesday August 10th Tuesday August 10th Tues lays August 10th from bis Divine Aucestor which Alice Lake in Laura La Plante in is more than a match for apy Bert Lytell in Blanche Sweet in THE PRICE OF SUCCESS handicap handed down from his THE BEAUTIFUL CHEAT SPORTING LIFE BLUEBEARD SEVEN WIVES earthly parents. It ins sts that he Wednesday August 11th is master of bis destiny and that Wednesday August 11th Wednesdsy August 11th Wednesday August 11th by virtue of bis divine nature he Buck Jones in Adolphe Menjou in Richard Dix fn Percy Marmont in can make himnelt whatever be THE TRAIL RIDER THE LEGEND OF HOLLYWOOD THE GRAND DUCHESS AND THE WAITER THE VANISHING AMERICAN The great trouble with most Thursday August 121h Thursday August 12th Thursday August 12th Thursday August 12th of us is tbat we do not bolt beBlanche Sweet in Alice Lake in lieva in our divinity. We are Dorothy Revier in Eleanor Boardman in BLUEBEARD SEVEN WIVES THE PRICE OF SUCCESS SEALED LIPS saturated with the old theological THE CIRCLE Suche thought. with the old race be.
Friday August 13th Friday August 13th lief, with the idea of our atter Friday August 13th Friday August 13th Perey Marmont in Richard Dix in helplessness, that we are poor, Tom Mix in Alice Lake in THE LEGEND OF HOLLYWOOD THE ISHING AMERICAN weak worms of the dust, ard TEETH THE PRICE OF SUCCESS that about all we can do is to plead for a little help from the Saturday August 14th Saturday August 15th Saturday August 14th Saturday August 14th Creator. The story of the prince Bebe Daniels in Helene Chadwick in Buck Jones in Eleanor Boardman in who was brought up in ignor MISS BREWSTER MILLIONS HER OWN FREE WILL THE TRAIL RIDER THE CIRCLE ance of bis royal birth and kingly interitance is applicable to the kreat o ajority of men and wamen.
According to this old story, a powerful kiog, atxious to save which when cleaned and restored be rich or independent.
his only son and betr from the is found to be a price less work of peyple for their great manifesta cheering and clapping of bands Mr. Connor thanked the audience The new philosophy shows us tion of loyalty ani devotion to had the effects of deafening the for the good conduct mani: temptations, which to pouth art by a great master. It shows tbat if we want to get on in the the cause, and assuring them of ear. It took fully 10 minutes to tested aud expressed himself who is conscious that he is beir this poor soiled human being how worll, we must hold the hopeful, the fact that th: IA. of to quiet the audience. Mr. Connor as being infinitely pleased with bring bim up the man made to the great kingdomar decided his to find the real mau in himself. optimistic attitude. It tells us Colon, having passed the experi did not show his customary the spirit of the people.
now its. but merely quizzad Waat will long be remembered prigio and future inberitance.
ne While the child was yet an icwe must obay the law of way to uplimited succ999.
la the crowd creating continued as an epoch making day in the fant be took nim secretly to a half. or bmore than balf of their ance Gud his provided for using and its secessories he com plause. He said he was so full of was brought to a close at 10. 45.
Many people be. bromela prosperity, because the abund apaaking about th bakery build lou: Wurst of daughter and des history of the LA of Colon de rester and his wife a who lived like to priemones de ces fonction de reponder can never flow toward a passi mended the various build ore in that he was quite beside him deep in to them with instructions to until the door to the great within mind; that abondanca can not of Colon; A. Grant the woods, and gave him their tremendous blockme power miatic, doubting, or unbelieving notably, Messrs. Bryant, salt and had no commundo!
bring him up as they would their of themselves was onened by the Camwords, Now and again he touch CANAL ZONE NOTES own child, The king and queen ne new conception of God, the new doubts roughe pipas pinched by Berd, and Laach of Silver ed a serious point but his reor of and pinted out that the marks were always interrupted LA BOCA building is constructed with very by continued applause. The people him, and no one knew the secret relation to his divine source.
rich miterials, and called special of the N. of Colon are of his birth but the forester and They found themselves in great his wife. They dressed in like measure through the practice of ATLANTIC SIDE attention to the beautiful show: found their reputed Program for Musicale of glassPresident and a forester child and brought idea suggestion or the visualizu. Tae oven, big said, has ben to back him to the end.
him up to work, to study, and to tion of the truth which constinel constructe tutes the very heart of the new Of Colon bricks and fire slay and is well Institute wis in attendance and make the most of himself.
The band of the Colon Boy To bc Rendered at St. Peter Thus the young prince lived philosophy re anforced with iron fods and rendered Vural beautiful selec.
Church, La Boca simplicity, with majority of tne out the luxury and the adulatiua race are sobypnotized by fear and celebrates Inauguration of bands. With the excep in of tions. Tais program was conclud: the one in Cristobal, it is the ed at 40 THURSDAY, AUGUST 12th, which are so likely to soften the anxiety. fear of poverty, fear Bakery and Grocery its kind in the whole GRAND DEBATE AT LIBERTY 1926.
fibre or utterly ruin the charac of failure, fear of disease and sul Auxiliaries.
Ripublic. It bas two chambers.
HALL, ter of one reared in a court. tering, fear of accident and mis.
Al ver chanbar for th: rec pFinally, when he bad grown to be for one, fear of all the things tiba of aid an upper chimAcco ding to schedule the Short Address, followed by a stalwart stripling, jist emerg. they are trying to avoid that HECTOR CONNOR MAKES ber where the heat is distributed above stated sctivities constituted Invocation The Rector ing in to marbood, constantly visual 2) them messenger th by Various fum 28 and where first part of the programme tbe March. Guard of Honor GOOD.
was sent to the forester boue and thug actually attract the very biking is done. No fire goes ia calebr. ted at Liberty Hall, the and the second part was to be (Labobardt. Orchestra to bring the prince to the palace, ills they fear, dwell upon the baking chamber. Praise ye the Mighty and there was disclosed to bim these distressing mental pictures It will take some time for the The machine which we got cale feature of which was to be God DeChoir a grand debata by the Students the truth of his parentage. until thəy catsch themselve so officers and members of the Solo Ave Maris Most of us are in the position deeply into the consciousness of Colon to return to a bigues Corpproval. bas metropy of the Technical School. Although (Caveleria) Mrs. Gittens It is of the young prince while be that these become entrenched in state of normalcy. The enthu ot mixing approximately 1350 the scheduled time was. 8:00 pm Vocal Solo The winds in into the and pressed into their lives, a part of them. They siasm of the membership was pounds of thour in 10 minutes, crowded it long bafore lived as a poor forester son per and the South (Jno. Scott) Miss Gordon We are ignorant of our origin, of het a barrier between them and raised to such a high pilco despite the fact tbat the work 35, the Students entered and that other. Sand is the 1st instant, that many Violin Solo Simple conf23our dinde paten age, our god the good things like inberitance. W: know pac wise might come to them. The of the people had to be reboked lngs of its powerful motor caa took their places on the rosttom. sion. Viss Daisy Wbyte not be boird beyond a distance Mr. Vincent Szott, Executive tically nothing of the divinity new way of thinking is the exact on accouat of the uproarous op 25 yards. Our motor truck Secretary of the Association was aly Mrs. Maynard Vocal Solo Tbou Mit which lives with o. of the reverse of this. It insists that manner in which they gave ex which was prepared power that is ours o cow mand.
we must visual za what we wish pression to their warm feelings, Grant is giving ample by Mr. introduced as Master of Cere Vocal Llo The Prophet Toe new philosophy reveals to attain and not its opposite. It Mr. Connor bas had the time of Batisfaction and other acolle monies. After the rendition of a King (Shephard) Mrs. Sarah showioz men Mr. Asber our true parentage and gives beant. If the dat if they want his life evading those who, trans Isories baye pissed the test few musical items by the NI. Williams demonstrated Morning, Noya the be strong ported with almost uncontrolla There is therefore nothing to on the Musical Saw which is key to our ioberitance. It hold the ble enthusiam, are stay turns us right about face and and vigorous, they must Night (Suppel Orchestra novelty.
every possible manifestation of Vocal Solo Op20 thy Gates shows us how to come into our health Ideal, they must thick We regret that time and spice plained to tha audienca that for (Gun01. M:s Olga ng owo, It points out ibat tbe belp of themselves as physically gratitude.
side perfect, will man has been looking for outsi strodg and vigorous. In Flute Solo The Holy City The Inaagural ceremony was batimorepormalt us to give a ver some time the Sudents of the Sshool had of all the ot himself, all his resources and the same way, if they want to be been (Stephen Adams) Mc, Gragall his good fortuno are inside prosperoun, auccessful, free from early hour. cos Sundsomeruling bag auratoren were alle impressiro wrangling over the matter as to well on and. Claris whether it or Vocal Solo love to hear of him, heat there is the very lower yine de la he thing them and the tel. truck was bo Richards, Miriam suples the Following of the of my Savisar Voice (Glover) Mrs that there be must find his suc not think budoverty and fallure tables and other fixtures from the Technical School gave the for its successful operation; as a of his. benches. Rinca 10 Violin Solo Longing for cess, his supreme satisfaction, thoughts, but the opposite.
the 8th St, Liberty Hall to the speeches of their lives and held result of which the following re Home.
bis happiness, his (Jangman. Miss It makes God.
For instance, it tells us that was us, face life with a different we drive prosperity away it we House at 10th St, and Hudson throughour the course of their solved that the future success of 11 Vocal Solo Ave Maria spirit, with a new courage, soem to say to it by our bear Line, Long before 100 p. deliberations. Taey were fre the UN. of Coloa depends (Miller. Mrs. Mulcare new motive. It is full of bopes Inge, our appearance. our con more than 100 people had assem, quently interrupted by the more upɔo the Leadership than 12 Malodie. Confidence Men. of when Mr. Connor and vehement cheerings of the audi. the promise whio victions, our doubts, our fears, bis cabinet arrived a: 00 o clock ence and at the conclusion of following.
delssohn. Orchestra does not disafpoint in its fulfill Dɔn come near ment. It destroys 13 Vocal Sol Save me, fear and The young ladies argued in You are not for me not less than 3000 anxiou. fas their add resses were Dvocifer favour of the affirmative and the God (Riddegger. Mrs. Olga worry, those ancient enemies of of Although long for you more were there waiting amidst aously applauded. Mr. Walter young men took the negative. King our peace of mind and else, yet am coc scene of great anxiety ani ex. Bast. Chalaman of the Board of Tae remarkable conduct of the 14 Vocal Solo Nazareth It opens up new avenues of in, vince shall never possess you. citement, Everything was Directors of the Bakery and audience marked the success M, Jas. Bascombe gives new outlook apon life. am just an ordinary average arranged. There was a beati Grocery Auxilaries, Mr. Charles of the Students. The poiata 15 Qaiyain From Mass in It is ushering in the awn of a man, aad condot hope to be ful display of flowers which, Goodridge, new day for humanity.
Chairman of the were keenly contested and it (Mozart. Orchestra prosperous. All. my distributed anong the various Board of Trustees of the whole relatives 16 Vocal Solo Sing to the appeared very difficalt to decide show cakes, breads etc. pre Organizatioa and Miss Josephine upɔn the winner. After a brief Lord (E, Holder. Mles, philosophy that there are no such mapagod. pecat eet do more that appearance. Several photogra: Ladies Division, were at their the audience to order and spoke We are learning from the men bare ben ogret thou havem sented and à most picturesqne Gumbs, President elect of the diversion the Chairmag called Malcare to 17 Piano Solo The Shepherd cause all have divide possibilities they did, just keep my head Phers were seat from the Spalt best, and the effect of their at length concluding with the Miss Dorothy Ionias, declarations locked up in them. It tells the The good things Photo Sadio to take the various plausible were declaration that the arguments 18 Vocal Salo. The Angels poor wretch who feels that he is of this world were never intend scenes.
keenly felt.
adduced by the affirmative Sarenade (Bragga. Mrs. outcast from society, no body, My luck does not At 15. Mr Richard Bowen, HECTOR CONNOR, THE MAN OF slightly out balanced those of Gittens a beggar, that he is nothing of run that way, As a young man the Association Ghaplain, called THE HOUR, the negative. The decision was 19 Vocal Solo It was very ambitious, but aome the vast audience to order and the kind, but the child of a Kingw well received, although many Dream. Cowen. Miss.
It shows blm that beneath his bow, no matter how hard work carried through the religious Things seemed to have reached persons were willing to declare Gordon alth and rags is inscribed the ed, lack seemed to go agar st exercises; after which he intro the climax when the chairman for the negative. Special mention 20 Anthem Blessed be the of his Maker, just as we me, and felt it wouldn pay duced Mr. Thomas Campbell. rose and in well chosen words must be made of Students Biryl Lord God of Israel Th Choir sometimes find an old discarded, to strain and struggle and strive Principal of the introduced Mr. Hector Coanor, Clark and William Arthur, 21 March Sons of Australia depreciated picture, covered with to keep up with those who Model and Continuation Schools, President of the organization Leaders in debate for the (Lithgow) Orchestra grime and almost, unrecogzablo seemed to be born to get on. as Master of Caremonies. The Some of the members and friends Affirmative and Negative res DOXOLOGY AND BENEDICthe artist nama so blurred and, just made up my mind that it Chairman gave a splendid open bad prepared fire works, and pectively.
blotcbed that it is so illegible, but was not futenhed for me to ing akdress, commending the these added to the vehement As tbs conclusion of the debate (Continued on page 8)
firepoly one of. fuel a they They Anthem the 30 on.
Want to be Orartrue our progress, quita Mr. Szott exis and Fran.
Re: Jump Pro.
ed for me, an was of


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