
THE ATTENTION dered Friendly Societies and Secret Orders MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS Tralalgar GovernMother Country: ia the Workman Stationery Store that CPAINS ET THE BEER He saw of 10 Enquiry Up ts date Jewelry The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
is brewed from the best and transits for tion each of the Department of Soldiers Civil Wow incerto diventa in domeninio verin Www West Indian Pianist Be Prepared Re Establishment In London, for that Pain ORDERS POR MENTAL LIMBS We read the following in a You can stop excruPLACED IN GREAT BRITAIN.
recent issue of The West Lodia ciating pain instantly OFCourmittee Circular, and won if you will only apply decision which will be of who on earth was Mr.
Bruce Wendell: SLOAN LINIMENT great benefit to the men who lost their legs in the war is Mr Bruce Wendell, the Brit Sloan Liniment Isb. West Indian Negro planist, is sonounced by the partment of Soldiers Civil Establish pain greatest enemy, IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF gave a forther recital on April 24th at the Grotrian Hall, before and is backed by 40 years ment, says the Canadian Gazette, an enthusiastic audience.
of success the world over.
It is to the effect that the wood But information came to hand It is an invaluable remen leg bitherto manufactured by a few days ago in a copy of The epartment is to be replaced edy for Ibe in the near feature by a metal Unlon Messenger of St. Kitts; Rhematic Sciatica limb.
Here goes.
Sore Throat Backache BRUCE WENDELL.
Sprains Bre. In arriving at this decision.
Chest Paine Said Neck said Maj. Arthou. Mr. Wendell Bruce Jamee, whose professional cbiel of the Department of name is It penetrates right to diers Civil Re Establishment at the seat of trouble. Bruce Wendell and to whom Suitable for Lodge Business Canadian Building reference is made in The West warms and soothes the nerves and tissues, banSquare, the Canadian India Committee Circular is a Let has followed the excellent Jative of the island of Antigua.
ishing pain.
lead of the For He AT THE son of the late Try it now.
One considerable time the Bruce James, who served for At all druggists and Canadian Goyernient bas realsome time as Head Master of dealers.
ised the superiority of the light the Mico Model School, St. John, men al legs ovor the wooden Antigua, and afterwards 88 opes, but would not act hasulv School Teacher and Agricultural SLOAN or until 1ully satisfied Lecturer, Demerara, where he LINIMENT Dental artiticial limb hid ag nogo manggagawang magagagoggagogognan ng mamayang gagang died, reached a stage of perfection Mr. Bruce Wendel is also which warranted their incurring the nephew of Mr. Jos. James this extra expense, Soos Inspector of School, St. KittsMr Parkinson, deputy Nevis He won the Demerara Minister, visited Eagland in Scholarsblp in 1905 at the age of October last year and one of the 19 years and proceeded to important subjects of bis visit Oxford University.
was to look carefully into the service in France during the methods of supply of artifieial SUPPLIED BY War and on returning to England limbs by the British Goveradevoted himself solely to Music enl.
не of wbich he is a great enthusiast.
was fortunate in tba be was able to ayail himselt of We understand that not long the result of the findings ago be visited the continent important Committee of to fill musical engagements in which bad deliberated some Budpest. Gronada West India, months before on on this very subct. This committee, under the Panama Canal Traffic In every form can be seen ine chairmanship of Sir Godfry here at its best See our Collins, bad been appointed by During July.
ibe. Rt. Hon, Maj. Tryon, Wrist Watches Minister of Persions.
During the month of July 1926, Its report was placed at Mr materials bbtainable 456 commercial vessels and seven Bracelets Parkinson disposal, as was also small launches transited the Canal the technical and surgical advise Diamond Rings Tolls on the commercial westels of the Minister Officials, and in aggregated 980, 719, 67 on view of the action of the British It is specially suited for this climate the launches 32 40 or 40 or a total toils and a hundred other adornGovernment in restricting the collection of of 1, 980, 752, 07 ments and you ll recognize provision of metal limbs to the is superior to all imported beers sold The daily average number of manufacture of two firms, Mr.
for the month was 1472, why this is the LEADING Parkinson confined bis attention here and it sells to the public at and the daily average tol. collec: JEWELRY HOUSE in town to the makes of legs of these 93 894, 18.
The average ask prices and you ll find still respectiye tirme, HALF the price.
amouat of tolls paid by another reason. commercial transits was 343, 08. Upon the Deputy Minister wheat return to Ottawa thamater was given futber consideration TRY OUR NEW BEER were a to the and the Government of Canada inerease in Canal traffic during 122 Cetnral Ave. Phone 629 has now decided to adopt the this month.
Hanger light metal limb for issue to their limbless. This lex was adopted in preference to any WILKINSON other by virtue of the close re sembla. ce of the limb to the FAREWELL SERVICES Contractor wooden one at manufactured in Toronts being facSUPERIOR TO ALL At The Bethlehem Church of ibe tor which will relieve.
and Builder wearer God Holiness of the new limb from all iconvenience.
The contract which bas 806203 been entered into which the NO. MARIANO AROSEMENA House No. 20 manufacturers of the Hanger STREET SAN MIGUEL. 28th NOV. STREET, ligbt metal legs enables the dian Government to retain in its SAN MIGUEL employ tbose liwbless Canadian Elder Parkinson, who, it Ex service men wbo are at prewill be remembered, came to sent engaged upon the manufacthese shores in the month of Box 411, Panama, R, ture of limba for their fellowSeptember 1925, and who has comrades.
been unceasirgels Plans and Specifications Free The fact of the contract for especially the above named artificial limbs being place with an Eaglish firm is naturally of Of every description is expected to leave these abores on the 26th Instant for his native First Class Workmanship interest to all people on this home, Jaunalca. The officers Satisfaction Guaranteed side aod, father, am glad to and members along with say many that all the necussary plaat other ministers and cccasioned by the change over friends and are from Wooden to metal legs is bedetermined to make his farewell FLOWERS 10 Government through the medium inx acquired by the Canadian one of great success, and long to Cordially invited to witness the be remembered The public is Abogado. Attorney at Law of the well known aruticial litomakers. Messre Hanger cor demonstration of love and res OFFICE: No. 44, ST and Co. of Roehampion House, that will be tendered to him and that the necessary tools and AT THE BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY jigs will be provided on the eve of his departure (the 25. inst. His place and TELEPHONE No. 1317 In the Province of Oatarlo Oresten sence will be greatly missed especially among us, for he was Practicing before all the courts of alone there are 222 ley amputaa great help to us in our time of the Republic since April 1914 tion sase engaged in 58 occuptrouble, and, now that we ara tions, ranging for aviator to almost out of the woods the watchmaker. Of this number Lord has called him to other eight have lost two legs. The fields of labour.
most remarkable occupations.
you but the King business followed by a wearer of one of which was lost by Norman was requires haste.
the department artificial legs is found by the Police in a search of that of a steeple jack.
HOUSE 912, LA BOCA Oklaker room.
Oldaker is said to be a private in the Medical Corps of the United British Consulate Notice (Opposite the Restaurant)
Employee Charged with States Army and is temporarily Office lours: a. to p. First Degree Burglary Laboratory attached to the Ancon Hospital THE HAIR STRAIGHTENER The British Consul, at Colon would be glad of information as to to p.
DAILY WITHOUT AN EQUAL the present whereabouts of Arnold In default of 2, 500 bail bond, James Lewis, a native of Barbados Oldaker, American employee PHONE 1941 BALBOA of the Board of Health Laboratory Notice to Correspondents. Don fail to try it of Ancon Hospital, is held in the Specializes in all the branches Balbua jail awaiting trial on a of Dentistry.
charge of firat degree burglarv. are asked to send in their contribu.
Contributors and correspondente Why pay double price Oldaker is charged with having tions not later than Thursdays to the living room of insure publication. This is impera.
No Special Combs or Hot Irons Required.
for interior imported Norman another American em tive ard must be adhered.
Beer when you can ployee of the Laboratory on July Have you tried the buy a superior Beer i3th, and stole a bill fold con new Beer taining over eight hundred dollars ADVERTISE such as BALBOA for in American greenbacks, Rent Recelpt Books In Span It is half the price.
reported that, minus twenty 20 Ish and English for sale at the Kronen Brau bills, an amuunt equal to that work rian Printery IN THE WORKMAN IT PAYS from west coase ports of Europe Fuller Jewelry Store KRONEN BRAÜ Cana.
JOB. PRINTING labourdolored Chura bere among the various mand well wishers, sro DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH pect firm.
vided by the same WORKMAN PRINTERY We will come Dentist Howell Contra Crespo 66


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