
THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1926 PAGE Live Attractions at the Theatres STRAND things, en mener how to demantel cellow malih bogor bolets, Resolution of Sympathy CANAL ZONE NOTES Gnomo torneo la tour men to hold to which des des the down self same late being ATLANTIC SIDE བས ས ས བ 3ཚ སཝ མས ས ས The New Philosophy of Life. BY THOMPSN)
CECILIA The new way of thinking makes AMADOR AMERICA it clear that we get out of life what our ideals call for because PANAMA (PANAMA. COLON)
COLON we invariably head toward our ideals. It sbows that the things Today. Saturday August 21st Today. Saturday August 21st Today. Saturday August 21st Today. Saturday August 21st we look for are what we pray and ior, and that if we work for Margaret Livinston in To norrow Sunday August 22nd Conrád Nagel in THE CHORUS LADY Shirley Mason in them with faith and confidence. THAT ERENCH LADY SUN UP believior we sball receive, ODBlanche Sweet in doubtedly we shall; but that if. THE FAR CRY Tomorrow Sunday August 22nd Ton. orrow, Suuday August 22nd Tomorrow Sunday Augus. 22nd on the other hand, we think the Ben Lyon in Jack Hoxie in good things of life are not for us Thomas Meighan in Monday August 23rd BLUEBEARD 7 WIVE if we bave no hope or expecte RIDING TRUNDER THE NEW KLONDIKE tion of getting over them, to Monte Blue in THE LIMITED MAIL matter how bard we work, they Monday August 23rd Monday, August 23rd Monday August 23rd will cot come to us. It tells us Perey Marmont in James Kirkwood in Wm. Faribanks in always to think of ourselves Tuesday ugust 24th THE LEGEND OF HOLLYWOOD LOVE WHIRLPOOL FIGHT TO FINISH as lueky, that we really bear. Tom Mix in char med lite because e are the Tuesdays August 24th Tuesday August 24th Tuesday August 2ith children of tbe Infinite, and DICK TURPIN Bert Litel in Thomas Meighan in Jack Hoxie in therefore are entitled to good SPORTING LIFE Wednesday August 25th to prosperity, and THE NEW KLONDIKE RIDING TRUNDER abundance of all that we neei. Wm. Fairbanks in Wednesday August 25th Wednesday August 25th In short, the new philosophy is Wednesday August 25th FIGHT TO FINISH James Kirkwood in sbowing us that thoughts, emoRichard Dir in Blanche Seewt in tions, needs, desires are seeds LOVE WHIRLPOOL THE VANISHING AMERICAN Thursday August 26th which must produce e barvest THE FAR CRY like themsel produce Ives.
Thomas Maughan in Thursday August 26th Thursday August 26th Thursday August 26 Tom Mix in til recently we did not THE NEW KLONDIKE Eleanor Boardman in Monte Blue in know that the things we long THE CIRCLE DICK TURPIN LIMITED MAIL for, or what we dread or fear Friday August 27th we are beaded towards, tbat we Friday August 27th Foiday Pugust 27ih Friday August 27th James Kirkwood in always go in the direction of our Blancbe Sweet in Alice Lake in Tom Mix in LOVE WHIRPOOL thought, that this strikes the THE PRICE OF SUCCESS THE FAR CRY DICK TURPIN of our lite sorg, tbat keycote every call in cur body virates to Saturday August 28th Saturday August 28th Saturday August 28th Saturday August 28th this keynote, whatsoever Its Richard Dix in Back Jones in Wm. Faribanks in Monte Blue in character. LET GET MARRIED THE TRAIL RIDER FIGHT TO FINISH THE LIMITED MAIL The new pbilosophy is making all this clear. It is sbowing people how to attrack the things Ibey desira instead of driviog da.
them away by their negative, destructive thoughts, by their wronk mental attitude, It is us that when we look at from time to time is a commen THE PANAMA CANAL 12 YEARS BUSINESS distrusting eyes, through envi.
gressive movements. We of Le Septal bat builde, that ous. jealous, or bating eyes, by an Boca should not be found wanting s, LA BOCA The following Resolution of this month; any amount up to 145, 043, 734, 55 Collected which tests tboughts we hold Sympbatby was moved at a refifty cents per person will make tross.
in Tolls.
It is teachtrg men that it in our minds It continually cent meeting of the United Lodge up a substantial sun to go tobey think themselves unlucky; emphasiz. the importance ot No. 10. in connec Rare Treat in Music wards taking care of our own if they are always talking about the thought forces and urges us tion with the death of Messrs people.
During the first 15 days of Augagainst them, if they to send out only the thoughts of Williamson and Sidney Simp And Elocution.
net 222 commercial vessels and are slandering themselves in any by the All Good, the perfect ever son LITTLE MISS ELIE AMUSE small launches transited the way, they are building these loving. Creator, in whose image Whereas, It has eased Our Canal. Tolls of the commercial thought images into their lives. We are made. knows that Gba Supreme Grand Master Me. Concert which was held at the Toe Classic Secular Variety vessels aggregated 999 391. 08, It warns us that all disagreeable, only way to call out the God Chanie in His Infinite wisdom to Members of Athenaeum. and on the launches 11. 82, makis in the to and that when we encourage bis divine qualities is to appeal Celestrial Lodge above, our be; L1 Boca Panama District of the negative, Ciuotouse on Saturday night remove from our midst to as last under ing a total tolls collection of 999, the ausp the such thinking we are destroying, to bis Güd nature. This is why loved Brothers William The principal items on the 402. 80, or a daily average of 66, tearing down the very things we in spite of all appearances to the and present Treasurer of the Employees Association, was a Tuesday evening last Panana Canal West Indian program of the Athenaeum on 26 86 cn all traffic.
a Sidoey Simpson. com The daily averaza number of minds are are trying to build up wben our contrary, the new Pollor opby Look death occured on the 31st complete success. According to stories, fables, and anecdotes, transits was 14. 73 and the average positive, hope ul, eacbes Us to think of, in ole and the 27th June 1926, be the coust neus ot opinion it was the jigjor department carrying amount of tolls paid by each of wbose Expectant of good things.
the Ideal of the God in The power is within you to be regard to every buman being, to former of Colup, the latter of tbe most er joyable and up date of the honors for the best joke. the commercial vessels transits was entertainment of its kind beld This junior member was little, 4, 52213.
well, to be strong, to be succese picture their divine ful, to make your life divine. The and not their deficiencies, les New Orleans. And their Wheredesa by Aheir death the on this sida of the lethmus for Miss Claris Elie. Her mother the Panama Canal completed power is witbin you to be young, defects, their failares. It bids ooity Lodge Ny has lost two sisted of sixteen iteme; Miss other day she gave tbe Societs business on August 14, 1926, some time, The program con said to her little brother the 11 years of operation at the close be glad.
power powietlone you stadive The un alvage th appeal to the best of its most devoted meinters, sydd Holdere end to me to have.
who ving been opened to Dolmetushaiget the source toti perpe in man, to think the best, to be those undying loyalty and de vor rendered a piano select:0. to allow you to bathe in thar barn on Auguste no end porno merece. he power ist per lieve tte best ot him, for the tion to their Lodge and the der make the seventeen the being tub and you are agein tual good will only respond to the lo general, bave contributed unavoidably absent, operation, 35, 560 commuch to our succ:ss, and have Toe pro on going in there. Now, Jou to be glad always, to rejoice, good appeal, the God in your endeared them to elery member Bram was made up of sclos, you go abead and bathe to be exceedindly glad, brother man will only respond also their family, a kind and yoursel! llmercial vessels have transited the it is not yet awake.
aggregatik 145, 043, 734. 55 have been collectto the God in you.
vocal and instrointerspersed The new philosopby will help you You wil the soundest el seationary loving husband father, and son. With licking orders Weed to awaken all your latest power, nobility in a man by hating and never call out the divine and It will help you to tind yourself, Be it solved: tt at the little life, Vice as pelo topproximately 70 per cent of Dogo presided bers of the United Lodge Ns. of Panama despising him.
Classical one.
Cliford as it is helping thousands of Sewell way at the occured during the past six years in Session assem ment of Christ injunction to lɔve our bled extend to their bereaved sented.
and women to find themselves; ke taking minutes, president of operation.
e arts was well rept which even in the lastly our heartfelt sympathy were In elocution there was Cristobal, and helping them to open up locked enemies, powers which they never before was considered well.
Ferreira champion arrange for the debate On Trail of Clandestine were meable to get holdalgu impossible, 1900 de menowned and condolence in their house lot moro oso on. Whyte of La Bocol. While there he wo doubt Practioners.
dreamed th y possessed.
it be absolutely scientific. Love is deepest sorrow, and tbat our Isthmian elocutionist and winner which is to be held here in the will help you to overcome your the naturalhar idare dori baleted mercy will cheer and comfort sell Phillips, also a gold medalist. naeum and the Cristobal Clubshall be that God in His of soveral gold medals, Rus near future between the Atheknow know jalousy, in little bouse Clandestine prostitution is being tion of their antidotes. It will envy cannot live an instant in the practiced in Colon on a large abow you how to kill fear; how atmosphere of Bait futher Resolved: that we quot who has displayed a rare to cure yourself of de pondency, ist is their natural ote, just as hereby express on behalt ot our elocutionary, ability. the three bas scale. This fact Paramount Social Club.
been recently discouragement, all depress Panama City.
antidote of of Lodge our deepest and sincere last named of water is the Sate, revealed by examination of the rered cords of a Colon bospital where IDR or We are tloding now that appreciation and gratitude for vocalists were states or needs.
of Nothing really detracted from licensed prostitutes are ordered for you how to cure insemmin, scie scientiac can never cure kind acts, and who has bee has been singing the expected success of pro having shown decided decrease weekly examination the recor nervousness, Chaeyo bile li simply teads more fuel to an they faithfully rendered, so he brink on the boundarieds can giventes the clubhouse to albinatione noe dostanding chronic morbidness, negative the fire. Yet for centuries we And since arrival Isthmus Thursday 12th. inst. by tbe the fact thinking: how to bold the con tried to put out the fire of Be it further R380lved: that our from New York a month ago.
populated. In view of structive, Instead of the destruc passion with more tire, which Lodze go into mournide the four and Mrs. Olga Klag of La Buce: Paramount Social and Entertain in metalyadobe red light district ment Club of which Miss Lydia thie revelation Alcalde Apel del Rio leading Isthmian sopranist and Holder 18. consecutive general meetings; holdiers of two gold medals won And as to try to 18 a prominent Lembar. of the extinguish a fire with kerosene that a copy of this Resolution be bolde Modern science strated that once thoughtsmand oil. Do good to them which sent to the family of the deceased in local singing contests. Mrs. red both in tabould detract from municate with the alcobas como it elther, as Miss Helder, young Department requesting that it despitefully use you, and soune Brotbers, and copy each to the McLsine, one time pupil of and brilliant pianist, is most lib. strictly enforce the order reguemotions which do not build, day the car who has been baliogoro Horaablicando ele ale andere de conserve ones and on cervice centre come unities. Suting prostitution in the city.
which are not construutive. you bitterly perhaps for years, Workman and most occasions, generate poison in the system by will show himselt friendly and a copy be spread on the face of both of Panama City, were the The entertainmen gratis The entertainment was well atchanges, and valued utudes of people suffer most of ofter his band to you on the our minutes, contributors of piano tended and the programme rendered vcc al solo by Miss their lives from the ante poison. held towards him has put out street, because the love you bave Jamaica Papers please copy. Jump of La Boca, promising vocal numbers by several young gave a spedid display of his selections while Miss Anita much appreciated, especially the Perry, altar which Mr. Ayors of their thoughts and emo the fire of his anger, has deuyoung violinist, accompanied oa ladies of the Club. Miss Holter musical skill in a violin rendition.
jealousies, envies, hatrede, their. ehitet tralized his hatred.
the plano by her sister Miss and ber principal co workers, Mr. Browa and Mr. Ayers also Lable thoughts. The new philoLeanor Jump, rendered the only Messrs Ward and a Smith, helped to enliven the occasion by (To be continued)
THE DECACY OF violin solo to the delight of the deserve much credit.
sopby holds that to one can audience. The audience was a playing the Flower Sing. Baby Reid and parents were the reAaother mind, cause (Continued from page 1) truly representative one ad bım distress, pain or suffering DOOD OOO in any way without inflicting a 00000000OOO tbat he did the Catholic church showed visiblo signs of appreciacaients of tle kindest wishes CATUN from all wbo attended the splenTRY more harm than Alexander the tion of the fine program.
similar injury on biar gel, be did function. After refreshmants cause every evil thought is a coppersmitb did St. Paul, but be were served the evening enterKRONEN BRAU is not a first rater.
Red Cross Month. Christening of Baby Reid.
boomerank wbich returns to talament was brought to a close.
strike the one who sent it forth things he was a mere provincial.
When it came to broad issues, Among these present were: The new teacbing is a perpect ON DRAUGHT with all bis debe was The desiguation of August of 0, Sunday evening last the 8th Teacher Brown and wife: Miss ual protest against seeing or still a priest. have each year as a Red Cross inst, most pl asant entertain Browo: Mr. and Mr.
appealing to the animal. or the OR BOTTLES heard a lot of a lot of him. dont think Month in wbich coutribations ment was held at the residence Laurie; Miss llinshed: Mr: that he was wicked as be was from West Indians will be bad in man. It teaches us not to of Mr. and Mrs. Reid. Toe and Mr. Shirley; Muster hold the thought of inferiority. 000008 painted to be. have not been up by the Panama Canal West function was in connect with G, Sntiles; Mrs. Rankins; Mr.
the jealous thought, the envious anything in The Ralns to pre Indian Employees Association the christening of the Reid and Mis, Ayers; Mrs.
thougbt, the selfish thought, the Rent Receipt Books In Span tent the day is not very far dis branch of the American Ra him Paisley: Miss Gordon; Mrs.
going to heaven. hope to be turned ever to the local little baby boy.
bate thought, the revenge Among many friends and sell Smith; Mrs. Cox; Mrs. Watson; thought the lustful thought Ish and English for sale at the distant when we will see some Cross to help relieve distress wishers the evening entertain Mr. B. Perry: Mr. Perry, towards any human being. It Workman Printery real nice wicked men, among Indigent West Indians ment was opened with a well Miss Porry, and Mr. o. Frank were to or their tusi jos: of but per: and you drown you baps it items. of men LUO.
of the City. co prayers because it and Miss Winifred barma. chewa Coris operates tre.
It show the is Panama ins poison In many taken O9000000


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