
em Eureka Temple No. 309 Be Prepared for that Pain THE ATTENTION 23:d and Friendly Societies and Secret Orders MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS Financial solving Workman Stationery Store GANS NOT planes THE BEER the other Up to date Jewelry The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co. Jones more Germany Is Building on ilirtifiiiiiiii Giant Dirigible for I, of Commerce double function took plae.
at Eureka Temple No. 309, ciating pain instantly OFNew York, June Gaman; PO of If you will only apply at Mt.
is building 3, 500, 000 cubie toot mpu Lodge Hall, 2400 SLOAN LINIMENT dirigi yle for commercial ase, acStreets, Guachapali on Saturday cording to Ralph Upson, chlef July 24th wben three candidates Sloan Liniment to engineer of the Aircraft Develop were duly initiated and added pain greatest enemy, ment Corporation who has just IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF the loks of that and and and is backed by 40 years retorced from an European touNoble Order The Improveu of success the world over.
This attempt to use dirigible Benerolent and Protective Order for business work is the first It is an invaluablo reof Elks of the World, followed venture of its kind and the man ody for by the Installation of Oficers moth lighter than air craft will for tbe July December term.
See ba the first one Germany bas Sure The built since the war.
The ceremonies were perform B.
ed by Daugbter Pitt, ON Eogland, Mr. Upson found, 18 Sur Neck and Mother of the Juvenile golog even farther than Germany Class; ably assisted by her coIt penetrato right to in sad promises to lead the world the dirigible feld. Odicials exthe seat of trouble, Suitable for Lodge Business workers. The following for a the Administration. plained to the Detroit visitor that Amanda warms and soothes the Thorpe, Daughter Raler; perves and throues, banbecause of the distant posts of lahing pain.
the British Empire it was necesFineb, DR; M leolm, AT THE sary to devise some quick means R; Applewhite.
Try it now.
of travel. In the hope of Secretary. Ex Valentine.
At all druggiats and Rec.
dealers the problem through alrcraft, Nevers, Treas; Gordon, Chaplalo; Brown, England is building two of the Escort; Briggs, K; Git.
largest dirigibles ever construct soa, K; Mason, Organiat; SLOAN ed. They will bave a capacity of BE Dennis, Shaw, LINIMENT 5, 000, 000 cubic feet, which is paggagagano propangngarap naman ang gumagamo Shaw, and Bailey, Trustees.
about twice the size of the Shenago ang gagogogogoganggan andoab.
Daughter Ruler, Pitt. placed Upson found France hesit special Honour on Daugh. er Mr.
ant tout a dirigible programme Applewhite, to Install although going ahead of the Daughter Thorpe, as Daugbworld in the development of airter Ruler, also Daughter of metal construction.
Forde, DR. to Install, Because the ligbler. than. air Fincbtas the remaining officers were duly Installed by machine Bull in an experim? tt, Immediate Past Daugh tal state, France is willing to let countries take the led ter Raler.
in this field while guarding her SUPPLIED BY The ceremonies being comclaim to being the most advance pleted the visiting Bilis frm in srplanes, Mr. Upon reported.
Mount Olympus Lodge No. 599 were received with warm appreThe successful flight of the ciatlon. Among those present Norge across the top of tbe world did mucb to stimulate an Bill Wortell, R; 11 Italian interest in dirigible. Mr Bill White, ELK; Bill In every form can be seen Upson said and that country is Thorpe, Bill Dewsberry, here at its best See ow JI E, Foster: Bill George. enthusiastic about the Bill Sam Gooding, and many lighter than air craft than any Wrist Watches other nation. Italy has almost others too numerous to mention.
completed plads for the construcis brewed from the best Good wisbes and congratulaBracelets tion of semi dirigible of the tions were exchanged, after Norge type but with a capacity materials obtainable wbich all present repaired to the Diamond Rings of 2, 000, 000 cubic feet.
Barquet Hall, and did justice to and a hundred other adorn.
Mr. Upson, after studying the many good things provided and various types of air machines, It is specially suited for this climate wbere expressions of the true ments and you ll recognize returned more enthusiastic than Spirit of Elkdom were made, why this is the LEADING before over the proposed metal is superior to all imported beers sold Special mention must by made JEWELRY HOUSE in towa craft that is to be built for the and much credit given to Daugbu ask prices and you ll lind sti!
the Uolted States Navy in Duhere troit. Bo certala is the building and it sells to the public at ter Pitt, who having taken the chair when the Temple another reasonfirm that this departure from bad almost HALF the price.
Its sucthe usual will be success tbat It has been agreed tbe Dary and the of the tests shall be applied after the few webo assisted ber. In ber term sblp is finiebed but before its TRY OUR NEW BEER of office she has added 19 de 122 Cetnral Ave. Phone 623 sale is agreed on.
links to the Chain of Elkdom aod The ship will carry 300 passen.
also brought back many delinRers and 100 tons of freigbt sod quent ones into the fold. WILKINSON will be capable of flying across the Atlantic with this full load.
Contractor Her englue of approximately 6, 000 borsepower ho will be able to and Builder make 100 miles AD ai Resolution of Sympathy.
SUPERIOR TO ALL This metal clad dirigible is to be of a much blunter type than House No. 20 the dirigible, but it is boped that The following Resolution was careful designing of the metal decisio adopted by the Crticers and 28th NOV, STREET, surface will lessen the air resis Members of the Court Paradise tane. Mr. Upon refused to go No. 9292, OF. at it regular SAN MIGUEL into the details of the plan by meetlog, July 28th, 1926, Panama which the directional instability City. Republic de Pagama. Box 411, Panama, R, that hampered the Shenandoah will be corrected.
Whereas, The Great Chlet Work on this machine is to be Ranger and Creator of the dots Plans and Specifications Free started within a month, and it in ls boped tbat the construction removed from among us one of our wortby and esteemed Browill be conpleted within a year.
ther and co worker, Robert First Class Workmanshlo Stewart; and whereas the long Satisfaction Guaranteed and intimate relation beld with Perseverance Lodge No. 2292 Of every description, bim in the faithiul discharge of his duties in this Hores le world, FLOWERS ORDER OF DRUIDS makes it eminently betting that DONE WITH NEATNESS AND we record our appreciation of Abogado. Attorney at Law him; therefore, Installs Officers. Resolved. That the wisdom OFFICE: No. 44 ST and ability wbich bebas exer. BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY The lastallation of Otticers of cised in the Court by service, TELEPHONE No. 1377 the Perservance Lodge No. 2292, contributions, aod Counsel will Order of Druids, took place be beld in grateful remember Practicing before all the courts of arce; on Saturday July 18th, at the AT THE the Republic since April 1914 Drulda Locge Hall, 2015 Street Resolvad, That the gudden reCentral. The Lodge was bigbly moval of such a life from among honoured by the presence of the District Grand Master, Bro, shadow that will be deeply reaE. Quarless, Deputy District lised by all the members, and Grand. Master Brotber will prove a serious lose to our Robb; and Bro Headley (P. and District Cor.
HOUSE 912, LA BOCA Resolved. That with deep CANAL ZONE, respondior Secretary, on an Official visit. The Lodge extendsympathy with the bereaved (Opposite the Restaurant)
ed a right hearty, and a cordial duly installed, viz: relatives of the deceased, we welcome to the District Oificers, Bros: Jones, Noble Grand who congratulated the Brothors The King, The President greats loss to us all may be was made by the District Oficers following toasts were honoured: express our hope that even so Office Hours: a. to 1p. also presented the with Arcb; Clarendon Griffith. Vice whose labours the Lodge has of Panama, The Order of Dralde, overruled for good by Him who to pm an adiress.
Grand Arcb; Thomas Scott, rewarded, and hope they would The Panama District, The Dis doeth all things; be it therefore!
DAILY The District Grand Master Secretary (re elected)
can for the Lodpe and Ladies.
thanked the officers and mem Michael Shaw, Treasurer. re Itbe continue to do the best trict Officers, The Press. The Resolved, That she Officers and PHONE 1941 BALBOA bers for their cordial welcome, elected. Zephaniah Largle, Iso be left on record of their good Aatbem brought the function to solo session, stand with Con Order. Bod gain fresh laurels Members of Court Paradise Specializes in all the branches also congratulated the officers ductor; Holford, G. A;to!
The singing of the National No 9292, now assembled in of Dentistry, and members, for the high stand. Davis, LB. Sker works.
of the Lodge, and the itt, Nebliit, The receiplen te of the awards a close.
bowed heads in silent prayer for Pioneer Lodge of the Order is. Watson, Inner Guard; suitably responded, thanking five minutes, our Dispensation Papama, he hoped the Brethren C, Cummings, Assistant Secre the officers and members for the be draped for a period of thirty British Consulate Notico would continue to uplift the tury: Chas. Coppio, Outer Gaard: gifta received, which they would British Cousulate Notice days, a copy of these Resolu. of Druidism James RobertsJ. bold treasure.
tions be spread on the face of The A, then banded the The British Consul at Colon The following Brothers were our minute book a copy to the beThe business of the evening Gavel to the to install presented with Certificates of belog tbrough the Brethren re would be glad of iaformation as to The British Consul at Colon reaved relatives of the deceased would be glad of information as to present copy to Court St. George the she officers for the ensuing Merit; Thomas Scott, Secretired to the Banquet Hall, and the present whereabouts of Arnold Grenada, a copy to the Forester Thomas Davis, a native of whereabouts term, The following officers were Ramsay. The presentatio. thioge provided after which the tary Cumminge, Asst. Secs and justice to the many good James Lewis, a native of Barbados Miscellany, and a copy to the Jamaica, weo some years ago had a local press for publication, cantine in Guacbapali, Panama.
ceul le attribued to her boyale Fuller Jewelry Store Dew KRONEN BRAU bour.
JOB. PRINTING DESPATCH WORKMAN PRINTERY our midst la voin vacances and Dentist Howell Court; of


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